How to Find Real Estate Leads using Social Media Ads

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quick question when running a b tests for your social ads how long do you let them run before choosing which ad to prioritize and stop oh man happy wednesday my computers we're in the office right now a lot is going on the last couple weeks and so many people keep asking how we're selling as much as we are and how we're selling on social one of the articles that came out last week when we took on brooklyn points xtel which is one of the biggest developers in the world said that our social presence and our ability to market projects on social was one of the big reasons that they hired us over every other firm and we've been around for like less than 50 days and so i thought that i would spend this week's vlog going through and showing you how my team and how my company now sells through social and how we do it better than everybody else because if you're a real estate agent you're in sales in general in 2020 and you want to be in this business for a long time selling on social media using the right types of lead and listing ads is incredibly incredibly important and so we're going to make this informational and i'm going to blow your mind [Music] now i know a lot of you know me but for those of you who don't know me maybe this is the first time you've ever watched one of my videos and you're attracted to the caption and maybe you're in sales and you've been running your own social ads and trying new sales techniques and maybe they're not working or they are but they could be better now in the last ten years again just to give you a refresher i've done just over four billion dollars in sales i led the number one sales team in new york multiple years in a row according to the wall street journal i was top three in the united states multiple years in a row according to the wall street journal i was one of the youngest sales directors of all time at 26 years old handling a billion dollar sellout in new york city and i am now the most followed real estate brand in the world and just to show you some recent examples of success on social using social ads we had a townhouse at 253 west 18th street for 15 million okay we ran the right types of ads for it hitting different types of interest groups and we found somebody who was looking on the east side of manhattan through one of the ads which was a video and linked back to the listing who then brought through their family came through and paid 13 million dollars for that townhouse when other brokers had had it for years and hadn't been able to sell it and to give you another idea of how we use social ads right now with current promotions we've got black friday coming up thanksgiving is tomorrow we're doing a black friday promotion right now for a building that we're selling on queens plaza south in long island city called hero long island city it's a 20 off sale just through this week it's a black friday deal we've promoted it mostly through social ads promoting it to different interest groups and doing retargeted ads we typically at that building have five or six people come through on weekends remember new york city is very saturated there's lots of apartments for sale and it's tough to get attention we had 40 people come through yesterday and we had nine offers in our first day now i know you might be thinking okay well ryan you've got 3.6 million followers and subscribers of course you're going to get people who are interested but those followers and subscribers and hopefully some of them are you and if you're not subscribed please hit that button please hit it right now turn on notifications the youtube algorithm is huge huge huge for our business and i would love you very much if you would just do that so just give it a little tap a little tap right there thank you so much our reach in order to sell goes far beyond the actual followers and subscribers that we hit because actually you know what i want to bring in my director of digital marketing because he can help me explain it i failed hey ryan i'm right here i'm right here oh wow that was so fast you know this is raphael our director of digital marketing here at sirhant and what he does all day every day is social ads and everything else so maybe you could tell everybody what you do so they could understand why your role is important yeah so performance marketing is really what it comes down to digital marketing running ads and social and really expanding beyond our follower to just reach more people that's the whole goal and how long you've been doing this for over 10 years 10 years a decade that's a lot of time everything that we do in order to sell properties through social media you can do on your own without the need for hiring a raphael and also don't take him he's mine there's so much we could talk about when it comes to selling through social but can you give everyone the let's say the three biggest mistakes that sales people make when selling through social media yeah i mean number one is people think that just by clicking boost or promote on their instagram or facebook post that they're just gonna go and reach the right audience and the fact is that's not true you need to go into ads manager and really gain control of your targeting so that your ads are showing to the right people like when you when you hit boost on your post what does that actually do is it just boosting the post to put in front of your followers more essentially i mean you're just not really targeted you're going to reach more people so you're going to gain impressions and you're going to be able to see that reach metric go up it makes you feel better but it's not really going to do anything it's it's high-level metrics as i like to call them they're they look good but it's not really translating into actual results for your business you have to remember that facebook is a for-profit business and they will reward people who spend money with