How to find your PERFECT Sensitivity and BEST Settings for VALORANT 2024!

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here are optimal settings that you should be using to have a better experience in Val let's start by talking about everyone's favorite topic sensitivity now I know Finding Your optimal sensitivity isn't easy and it takes a little bit of trial and error to figure out so before I talk about how you can find your ideal sensitivity let's talk about sensitivity in general should you use high sense or low sense well people debate this a lot a high sense allows you to be faster at aiming but less precise and on the other hand a low sense is good for being more precise but you're not as fast in my opinion keeping a sense in between an edpi which is your mouse DPI multiplied by your in-game sense of around 200 to 300 is best however that doesn't mean you can't go higher or lower at the end of the day sense is about personal preference and practice what works for you won't necessarily work for others and if something does work for you stick with it but from my experience and many others any edpi around 200 to 300 will be a comfortable sense to start with if you decide to change your sensitivity or want to change your sensitivity I suggest you gradually change your sense while consistently practicing in AIM Labs or Deathmatch I change my sense from an edpi of 980 to an edpi of 257 by dropping my sense around 100 edpi per week until I got to a sense I felt consistent with again to help me switch I practice aim labs and Deathmatch almost daily and I gradually found my optimal sense you can do a cold turkey switch but aiming in the short term will be harder and you may get demotivated now one way to find your optimal sense is by using the PSA method calculator Ten's discussed this in his video and it's a solid method to figure out your optimal sense go to Google and search up PSA method calculator and click the first site now you need to enter your starting sensitivity to find this simply take the value of 280 and divide it by your current Mouse DPI the calculator will then give you a low sense to try and a high sense to try play one Deathmatch on both senses and then select which sense felt more comfortable for you keep doing this until the calculator gives you your ideal Sensitivity I highly suggest you don't keep switching sensitivities and thinking you will find the best one most players don't have time to play much and switching senses will mess up your muscle memory remember a good sense boils down to your play style and a lot of practice and before I move on to the best settings for valer big thank you to the sponsor of this video G to Academy G to Academy provides you with professional coaching including players who were actual Pros they offer multiple opportunities to improve your gameplay this includes training methods Advanced Theory lessons and b reviews taught by some of the best in the industry even better you get to play in weekly 10-man custom games Guided by those same coaches which is a nice change from the solo qu jungle plus every month goo Academy brings in coaches from franchise teams to give you exclusive lectures so if you're determined to become a better Bor player and want to be surrounded by like-minded Gamers instead of many toxic ranked teammates sign up with my link for a free 30-day trial in just 30 days with GSU Academy you can make improvements to your game that could take you 6 months on your own so why not try it out it's an awesome deal and I'd love to see you guys benefit from it now let's move on to the best in-game settings for valerant and I'm going to go in order of the setting screen if you want to have a faster reaction time then keep the highlight color red since most people react to the color red faster than the other colors if you want to spot the enemies more easily then you should keep the highlight color yellow personally I prefer yellow because it feels easier to aim at enemies on my screen now if you are a Viper main then using purple highlights can be useful for spotting enemies in your ultimate as enemies will shine the brightest keep in mind that that for whatever enemy highlight color you choose you should have a contrasting Crosshair color next make sure raw input buffer is turned on this will help players who are using mice with high pulling rates and can help reduce input lag which should give a more responsive experience also make sure you have Mouse acceleration turned off mouse acceleration causes your sensitivity to change as you swipe your mouse to check that go to your windows search bar and type Mouse settings open it up and then select additional Mouse options when the mouse properties window appears click on the Pointer's option Tab and make sure the enhanced pointer Precision is turned off next let's talk about mini map settings this is very important when I first started playing valerant I really didn't care about the mini map and that's a huge mistake if you want to get better awareness and decision making you need to have these mini map settings you can choose to have the map on rotate or fixed I prefer rotate since I've been using that for a long time however you need to have keep player centered off this will keep the map centered so you can see more also make sure you have the mini map set at the maximum size and keep the zoom around 0.8 this will allow you to see the entire mini map during the game which is crucial to understanding what is happening on the other side of the map a lot of players will not communicate so deciding when to rotate knowing what utility is being used or predicting where enemies could be is heavily based on looking at the minap next let's talk about first person handness in my opinion this is simply based on personal preference whichever mode feels better to use is the model you should use one way to determine what hand model you should use is called the triangle dominant eye test this involves making a triangle with your hands and focusing on a distant object through the triangle to determine which eye aligns with the object if you're right eye dominant try using the left- hand model and if you are left eye dominant try using the right-and model moving on change show corpses to off this will change it so that you won't see the bodies of players on the floor instead you will see disc with the agents icons on them this reduces visual clutter and if you play s this can help you determine what bodies to revive more easily now when it comes to Turning blood on or off it's mainly about personal preference there may be certain situations where having blood on can show a splatter when you hit a wall bang but from my experience it doesn't matter too much personally I like the way blood off looks but this one's up to you next show bullet tracers is not a common setting people change but but it can help some people aim better from time to time this will get rid of the bullet Tracer animation when you shoot