How To Invest In The Metaverse: Beginner's Guide for 2022

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so lately there has been a lot of buzz about the metaverse mark zuckerberg renamed his company facebook to meta platforms inspiring a new wave of metaverse entrance and development by the largest companies in the world vr is becoming more popular than ever and with the advent of incredible blockchain technologies it feels as though anything is possible but what exactly is the memverse and is it worth the insane hype and excitement it's been generating lately today i'm giving you guys everything you need to know about the metaverse and how to invest in it so this is basically what we're going to cover in this free course you guys are free to pause the video right now and take a look but i'm not going to go through every single thing that's on this list so what is the metaverse right the metaverse is basically a virtual universe where humans can interact with the virtual world and each other so this includes things like building structures being able to talk to and hear other humans hosting and participating in events inside the virtual world and much more all these things that are made possible through a combination of vr so virtual reality technology such as eye tracking uh hand tracking augmented reality to replicate your real-life interactions and more see i find it really interesting that the metaverse actually opens up a new way to make money which i think is really going to change how businesses operate especially on the marketing sector so a little known fact is that the term metaverse it actually comes from the science fiction novel snow crash back in 1992 which is basically about a guy who delivered pizzas in real life and a hacker with a katana in the metaverse so since then the term has been referenced in movies like ready player one and enhanced with platforms like vr chat which is a video game platform where people can interact with others using 3d avatars and worlds and now with the development of the metaverse a feature depicted in the books and movies doesn't seem like it's too far away so what really makes the metaverse so similar to real life is its economy which allows the members to support itself so things like nfts games and events they let the digital universe run by itself and what makes it so attractive to so many users is the fact that you can explore the metaverse from your own home i'm sure you guys already know this but for those of you don't uh the metaverse is located on the internet and more specifically on web 3. web3 is basically the internet except it's decentralized through blockchain technology and this basically means that there is no one in control that can shut everything down and if you were to upload something onto web3 you'd have full control over it and there would be no censorship from what we have now with web 2. so yeah platforms on web 2 such as youtube facebook and google they have control over whether or not they want to change or delete something off of the internet oh and you guys haven't heard the term web3 it's basically the same as web 3.0 just a different way of saying it so here's some other examples of platforms in the metaverse uh we have crypto voxels we have decentraland which some of you guys may have heard of we have somnium space roblox vr chats sandbox even things like fortnite and minecraft which you guys probably heard of these are games they are also great examples of the metaverse so because the metaverse is decentralized in the blockchain it's only right that they use cryptocurrencies that are also on the blockchain right so there are a bunch of different types of cryptocurrencies that are used for different projects and for example mana m-a-n-a that is the currency for decentraland which is one of the largest members platforms it'll actually be taking us through central land just to show you guys how that website works and then moving on to the next section we have nfts also known as non-fungible tokens so if you guys aren't familiar with nfts they're basically assets that are unique and original on the blockchain so if you own a picture nft of an avatar for example the ownership of that nft can actually be traced to your unique id through the blockchain this means that there can't be any fakes and no one can steal your nft because if they were to try to present a fake it can be verified as fake through the blockchain so what do nfts have to do with the members right well since everything in the metaverse is nft based from small items like purses to large assets like virtual land if you buy an item or an asset in the metaverse it's really crucial to the integrity of the system that you are able to verify that you actually own the item you guys want to check out my free course about how to invest in nfts i will link that in the description below so how can the metaverse be utilized nfts are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the many possibilities within the metaverse in vr you can play games and earn assets host and attend events create and monetize virtual assets and skills build businesses and more with the metaverse you can literally live a separate double life from your real life right you can be living a life as a college student in a real universe and simultaneously you can be living a life as a tour guide in the metaverse or something like that so yeah it really is an alternate reality or dimension so why is the metaverse important so we live in a time where if you have access to the metaverse you can meet up and see your friends or family without leaving your own bedroom it also presents a new digital economy where businesses can be created and marketed