How to find your Life Purpose

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how do you find your purpose does it come to you or do you choose it that's a very profound question okay uh i wouldn't say it comes to you i i would say um you should find it and some people know it because they have maybe i i believe in reincarnation right so i'm lived in the past life so if you're very clear in your previous life what your purpose is then quite often in this life you'd automatically kind of know your purpose because that's something you've done for a long time but most people don't know their purpose in life is because they never spend any time with themselves all right so if i wanted to get to know you or if i wanted to get to know this gentleman what's your name sir david if i wanted to go get to know david or david as you say if i wanted to get to know david then i would need to hang out with him right so if i spend an hour with him i only get to know him for a little bit but if i every um friday at 4 p.m i got together with david to dull my subcon to dial my conscious mind like you do in england right for about two hours and after a year i would get to know him really well right i'd understand him he'd understand me he knew what things made me upset what i liked what i didn't like i know a lot about him but the only way i can get to know about him is to spend time with him and people don't spend time with themselves and people say to me oh i spend time with myself every evening i walk my dog that's my alone time i go like no that's walking the dog oh when i go to the gym that's my time with me no that's going to the gym alone time is you sitting down either on a chair or cross-legged on the floor no music no books no podcasts no journals no nothing and having a conversation with yourself now the next question is what kind of conversation do you have well i would ask david you know questions like what do you love what do you like do you like ice cream do you like beer what kind of beer how much beer do they drink in london you know do you know and you know where did you grow up what are you passionate about what drives you what do you want out of life and the more you have this conversation with him the more i find out so have these conversations with yourself every day and if every morning you took five minutes to have a conversation with yourself after a few months you would really get to know you you could ask yourself how do i feel am i happy am i living the life that i want am i passionate about what i do do i have things that i love what will i say about my life at the end of my life how do i want to live my life what's my purpose but people don't have five minutes in the morning they're too busy right but then if your friend calls you up and say can we get together for dinner you say i can't do this wednesday but i can next thursday and then you go out for two hours for dinner with a friend do you know how many five-minute segments they are in two hours there's 24 that means you can skip the dinner sit with yourself 5 minutes each day for 24 days in a row right and it all comes down to priorities so the more time you spend with yourself the more you get to know but spending time with yourself is just not going for a walk it's actually sitting down and having a conversation a dialogue the same way you would get to know a friend you get to know yourself the same way start talking and having that every morning and don't stop till you start to really discover why you're here
Channel: DandapaniLLC
Views: 225,673
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Keywords: Conversations on the Spiritual Path, Dandapani Talks, Dandapani Videos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 44sec (224 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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