How-To: Fix a Leaking Fork Seal

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[Music] hi today we're going to show you how to clean Fox Hills there's three different ways I'm going to show you it just depends on what you've got available as far as the tools okay these are the tools that you need to do this job you don't need all of these to do it one particular way but because I'm going to show you three different ways I've got them all laid out here we've got a torque wrench to retention in your fourth leg feeler gauge we're going to use to clean out the seal four mil allen key to remove one of the fork guards ten mil socket flat blade screwdriver ten mil t-bar this is the last way I'm going to show you which is a very easy and effective way and some contact cleaner okay this is the first way I'm going to show you how to clean out the fork seal this is just using the set feeler gauges point one of the mill flat blade screwdriver and a formula allen key so start by just removing the fork guard always use a ball ended allen key it just makes it easy for difficult places to get into like like this come on key down here it lets you work at an angle it doesn't have to be dead straight like most of your normal allen key bars just remove that fork guard just give the fork leg a little bit of a clean okay while you're cleaning it just have a look in case you have a a pit mark in the fork which is going to cut the seal so just feel around have a look around because if you have got a pit mark in there and it's going to cut the seal cleaning it's not going to fix it it's clearly cut the seal and you're going to have to replace it and smooth out the cut like okay once we've cleaned it had a inspections run your hand up and down a few times can't feel anything in there get your flat blade screwdriver pop your dust seal down okay and then your fork seals underneath that so that's not your fork seal that's just another ring there to protect the fork seal when when you clean the the for dust seal up just push it to one side and spray your contact cleaner in and it lets the dust by and run down otherwise you're just spraying it in there it's filling up I use a 0.1 of a meal feeler gauge you just put that in slip it in between the seal and the ball Clegg put it on a 45 angle and just rotate it around just gently I'm the reason you put it on the 45 is see it lets caught some dirt that dirt there was underneath this seal so you might have noticed this here was weeping okay so you put it on the 45 and then roll it this way so that the dirt goes there and then it slides down you don't want to push it back up into the fourth leg okay so you can do it you can do it this way and push it all the way around which is why we've removed the fork guard just so you can get it all the way around so the reason I took the fork guard off is to show you the other way you can persevere with that way and the fork legs on it's just difficult the other way is you you still use your feeler gauge on the 45 but what you do is you have to get your 10 LTV are loose enough the 4 pinch bolts so I can do it this way you can leave that fork guard on you hold your slip your feeler gauge in at the back where it's not in the road of the fork guard hold on the 45 again and twist the fourth around like that and then pop it out we've got a little bit more dirt out like doing it that way so there's two ways you can do it all depends what's easier whether it's you think it's easy to take the fork guard off and work around or if you think it's easier to loosen off the pinch bolts and spin the fourth leg around when you spin the fork leg back around into right place just make sure you've got your air bleed screw in the right position so you can get your screwdriver down to bleed the forks make sure your folks are still located in the same spot they just nip it up likely so it stays in the same height as the other four tree and then get your tension wrench just look in your manual to what the recommended torque is and the reason why we talked these up is so that we don't crush the outer tube in this area where it clamps because you can't actually crush it by over tightening it and then when you over tighten it and it's slightly smaller in this area the bushes go through freely here which is on the other end of this fork tube and it has to go through a tight spot and then it loosens again and what you're effectively doing is just wearing out your bushes and once your bushes wear out these four pegs start flopping around and then you find that you do seals all the time so that's the first two ways of cleaning a fork seal once you've cleaned it out give it another final spray before legging that little white you can if you have compressed air you can blow compressed air up there and clean it up it just helps but it's not necessary okay so I'm just slipping that back on now I'll just wall that four cards off I'll show you the third and final way it's some using this Rhino fork seal cleaner a handy thing to have in your backpack or what I like about it is because it's plastic and it's made round it has some spring to it just like to clip it on a fork like when you go for your trail bike ride you've always got it and if you go with a group of guys there's always someone that's going to have a leaky or weak and fork seal and this tool the way it shape you notice that I put the feeler gauge on the 45 well this is this is made on a 45 there's an up and a down on it keep keep the dusty on so got up you just put it in rotate it in lightly just spin it around it's got some good finger grip set it to spin it around just give it to two laps and then slide it up and you can see that's actually pulled a little more dirty up so that's a that's a handy handy tool to have and it's so much easier you don't have to take your fork guard off this will just slip straight in I do like to take the fork guard off anyway just to make sure that there's no pit marks in and you fought okay once you're done just install the dust seal again nice and tight and we have some nice clean fork seals ready to go again
Channel: Transmoto
Views: 95,640
Rating: 4.919497 out of 5
Id: 43ooqFBQSrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
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