How to Find the Blue Tablet SUBNAUTICA! (Blue Tablet Location)

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hey everybody we've been getting some questions on how to find the blue tablet in subnautica and I actually ran into this issue myself uh as you might have seen one of my shorts where I didn't realize you had to have a blue tablet so I figured I'd Save You All some trouble and show you how to get to the blue tablet uh first thing to note before any of this you need to have a purple tablet with you if you don't have a purple tablet you're going to go through all this trouble and realize oh shoot I didn't have a purple tablet so get a purple tablet you're going to need it you're going to need the prawn suit and it needs to be upgraded a little bit uh for extra depth because you're going to be down in the lava zone so you probably know this already because you've probably already made it to the lava Zone and realized that you need the blue tablet so anyways let's jump into this all right to start off uh the easiest way if you're looking for the blue tablet you've likely already found life pod 2 through the radio to CTO use live pod this is probably the easiest way I've found to get there I'm sure there's plenty of other ways if you don't already have this Waypoint uh then there's plenty of other ways but that's our main there's our main live pod where we start the game there's the Aurora we're gonna head down uh it's approximately you know North Northwest 1500 ish meters uh from the Aurora and live pod so we're gonna go ahead and jump down there uh first thing we need to do is get to the Lost River uh if you're already familiar with the Lost River and you know how to get to it then don't worry about uh watching this intro you can uh skip ahead to the part where I actually uh find the castle as it's called the lava Castle [Music] just gonna go ahead and say that this game is awesome uh for being an older game if you're just recently starting to play it it's incredible a couple things to watch out for as you get down here the lovely octopod I don't use their actual term I like making up my own the EMP octopus those guys they will mess you up so give them a nice safe distance and then of course warpers always watch out for warpers all right so once you're down here I'm gonna Veer off to the Southwest west southwest here and you'll see this big opening that is one of the entrances to the Lost River [Music] now we're just gonna we're just gonna go on in there are uh little baby Predator predators in here so uh obviously you know keep your space they all sound angry as can be uh what we need to do is not touch the baby Leviathan what I like doing is hanging to the left kind of stay in this lower area you're not required to I've just found it's a little easier to avoid the Leviathan if you're over here and if you hug the wall you'll eventually come to what I call the waterfall but it takes you down into the deeper part is where we need to go just take the plunge straight off into nothingness find more friends there's always more friends right I have found the easiest way to get to uh where we're wanting to get to is if we hug the right side once we once we fall off that waterfall hug the right side and you'll find this beautiful tree all the peaceful manta rays so nice even though the music's like terrifying right now we're gonna jump straight past him this this back doorway over here I am by no means a professional prawn suit operator but uh I've at least gotten fairly used to using it I do recommend getting the the Boost upgrade if you don't have it I would think by this point in the game you would have had it but if you don't I recommend it so this is how we're gonna get into the inactive lava Zone down just kind of follow the spiral down it looks like oh that's the end of it nope it keeps going sure do oh yeah swinging a Miss gonna love those that's probably one of the most frustrating things about the uh grappling hook and the on the prawn suit is missing those especially when you're following really far you know fleeing from leviathans and all kinds of goodies uh by the way is a good source of uh gel sacks if you need gel sacks all right so this what I typically do is I actually park my uh Cyclops right up here and then jump out because you get a lot of those lovely warpers as well as these energy leeches both of which are non-conducive for uh Cyclops driving uh this is pretty pretty linear down through here so we're just gonna follow the path be mindful of your jump your boost ability I guess you could call it I don't know what you want to call it but we're just gonna we're just gonna follow the path kind of veers around a little bit this is one of the ways into this inactive lava Zone this is not the only way like I said this is the way I found the easiest but to each their own two okay so we are currently coming into the big room of the inactive lava Zone let me get up here and I'll kind of show you what the entrance looks like because this place can be a little a little daunting so this is kind of the canyon walking in and then it opens up into this big room uh what you're going to want to do I can I've got it marked here but what you're going to want to do is kind of hit almost straight East just one tick uh south of due east and do be careful there is a lovely Leviathan in here that likes to shoot Fireballs at you so watch out for that but yeah we're just gonna we're just gonna go straight straight forward here I don't know how you guys track things I kind of look for landmarks what I'm gonna keep an eye out for homeboy because he's he likes to shoot Fireballs at me basically what you're looking for there's this little bitty door and this big middle this is the castle right here this is the big castle a bunch of spirals in the middle it's like a mountain this is it so right around the corner is this little door right here with the alien pillars that's how you know you've made it once you get to here and probably get a leech attached to you it's just like you got a lovely to get out of here get out of here right anyways once you get here uh it's fairly fairly straightforward I'll obviously show you through it oh these guys are aggressive just kind of wander past them shouldn't shouldn't be too much of a threat for you just follow the lovely little pathway they have here for you that's the easy way all you Daredevils will just jump right off and then you can see here's the alien structure this is the one that uh is elusive to everybody especially me uh but here's what we're gonna do we're actually need to go up to the right side of it there is a doorway there's two doorways but the closest one's on the right side here there you go right about almost to the top on the right side is the doorway and we've made it all right you can go on foot if you want you can bring your prom suit doesn't really matter as you come around there's not much to this uh Alien base it's it's pretty it's pretty Bare Bones there's a portal which you'll open eventually uh and this is where like I said you're gonna need a purple tablet because this I've already opened this I've actually already beaten the game but I'm going to show you guys this this will have a lovely Shield you will not be able to open it without the purple tablet it will go right there so make sure you bring that right up here sitting on this lovely uh pedestal slash Deus whatever you want to call it would be the blue tablet that is uh the blue tablet that you will need in order to get into the final alien base and uh can carry on the story to beat the game I won't give you spoilers but it's great uh anyways thanks for watching hopefully that was helpful uh if you have any comments questions go ahead and leave them uh if you if this was helpful go ahead and like And subscribe thanks guys good luck out there
Channel: True Dad Materia
Views: 11,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Subnautica Blue tablet, Blue tablet location, subnautica guides, where is the blue tablet, subnautica lava zone, subnautica lost river, Subnautica, SUBNAUTICA, Lets Play, subnautica guide, subnautica 2018, subnautica active lava zone, subnautica inactive lava zone, subnautica gameplay, subnautica how to, subnautica tutorial, blue tablet subnautica, blue tablet subnautica location, subnautica blue tablet location, where is the blue tablet subnautica, subnautica full release
Id: Kv0QdkmgQsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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