from afar i really do think that this can be the future of internet and technology so it's super important to pay attention to the development of the metaverse because similar to the beginning of the internet there was a lot of questioning as to whether or not expanding the internet would result in good or bad for society and right now we are seeing the same questions take place and pretty soon if history is to repeat itself uh the metaverse will take over just as the internet did in the early 2000s with the expansion and technological advancement of society there are going to be so many opportunities out there just like during the internet explosion so the metaverse was valued at over 40 billion dollars in the year 2020. and experts are actually predicting that the metaverse will soon reach a value of 800 billion dollars by the year 2024 and then 10 to 30 trillion dollars within 10 to 15 years that is absolutely huge growth potential and while all this is still speculation and in question you should as always proceed with caution while recognizing that the hype and the excitement is you know pretty justified if the mattress is to grow that much in the next decade you definitely don't want to be the one who doubted and lost out on all of the potential profit right so how can you actually capitalize on this moment in time where the members is in its beginning stages the great news is that there are many different parts and sectors to invest in so we're going to get into all those right now really there are three main ways to invest in the metaverse there's stocks there's land and there's nfts so with socks you can invest in companies that are working on building and expanding the metaverse for the future with land you'd be investing in virtual land or real estate and it's not just limited to virtual home for example you guys can go on sandbox buy a plot of land on the platform and then rent it out for profit so for nfts you guys can invest in virtual assets such as pictures and you know those pictures could have actual value associated with them actual utility where it comes with maybe a membership to a group or access to a particular event for example coachella just dropped their nft project and they're actually giving out 10 passes that allow you to have unlimited access to coachella for the rest of your life so let's first talk about investing in stocks right this is probably going to be a way that a lot of you guys can start investing today it's pretty simple and let's just talk about some of the huge member stocks that you could look into investing in as they are all involved in the future expansion and development of vr so today i'm going to go over meta matterport unity nvidia and i highly recommend you for you guys to actually do your own due diligence and look into these other member stocks as well as pay attention to any other stocks that may emerge in the future so first we have meta platforms uh they are formerly known as facebook and if you guys have kept up with news you probably already knew that but facebook has recently renamed itself to men to switch gears in light of the future which is the metaverse their new primary goal is to dedicate themselves to this metaverse using their resources and reputation and money to spearhead the metaverse movement so being the parent organization of oculus which actually makes the quest to vr headsets they're also working on products like the ray-ban stories smart glasses yeah just really clear that there's a lot of potential that the big leaders of technology are seeing in the virtual reality industry med platforms recently actually missed their earnings estimates dropped about 20 so depending on when you guys are watching this video this might be a good time to invest in meta for the long term so second we have matter porch this is a company that specializes in 3d capturing technology and basically their technology helps businesses and consumers bring real world buildings rooms and environments to life in vr so there's so many use cases for this such as selling real estate construction insurance claims and especially the creation and implementation of digital replicas of stores restaurants parks home interior and anything else into the metaverse now back when i was selling homes i was using matterport they had a really great camera and software that you could use to actually create 3d renderings of homes yeah it's a very very popular thing that most realtors will use for high-end homes next we have uni and this is a tech company that's known for its successful game development platform if you guys have ever played video games online you've probably heard of unity as they've been responsible for the creation of games like hearthstone rust assassin's creed and even the mobile game crossy road so they've recently acquired weta digital which is a visual effects company that was responsible for the visual effects for films like avatar the planet of the apes and yeah just super realistic looking movies and with this reliable and outstanding reputation uni really wants to be the premier developer and provider of memphis building tools and platforms as they have the means and resources to heavily contribute to the development of the metaverse and then lastly let's talk about nvidia so this is one of the leading chip makers in the tech industry and with nvidia's powerful graphics chips and experience running platforms similar to the members the expansion of the network can be safe from crashes and run smoothly with proper processing power not to mention they also have a platform that allows for people to collaborate and simulate virtual projects through nvidia's 3d platform omniverse now let's talk about virtual