Singing Hacks: Find Your Natural Tone! 😱

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um I didn't you know purposely try to move my face I didn't try to make facial expressions to sing like the artist so if that's what you're doing you gotta break the habit so you slowly uncovering the layers to your onions I'm so tired it's like I'm high when you do this you realize you're not trying to sing like the artist because you don't know the artist everybody's looking right it's amazing how much energy oh gosh everybody's like Oh Matt's amazing channel I'm Zayn Rima and today I got three more singing hacks for you and finding your own voice and this is very important in the comments some of you guys requested that I do a video on how to find your real voice how to find your original voice I can't explain how you can get started on singing like yourself or find a ways that you can peel your layers to your onion what and bananas they peel too so have you ever started singing and then you realize hey it might be copying somebody else's style is this what my real voice sounds like I think everyone's voice is unique but the music industry nowadays is so influential and you get inspired by your idols to the point where you don't notice but you start to sound like them because you listen to them so much you're amazing to be amazing you have to sound like them no that's the misconception you can sound amazing sounding like yourselves it makes sense so it's time to get out of the shadows and find your own spotlight so I got three singing hacks for you I'm gonna pretend like a bit tired so singing hack number one just hum the word lemon don't pin your mouth just choose any key whatever is comfortable to you so I want you to say lemon in your mouth when you're doing that so keep doing what you're doing for like two minutes and then when you open your mouth do the same thing that you did and that should be your natural tone when you hum you can't really fake somebody else's singing style that's your own voice right there cuz you start to manipulate your voice when you open your mouth since your mouth is closed and you're humming you're still singing you get a sense of what your natural tone sounds like so you can feel it if you practice humming first and then you kind of get a feel okay I think I know what my voice sounds like naturally but you should try that out you could say anything else not just lemon but like maybe peanut butter mm-hmm [Music] sing me half number two sing a song from an artist that you don't know if you want this to work don't choose somebody that you know even though you don't know the song random artists random song something that you're not familiar with is that way you're not influenced by the original artists vocal style if you practice the humming thing and getting used to your natural tone you just put that into this song just follow the lyrics sing it how you think this song should sound like and don't focus too much on what your voice should sound like just don't think just read and sing along to the melody Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you get the point okay so you're slowly uncovering the layers to your onions when you do this you realize you're not trying to sing like the artist because you don't know the artists sing you hack number three don't make facial expressions this is a cool way to you know find your voice your natural tone try to keep a straight face when you sing reason is because sometimes we use our face to manipulate the Sun that's coming out so for example if I was going like this this senem I'm thinking do you side singing you know I'm talking now but if I go like this and I make a facial expression then it's like a little different cuz I'm changing my the way I talk okay so if I go back to a straight face and it's just it's just same that's how we manipulate our vocal style so for example Rihanna's vocal style when I tried to imitate that I do like like this face instead of keeping my straight face this example is Rihanna reread kiss apparently kiss you [Music] kids amid side till I have always loved the guy now see you notice how is going this a lot now if I sing the same thing with a straight face straight face like you can move your cheeks and stuff to sing the words but don't try to be extra okay you should try it at home when it's not 12:00 in the morning focus on singing with your own voice vocals that God birthed me with so I'm gonna take Kirby's hair off my microphone so it doesn't damage keep the shape face I'll try this again [Music] [Applause] [Music] I died I moved around a little bit more but um I didn't you know purposely try to move my face I didn't try to make facial expressions to sing like the artist so if that's what you're doing you gotta you know break that habit girl boy alright so that's all the singing hacks here's a few helpful tips oh my gosh I'm getting serious now dang I sound so dark alright let me try it then you know this is about finding your own voice in my voice starting to go to sleep so that's life so it takes some time to find your own voice your original voice your natural voice it's not gonna happen overnight if you have been influenced by a singer and you start to sound like them a really long time it's gonna be hard to break that habit you might not find it right away but you will with their peepee patience and practice some people do have the same natural voice as somebody else who uses a natural voice if people hate on you for having like a a banal voice like an unoriginal boring sounding voice is probably because they have nothing to compare your voice to meaning your original so screw them they have no one to reference your voice by that's a compliment alright buddies it's time from me to sleep hit that thumbs button thumbs if you want to see more videos where I'm awake and if you want to see more tutorials or reactions or challenges or you know if you want me to do podcast yeah so the thumbs up button if you enjoyed this please subscribe and leave a comment about what you wanna see next I read the comments doing it could be fans'll weak to him you thought it was asleep for that huh I'm not a vocal coach yeah I'm not gonna say that I am even when I'm not I could easily say I'm a vocal coach and trick you all into thinking that my tips are true and whatever I tell you is right but I'm telling you I'm not a vocal coach and if you want to listen to my advice go for it but please subscribe help me out because I need to go to the Philippines next summer so help me out thank you so much for watching be amazing I love you so so so much [Music] I have a few quick helpful I have a cute I'm tired now if you were born and you have a voice that sounds just like Zac Efron but you're not Zac I found like you're you're Todd green or somebody I don't know it's possible you know there's so many things on this earth that that's possible I still don't know how we didn't know that Drew Seeley was a singer of the first movie and it wasn't Zac Efron anyways
Channel: AmaZane Channel
Views: 5,333,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to find your natural singing voice, how to sing better, how to sing, best way to sing with your natural voice, how to find your natural voice, how to find your voice, how to sing with natural voice, how to sing with natural tone, how to sing with your natural voice, find your voice, find your voice zane rima, zanerima, amazane, amazanechannel, natural voice, finding your singing voice, finding voice, natural singing, Find your natural voice, find your voice zane, voice
Id: faqfuNB7T_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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