How To Fish The Method Feeder For BIG CARP

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hello and welcome to fishing tutorials this film is going to be all about how to fish the method feeder for big-car method feeder fishing is something that you've mostly associate with match fishermen guys on their seat boxes casting regular bagging up one small carp but what some people don't realize is that the method feeder with some slight alterations can be used for targeting specimen size copper to the method feeder works especially well on quite heavily stocks or unpressurized we're competitive feeding can be achieved in order to tie a method feeder rig you will need the following items a bait up method feeder hook link material your hook of choice a ring swivel and some bait stops scissors and a baiting needle are also going to be essential let's get started and tie the rig firstly thread your line through your method feeder and then take a swivel be careful to use a standard carp swivel as it will need to fit inside the feeder to create a boat rig tie the swivel to your line using a blood knot we have a dedicated playlist on this channel for how to tie knots pull the swivel down into the feeder they should slot in gently cut approximately nine inches of braid this is dark matter braid which you will need to strip the coating to make it nice and supple a supple hooklink is good for method feeder rigs so the bait behaves naturally and so you can bend the rig back whilst tucking the hook baits into your method ball tie a small loop in the end of your braid this will be what you mount your hook base on [Music] using a baiting needle thread on your hook baits of choice we like to use fake corn a lot of the time but the hook bait is really up to you [Music] once the bait is on the hair take a bait stop and secure it in place next grab a hook this is a size 8 but it's best to match your hook size to your bait and also the size of the car you're targeting take the other end of your braid and thread it through the eye of your hook going towards the point once you've set the length of your hair rig wrap the braid around the shank approximately 5 to 10 times thread the braid back through the eye again towards the point and tighten down once you've set the length of your hook link tie a loop in the end of the braid [Music] to ensure the loop is strong tuck the loop through twice to 4 moistening and pulling tight trim the tag end and you're nearly done pass the loop through the eye of the swivels before then passing the bait back through that loop and tighten down this will secure your rig in place should you wish to fish a buoyant bait like a pop-up just pinch a split shot onto your hook link to weigh it down now that you've tied your method feeder if you need some groundbait to pack around it some people will use mixers based around oats bread crumbs dog foods that sort of thing more conveniently though you can pick up a bag of method feeder style groundbait from your local tackle shop method feeder groundbait tend to be quite dense tend to absorb quite a lot of water and pack together quite hard what that means is it will stay on your feeder as it's sinking through the water and get to the bottom where the fish are pour your groundbait into a bowl one with round edges tends to work better as the bait won't get stuck in the corners and stay dry tip water and slowly whilst mixing don't overdo the water making a sloppy mix will be hard to keep us on the feeder keep adding water slowly until the bait pulls up in your hands but it's not sloppy molding the method feeder you may notice that the bait up method feeders have a weighted side which will land on the bottom keep note of this whilst molding your method ball take a palm of groundbait and push your feeder down into it then take more in your other hand and lay that on top remembering which side the weight was on hook your rig into the opposite side this will ensure that your base is presented on top when the ball of groundbait hits the bottom to make sure that your bait reaches the bottom intact we would advise packing your method mix on really firmly when fishing in flowing water or deep lakes however in shallow water when the bikes are coming quickly you may as well have quite a soft ball of groundbait which will break open quickly and exposure hood bait straight away when it comes to your session during a day of method feeder fishing what we would advise is to cast fairly regularly at the beginning of the session and then cast less regularly as the session goes on reason being is because when you first arrive you want to feed some bait you want to get some bait into your swim and recast them to the same spot fairly regularly 10-15 minutes or so will start to build that swim up the feeder goes in sinks to the bottom groundbait dissolves and stop build a bed of bait that in turn will draw in the car and you hope later on in your session you'll just be restarting each time you go by if you find you're getting lots of indications but no real hookups so the rod tips tapping away or you're getting bumps and stuff and the feed is being dislodged but you're not actually catching anything that can be because the fish are preoccupied on your groundbait and aren't actually targeting your hook bait specifically what we like to do in that circumstance is to find down the hook bait size to go down to a little 10 mil pop-up or a little tiny chunk of pepperoni or a single grain of corn that way is more likely that that very small slightly buoyant bait is gonna whiz up into their mouth whilst they're going crazy grabbing the groundbait the other option is that you can begin to start mixing in some small food items into your groundbait mix so some micro pellets few bits of corn some six mil pellets or some crushed-up boilies putting that in with your groundbait mixed media fish are less likely to be so preoccupied on just a powder and the ground make this flying up off of your method feeder and actually start picking up baits from there giving you more chance of getting a bite the other variable in method feeder fishing you can play around with a little bit as the length of your hook link so for example you're getting lots of taps and lots of movements when your rod tip but you're not hooking into any fish sometimes the fish can be feeding dead on your feeder but if your hook link is too long and your bait is you know getting on for a foot away from the feeder they can ignore it completely shortening up your hook link so that your bait is closer to the feeder can give you more chance in some cases of getting a pickup the other thing is that you can often find on rivers for example that the flow is taking your bait downstream we don't use metal feeders a lot when we're fishing on rivers but we have found on occasions to get a few bumps and taps early on but then once the bait has dissolved off the feeder and washed off downstream having a slightly longer hook link you can go up to two feet or so in some cases it just means that when the baits bumping down and heading off further downstream the fish find your hook bait down there with the loose feed rather than still up next to the weight when all of the bait is dispersed further down the river in one case we were fishing very short hook links on a snag II we're pull out in the States we were carp fishing and we weren't getting ready money bites we casting the metal feet are in get a few taps and then just nothing what we realized was the bait was getting washed off down the river and settling a little bit further down so we lengthened up a hook link to so pretty long actually and all of a sudden start getting bites simply because a hook bait was then getting washed down and ending up where the loose feed was - there you have it that is our insight into method feeder fishing if you guys have any tips or advice for other people feel free to chuck them down in the comments below and indeed if you have any more questions make sure you leave a comment below and we'll get back to you if you have any specific questions about this style of angling anyway make sure you subscribe to this channel to make sure you never miss a tutorial video again we'll see you next time you [Music] you
Channel: Fishing Tutorials
Views: 404,844
Rating: 4.889854 out of 5
Keywords: how to fish, method feeder, how to catch carp, carp fishing, carp, fishing, fish, method, packbait
Id: h7ox1lBo_Bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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