How To Find Your Niche & Turn Passion Into Profit — Ikigai Workshop

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if you really want to be happy what you have to do is to align what you think say and do when those three things have no separation i think you're going to be really happy and healthier wealthier and more successful in life if you can align those three things okay and this also coincides with uh something from abraham maslow when he talks about in his uh hierarchy of needs and his pyramid at the very top is self-actualization is to realize your true potential in life now you're probably sitting here thinking am i living that life yet today the answer is probably not and that's okay i don't want you to feel pressured this is not an age thing it's not an education thing it's not an income thing it's about where we become self-aware about what it is we want and we have the courage to act on that but sometimes we need a little information we need a little creativity to make those things happen for us and as so it happens i'm searching on the internet for things about successful people and i come upon this talk by richard st john it's a ted talk and there's two versions of this but he talks about the eight traits that he found common to really successful people people who are really influential captains of industry and he mostly interviewed ted speakers so over the course of seven years he interviews 400 people studied millions of words because he's an analyst to figure out what the commonality were and these are the eight traits they look something like this which is first is it animated yeah okay is that you need to start with something that you love to do so you need to do something that you love the passion part is very important and there's a reason why it's highlighted in this color today because we're going to be spending a lot of time looking into what it is that you're passionate about and then it's going to take a lot of hard work so passion without the work isn't a whole lot it's a dream it's a wish it's a fantasy and while working you need to stay focused to focus on one thing and not focus on everything and you need to continue to keep pushing yourself and generate a lot of ideas and pay attention to ideas that are innovative that are going to change the world for somebody and then over time you improve those ideas you keep refining them and you get good at doing something this is the important part here that you're going to serve somebody other than yourself so if you pursue something in a selfless or selfish desire you may never get there and so we need to serve a community we need to serve a group of people and we have to also realize this is not going to be an easy thing it's not going to be an overnight thing that we need to have the fortitude to persist to be patient and play the long game so those are his eight traits and we're gonna go right back to the beginning in the beginning is passion and this is a quote from tony robbins he said passion is the genesis of genius i just love the way that sounds the genesis of genius so if you want to live a fulfilled life you have to go back to figuring out what your passion is this is the beginning and the beginning of all of this stuff is i want to take you to the icky guy jonah can we go full frame on that one because i spent some time designing a slide i feel proud of myself here there's like three koi i was like what's so japanese koi and how can i get them to weave in and out of these letter forms at keynote and i was like i did it yeah i did it okay well done chris well done thank you very much thank you very much ricky um ricky's right off camera here to my right an icky guy and i'm not japanese and i'm gonna offend somebody because i haven't studied ikigai but it really closely aligns with what we're talking about it's a reason for being a reason for being and you can read a lot of definitions on wikipedia but really what it is about is finding your purpose having meaning to your life following up with your passion doing the work that you love so that you can feel satisfied some people would call this to be in the flow state when you're just doing things and you're not even aware of what you're doing something that gives you joy fulfillment and direction in your life so that you become fully actualized that's what we're talking about that's what ikigai is and this is something that a wish for every single person who's participating live with us in the workshops or watching and you can do the workshop at home in the comfort of your own space okay i want to remind everybody that our goal to keep these videos up is to hit 100 000 views in one week last time i didn't say this and so we did not hit a hundred thousand and i feel like i'm responsible for that because i didn't ask so if you enjoy this video make sure that you share this with somebody you could watch a couple of times if you want hit pause a couple times and take notes and comment those kinds of things help youtube to understand that people like you like videos like this so go ahead and hit that like button if you're on youtube and drop us a comment when this live stream is over that's going to really be beneficial that lets youtube know hey more of this please okay the agenda for today we're going to have the ikigai framework which i'm going to explain to you when i say ikigai framework it's what i put together kind of cobbled together as a couple different loose ideas i hope it's going to be helpful to you i really believe it will be we're going to do a live work session with the people who are participating with us the pro members and some sustaining members are here i'm going to give actual feedback this time and share a success story that's going to blow your mind it's going to blow your mind and i don't say that lightly it really will if you don't go like this afterwards i don't know what's wrong with you because it really is anyways before we go any further i want to also thank our sponsors who make this episode possible first of all google jamboard for giving us the whiteboard to use it's helping us uplevel our game here we're going to use in a more interactive way today legend energy drinks and we'll talk about that later and also rode microphones for providing some of the technology we're using okay let's get into it let's get into the whiteboard and let me explain what's going on hopefully i don't screw this part up okay here we go all right and those of you that are on the live call that are sustaining members at this point you're going to want to download the worksheet the worksheet looks something like this you don't need that but it's helpful if you have that okay now some supplies that you're going to need i'm going to demonstrate this in a second here we need by five index cards and we need to have quite a few of them at least 12 of them but you know if you're an imperfect human being like myself you're gonna want like 25 in case you mess up and you have other ideas so three by five index cards and you need to have 25 each three different colors red yellow and green that's what i have any color will work you need a sharpie marker so you can write with it okay write something down but if you don't have this and you want to participate with us today which you fully can all you need is a sheet of paper a letter size or a4 that works and we're going to fold it in thirds and i'll show you how to do that in a second and if you don't have the index cards we're going to use six sided dice so if you have two of them great if you have one of them you can roll it twice if you don't have any dice because you know you don't have any young people around your house you can use a digital dice roller and we'll drop that information a link below or you could trust me and i'll roll the dice for you i have in my hands three jumbo size 12-sided die dice right i'm ready to go so i'll roll it for you and this introduces an element of chance the cool part of having the index cards is you can shuffle the cards and we're going to draw cards at random so you're going to get a sense of where we're going with today's whiteboard session it's going to be interactive it's going to be fun i'm trying to make this as cool and interesting and a way that doesn't scare you from trying to find your life purpose and meaning okay here we go hopefully that was clear and jonah and the team are monitoring the chat if you guys are watching on youtube or commenting live on zoom with us i'll do my best to follow up with what's going on okay so the three car the three categories that we need to be aware of are love what you love to do what you're good at and what the world needs and i'll explain that in a second so love i color-coded red because it's passion it's from the heart it's what you know inside your gut that you were meant to do in this world good at is what you're skilled at and i color this yellow or gold it's like where the where you have real strength in and blue for the world okay and i'll go a little bit deeper here okay so what does it mean to love or to write down the things that you love and i tried to write down as many ideas and think of this as prompts prompts for you to generate ideas and you can take any liberty that you want it doesn't really matter so when i instruct you to you're going to write down as many things in one column as possible about things that you're passionate about things that you do that feel like play that when nobody's watching this is what you do where you lose track of time we've all had those moments so when you sit down to do something and next thing you you realize it's three hours later and you've lost yourself to cyberpunk something like that and the way also to look at this question or this prompt is if money weren't a concern meaning you had inherited a ton of money or you just won the lottery what would you do with your time now most of us would probably stop doing what it is that we're doing because it's not in alignment with what we want to do and who we think we are we haven't been able to realize our true potential just yet here's another way of looking at it cackling okay that's weird is this better mike tess one two three four is this better jonah less cackling everybody just me i'm feeling like a witch they said gone now yes a hundred thousand views thank you very much it's gone now okay thank you very much for uh clarifying that matthew matthew's always on the money okay here's another way that you would look at this what do you pay other people to allow you to do so if you go to the arcade and play video games back in the day in the 80s that's what i did so i love video games obviously if you go to a skate park and pay money to do that that's a good indication if you give people money for netflix or the movie theaters we're not doing that obviously under cove it but think about that that's also a good way to get unstuck what do you pay other people to allow you to do maybe it's like laser tag there's something there maybe you're riding a virtual ride in a vr space so that's obviously something that you're passionate about and i want you to think about things that you obsess over that you dream about so oftentimes we go to work and we think when i'm able to go on vacation this is what i'm going to do this is what i spend a lot of time planning with my kids with my partner my spouse i want to do this okay use that as your prompt and some other ways of thinking about this is to include in your list of things that you love tangible things like if you're dying to get your hands on the new airpod max that's like 600 bucks that's obviously something you're very passionate about if you're thinking about the latest fashion drops from whatever exclusive streetwear brand that you're into that could be something so think about tangible things think about digital things things like websites and apps those count like if you spend a lot of your time spending uh playing online poker or on instagram or you're just obsessed with tick-tock videos include that in the things that you love we want to create a really diverse list and we want to go beyond our profession we want to go beyond the things we already know about ourselves i want you to dig deeper think about the activities that you do uh sports hobbies and you don't have to be good at them you just have to love them i see one of our pro members he's