How to Fix Playstation Network Sign In Failed on PS4 (Fix Sign In Errors) PS4 PSN Error Fix!

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in this video I'm going to show you how to fix it when you're having difficulties signing into the PlayStation Network on your PS4 so the first thing you want to do is go to settings from here we're going to go to account management account information and Playstation support recommends that you verify your sign-in email address as well as let's first go to sign in ID now this is the correct email that's good news but if this is a new account oftentimes PlayStation will send you an email to verify it so be sure to check that if you haven't already now of course if this is the wrong sign in ID be sure to change it here it's a quick simple process as long as you have access to the email associated with this account now let's say that's all good fine and dandy the next thing I want you to do is go to settings from here we're going to go to network and you want to go to view status of PlayStation Network Services there's no point trying to troubleshoot this error if it's on PlayStation's end so make sure all of these are green because it could be be a problem on their end now the next thing PlayStation support recommends is that you go to system software update oftentimes if you're not using the latest system software you could run into problems signing into the PlayStation Network so just make sure you're using the latest version now let's say you're still having problems at this point what you want to do next is go to network from here we're going to be going to test internet connection and just make sure everything's running fine there now assuming everything's okay what you want to actually do is turn off your console as well as your router so press and hold the PlayStation button on your controller go to turn off PS4 then go to your router and turn it off and then you want to turn it back on again now PlayStation support does recommend that you actually use a cable a lan cable rather than Wi-Fi as this is going to provide a more stable connection now let's say you're still having sign in errors at this point I recommend you get on your personal computer and let's go through some things that you could actually do 2. so sign on to your computer from here I want you to go to and sign into your Playstation network account and then go back to the home screen and click on your emoji Avatar whatever it is and go to account settings now when you go to account settings you're going to be brought to this page and from here I want you to go to the security option now once you select the security option it's going to bring you to this page where you have your sign in ID email address your password security questions everything two-factor authentication and I have heard that by changing your password as well as your two-step verification can sometimes fix the issue on your PS4 sign in so it's worth testing out if you have all this information readily available now let's say you're still having problems at this point another thing I've heard that actually works is for you to press and hold the PlayStation button on your controller from here we're going to be going to switch user and what you're going to want to actually do is add a new user and sign in using the PSN account that you're having problems with now to do that let's go back into this account we're going to go to settings from here we're going to go to login settings we're going to go to user management and we're going to have to delete the user that's currently using the PSN account that is having the sign in errors so I'm not going to do that I don't want to go through that whole process but do bear in mind if you actually delete the user you're going to lose the user save data screenshots video clips will be deleted and if it's the primary PS4 user it will deactivate that as well so if you want to go through that process you could delete this account create a new account from here once you've created the new account what you want to do is go to account management and then you want to reactivate as your primary PS4 on this PSN account now you could also go through the step of restoring licenses I've seen people do that although I don't necessarily think that's going to fix anything now if after all of that you're still having issues signing into the PlayStation Network I'll leave PlayStation 4 support resources down below to hopefully help you fix the issue
Channel: Chad Reddings
Views: 21,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Playstation Network Sign in failed, Fix Sign in Errors, ps4 sign in error, ps4 login, an error has occurred ps4 sign in, ps4 wont sign into psn account, why cant i sign into playstation network on my ps4, ps4 cannot connect to server, unable to sign into your account for playstation network, ps4 login error, login error ps4, ps4, sign in, errors, problems, playstation network sign in failed ps4, fix playstation network sign in failed, playstation network sign in failed fix, 2023, psn
Id: VavjYYAWylo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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