How to fish a Jerkbait - For the Beginner

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hey bass geek here and today I'm going to tell you everything you need to know to get started fishing a jerkbait today we're going to be talking about jerkbaits non soft jerk baits like the fluke or the caffeine shad or whatever it is you like to use we'll talk about those on another day today we're talking about the basics of the hard jerk bait now I break these down into two different categories I break them down into twitch baits and rip baits they're pretty easy to tell apart right out of the package so the twitch bait the twitch bait you'll notice is very square a lot of times it's got flat sides almost a flat top but it's not rounded it's a very squared off bait from top to bottom and you'll notice in the water that when you just pull this bait it's got a very tight side-to-side wiggle it doesn't have a lot of roll action to it the twitch bait doesn't take a lot of rod movement to impart action to get this bait to move or dark side to side now the rip bait the rip bait on the other hand is a more rounded body a more oval shape from top to bottom you really have to impart action you've got to work at this bait to get it to move now if you look at it in the water if you just pull it alone you'll notice that it's got a very big wiggle and a big kick side to side so it really has a lot of roll action to the body really have to give it some hard twitches to get this bait to move now both of these baits can be broke down into two other sub categories so you've got shallow diving and generally that's going to dive anywhere from three to five feet deeper diving that's going to dive anywhere from about eight to twelve feet now jerk baits don't really dive very deep but with that erratic action that you're putting into the bait it really calls the fish up now the other thing is when you're fishing a jerk bait you want at least two to three foot of water visibility this is really best in clear water now I'm not going to tell you you can't catch them on a jerkbait in dirty water I've taken a fire tiger and caught them in mud literally chocolate milk up shallow so it can be done is it the best technique sometimes yes most of the time in my opinion no it's not alright let's talk about color now you all know that most of the time I'm a five color guy I like to keep my colors real simple in jerkbaits it's the same thing I really go with a translucent you know I have a green back my I have a white belly might be completely translucent something that's going to look like a very pale translucent shad this is rap TLAs ghost shed in their shadow rap series then I'm going to go with something that's got a little bit of chrome you know may change up the colors on the back but something that's got some good flash to it from there it's going to have maybe a little sartruse maybe a little orange on the belly maybe a little bit of blue on the back something that's going to have some really bright vibrant colors to it and with the jerk beat that's all you really need as far as colors go it's really those three colors so should you start with a deep or shallow diver start with the shallow divers especially if you're a bank angler do not go with the deep divers guys you're going to be working either parallel to some shallow water you're going to be thrown out deep and working up shallow so it's going to dive into the bank as you're pulling it up there so let's talk about rod reel and line setup now the rug that I like to use is anywhere from a seven foot to a six eight I like the six eight a little bit better because I can come down I'm not hitting the boat or the water near as much if you're on the bank I would heavily suggest a six eight rod so as far as the rod action goes I like a medium moderate action I like a nice soft tip these things can be light I want to get the longest cast I can get and then they've got a small treble hooks on them guys you want that parabolic Bend so that you're not in those trebles out of their face when you're trying to land a big bass on these as far as the reels go guys I'm telling you I love my lose LFS is again not sponsored not not part of the lose team at all but I will tell you this is the new Super Duty LFS it's awesome it casts these light baits super smooth and a long way so they're super smooth and they can cast these lighter baits a mile and this is actually my original one and this is a lose just speed spool LFS now I like a six eight to one a 6 3 is just a little too slow it doesn't take up enough line and I find one for me in the sevens that I'm moving my reel too fast and I'm moving the bait with the reel which you shouldn't do as opposed to the rod which is what you're trying to do now let's talk about line guys you know you can go back and watch the video where I talked about using braid backing this is one place where braid backing really helps it gets that spool spinning faster and with the light fluorocarbon generally I'm throwing 10 sometimes if I want to get it deeper I'll throw eight pound test fluorocarbon on here the braid backing really gets that spool to spinning it allows me to get longer casts out of this bait and a lone cast is really important so how do I fish these baits well like