constantly posting updates to his facebook account where he's at a skate park and he's not very good i can tell you right now he's not very good but he shows up early every single morning he keeps doing it and it's a wonderful thing to see and we see people dancing and they're also not very good but every time i see them post a new video they're a little bit better than last time okay so that's the love prompt okay things that you love i'm hearing a little kind of uh plosives on my mic are you guys picking that up as well i sound good okay but do i look good which is not all right let's keep going i can't i can't work on that on the mic okay what are you good at okay this prompt is a lot easier okay a lot easier to deal with what are you paid to do this is your profession right now obviously you're good at it because somebody's willing to part with a hard earned money and give you cash money to do that what are you paid to do this one is kind of interesting what do you excel at naturally without even trying like if you're really good at sudoku crossword puzzles you might even think that you're good at it but that's what i want you to write down oftentimes we're a little blind to what we're good at sometimes friends help us so if you have somebody that's next to you tap him on the shoulder and politely ask him hey what do you think i'm good at what do you think i do really well naturally and we were doing a little test before this with ricky and it turns out like he forgets what he's good at he's like hey aren't you good at that and he's like oh right i didn't know i could write that down that's what you want to do okay what did you train to do did you take taekwondo for 10 years did you get your undergraduate degree or your master's degree in this have you read five books on something that's also another indication of i'm good at this thing i studied in school i was trained to do this okay i already mentioned that one it's something that you've practiced repeatedly so if you draw if you sketch and this is what you do all the time if you make models whatever it is that you've done a lot there's a good chance you're good at it okay there was a little super chat here i saw the super chat function i think it's uh who's that jonah can you hear me jeremy solomon thank you very much really appreciated you okay let's keep going here okay the third prompt will be the hardest so these go in scales of orders of difficulty in orders of magnitude to get more difficult so what you're passionate about that list should fill itself out we should know this about ourselves to have the self-awareness to know what we love what we're passionate about what you're good at a little bit harder but the goal is to fill out the sheet to get at least 12 items on that sheet okay the last one is really difficult and according to ikigai it's what the world needs and this is a really big thing especially if you're a young person we don't know what we want how do we know what the world needs and that's okay you can think about it in a really global perspective or maybe more local perspective like think small like neighborhoods communities organizations that you belong to subgroups what do they need so just replace the word world with subgroup or my neighborhood or my pta organization or al-anon whatever your group needs think about that and and this is to me probably the most important prompt here as part of the what the world needs which is um what opportunities do you see to serve and help other people was it zig ziglar said the the secret to getting rich is to help a lot of people something like that i'd probably match that up guys i know i messed that up okay another way of thinking about this because what the world needs it's kind of big heady it's almost too important i want you to think about like what's trending right now now what's trendy to me what's trendy goes away what's trending is like this is where society or my group tends to move and you can look at parades or organizations or little ground swells that turn into a massive movement what's going on what's on the ascent what is happening more and more in the world today in big and small ways think about that here's some examples to to think about and last time i did this kind of on the fly so hopefully this time a little bit more prepared and help you out some things that we can think about in terms of what the world needs is sustainable businesses sustainable farming restaurants just sustainability is a good idea and they can be applied to almost every vertical that you can think of we all could benefit from better education health care the world needs better social justice to combat what's been going on and if we strive for that we'll live in a more harmonious way and there's more to go around okay maybe you're thinking about conservation about how to use less so that we can support the environment those are some big heady things just write down whatever matters to you in your world in your life okay all right let's keep going is there a parade for it yes i mentioned that thanks for reminding me yes is there a parade for it can you give us an example ricky no well thanks for bringing it up you know maybe there's like a parade for uh people who do cosplay yeah something like that yeah sports sports sports whatever just think about because that automatically tells you there's a team of people doing this okay great all right so here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna give you guys a moment to really fill this in okay so start with what you love so if you have a piece of paper draw through two lines through it kind of evenly divided into thirds another trick to doing that is just folding a piece of paper into thirds that makes sense so the first thing is red what we love gold is what we're good at and blue is what the world needs you don't need colors because i'll work it out for you totally okay all right so what are we gonna do with the rest of the time i have an idea i'll give you some examples we'll keep going here okay so in a little bit what we're gonna do is we're gonna introduce an element of chance some randomness to this that will hopefully make this really fun for you to do i'm going to roll some dice when i roll these dice okay stewart's going to get focused on here it's going to come up with some numbers and whatever i roll we're gonna write this thing down three times okay that's why it says we're gonna roll the dice three times so i'm gamifying this a little bit bring a little dungeons and dragons into this okay and whatever number i roll or you can roll independently if you don't trust my dice rolling you're going to put those things in this box and i don't want to get too far into that i'm going to jump ahead here and i'm going to talk about no i think that's what i'm going to do so much of that yes that's what i get for preparing this minutes before okay does anybody have any questions from the pro group the sustainer sustaining members anybody there or in the youtube live do you have any questions thus far are you working hard on filling out your three different columns i'll leave that up there anybody let's talk to the pro group first anybody in the pro group am i being super clear clear is mine go ahead um on the good at is the only technical skills or can it be something like being patient or things like that like soft skills i like that soft skills for sure anything that you're good at if you are you make a mean bowl of pasta put that down if you're good at uh understanding and empathizing with people you're an empath write that down if you're good at explaining complex ideas into simple bite-sized pieces write that down and then call me okay if you're good at storytelling like you can capture the attention of people you know how to keep them on the edge of their seat and give a satisfying payoff to a story write that down like i'm good at telling stories i'm good at crafting things with my hands i'm good at designing complex layouts i'm good at compositing things on the computer whatever it is that you're good at i'm good at understanding and reading numbers really quickly i'm speaking for my wife there stewart what are you good at he doesn't have a microphone i'll speak for him he's good at holding the camera and staying silent ricky what are you good at um i think i'm good at cinematography i'm good at editing i'm good at working out i'm good at staying clean and living a healthy lifestyle i think we're gonna get into this later but i have a whole list you do have a list yeah let's do this then let's jump ahead so what's cool about this google jamboard is if i share with you guys you can you can write with me so right now ricky unbeknownst to me has had access to the board so i'm gonna fast forward here kind of like um like a cooking show and i'm gonna show you what the worksheets look like yes we have a question from the pro group uh dave's mic isn't working but he's wanting to know um is in the world needs column is this something the world needs that we have or in general that the world needs when you say we have what does that mean we isn't the person writing the things down so it would be a need that i fill in the world or no no i want it to be this is not going to be self-serving right we don't know yet we want to just look for big problems to solve it's one of brian collins favorite things like we are problem solvers we're not problem seekers right now we need to find a big problem so let's find big problems that don't yet have clear solutions for or forget about what the world needs and just write down whatever you think is trending and popular right now like i know for a fact because we're all kind of living the lockdown life that the world needs better long distance communication tools we're almost all using zoom by default for many different things that maybe the people created zoom didn't even intend it for so i would love to have alternatives to zoom where it can feel more communal where if i'm closer to annalee and say elena i can hear them but i can't hear everybody else like i can move my avatar around i think that would be really cool so multiple people can have conversations not just one at a time so that's something that i think needs to happen i think we need better online facilities to for other people who teach to be able to use like what we have here today we need well what else do we need maybe we need some some new form of entertainment or interaction because it can be very lonely and depressing being in your room not having to the ability to go out much because of the virus maybe we need some options there maybe we need some software to help deal with this health healthcare crisis this virus to to have more up-to-date uh contact racing that's one of your ideas right ricky okay so was there another question from the pro group thank you for asking that by the way yeah i had one chris okay alec um what if you're what do you do when you're good at and loves overlap a lot so like conversation might be one or you talked about storytelling that can be something you good at and something you you love so what do you do when those things are kind of overlapping a lot okay so alec for you i think you're in a really great place because what you love and what you're good at overlaps so when we live a more purpose purposeful life with great intention they tend to be the same thing i'm going to ask you right now to go outside the box and sometimes you have to push past what we think are the the natural or obvious answers and go go reaching for something that's out there something like go back to your childhood and think about like yeah uh yeah it's been a long time since i've done that but i remember loving doing this when i was nine years old for example i never had this but i never had a box kite this is totally crazy and totally random i know why am i talking about kites because i used to fly kites as a kid but the kind of kites i got were the ones that you could buy at a drugstore that were like two bucks we didn't grow up with a lot so that's what we bought but i always thought that the box kite was like the most beautiful structural thing that it was hard for me as a child to understand that those things could fly so when i see people flying them at the beach it's like this is really cool now i'm not saying i want to create a company or anything around this and this is not