them now they allow you to put your photos and your posts and all that stuff up there for free and your mom and your friends are gonna see them but as you've noticed over the last couple years you know people talk about this algorithm the facebook outlook and this mythical thing this craziness it is so complex but what it's really designed to do is to reward people who spend money and you me all of us who spend money through facebook and instagram now are technically advertisers just like nike just like freaking mcdonald's right that's what we are we just spend a lot less money and so the more you spend the more the platform will reward you by putting your posts where you want them to be and they'll take care of you that's what you want to do spend money to make money otherwise you're just fishing right in the same part of the lake you've been fishing in ever since you got on facebook or instagram and those likes and those views you're seeing are from the same fish that are right there in that same part of the lake so you want to go to other parts of the lake to find new fish you've got to know how to do what we're talking about right now really important and to to that fishing metaphor also fishing with the wrong bait will not get you the right fish that you want yeah and that comes into the the value what the offer is within your ad the content the images how you're speaking to your audience that's another big mistake that people make and sales people all around the world where they just think that oh i'm running an ad and this should result in the in the objective that i set but ultimately you know how you speak to your audience and the content is really going to be the one factor that determines the type of engagement you get and ultimately the results so give us an example of something somebody could do to run an ad with value that's not just an ad the way you just said sure i mean and we'll lean into creating a lead magnet so offering free information or just valuable information to your audience in exchange for an action that you want them to take whether it's a visit to your website a visit to your instagram or facebook page or a lead a lead forum submission of a lead form so a guide some type of step by step that people are not able to really find online that you could just provide that so like free information free information free value that will then hook people and bring them in because what you're trying to get is their information it's the person's contact information the person to go to your website it's all about that cta the call to action absolutely right right what's the third mistake that people make the third mistake is not testing just putting out an ad and if it didn't work then they just call it and ah i'm not meant to be on social media advertising and this doesn't work for my business and the truth is you need to continue testing and iterating and finding what's going to resonate whether it's the content that you're pushing on your on your ad or ultimately you're targeting so you have a lot of control on these things and setting the right roadmap to test and test and test is critical abt always be testing there you go there you go i know in the facebook community and the slack channel for our pro members for the set likes their hand course we get questions all day every day it's a lot uh and are any of those about social ads i mean i've seen some but i know you see a lot of them i mean you're you're the guy that dominates social media so people want to ask you questions all the time let me see let me play this one from joe quick question when running a b tests for your social ads how long do you let them run before choosing which ad to prioritize and stop that's a good question so we just talked about the third mistake that people make is not running tests right and so instead of just putting the same bait in and then being like oh well these fish don't like my bait and then leaving it's like well maybe you're using the wrong base so how long do you leave that test going before you pull one and just run with the other yeah it's going to depend on the budget that you have how much money you're willing to spend how large your audiences are and your overall geo targeting now for a quick benchmark to do depending on on your budget again is i like to kind of wait for each ad to get at least 100 clicks to make decisions on which one is performing better so could you say it's the one that's performing better is the one that gets to 100 clicks first no no within that 100 clicks how many results so if you're expecting to generate leads how many leads were generated within those 100 clicks and whichever got you the most then you double down on that one and you turn the other one off and that's part of the optimization got it oh it's just fun what's another question let's see hey ryan this is jorge from boston question will be which social media platform is best to run your ads instagram facebook or linkedin so that's a great question and linkedin it's funny that you mentioned that linkedin is a great platform to go and reach people that are in a different mindset as far as really being connected to other professionals or just people in the industry now as far as really being able to expand your reach and be able to have more targeting capabilities facebook and instagram is going to be the two platforms that you really be able to dominate and again reach a lot more people yeah and your ads run on both right when you when you put an ad on the facebook manager you're making the decision but they run on both yeah you could isolate one platform if you just want to run a creative or an ad unit on instagram you could do that or also isolate facebook but for the most part i would recommend to run them both because again the algorithm is not something that you're going to be able to beat and once you tell facebook or the facebook ads manager to run ads and you choose both platforms the facebook pixel and algorithm