How To Fix AMD 7900 XT/XTX Video Card Driver Timeout in DaVinci Resolve 18

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okay guys I never thought I did I'd do this video um immediately after I finished reviewing this video card okay so I have the uh AMD 7900 XT that I literally just bought a few days ago I was trying to finish doing my own boxing on first impression video as you can see right here and I couldn't because it just keeps crashing in DaVinci um I'll show you guys and I'll try to reproduce this this problem okay so now we are in DaVinci and I'm you know just trying to preview what the uh what my attitude was like and then I'm gonna drop in a few extra clips let's see and this is already the fourth time is happening okay so I'm gonna show you guys what the heck is going on all right and I have a feeling it's gonna crash let's see so it's crashing and it the screen is going to go black check it out see it froze screen goes black and uh and it's gonna give me that oh wait where is the arrow so it always gives me that Arrow message um maybe it's on the other screen let's see yeah and interestingly put it on the other screen let me see um oh it disappeared right here the am debug report tool with a driver time without a card message this is uh again the first time and uh I might have a solution okay so I I probably figured out why and uh so if you have a DaVinci Resolve and you have a 7900 XT and you installed amd's newest driver try to revert it back this is what I'm gonna try to do okay so off the screen I'm gonna try to install the older version of the driver and say if this issue still happens and I'm thinking this is pertaining to the newest driver all right guys so I did find a temporary resolution or solution to the problem with the AMD 7900 XT keeps timing out in DaVinci Resolve 18 okay so I I'm gonna show you guys that this this version of the driver actually works fine so I mean the editing tab and you can see right now the movement of of the preview is very smooth the the driver is definitely working fine over here and it's it's not okay it's working fine okay so how I did how I did find out is I tried different versions of the driver and unfortunately most of the recent drivers for the AMD um is is not is not working fine like the 23.2.1 is the version that actually works so in order to get this version you can't really go and download the adrenaline edition of the driver you actually have to use the auto detect and install function when you go to AMD website you download this based on your uh if you have Windows 11 of course you've done the windows 11 version and you have Windows 10 you download Auto detect and install driver you download this little app once you have this downloaded and you run that app it gives you an option at the very beginning of the installation let me see if I'm able to run that app again here's what happens like when you run that auto detection software it detects your software version and it gives you two options to install and this one is the one that's gonna break The DaVinci Resolve you want to install the version 23.2.1 this is the um the staple version that will not crash and give you the timeout problem with DaVinci Resolve okay so install the 23.2.1 version okay again do not use the newest one or anything that's 24.4 23.4 because those drivers just breaks DaVinci Resolve and gives you the timeout issue okay for me personally I clicked the advanced options and I did a minimal install so I didn't use the foreign store because again I don't I don't tweak any of the settings I just use the standard and most of my work is content creation I do occasional gaming um if you do a lot of gaming then the full install with a whole bunch of software packages customized for gaining might work for you but for stability reason and for compatibility with DaVinci Resolve I suggest install the minimum version and install the old 23.2.1 driver okay um that will ensure a smooth preview and editing in daventry resolve and it will not give you the timeout error uh during your editing process okay so that's my workaround that I found out hopefully this helps you guys my other option obviously would be returning the card and get a Nvidia but again the it's cost prohibitive to go for NVIDIA for the same performance of the AMD and I would actually run the older version of the driver and just sit out until they have a new driver that fix this timeout issue with 7900 XT or the 3900 XTX when using DaVinci Resolve okay again thank you so much for watching please do hit the like button or subscribe my channel if you found this video helpful and I'll see you in the next one okay take care
Channel: The Gizmo Garage
Views: 7,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fix davinci resolve timeout, amd 7900 xt driver time out, amd driver timeout, amd 7900 xtx driver timeout, davinci resolve amd 7900 timeout, how to fix timeout issue in davinci resolve, graphic card, video card
Id: 2nxUIqnNwtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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