going to be my life's purpose the future kites you know guys hey click on the link below and get your kite today i'm not talking about that but i just want you to go beyond a little bit because when we start to roll the dice or shuffle the cards if you will we want some strange combinations some strange chucks and positions to come through so that you have to sit there and think what connects these two random things and you're gonna have to really stretch your creative muscles that's what i want okay so you have a good problem that you already kind of know what you want and you're developing skill in the thing that you you love that's awesome try a couple of different weird things in there it's gonna really help us okay what else are we looking at here okay nicole is telling me here that her agency is working on alternatives to zoom right now so i i can't wait to see what that looks like so thank you and i'm looking for somebody to invent this otherwise we're gonna have to do it ourselves okay uh any any uh questions coming in from facebook or not from youtube that i need to address no nothing okay ricky and jonah are helping to scan jonah's borderline heart attack right now okay you're past that do we have to revive you jonah all right so let's take a look now at what ricky wrote yes i think that should be a new column ricky wrote ricky wrote ricky wrote yeah let's take a look at it why is your mic so loud and mine is not loud uh the levels were adjusted for stuart he's more and then we switched i see i see okay so we'll have to figure that out later okay so let's read what ricky wrote and maybe this will prompt some ideas with you and if you have any questions whether you're on youtube or zoom let me know okay so he likes to watch films yes he's obviously really concerned about health i would say from the time in which i've known ricky he spends more time obsessing about his own body he's really vain that way than anybody else i know he's constantly working out every time i look around he's like doing something with weights or running in the in the streets literally running in the streets that's true okay so being healthy and working out and he also is very disciplined about what he eats i don't see this guy snacking too much now jonah's gonna tell me a different story after i leave but i can't see that he's really into pop culture i can attest that that's true because oftentimes i'll bring up some cinematic reference you'll be like oh yeah i know that movie i know what happened that scene whereas our other friend jonah it's like uh what movie i haven't seen that y'all he has no idea no idea no idea ricky loves telling stories sometimes he tells stories about how hard he's working i believe he's very good at telling those kinds of stories but i don't fully believe him he's a great liar no great liar you wouldn't know right he's a terrible liar that's what it is okay he likes photography we know that and i didn't know this reading non-fiction books like when did that happen since i started working i'm going to circle this one i want to put a foul mark on this he loves reading non-fiction books okay very interesting you wouldn't think a muscular guy a former jock ricky would like to read nonfiction books but here we go what a transformation love it love it beautiful i like it too okay he likes to edit so he says he loves cinematography i believe that he loves dating you love love i love love yeah you love love yeah of course that's like an inception movie right there i like that of course okay and he likes uh he loves surfing wow that's really cool that's a pretty diverse list there okay let's move on first of all before i move on any questions about ricky's list i kind of like the diversity here a lot of different things in here it kind of starts to give me a clear picture as to who he is what he loves don't you love fashion too somebody said who loves dating well you know when you're looking for somebody you got to go on a lot of dates yeah there you go okay okay if you're a young person you might like dating a lot yeah yeah there's nothing wrong with that yeah okay it's 21st century here right we don't judge people no okay no question so far okay my e-class invites thank you very much for your support appreciate you all right let's go here okay next column and you guys in the pro group you know how to do this just unmute yourself and yell at me and say i don't get that go back okay i won't always ask you so i give you full permission to stop the show and make it all about you i promise you it'll be okay all right what are you good at ricky okay this one let's look at this one i'm gonna be a little more critical here he's good at anticipating other people's needs 100 true true story the reason why ricky works here is because when he was interning for us he was always like chris you need this let me move that and he was just trained just like like a military surgical he would jump in he was really good at anticipating people's needs because to survive on production to survive on a set you have to be able to anticipate what is needed move the light flag this off hey someone needs a chair somebody needs to move this he's johnny on the spot he's good at retaining information this one i'm going to put a big question mark on it i'm not supposed to judge but i'm going to judge anyways okay i don't suggest you judge yourself or judge anybody but don't do as i say or do as i say don't do as i do okay he's good with people that he is because he's really attentive to other people's needs those skills are very complimentary here that makes a lot of sense uh he's good at editing and getting better at animation okay he likes to do research i believe that he likes to write i didn't know that about him but i'm discovering that cinematography yes storytelling working on it working on it working on it it may be compared to like this is aspirational this list or like the person on the street maybe i'm better at storytelling maybe not next to you but you know okay okay i would say i'm good at it you're better than the average bear there you go okay beautiful mental toughness yes okay i believe that yeah because i know something about your childhood yes i know you've had to overcome a lot of adversity and to be here to be the first person to graduate from college to have a job and to even can i say this to even surpass the success of your own parents that's pretty awesome so there's some mental toughness there and i like that he's good at organizing true according to ricky's standards he likes to organize he's not uh i wouldn't say you're like asian anal retentive organizing that's that's me yeah and we'll work on that and i'm hispanic man so i feel like for a hispanic man you're tough now i'm i'm as good as we can you're at the eight plus exactly okay your a plus for hispanic would be kind of our ce yeah i'm like an average yeah i'm not gonna say it okay he is good at public speaking this was a big surprise in discovery to me that actually ricky is very comfortable at speaking and it turns out you even majored in this you had a double major in communications yep that blew my mind so why is this guy not on camera more i do not know but i'm looking forward to it so okay very good list i'm going to pause here i'm gonna ask you guys now if you have any questions so far so good emily are you having a good time okay i see a couple thumbs up i'm having a good time great it's all i care about is if you guys have a good time uh youtube are you guys having a good time let me know if you're having a good time they'll let us know in 20 seconds yeah okay let's keep going on then okay 20 second delay there okay what the world needs this is the most difficult one okay so love is easy good at is harder world needs really difficult and i'm glad now ricky that you have all all 12 written let's take a look at this uh the world needs people to help people who are struggling can you be more specific what kind of struggle i just think there's a lot of people who are suffering and we don't know their stories because we can't hear them and if we knew that these people were suffering as much as they are it would be our duty to help them out can you narrow it down for me please yeah so i heard a story of people suffering at the border and i didn't know that this was going on and they were talking about the people waiting for asylum people in central america trying to cross the border okay they're waiting for asylum i hear these stories too they're quite terrible and the the camps that they're making to like set up shop to live there before they try to argue in front of a judge if they can come to the country just like these makeshift communities are just kind of heartbreaking can you rephrase this help people who are struggling to represent what and reflect what you just said because this is broad what you said was very specific i do want to point out that he is editing this live that's jonah's avatar because he's using jonah's computer but that's it's really ricky okay so think about that i'm gonna go down the rest of your list while you work on how to articulate that okay all right you might need both hands there so he thinks that the world needs more transparency to hold people that are in power accountable i agree with that he wants a greater understanding of what government is doing this is very critical especially during this time whether you're pro one party or the other we need to know what what people are doing and the world needs to uncover the shelter of good that kind of ties back into the first one and it's kind of like we don't know all of the terrible things happening in the world yes and if we knew if we got under this cloak of like oh my world is great so everything's great then maybe we could use our blessings to to help others our like extra time our extra money stuff like that yeah i i kind of like how you rephrase this oh i wasn't sure you would be able to do this but i think you found a way to thread the needle on this one so well done he says that the world needs to bring to light these untold stories of people who are suffering because with that when we get to know people and we put names to faces and know their story there can be greater sense of connectivity and unity among people right when we know the story we care more about people okay so i like how you flip that one i need you to work on this one i think on cover the shelter good so abstract to me but here's another one we can work on quick and easy news currently i think we have fantastic quick and easy news the problem i have which is unverified miss or disinformation that's going out there so i like the idea of quick and easy news that's verifiable there's something there so let's add a little context to that and let's see what we can do there okay more access to education i i think i know what you mean there i think are you meaning like for poor kids or for people in weird places in the world that don't have access what do you talk about there i meant kind of what we do here just uh just giving people good education for free or at a cheaper cost than it costs to go to university so let's change that to saying affordable education or you can say also affordable high quality education or some or topical uh lessons or learning models because oftentimes the education model is a little bit outdated and behind okay so can't spell so if i spell something don't worry won't google take care of that for you i don't know yeah i'm sure it will okay so we need greater tolerance healthier lifestyles better online classrooms okay they're connected there more gyms the guy who works out all the time needs more gyms do we really need another 24-hour fitness ricky i think so man okay maybe you can be a little bit more specific because i see gyms all over the place maybe there's a different way of thinking about the gym maybe the home gym or an ability to work out and stay fit and healthy without having to to go to a physical place maybe you can think about that okay i think it falls in line with healthier lifestyle but maybe make this a physical thing you can write that okay and and we need people to be more confident maybe that's why we're doing the ziki guy thing that makes sense not a bad list there really good start and i think hopefully now we've given you all enough time to work on this yeah jeremy again jeremy hitting us up again