will be able to determine much better than you can what user and when to show an ad to yeah what's another one let's do one more hi ryan this is ramita from chapel health north carolina and my question is are there any tag lines or hooks you use for social media campaigns tagline or hooks that's eyeliner hooks that's the storytelling part right like you know you need to be able to engage your audience so and this is going to come through testing you're not there's not a silver bullet that's just going to work for for everyone and every audience and every market so really get to know your audience and you could learn through this with your organic posting understand what kind of language what kind of copy is going to work best to then try and add and expand that testing but it's definitely engage your audience tell a story and have a clear call to action that's the best practice as far as building uh compelling copy awesome all right let's do let's do another one uh derek derry from wyoming hello ryan derek zarello from casper wyoming my question is how many pictures is best to include on a social media ad oh good question that's a great question yeah and there's single image or video ads and there's also carousel ads which we leverage a lot and we use that for listing ads to really promote any other properties that you sell and you get to use up to 10 images on that ad but you don't have to use all 10 you could really if you have three five whatever is going to be sufficient to tell the story about that listing because as you point out all the time facts tell stories but story site so i think it's important to you know we'll run different types of ads for our listings where what's the max you can use ten photos yeah uh or we'll use all ten but sometimes people will click through see all ten decide ah that's not for me and then scroll away so sometimes we'll do less like we'll do five and we'll only use the five best photos to leave people then wanting more where they'll say oh this looks interesting but i didn't get to see the rest of the house a click let me take a look at this um it's kind of that hook that ramita was asking about absolutely and we're going more into that in the course yeah where we tell people about all the frameworks to really build compelling copy as well as really building the right type of ad for the the right objective yeah we get questions like that from course members all day long i mean our course members are the greatest and super smart and they ask a lot of questions yeah they has the right questions which is great yeah if you want to know more about how to run the best social ads for your business we actually created a course as you know we have our cell like sirhant course which was the number one selling sales course think of all time on the thinkific platform that is still out there we're in 106 countries now or everywhere and now we have our social ads course it is our second course it is 24 chapters there's worksheets there's how-to guides and it just became available today so go to the link in the description and i'm telling you i think it is the greatest social ads course in the history of the world there's actually nothing else like it which is why we made it because we get these questions all the time and we see agents making mistakes all the time so we actually made the fix for it and you will triple your lead volume because that's what everything that we put in the course does for my company in new york city if it works for me it can work for you and if it works for me at my price points it'll absolutely work for you at your price points wherever you are and so without uh further ado the course isn't also just me this time it's me it's rafael it's amy herman who's on my team and so it's a lot of fun and you'll learn a lot and without further ado let's roll the trailer i want this to be the be all end-all blueprint for how you sell real estate through social media i've been a real estate broker in new york for the last 12 years i've done over four billion dollars in sales and i've been pushing the boundaries of the real estate business since the day i got into the real estate business and then i realized that there was this whole untapped market in facebook and instagram where i could buy leads and use ads so that we can sell more real estate at volumes in which we're never ever ever ever possible soon enough you're gonna be running facebook and instagram ads the same exact way that i do and you're gonna be generating exponentially more leads for your brand and for your business than anyone else in your market and that's what this entire course is all about now i have over three and a half million followers across all platforms making me the most followed real estate brand in the world everything that you sell you need to shout it from the mountaintop we follow up with everybody over and over and over you never let leads go follow through with what you say you're gonna do and follow back with them until they buy or die winners and losers are decided upon based on who starts right now and gets working right now and who is gonna wait till tomorrow it simply starts with you deciding to stop so get off that couch get off complaint mountain i've given you the tools and those fish are there are you ready with me ready set go so remember the leads that you're going to get are going to make you really really really busy and then you have to go and sell them things so that's the fun part right that's what i have to go do right now i gotta find yuri i don't know where he is i love you all link in the description greatest course of all time let's go
Channel: Ryan Serhant
Views: 153,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ryan serhant, ryan serhant vlogs, million dollar listing, million dollar listing new york, mdlnyc, garyvee, real estate, nyc vlogs, vlogs
Id: BVW7S-rl3eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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