How to catch carp with maggots

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now we all know that carp fishing can get a lot more difficult throughout the winter months so in this video we're going to look at how you can use maggots in your carp fishing to get more bites when it's cold now it's not totally understood why maggots work so well for carp particularly in the winter but there's no denying that maggot as a bait throughout the winter months consistently out fish loads of other baits on all water's up and down the country some people think that the movement is key that's certainly what I think about maggots is when they're wriggling around on the bottom or they're they're moving and writhing around they simulate a natural food source for the carp and something that might get away if they don't go and eat it quickly so I think that movement is definitely key also of course there's the fact that particularly red maggots look quite similar to a very natural food source for the carp the blood worm very importantly a carp can eat a lot more maggots before it gets filled up than it can boil ease or high oil and high protein pellets so each maggot that gets eaten is another chance you could have had a bite when the fish would have otherwise got filled up eating boilies or pellets in the warmer weather if you've ever tried to fish maggots on a lake which has got lots of silver fish you'll find out that very quickly the bait is stolen from your hook and you're fishing with no bait very very quickly however in the winter when it's cold all fish slow right down and the Silver's won't be so interested in stealing your maggots you will sometimes find on some bodies of water the a maggot ball or a PVA bag of maggots is wiped out by roach bream temps that sort of thing very quickly but if your local water isn't overrun with small fish then I'm sure you'll get away with fishing with maggots and get them through to the carp to use maggots in your carp fishing there's two rigs that we would advise one is a pop-up presentation and one is a traditional bottom bait rig we'll move on to the use of PVA and also loose feeding maggots later on in this video but for the moment let's look at those two rigs and how to set them up to tie a standard bottom bait maggot rig you will need the following items some coated hooklink like this dark matter braid your hook of choice we like to use a size 6 or size 8 wide gate some silicon tubing a maggot clip and lastly a basic needle some scissors and a stripper tool some people prefer to strip the coating of braids with their teeth though so a stripper tool is an optional extra to start the rig peel off about 8 inches of coated braid then strip back approximately three inches of the coating you can do this with your teeth or a tool like this one take the strip back end and tie on a maggot clip we use a half blood knot but you can also use a union not to attach the maggot clip to the braid [Music] with the maggot clip attached now cut and thread on a two to three millimeter section of silicon tubing now take your hook you'll need to push the point through the tubing and secure it onto the hook like this the reason for using the tubing is to ensure the wriggling ball of maggots can't wrap the hair up and around the hooklink we've used this rig with a loose hair in the past and the maggot ball has tangled up the hair but this way seems to work quite well now tie and knotless knot pass the braid through the eye of the hook towards the point wrap it around itself approximately six to ten times and then passed the end through the eye again towards the hook point [Music] now tie a figure of eight loop knot in the end of the rig [Music] your rig is now complete and just needs maggots to be spreaded onto the clip before fishing [Music] [Music] alternatively you may like to use a pop-tart maggot rig we like to use a pop-tart maggot rig if we're fishing over light weed or very very soft silt this pop-up rig ensures that the maggot are popped up away from any debris or weed on the bottom to tire popped up maggot rig you'll need to use most of the same items as the first rig but swap the silicon tubing for some split shot and swap the maggot clip for some buoyant foam and a needle plus some cotton thread so now to tie the rig just like before you'll take your 8 inches or so of braid stripping off the three inches at the end but instead of tying on a maggot clip just tie an overhand loop then thread on your hook and tire knotless knot leaving a relatively short hair [Music] [Music] at the other end of the brick tie a figure of eight loop knot which is used to attach the rig to your lead setup break the coating of the braid just under an inch away from the hook just enough to then pinch on a split shot [Music] [Music] now cut a small piece of foam and use a baiting needle to thread it on to your hair cut a short length of cotton thread and place it through the eye of your summon needle push a load of maggots onto the needle you can get away with just three or four maggots but if there are any small fish around I'd fill up the needle with plenty just in case the small fish steal a few of them then slide the maggots off the needle and onto the thread now tie them off into a ball with a double overhand knot take the tag ends of the cotton and pass one of them through the loop when you're Harig then tie it on with a double overhand knot [Music] lastly slide the foam up the hair so it sits just underneath the magaz trim the foam down a little and test it in the water just to ensure that the maggot ball sinks slowly this setup ensures that the ridley maggots can't get stuck in low-lying weeds or tangle the rig up as the foam holds them up and away from any danger in conjunction with using maggots as a hook bait you can also use them as a loose feed to try and evoke a feeding response in the car get them feeding and give you more chance of catching one option is to use the PVA bag of maggots be careful though to use a micro mesh PVA is the larger hexagonal patterns of PVA the holes are just a bit too big and the maggots can escape so look for a micro mesh version spotting can also work well with maggots and you'll often find people baiting heavily with maggots through the winter months when you start to pay quite heavily with maggots it can get quite expensive so we'll often bulk out and maggot mix with some bread crumb some groundbait or even crumb duck boilies this can create a highly attractive mix that doesn't contain too many large food items so the fish don't get filled up on it [Music] we will often put a couple of loaves of bread through a blender make a load of breadcrumb and mix that in with the maggots to create an amazing cloud of Attraction in the water this bread and maggot combo has worked really well for us in course a lot of coffe when it comes to actually feeding in winter particularly with maggots what we would advise is a little and often feeding approach firstly small fish like perch and Roach will gradually work their way through your bait particularly when you're using maggots so if you just put out a loaded bait at the beginning and leave it for days and days at a time and it's quite likely that small silver fish will work their way through the bait and finish it off however if you're feeding little and often keeping the spot topped up with bait yeah the small fish might eat some but they'll always be a trickle of attraction and food in the water for when the carp turn up secondly the other reason why feeding little and often worked quite well in winter is that when the water is clear and the fish are quite spooky they can actually get scared of a big bed of bait so if you fill it in right at the beginning of your session put in too much the fish can actually see that big unnatural bed of bait and spook off of it finally if you put in too much bait at the beginning of your session you can't take it back out again so try not to overfeed and one of the best ways to do that is to simply bait with small quantities little and often throughout your session so I've been speaking about the use of maggots in the winter for carp fishing but there's no reason why you can't catch carp on maggots through spring summer and autumn to all I'd say is take into account how many smaller species are in the lake so if there's lots of Roach rod bream Tenchi or was that sort of thing probably stay clear of maggots but if your lake is mostly carp and you feel like you can introduce maggots without them all being eaten by other species and definitely give them a go because we've caught carp or maggots all through the year they are a very effective bait you just have to be aware of the activities of small fish and whether or not they've cleared you out lastly before I go maggots can also add attraction and movement to a zig rig to just use a blob of superglue to attach a few to the top of your pop-up or foam hook bait this makes for a visual and attractive hook bait when Zig fishing that little bit of movement giving yourself even more chance of getting a bike on a zig so good luck with your fishing definitely give maggots to try particularly in the winter or if you're just struggling on your local lake not getting that many bites give maggots a try because they can unlock some waters where previously the carp seemed almost uncatchable give those maggots a try and hopefully you catch a few we'll see you guys soon [Music] you
Channel: Fishing Tutorials
Views: 136,194
Rating: 4.9316382 out of 5
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Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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