what is up jeremy what the world needs more jobs to help our economy and to buy food for their family absolutely and especially where you where people come from i don't know if php stands for the philippines is that what php stands for i believe so okay i was in the philippines a couple times the philippines needs infrastructure it needs infrastructure better roads public transportation we're seeing people pile in and running after jeepneys it is crazy we also don't have fast internet internet it's unreliable i think in every modern society they have to have blazing fast internet and to provide it at a very low cost i think government should just buy the internet company and provide it at very low cost because the internet allows us and empowers us to do lots of these things including education communication access to things the internet is key that's the modern freeway super freeway idea okay now let's go back to pro people how are you guys doing on your list anybody want to share a couple of items um and i could write it on the board because this is an interactive whiteboard session right so i have pro members here okay let me write down some of your ideas let me change the color here boom okay does anybody want to share some of the things that they're good at that might be kind of weird and different we'll go with a good ad anybody just unmute yourself and just start talking but not all at once obviously being curious say that one more time catherine i said i don't know that it's weird but i'm really good at hosting dinner parties what makes you such a good host i think things through i always make sure i invite new people always set the right tone love to cook prep wow i was gonna say that's pretty impressive hey come hang out with us yeah you have some social games that you develop for people who don't know each other who feel really weird at functions like this namely no but i should i feel like because i think that actually goes into one of my other good ads i'm really good at rallying folks just around something or something okay yeah okay so you're rallying folks sounds to me like you're you're good at building communities is that right yeah especially in person not so much online but okay community builder i'm to write that there and we're going to make a monster list here so we'll see what happens community building okay and i'm going to say that everybody that's online with me who can participate i'm going to take three from you and i'll move on until we fill this whole thing out this is going to be some crazy composite of everybody on the zoom call okay now somebody else i heard another voice in there who wants to go next uh me being curious elena what's up being period being curious being curious okay okay what else you can give me any category just give me two more all right i'll go with love hedonism hedonism oh my goodness i like smoking and drinking that seems to be in conflict with you uh doing pull-ups and punching people that's interesting or maybe you have to punch people because you know you're smoking and drinking okay all right give me one more um [ __ ] what was i looking at um something simple i love eastern philosophy okay eastern philosophy i'll go next chris if you want i like it okay this will be really interesting no no no we're not mixing yours up this is pro group a no i know yeah okay i heard a gentleman's voice who was speaking yeah that's me you thought i was nicole but it's niccolo that's all that's all good but i love making music i'm good at teaching and the world needs better virtual communities like you said okay very good very good list here making music you're good at teaching right did you say yeah teaching and the world needs what say one more time better virtual communities like a better zoom yeah and you're working on it right yep great all right can i go next yeah give me one second yeah okay who was talking mariana hi go ahead uh love war games love what board games oh board games i think you said hoarding i'm like join the club board game i love to hoard two board games okay okay um i'm good with children okay to yes i understand them must have a lot of patience yeah and on world needs now i need some help to phrase this but um what i mean is that there's some disabilities that are not as um obvious that people don't really clearly see so a way to kind of stigmatize it or make people understand it so for example i was diagnosed with lupus recently and it's a lot of like fatigue or arthritis and anxiety so it's like and it's still like this is um cynically mysterious still doesn't know how people get it so it's kind of like maybe more acceptance or a way to make people a visual way to show people that um what the what we're going through and just uh making more um i don't know i don't know how to say it okay here's what we're gonna do since there are a bunch of you on zoom maybe you guys can help each other out and and chat and try to figure this out or here's the beautiful part is you can maybe search some some words on on google while we're doing this okay thank you one thing i was thinking about stigmatizing mental health destigmatize mental health oh i got it somebody said you got it you got it out of you somebody said in the chat oh i see how do they spell de-stigmatize just say put d-cigs stigmatized i don't know how to spell that thank you mental health somebody said uh the world needs more people to turn their passion into profit okay more people that was kelvin nice more people turn maybe they'll watch this video yeah you know i personally think this that if more people did what they loved and were able to sustain themselves to support themselves and their loved ones we would have a lot less problem a lot more tolerance a lot more community and joy and satisfaction and dare i say it love okay all right the robot's talking about love it's not a good sign okay who else go ahead um i love playing the guitar the guitar okay yeah and i love true crime true crime is that a podcast there are oh this is just a genre right unsolved mysteries reboot i got it true crime beautiful and i'm good at curriculum design [Music] awesome curriculum design i i know people on the web are going to get mad at me because they think like i could do everything that sometimes i can't spell i get it you'll forgive me later okay all right that's three from you who's next i can go next i can go okay okay hold on hold on i heard from paulo and then we're gonna follow up with somebody if you guys do me a favor raise your digital hand and i could see you and i'll call you that way we have less of this jockeying for who gets to speak next so paulo go ahead yeah um okay so something that i love is asking existential questions um that's one of them okay hold on hold on don't don't move yet asking existential everybody's trying to like test my spelling existential spell phosphorus questions can you give me an example of an existential question what's the meaning of life okay okay okay all right i know it's yeah that's broad but yeah i just love your passion into your profit there you go okay give me a number two as far as good at i would say poster design say it one more time poster design poster design okay yep and then something that the world needs i really feel like is simplified public services what does that mean so for instance like if you want to travel interstate right and you got tolls you know in different regions like i'm an immigrant right but one thing i find that strange is in different regions of the us you have to use different tollbooth systems yeah i'm like that doesn't make sense why not simplify it so you can just have like a like an uber or an app for like toll booths right or like at the dmv like trying to renew your license why can't they make that stuff easier or paying your taxes so i'm talking about like a national program sure yeah i live in california and the toll booths confused me too at the toll roads national program okay great thanks for your contribution now i heard a female voice in there right after you so who was it that was me okay hi chris hi alicia um so homeschooling my daughter i'm very good at that you're what good at home good at homeschooling my daughter okay beautiful it was a surprising time yes yes um automating schooling let me tell you i have no patience okay go ahead i'm good at automating processes and integration well yes i know that about you automation that got a woe out of ricky he's busy thinking about movies and cinema automation and integration yes and i think that the world needs simplified online learning for children i think it needs more it's a good one ricky's approving simplified i think you had him at automation that's the problem simplified online she said processes and i'm a big fan of that learning for children for children specifically for kids yeah are you working on something like this maybe yeah okay thank you very much alicia okay who else we're almost done here i think i can only take two or three more people and we're out of space i'll go okay sorry uh that was uh sterling and then we will do a female uh person right after this okay go ahead sterling all right let's see so i love children's perspectives children's perspectives yes okay uh their honesty is always really refreshing and surprising sometimes okay so there's like some innocence there right absolutely okay so let me write that in there yeah they're unfucked up whoa whoa whoa this can be a program that's viewed by children you said that oh okay that's easy with the f-bombs everybody okay what else sorry it's okay um go ahead all right i'm good at uh calming people down not with that kind of inflammatory statement and uh the world needs to understand that all bigotry is as bad as any bigotry all bigotry is what is as bad as any bigotry okay can we turn that into a positive or uh the world needs to realize more unified more tolerance more empathy help me out there i don't really like the word tolerance yeah me neither so help me out um the world needs to celebrate our differences more i like that thank you very much sorry about the f1 our differences beautiful okay no worries about that we only live in the future not in the past okay and now there was a female voice so who was that yes it was me hi chris oh hi mahi how are you i'm good okay i love to draw yes and i'm good at having warm conversations warm conversation now unfortunately we're out of room on the good at so okay you get two more so okay um the world needs i believe more support for eco-friendly things okay support the equipment eco-friendly what eco-conscious companies or initiatives yes and products okay give me one more please i'm uh yeah i'm good at i have like no no good at no good i'm out of room for good at okay so what do you want and either in love or what needs okay uh yeah i'm i love gardening gardening okay beautiful you know this one reads a little funny i have to kind of uh look at this one again i'm good at children this sounds wrong it's just a phrase funny right i'm good at children raising children you could parenting parenting okay let's do that um oh that didn't work use the eraser the video said i could what the hell try it again there we go there you go all right good at parenting we're just good with children yeah because i'm terrified of children okay uh was that who was that was that david cole david do you want to add some things in here no i was just going to say uh good with chill you could have just yeah okay um anybody else we need to fill it all out because when we roll the dice i don't want to have a blank so i need one more from love let's go to youtube then let's go to youtube find me something on youtube ricky one for love and a couple for the world needs let's just focus our energy i know there's a lot of you online with me right now focus our energy and figuring out what the world needs go ahead and type that in i'll wait for the 20 second delay spiritualism world needs zero taxes i don't know if that's feasible but that is a suggestion why don't we just say lower taxes okay somebody loves baking okay people need to be close to god the world needs i'll write spiritualism here so that we don't have to kind of put it in the god category more access to public transportation okay somebody said they love weed all right i'm with them oh come on oh jesus christ jonah did you just jump on the mic just to say that