most people including myself like the tracers so I prefer to keep this on by the way if you so far found any of these tips helpful and are interested in ranking up faster make sure to drop a like subscribe and go join my Discord let's get a 50,000 Subs now let's move on to important controls that you should consider changing I'll start with the aim down sight setting now toggle or hold ads is up to your personal preference and when it comes to oping it can be faster to scope in if you use hold but if you play more methodically with the op keeping it on toggle is fine however for both ways you need to use toggle operator zoom and bind your toggle zoom button to a keybind of your choice I prefer using the middle Mouse button without this when you zoom into your op you are forced to double Zoom before trying to UNS scope and if you accidentally double Zoom you need to UNS scope before trying to single zoom in again this is risky and can get you killed in some gunfights by binding the toggle zoom level to a key you can easily go back and forth between Zoom levels and UNS scope at any time I highly recommend this for oping next change your equip Spike button to a different bind than the plant Spike button for example if you're equip Spike button is on five then change the plant Spike button to four if you don't do this then when you are on the bomb site and want to give your teammate the spike your character will get stuck trying to plant also make sure your interact button is not the same as your plant the spike button this can also become a problem when you're on the bomb site if you want to pick up a weapon but your character keeps trying to plant the spike instead now one very important equipment setting is to select auto equip prioritize to strongest this will automatically equip the strongest weapon in your inventory after your character does some action this can be helpful for you in situations where you're trying to plant or diffuse the spike there are some situations where this can mess you up but for the most part this setting is very helpful also make sure don't Auto equip melee is checked on as well next bind scroll wheel down to jump it can feel weird for new players but this can help you move around obstacles faster and you can be more consistent with jumps otherwise known as bunny hopping next for your push to talk there are two methods you can try the first is binding push to talk to Mouse thumb button 2 this makes it really easy to press and allows you to give faster comms in gunfights but the problem with this bind is that you will run into Times where this will hurt your aim I've had it happened to me many times you can get stuck trying to give a calm while fighting and pressing the push and Tuck button messes up your mouse script which can cause you to flick incorrectly so another option is to bind push a talk to a button like V which you can press with your thumb while playing the only issue is that it is a little harder to give CS during gunfights since it can feel a little awkward to press V for some people let's move on to crosshairs now there are a lot of crosshairs you can decide to use and they are mainly based on personal preference if you want to find crosshairs that work for you go to Google and search up valant Crosshair database select the first site that opens using this site you you can find multiple crossair that Pros use crossair that you would like to try out or crossair that can help you troll your F stack simply click on a crossair you want to use then click copy code go to your crossers Tab and select import Crosser and paste the code it's really simple and helpful now let's move on to video settings if you want to get the best performance select fulls screen display mode but if you Tab out of your game often you should just use Windows full screen mode now if your FPS is very inconsistent I suggest you cap your FPS to a number your computer can usually output this can prevent the screen from looking like it's tearing too often and if you do have inconsistent frames tried to say disabling fulls screen optimizations to do this locate the drive where you installed valerant go to your right games folder then go to your valerant folder and then open the live folder go to the valer exe application and right click on it press properties and then go to the compatibility tab check the disable full screen optimizations box then press apply and hit okay next make sure your Nvidia reflex low latency is either turned on or on plus boost this will help your in-game performance and give you better fps moving on to Graphics quality if you have a low end PC I would recommend you turn everything to low however if you do have a mid-tier PC that can easily get around 144 FPS I'd recommend you turn on multi-thread rendering change anti-aliasing to MSA a4x change and isotropic filtering to 8X or 16x and keep Loom on this will allow for better visual Clarity and players won't seem as pixelated and if you want your game to look slightly better keep material quality low texture quality medium detail quality high and UI quality low also if you want your game to look more colorful and vibrant then open up Nvidia control panel go to adjust desktop color settings and increase your digital Vibrance to around 75% or whatever looks nice for you this will make make the colors pop better and make the game more enjoyable to play moving on to Stats most of these are up to personal preference but if you are trying to improve your aim and movement you should turn on the shooting airor graph this graph will tell you if you are moving while shooting orange lines mean you are fully accurate when shooting and blue lines mean you are moving while shooting this can help you determine if you were shooting before your character is standing still you should use it to improve your Straits which is fundamental to ranking up in boring now for audio make sure you have enable hrtf checked on this makes it easier to identify sounds in game it will give you better 3D audio so you are more aware of what Direction sounds are coming from remember to go pick up a shirt or hoodie from my store to directly support me they're really comfortable I hope these settings will help your valant gaming experience and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: DreamWell
Views: 59,806
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Keywords: valorant settings, best valorant settings, valorant best settings, tenz valorant settings, best settings for valorant, valorant best settings 2023, valorant settings for fps, valorant best settings for fps, how to increase fps in valorant 2023, best settings valorant, valorant settings 2023, valorant settings guide, settings, how to get more fps in valorant, valorant crosshair settings, valorant pro settings, best settings to get more fps in valorant, valorant video settings
Id: 3cgpJAL3Bt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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