I said the very first thing you want to do is make a long cast now with that cast out there you can do two things if it's a little deeper you can reel it down to three times real quickly to get it to the depth you want if your contour in the bank you can just begin to twitch it down so Hittle actually twitch down and follow the bank it'll dive just a little slower but here's the key to a jerkbait and it's basically the pauses now in warmer water postponed into the summer all the way into late fall I'm gonna work this bait fast there's really not going to be any pauses or any real stops I mean it is gonna be a one-second stop and the thing that I could tell you the easiest the simplest retrieve this is what works for me a lot is I go twitch twitch pause twitch twitch twitch pause twitch pause so to pause 3 pause 1 pause now here's the only difference this is the only thing that I change up so encoder weather from late fall to the spawn let's say to pre-spawn the only thing that I'm going to do different is lengthen the time that I pause so I'm still gonna make a long cast and now I'm just going to go twitch twitch 1 2 3 twitch twitch twitch 1 2 3 twitch 1 2 3 that 3 second pulse is generally where I'm going to start in colder water and then I'm going to lengthen it if I'm not getting be it now the difference between a twitch bait and a rip bait at which bait you're gonna see I can get a lot of action out of that bait by simply quick little rod movements really just using the tip now remember much like walking the dog with a top water you're going to want to twitch it and point back at that bait ok now rip bait you're gonna really rip that bait you're going to really move your rod tip you're gonna get it to move really got to force action into the they got a really move it nice hard snaps of the rod so what's the bike gonna feel like you're going to feel two things they're going to hit it during the pause which means they're going to come up and you're just going to feel nothing to a slight line tick and then when you twitch that rod it's just going to be there set the hook not hard just really into it and begin to play the fish again you've got small treble hooks as soon as you twitch that bait it's going to set it lean into it and start really the second they're going to knock the fire out of that bait you're gonna be twitching it and all of a sudden you're going to feel it just go bow it's going to knock the snot out of it it's going to jerk the rod out of your hand they're going to come up they're gonna grab it they're gonna turn away from you and they're gonna pull the rod out of your hand they're going to do that while that bait moves so they may be sitting there watching it waiting for it to twitch again and as soon as it twitches they just plow that thing holding your rod and reel guys these are low profiles they're designed to be palmed make sure you're feeling your line it just connects you directly to your bait this way don't push on it you're gonna get cut if you do just barely allow it to touch your finger hold it right there you're gonna have a lot more leverage when you're jerking and you're gonna have a lot more leverage when you're setting that hook and you can put that butt into your forearm and get that bass in the boat so when's the best time to use a jerk bait because guys that's important one of the things that drives me crazy about people telling other people to gain confidence in a bait is saying just go out there and throw it no you're not going to gain confidence in in a new lure by just going out there and throwing it if you're throwing it at the wrong times if the fish are sitting in 30 foot of water and you're throwing an 8-foot diving Joe make guess what's not going to happen you're not gonna catch bass if you want to learn how to do this go out let's say from very late fall the first of winter to pre-spawn just a little after postponed that's when you throw these baits and I promise you you are gonna have some of the funnest days of your life throwing these baits alright so I hope this helps you gain confidence in a jerk bait a bait that I've been fishing most of my life this this style bait a jig and a soft plastic worm guys that's where it all began for me so as always questions and comments in the comment section below you know I love to talk about fishing with you guys I love to talk about a jerk bait too like it if you liked it don't forget to subscribe make sure you ring my bell so you're getting those notifications when these videos come out so you can watch them every view helps every lock helps and you guys Rock
Channel: BassGeek
Views: 147,670
Rating: 4.9074798 out of 5
Keywords: How to fish a jerkbait for the beginner, How to fish a jerkbait, How to fish a jerkbait for bass, Jerkbaits for the beginner, Jerkbaits for bass, How to catch bass with a jerkbait, how to catch bass on a jerkbait, catch bass on a jerkbait, jerkbait fishing, beginner bass fishing, Jerkbaits for big bass, jerkbait tips, BassGeek, Bass geek, jerkbait bass fishing, jerkbait, jerkbait rod and reel setup, jerkbait rod setup, jerkbait rod, best jerkbait for bass, Jerk bait, Jerkbaits
Id: QPpIaQQ_oAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2018
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