one time i spoke and i am fired this will be my last stream okay i love baking okay this is gonna be a very diverse i don't know how to write this but the world needs like uh love sweet i was gonna say therapy but like i don't know how to write that more access to mental therapy more access to like people like wesley i don't know how to write that it's such a benefit okay um therapy i just write i'll write therapy all right mental health care yeah self-awareness compassion oh now everybody's got ideas where were you guys 10 seconds ago yeah this one we kind of just we just pushed this one out there but the world does need more compassion and emily is very good at that okay we have a list we have two lists now now we get to do the part which we've all been waiting for i think okay i i wanted to give everybody working at home as much time to work on their list as possible so that they can participate in this part hello all right so here we go now if you have cards at this point in the time what you're gonna do is shuffle your card and you're gonna write down whatever you land on for love what you're good at and what the world needs okay so just take it like any rifle through your cards shuffle it and then whatever you pull is what you got to work with that's the rule you don't get uh do-overs no do-overs this is not uh that kind of space right okay so what we do is we're gonna i'm gonna roll the dice and this is for me right this is live right uh stuart's got this this is for everybody everybody wants to do this i'll roll the dice for you you can roll the dice yourself if you don't trust me so here we go get josh i foul i didn't want that to happen so ricky get that one back thank you sir he's very athletic see how that working out worked out for him this red dice really has a mind of its own okay so red is for what you yeah what you are passionate about what you love so four number four everybody so whatever is in your column or four just make a note of that and we'll write this down in a second what's your oh coincidentally what you're good at the gold is also four okay so we have two fours and the last one what the world needs is number seven so four four seven i'm gonna write this on the board okay so the first world that is so good for me hold on ricky the point is to challenge you not to make it easy okay wanna do this again and this time i'm gonna do my best not to let this fall off the table so i'm gonna roll it this way whoa oops i hope i didn't break anything okay i have to roll the red dice over because it's one and there's no ones on this because people oh my god i'm just horrible throwing dice okay thanks ricky it's so bouncy this guys okay here we go uh red is six i feel like we're playing bingo here six i six everybody eight and ten six eight and ten okay so that's row number what's what's going on you're right i just i like what i wrote down six oh my god he's very proud of himself all of a sudden six eight and ten and we have one last try and i'll try to get one roll that doesn't roll off the table yes you'll be able to do this it's this red one this red one is like it's got a mind of its own okay there we go oh my goodness um i don't like that dice raw some roll again so we have seven for red seven everybody whoo for uh for gold here's twelve so we're going deep into your list now seven twelve and three okay seven twelve and three okay all right everybody if you have the ability to write this number somewhere because i'm not going to look at this again for a little bit so ricky you got it ricky totally unprepared here you go okay write it down on your card four four seven six eight ten seven twelve three and if you play these numbers on the bingo or lottery and you win i think you should probably send the future a donation that's what i'm thinking okay let's get back into it okay those are the numbers let me swipe it over to this part okay now uh i don't think you guys have this worksheet because i didn't make it for you but that's you have something like this you can go ahead and write in your individual things so ricky let's jump to yours okay and i'll write in yours uh i have one for you and it's right yes okay this is ricky's worksheet it says ricky lucas that's how we know it's you uh look i'll even show people it's ricky lucas so what do you love uh i got number four which is working out okay if this is working out well for you this is all right oh my word dang okay next uh next was number four which was good with people this is ricky's list okay and then after that was number seven which was affordable high quality education affordable beautiful okay high quality education so what we're going to do is this ricky since i don't want to do this the whole time you want me to you're going to fill in and we'll come back to you so everybody in at this point in time um your the people who were playing along you could use a marker and circle with one color what we rolled the first time which was four four seven so circle those in your different categories just so you know and i'm gonna instruct you what to do with the rest okay now while ricky's working with this i'm gonna tell you what to do okay hopefully everybody's still following along with me right yeah okay now just so we're not distracted by ricky you guys will have your individual columns you can put numbers one two and three so three ones one one one and then three twos two two two and three threes three three three whatever makes sense for you now we're gonna figure out how to at least switch colors here how to bring these together to make an idea okay notice in the icky guy diagram if you're familiar with it there are four circles that overlap we're trying to find this thing where everything overlaps and before when we were talking about ways to make money people got stuck so we're gonna do it a different way okay so what i'm gonna say what you wanna do is to take these two items what you love and what you're good at i'm gonna try and draw guys muscle here which you're good at i should have stopped but i'm going crazy there we go what you're good at and we're going to put it here like try to come up with an idea for something that's tangible okay and i'll explain what that means we're going to leave the bottom area out for now okay and when we do this we're going to come up with an idea and let me tell you what's going to happen so you're going to take these two things what you love and what you're good at you're going to come up with an idea for a digital product a digital thing and what you can do as a service and i'm going to explain to you what those categories mean okay tangible these are just some ways of thinking about things that are tangible it could be a product something that's manufactured something that has a physical quality to it you have to be able to touch it taste it smell it or something like that maybe it's something that's very utilitarian that's going to help people it could just be fun and fruitless that's okay too something that's just a novelty like a pet rock if you have an idea to put a funny expression or thought or an eastern philosophy and you want to apply it to rock hey that's your idea you run with that this one seems pretty obvious to me and i have many examples here to share with you it could be printed it's like a book a poster some of you guys are good at poster design or maybe you need to make some kind of presentation deck something that can be printed out something i already mentioned manufactured it could be an accessory it could be something that attaches itself to something else it could be a fashion thing like clothing t-shirts angel acevedo's very very faithful person he really believes in his faith and so he came up this line called god is a designer and he's making fashion out of that okay that's a tangible part i have some examples here let me get myself back on the mic stand and i want to show you some of the things that i have prepared here put this in okay now we talk about things that are printable or printed there are things naturally like books so mr aaron draplin has a passion for memo books and he decided to bring in his love for this kind of farming agricultural life and to rehash the things that he's personally in love with and he borrows from all that visual aesthetic and he creates this company with jim goodall and jim kudal i'm sorry jim kudos and creates field notes and these things are wildly popular and have a strong following in fan base four the last time i spoke to aaron he said that the sales of field notes accounts for about 30 percent of his in annual income that's pretty incredible you guys have heard me talk about this before about having passive income and a lot of times people automatically think oh that's got to be a course or a learning product no it could be a physical tangible thing a pack of three books i believe sells for 15 these things must be highly profitable they're really well made and i love the design and aesthetic of these okay that's field notes all right let me move on my friend um i hope i can call on my friend adam j kurtz he has a book and and his book is called pick me up and the book is kind of like an adult activity book for people are just trying to get through adulting and it's pretty funny and i like books like this because they're easy to read they're very interactive it kind of invites you to participate in it because of the way it's done it's very hand done right so he's like draw your current self now later again and soon that's kind of an interesting way to think about who you are and to be more self-aware and now these kinds of book books really take me back to when i was a kid and going to book fairs and the book bus would come by the bookmobile and we'd go in and my mom would give me some money not too much unfortunately and as a kid i was like i want activity books i want books with stickers and things to cut out yeah and it wasn't the kind to get smarter i wasn't that disciplined as a kid so books like this really take me back to time and place okay now here's a book a different kind of book this is a law of attraction planner that they sent to me it's really interesting because it's a it's a it's a journal a daily journal but inside there's all kinds of real really fun and interesting things little stickers things that tag what's going on how to organize your life and it's kind of look there's a cool part in here where is it give me a second everybody why am i not here we go there's like gatefolds and ideas in here so it's kind of an activity book mapped to something else in terms of like how to live a more purposeful life so i thought it was appropriate that i shared this book with you today why i created this planner and then things like there's prompts here for you to write and think about yourself like here's one right here choose the top five goals from what you have listed that you want to achieve in one year so the whole idea of the law of attraction is whatever you think about you attract to your life so let's be more intentional about that so this is taking an idea and making a a calendar what is this called a journal okay and then here's another idea this is created by international designer and artist ryan mcginnis studio inc book and this is his manual for designers and everything he's learned what i really love about this is first of all the design i believe is helvetica or something very close to helvetica and it's very bold look at these vibrant colors just gorgeous and he's there's a wealth of information in here but everything he's learned about how to run a studio in the things that you need and i just i i'm a sucker i'll be honest with you i haven't read that much of it but just the colors are drawing me in the design i really like it so this is another way to take some of your ideas and make a tangible product out of it okay this book sells for this one was 60 bucks this was bought used so 60 bucks one last example of a book is this book called archetypes and branding so if you're really into branding i'm surprised nobody said that in this group like i really love branding i'm good at it and these are the most common personality types and so there's a little bit of a guide how to use it and it's kind of in an unusual formatted book with this spiral bound in the middle but what's really cool is if you get to the end there are these perforated shoot i can barely