How To Fix 0 Activated PS4, But Still Cannot Activate PS4 As Primary 2023

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what is up everyone this is mogaming here and today I am going to show you how to fix the zero activated PlayStation 4 on your console but you still cannot activate the PlayStation 4 as a primary console now what I mean by that is in settings and if you go to account management you can see over here it says activate as primary PlayStation 4. as you can see I don't technically have it activated but if I press this button uh I should be and will be able to activate as you can see but some people even though this is not grayed out and they're pressing this it does not let them activate it and it just gives them an error which is where I'm coming from right so there's two things that you can do to essentially fix this so the first thing is you can create either sign out of your PSN sign back in and try again if that does not work go back create a new PSN literally create a new user and try that again like try act going back create the new user with the new PSN and all that other stuff and go into activity as primary replacement for and try that and activate it that mostly fixes the issue that you can deactivate it go to your PSN account and activate it again and you should be good to go the next thing you could do if that doesn't work is you can actually reach out to Sony Support directly by giving them whatever relevant information you have I think they might ask you for your console serial put a number and whatnot you can do it directly from the console itself I would prefer you do it from a phone or a computer it's usually very very very slow to talk to someone from the the PlayStation's web browser as you'll see like I'm trying to load it takes time but in here pretty much it uh you can go to this link below and that I'll leave but you can talk to a Playstation expert right and it'll tell you like hey where are you from well it'll ask you for your name I think it asks you like certain information so you'll see like I understand and I think over here you'll tell you you'll give it the information that you want to and then you can send them what you need there's another place you can go to like I said it's not really loading on the web browser here but you can do contact Playstation sport very similarly uh another web form will pop up over here where you can do a live chat it'll tell you the right place to go and you can do a live chat if it loads I'll show you but if not I'm sorry I can't show you like I said it's PlayStation 4 it's an old console right but you can pretty much do those things to get to the results that you need to be able to help you resolve the issue that you're facing but like the first two methods that I mentioned most likely will help you out if not like I said last case scenario you will have to talk to a Playstation support member and they will they will fix this issue for you uh so yeah that's basically it if you guys still have any comments questions so just let me know in the comment section below more than happy guys out if you guys over like this video please smash that
Channel: Moe Gaming
Views: 46,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ps4 activation error, ps4 activation glitch, ps4 activation error np-34993-8, ps4 primary account, ps4 primary account problem, moe gaming, 0 ps4 activated, no ps4 activated, cannot activate ps4 as primary, cannot activate ps4 as primary account, cannot activate ps4, cannot activate this system as your primary ps4, why can't i activate my ps4 as primary, how to activate ps4 as primary, i cant activate my ps4 as primary, ps4 activate as primary error
Id: j7dqVc9ckBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 35sec (155 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2023
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