hold up this thing here these perforated cards that you can tear out thanks ricky that you can tear out and use and mix up and use in your next branding workshop to see like what is the personality type of the brand that we're we're trying to create or the personality type of the customer we're trying to attract and in the back there's useful information about the strengths and the challenges and who their good companion is like who's a natural complement to this personality type this is really cool and i think it's a perfect segue because we're talking about cars thanks very much ricky cards that you can pull out see how ricky's good at anticipating needs you saw that saw jonah just sat there having his ulcer by himself okay since we're talking about cards i thought that would make a great segue for cards cards are a wonderful way of giving somebody something tactile to touch to do to play with to teach something or just to make them laugh okay so i have three card decks here they all do something a little bit different this deck of cards it's smaller in real life than it looks on amazon unfortunately is uh the brainchild of kalina silverman she's done a ted talk and the main idea about these cards is that in college she was at a party and she was like why do we always just talk about the small things why don't we have instead of small talk we have big talk and so there's a whole project an experiment that's grown into movement something she shared with other people so i'm going to pull a card here and literally i'm going to pull ricky's card and i'm going to ask ricky a question and you'll see like how neat of an idea this is i wish this were a little bit bigger and uh printed differently but here we go ricky oh my god oh man here we go you ready let's fly your way big talk what is your relationship with your mother like oh my mother is somebody who is my hero the sacrifices she made to come to this country in order for me to have a better opportunity in life than she did we are better apart because we are very similar i think so we kind of butt heads but the lover i have for that woman is unmatched beautiful isn't that better than hey how's it going probably what's up ricky what'd you do today yeah right how's the weather so big talk i like the idea of this i don't love the execution let's go on to the next one i've had this one for a long time this is probably the most expensive deck that i have this is called oblique strategies and it's by brian eno and peter schmidt and the idea of oblique strategies is we all need to get unstuck sometimes we all need a creative partner who we can bounce ideas off of and we don't always have that really super smart person so they made this deck and it's really cool well first of all it's really cool because it's black it's good size so i can grab it it's and it's put in a like a cool sturdy box but here's the deal you ask a question it's kind of like the magic eight ball you ask the question like what should i do in this situation like i'm stuck right i don't know how to create a marketing campaign for this product or this client and so you just draw a card and you do whatever the card tells you to do and it's kind of like fortune cookie wisdom but it's really interesting so the card says not building a wall but making a brick so you have to interpret your challenge and your problem through the lens of this prompt to me when i hear this not building a wall okay i get it but making a brick this tells me i'm overthinking it i'm looking too far down the road i'm over complicating it and i need to just start with one little thing so even if your problem was how do i lose weight or how do i become more attractive this would apply that's the neat thing about the oblique strategies deck i'm hoping that i'm going to help support some of the people whatever products you see you'll buy them we'll probably include them in the links below an affiliate link or something like that but not building a wall but making a brick is that cool i see emily nodding her head you get this right analogy you like this i love this do you have this no i don't i will call you next time i have a problem [Laughter] okay you can just tweet me and i'll give you one of these generic answers and then you'll like oh he's so wise yeah yeah i know okay i can do that this is a recent acquisition this is called the fabulous deck i think it's two guys from italy i bought this recently and i shared it with my pro group i think this is pretty cool closer to where your mouth oh dude i am almost like licking this thing dude okay too low all right dang i'm gonna kiss it okay so the fabula deck comes in three colors and their instructions there and this one is called fabulous deck and it's a framework for fiction writers framework for fiction writers and it really builds upon the monomyth joseph campbell's the hero 1000 faces and it i thought it was really interesting the way these cards work is you use either magnets or sticky tape or some kind of gummy thing and you stick them to a dry erase board and you start to build your story structure so in every story you're going to need to identify who the narrator is so that's the na card narrator all right and then who the hero is this is hero number two who here here number one is what trials do you want them to go through so these are writing prompts all really well structured stories fiction stories need to have these components we talk about the call call to action the anxiety of the call crossing the threshold the res what is it called the regression walking through the threshold who is the mentor and the mentor's aide so i really like this deck it's pretty fun especially if you don't know anything about story structure i think this can really help you the black cards are for editing and the blue cards are assets so that's the fabulous deck so if you're really into storytelling like ricky says he's a really good storyteller if he was really good at storytelling he would be able to know storytelling really well that he could devise a deck like this okay all right that's it for that now let's get into the concepts all right those are ideas i wanted to jump start your thinking i'm gonna get back into the deck all right thanks jonah for the note okay so here we go so when we say tangible think about the things that you can make by fusing your ideas together when when i give you the prompt to come up with ideas that are digital okay when i tell you about digital think about apps maybe a website something that is like a template that you can give to people a digital asset if you will maybe you can invent a quick game to help people with pricing if you're like really interested in pricing you can write an ebook maybe these are just presets that you can sell i know a lot of photographers like to buy dark room or what is that called lightroom lightroom presets because they like the look of things you can make stock art stock sound music digital assets like 3d elements animation presets character rigs if you're into animation and it could just be textures or typefaces anything that people can use and repurpose you want to open the brain up that's what open up the brain ricky i hope your your brain is really open right now and the last one is a service and this is the one that was most common to all of us because we're most of us work in the service industry it's what come up with a business idea that people would hire you to do this and this is how we're going to make money this is how we're going to turn our passion into our profits and focus on helping others and solving problems okay having said that let's go back to the worksheet page 16. here we are thanks ricky all right so ricky's filled in his uh three dice rolls so research cinematography better online classrooms photography public speaking oh this is very interesting understand what government is doing okay so what ricky's going to do is he's going to take these two things he's going to fuse them together how do you combine working out with being good with people as a tangible product idea what'd you come up with oh i didn't i didn't come up with anything yet i've got to think about it on the phone now oh you know what have you been doing this whole time i gave you all the time you know running the show okay well let's come up with something together you said this is a good role for you so let's come up with something okay go ahead so i'm good i love working out and i'm good with people we could read that right so now i need to make something from that yes you're following productions like a like a personal fitness coach i don't yeah yeah okay so but this is tangible though so physical um a dvd of me working out i have no idea um jonah anybody bueller when you say you're good with people what do you mean i mean i like people i like talking to them okay i think i can like make jokes we can have a good time for you oh here we go okay you're going to design a game where people can work out socially oh there you go right yeah i'm glad you came up with it yeah me too this is very easy okay what's the digital version of that an app where yeah like a community yeah right yeah like it's just working out yeah i think you wrote it in the wrong section chris digital isn't it oh oh i see i say i thought that was true we're going to keep doing this and we'll do it again oh i got it and we'll do it again okay so working out good with people what's a service this would be your personal training oh this would be like personal training right personal training yeah yeah okay personal trainer i hope that makes sense everybody so some of these are going to be hard because we need to just open up and find where these two worlds overlap that's the difficult part now what we're going to do for bonus points because now when you put in what the world needs this becomes much harder generally speaking depending on what your dice roll was so now we're going to take this idea or we don't need that idea we can just take these two things and filter through the lens of affordable high quality education so what is a physical thing that you can make that's affordable to teach people how to interact or work out with other people what could that be it's incorporating all three that's the hard part because i first i was like yes just giving them good information about like what are good workouts that would be affordable and educational yeah but how do you add an aspect with people is where i'm getting stuck yeah so let's take it up to this one right here okay we're stuck already and that's fine i told you this is going to be the hard part where you have to actually synthesize and fuse ideas together italy was very confident before so i'm going to be curious as to what andy came up with from the random list of the things that the pro group wrote right annely i hope you're ready because i'm calling you right after this annaly okay i want you prepared you're on deck and i think i also want to lean on alicia so at least you're on deck after analy all of a sudden alicia is like what her face just like lit up like what are you talking about all right i want you to use the numbers that we rolled with the list that we came up with together i hope you still have that okay do you have it alicia you ready annaleigh the two a's okay i expect eight plus from you all right okay here we go so if you want to do some kind of meet up app for working out and you want to make it affordable and educate people you could include aspects of like maybe daily workout routines right or daily challenges information of like what the workout does and how to recover from it or something like that yeah recovery uh tips yeah just good good information on what you're doing right now keep in mind this is with people so i like to think of this as social and so when people work out socially it's not as intense as what you would do as a guy who's throwing a lot of iron around the gym of course so we need to just think about that okay this isn't for you per se this is for using these two things as prompts so daily challenges recovery tips probably less important than the daily challenges you you maybe this is kind of like the nike plus app yeah where people can work out from afar and keep track of each other yeah you get a little buzz when they worked out right yeah that's yeah the nike training app i think yeah nike training something like that okay so that's kind of in the realm of what you're trying to do yeah okay so you guys understand how this works now so if you're able to do this and create an alternative a viable alternative to what nike is doing or to add something as an additional module to that this could be something that you can make money on it doesn't have to be this giant grand plan a big idea a world-changing idea but i just want to get your creativity flowing and thinking it think of it like that so that's the idea you take these two things you merge them together and you ask yourself is there a way for me to incorporate for bonus points what the world needs marty neumeyer talked about this in his book uh the brand gap i think or maybe it was zag he said that basically you want to follow or ride a wave so wherever there's a parade you want to be part of that parade and the parade the trends what the world is doing is the rocket fuel for your activity okay like there are a lot of people really into coffee that is a certain kind of trend in the wave itself a lot of people who are into cycling like soul cycle is the thing peloton peloton you can see that's happening the homework out right right that's happening all over the place i just saw an ad for this the other day it was one of these boards that would make you stay in the plank position and you would hold this and it was moving but they turned into a game like you're flying on a hang glider oh wow that's pretty cool yeah so i think you put your ipad in it and you start to balance and it controls with a gyroscope see that's a really simple idea yeah using software and some physical things that would be in the tangible category yeah when you start to unlock your thinking you can come up with some really cool things yeah that's the gif of creativity is to connect disparate ideas and put them together that's your trick that's what you need to do okay i'm starting to sweat over here so let's go back to annalee and um where are we you're probably at uh 17 i would yes 17. you're correct okay so let's let's check the numbers here let me hide that okay four four seven four four seven same one seven okay there we go chris it's four and four are the oh so it's community building i think i could do this with my hand i saw in the video you could do it with your hand no you have to enable finger erasing and we have that we disabled that yep okay okay community building okay there you go so emily making music community building celebrate our differences whoo okay oh my god i thought i was going to do mine uh no who cares about you you got to do what the group is doing okay so alicia what's the next set of numbers for alicia six eight ten six eight ten okay alicia oops what am i doing how my brain is not working today it's okay there's a few things going on just a couple okay alicia your challenge is going to bring to bring playing guitar curriculum design okay this is pretty easy and spiritualism i love that one oh my gosh alicia you're up to the challenge i know you are okay so we got that so remember this ricky because you have a good memory making music community building and celebrate our differences okay so i'm gonna write it in for annalee making music is it curriculum design yep and building community oh wait i'm sorry community building is the second one okay and then it's celebrate our differences okay cool and celebrate our differences now you know what i'm just looking at time i promised myself i'm not going to take forever to do this yes i realize we're already 90 minutes in yeah let's just do this and i'm not even done yeah we gotta i still have another deck over here i gotta go through oh jesus yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so emily what do you have for us for making a tangible product around making music oh my god community building what do you got she was really confident before yeah i thought i was going to talk about myself oh it's all about emily isn't it anally anna lee okay what is it what do you got for me making music community building digital making arms are tangible and that could be a tangible could be a game right yes um creating a song together could that be is that a product yeah yeah okay so we're not quite ready to for this one yet huh could you make a guitar that's like a play-as-you-go guitar something like that i think i've seen this before where people have these uh they're called things straps on the bridge so it allows you to learn certain chords is that right yeah there's stuff like that something like that so there's a yeah yeah yeah that helps you to play music right yeah and how do we do that as a bonus point celebrating our differences so maybe it's like different instruments like from the world from different colors not always the guitar it's like whatever the flu the bongos no no like yeah making music right so something that's like steel drums that's very jamaican jamaican yes right yeah so there's there's instruments and then maybe um i know what you could do you could uh probably maybe sell little kits that that arrived like once every four months that helped you to learn a different instrument that's from a different culture and you can work with different manufacturers so that you can build community around making music something like that yeah you send you send instruments around the world is that okay it's totally okay okay okay all right i don't know you know what i'm feeling right now let's take a little break on this uh mostly because i'm all sweaty right now i'm just gonna let you know i'm wearing more clothes than i should in the studio okay full disclosure i'm gonna switch over to my deck okay so let me go back to my deck and jonah where are we here okay i want to share with you a friend of mine a story of a friend of mine who was able to just change her life it's a 180 degree story here okay so let me tell you her story her name is karen wang and she's an illustrator and she loves design and this is karen in my class karen was a student of mine and she was so outspoken and so fun-loving and so helpful and just an amazing human being that she wound up being my ta multiple times and then she wound up interning for me but karen was having some kind of dilemma even though she had a pretty sizable scholarship from arts center she decided she wanted to drop out for a number of different reasons one she was already earning money as a professional and she felt like maybe she could do more in the world so she quits school it was a crazy decision because she had everything going for her but she quit school and she wound up working at the cartoon network but something was happening there that life that she thought she wanted to pursue uh being a creative professional doing storyboards as an entry-level artist for them she was hitting something and she was feeling really burnt out and going through some stage of depression i've known her all this time and i've even mentored her as my protege she worked for me for a period of time in which i was teaching her everything that i knew in exchange for her helping me out with some artwork it was at this time that some friends of hers invited her to go and play dungeons and dragons and she didn't know she would fall in love with this but dungeons and dragons actually pulled her out of her depression there was community around this and she really loved it and so this is where we enter in the icky guy part of it right so she's wrapping up her booking at cartoon network the season the show's over she doesn't know what to do so she starts to think about what she wants to do with her life and she tried other things and i did this without karen's permission she kind of knows i'm doing this but i tried to reverse engineer like what her chart would look like so she's really into illustration fantasy comics etc i'm not gonna go through this whole list but illustration but there's a couple of things here i want to point out she really loved the idea of being an independent business person to run her own business if you look over there into what the world needs so the world needs i mean this was trending stranger things and was just a great nostalgic series on netflix and what was trending too was like people launching kickstarter projects and she started to notice an interest or resurgence in people wanting to play tabletop games but here's the thing she never felt like those things spoke to her as a female that they were designed by boys for boys and that's generally like how we see it like if you were to see a woman at a tabletop meet up it would be a rare sighting and she would probably get all the attention because it's the only woman who's going to show up and she thought too that maybe the world needed more female entrepreneurs and she was going to go at this thing at the same time she was telling me the story and we're going to want to punch in on this jonah this story about how she started experimenting and learning how to make resin dice and it was starting to catch on she's like chris do you know i'm blowing up on social media i'm like really she goes yeah look at this and this blew me away because i worked for years to try to grow my influence on twitter and i couldn't get anywhere and here she is with 51 000 almost 52 000 followers and she started in march of 2019 at the same time in which the show wrapped at the cartoon network so she starts posting images like this and we would talk and i would say you know karen your dice are really beautiful you should really think about lighting this like the way they like jewelry take this to that super high end level like a tiffany's ad campaign so you can see the amount of work she put into this so she bought a camera she would ask me little ideas she got she taught herself photography and started to take these photos look at how beautiful these things are they're like little universes captured in clear resin jonah is like from texas whoa you guys can't hear him but he's like whoa wow whoa look at this they're beautiful and speaking as a heterosexual boy i think these are gorgeous and i've never seen any dice like this they have flecks of metal metallic reflective bits in it and cloudy bits and clear bits and the coloring in it amazing look at these things so she's spending now months working on this and her instagram account is also growing in size so now it's up to somewhere like north of 30 000 followers and she's just post dice and sometimes they're on a turntable and they'll spin around but here's the thing time is going on so since i've known her she's been talking about doing this thing and all this interest and how she's going to launch this on kickstarter and i was a little unconvinced because i was sitting here thinking karen do people really want to buy dice like what is unique about a dice it's a commodity item you have a following go make something so month after month nine months later she decides okay here we go i'm gonna launch this thing on kickstarter november 6 2019. here's the cool part of the story two weeks before launching she gets the call from our bank to tell her she's overdrawn she's negative twelve dollars in a bank account so this is two weeks prior to launching okay so i'm trying to set the stage here her family is like is this going to work are you the right person to do this who are you anyways to think you can pull us off you haven't started any kind of company you dropped out of school we're not even happy about that and now you're going to do this other thing and her account has been drained for nine months it's been drained to nothing okay her kickstarter project goes live okay so it looks something like this dispel dices the company now i want to pull or point your attention to something here draw your attention to this is that the language in which she uses to describe the dice tells me she's super passionate about this and she's speaking in the language and people who care about these kinds of things would know handcrafted designer dice sharp edges which i didn't know is a thing it is a thing beautiful inclusions i don't know what that means aesthetic conscious people for tabletop rpg players and if this is you if this is your tribe this would speak to you and this comes from a place of passion so she has she set all these benchmarks if it hits this goal this one lock et cetera et cetera but within 24 hours like less than a day she hit an incredible 1.2 million dollars in funding jeez for dice remember at the beginning of this episode i was going to tell you your mind is going to be blown because i want to share the success story for you so this woman who was starving basically and she was telling me what she was eating was horrific minus twelve dollars overnight overnight i mean nine months later than overnight in 24 hours raises 1.2 million dollars and so she's happy to announce we have reached our one million in funding all stretch goals are unlocked okay i think there's an animation here i don't know why there's a black screen okay jonah what happened here chris who knows here we go so by the end of our kickstarter campaign karen had raised get this everybody 2.3 million dollars okay alicia i see you i see the people the program with their mouths open yes wow making dice to appeal to a niche group as a female entrepreneur to say please include me when you think about this so when we see groups that are neglected and overlooked to me that's opportunity now get this her story is not even done yet so there's this thing like once your campaign finishes you have an opportunity to work with a company called backer kit and she raised an additional 875 thousand dollars is that nuts or what okay so i want to tell you this woman sitting right here is my student who's eating what during my class is a millionaire a multi-millionaire wow so when i sat there and had lunch with her post kickstarter campaign i was just blown away i was just sitting there thinking to myself i cannot believe that this person who was my protege who is my ta who is my former student is now a multi-millionaire please don't forget about me when you're super rich and famous please i was good to you i was kind to you right so she was able to take those eight traits the passion she started there she did the hard work she focused everything about her dice and she made it work now the secret to karen's success lie right here so i tried my best to map this out according to the eight traits okay she listened to her heart and found something she loved she stopped going to school because she didn't feel that she stopped working at the cartoon network most people that's their dream job it was not for her and for nine months she put in the work necessary to become good at something and she was singular in her focus dice dice baby and she was not distracted she wouldn't even take my calls it's like chris i'm too busy i'm trying to figure this thing out okay and you have to push yourself because this is where self-doubt creeps in this is the first time she's running a business and there was a lot of financial uncertainty in terms of will this work out and believe me every friend and family person was like i'm not sure and i'm going to put myself in the category of like karen you got to test this soon because you're going to run out of money this feels irresponsible but she knew what she was doing and she and she created an idea which and she innovated on this which was hey here's a novel thing dice for women done like tiffany's if tiffany's had a dice company what would that look like and there you go okay now jonah you can't cut off that because i can't see anything what i got to see my own slide here thank you oh there you go yeah you strip you pull the rug from underneath my hair okay so every time she worked on it she would learn something new and it was a trial by fire kept working on it trying to master the formula trying to get these sharp edges and inclusion and all that kind of stuff and hand polishing it was a nightmare but she got through it and she served an unmet need a community of people who want to play tabletop games and like a higher anaesthetic dice these things are not cheap but they're amazing i'm going to show you some in a second so there we go look how beautiful those things are you guys with that shallow depth of field dang do a wreck right uh yeah he's going to ask you to do a rack look at those things it's like jewelry it's amazing like i don't even want to play on them but here we go let's go back to the deck thank you very much so she also had setbacks due to coven manufacturing problems and shady manufacturers but she worked through it she persisted she did not quit okay i want to take some questions before we wrap up here i i know i wanted to put alicia on the spot but it feels like we've been going on too long my team is telling me chris you're going on too long so let's let's do a little reflection so i'm going to put emily back on the spot and then alicia and and ask you guys what do you think do you feel like you're going to have an ability to do this or any questions that you might have so annalee please take uh bring yourself online okay um just a reflection but i think it's i don't know i think it's kind of difficult to do that put them three together and combine them like i got teaching empathy knowledge you know the two first it's kind of easy yeah but yeah what about what the world needs knowledge it's like just real knowledge they i don't know one of the issues that i'm hearing from your personal list is they're almost all the same they're kind of stacked up on top of each other right so tell me the three things again i love teaching yes i'm good at empathy yes and the word need more knowledge okay so those three things almost sound like the same thing that you need to go and then make something that teaches the world using your empathetic skills yeah yeah is your list weird by the way no not selfish you don't have to be ashamed of it i mean i know i'm just normal i'm not weird so this is where we want to pull in something that is a little unexpected something wild okay i didn't have so much wild in me bring your husband let me talk to him let me talk to him maybe he'll tell us something different i'm boring i think you have to find something else because otherwise it's going to be exactly where you think you you were when you started okay so i want to encourage you to try to bring in some other things that are outside of what you normally think now i'm going to say this here we did this under very tight tight time constraints you may want to take another stab at this because you're only as good as the list that you generate okay so you have the framework now go ahead and try to spend maybe another day or two and work on this and really create a nuance a deep textured layered list of things that this really feels like it's me somebody uh who only knows you for a long period of time who spent a lot of time with you would be able to write this about you that's important to me so do that and let's see what you come up with okay i'd love to see you put the original video in the chat so if you want to go back and watch the first video it kind of shows you maybe a little bit better maybe i don't know we'll put it in the chat yeah we'll put in the chat okay so what i want you to do is to share with me the results of your combination of the three words or the three categories okay i want to see it in program and then i'll be able to comment on it so i want you to come up with an idea that's a something that's physical that's tangible something that's digital and something that you can provide as a service and then later on you guys get to pick which one of these ideas feel most likely to succeed and give it a go i don't mean to tell anybody that's doing this that this now is a reason for you to been happy with your life that's not my intention at all it's to give you another way of thinking of something that you can do in your spare time until you can align the things that you love to the things that actually make you money and when that happens you are then i think in that that sweet spot that cross section of the four circles of the ikigai okay alicia i would love to get a reflection from you in terms of what you're thinking and if you have any questions please first of all this exercise is actually awesome i think i'm probably just going to play this for the rest of the weekend so oh wow just saying this it's very fun it's very fun i've been sitting here writing non-stop since we started this thank you um so for the the one you kind of threw over at me here from the dice roll um i actually do have oh you hit mute joan did you meet her i don't think so somebody muted what happened oh you can't hear me there we go you're back for the physical product so i had um the three things i had were guitar curriculum and spiritualism yes so the physical product the physical product i came up with was gratitude journal with matching audio tracks for with spiritual stories to guitar to incite reflection wow um no no it's okay keep keep flowing keep blowing go ahead the digital product would be online classes to soft guitar for children to learn spiritual stories is it blurry no no i think they're talking okay okay yeah okay um and then the service uh is to teach spiritual stories with guitar for children [Music] okay so i think you you have the spirit of the game i think you understand how to play this really well teach spiritual guitar music right with children yeah i feel like this i feel like the spirituality with the uh curriculum with the guitar matches really well with people yeah i think you lucked out in that in that they seem to and sometimes that happens uh serendipity right it all works out so i'm really curious too when you work through your list after having watched this video ten times to help the numbers that you come up with your thing and i'm also looking forward to hearing what you share within the program yeah okay i'm going to be sharing i'm excited i hope for everybody that's doing this that you come up with something that actually surprises you and opens doors that you didn't even know existed because so much of our time is spent just trying to catch up with what's going on with our life and our work and our family that we we never have time to sit down and think about ourselves and what it is that we want but i do know this this is an expression that we use a lot around the doe household which is happy wife happy life so if my wife is happy everything is happy and i want to make sure i can do everything to make sure she's happy that's just the number one goal just for her to be happy right because i found what makes me happy so generally speaking i'm a really happy pleasant person to be around right ricky wouldn't you say yeah right so if you can find this uh you're going to find so much fire so much spark inside your body that you're going to feel sad when you go to sleep because you don't want to stop and you can't wait for morning to come because you're ready to spring out of bed that's the feeling that i have ever since i found my direction in life and it wasn't making commercials for high-end clients it wasn't working with artists making music videos which i did enjoy really my true passion in life is to teach my problem was i couldn't figure out how to teach something that would make me any money in fact when i was teaching for over 15 years at art center i was making less money than i was paying my freelancers the highest paid person is making less than the lowest paid person that's problematic for me so when i found my ikigai which was around i love entrepreneurship i love learning i'm super curious i know how to produce videos i have this wonderful space the facilities around me allow me to do these things i have an amazing team of people that have already been assembled because of my previous company blind i have 15 years of experience teaching i want to bring all this together i want to wrap it around my crazy i'd like to think charismatic charming personality but it's just
Channel: The Futur
Views: 479,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the futur, graphic design, design, entrepreneurship, business of design, business, chris do, design business, entrepreneur, creative business, creative agency, secret to success, ikigai, do what you love, love what you do, reason for being, whiteboard, workshop, turn passion into profit, passion to profit, make money doing what you love, start a business, Ikigai framework, worksheets, framework, 8 to be great, Richard st. john, TED, Workshop, Whiteboard, session
Id: BAzs3amtEFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 43sec (6223 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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