real estate so with real estate in the metaverse it's a little bit different than the real world in that there is infinite land in the new universe so it's no longer competition necessarily for precious space but rather who has the best real estate platform or the most used platform so take sandbox for example and let's compare it to the central land sandbox currently has a goal of bringing the platform to mobile devices by the end of 2022 while their competition doesn't have a clear road map set in place while sandbox has partners like snoop dogg binance adidas and the tv series the walking dead the central land has partners like samsung polygon and atari but the mavericks being a new and young space demand for digital land can only go up from here and it's really up to who can make the best platform for people to use and invest into you can start a view as a platform like facebook or a network channel as long as you have a lot of views or people on the platform then it's going to be heavily monetizable as well as really in demand so now let's consider the following digital real estate investment opportunities first up event space right this is an example of how important virtual land is because whether it be in person or online people will always naturally want to gather we are social creatures and we need land and real estate for events like meetings concerts and celebrations so the cool part is that if you own a digital venue and you rent it out you can actually make money so yeah just imagine like being able to pay for a live concert or attend a meeting from your home i know it doesn't seem that much different than you know just jumping on a zoom call with a bunch of people but there will definitely be some cool use cases when you have your own avatar and you guys are actually able to meet in the metaverse in vr yeah i definitely think that there is a lot of potential for the space especially if you want to generate recurring revenue another opportunity is having office space in the metaverse with so many new opportunities opening up in the metaverse there's sure to be commercial real estate for businesses to communicate and collaborate with their workers in the metaverse see i know super abstract still thinking about you know an actual office space in the metaverse that you have to actually pay for to use but i definitely think that we will start seeing something like this in the near future so virtual land also comes in the form of advertising space similar to how we have limited space on the internet now for advertisements so in the future there's going to be platforms that emerge as the best or most used and from there the advertisements will compete to have a chance to advertise their product or service on that platform this basically would allow for companies to reach out to new markets and more potential customers in the members which will yield pretty interesting results and yeah companies will want to buy land to put their giant billboards just as they do on freeways and on the side of buildings right now in the real world so think of it as a whole new set of real estate infrastructure that these companies can actually put advertising on another reason why businesses would want to shift towards metaverse real estate is because of all the new opportunities to market their products or services in the virtual marketplace so for example you know imagine being able to go to the mall to look at clothes and shoes that you want to buy so in the metaverse you don't have to actually drive to the mall or you know walk to the store i mentioned that in the future you won't have to actually buy things online wearing if you will fit or not in them because you'll actually be able to try on in the virtual universe and if you have a plot of land in the metaverse you guys could rent that out to potentially hundreds of retailers and profit a ton from your investment along with being able to give customers a better shopping experience land can also be used to give people entertaining and engaging experiences so inside the metaverse no reality is impossible and with that there will be a huge demand if a platform is able to give that experience to people right you have to get creative with finding out what you guys can use your virtual land to do but if you can think of something and be one of the first people to do it then that's going to be extremely profitable so now that we've gone over all of the incentives and potential profit people have in buying land in the members let's now go over how to actually buy and invest in land so first you're gonna need to get a digital wallet where you will then store different cryptocurrencies that you can use to actually purchase digital real estate which crypto you use will depend on the members platform that you plan on investing into so the next thing you need to do is to select a platform you guys can either purchase directly inside of the members platform or you can buy land through third-party platforms like open c once you've found your method of purchase you can either buy it if there's already a set price or you can make an offer if the owner is open to accepting and rejecting offers so yeah with all that being said keep in mind that values are still speculative if you compare the value of land a year ago to what it is right now everything has increased in price and that's just because demand has soared while the supply has not really gone up so if you guys are able to identify a piece of land that is an area that is uh going up in demand like there's projects being created around it then the value of that land is going to go up so now we're going to show you really quick how to buy virtual land in the members and more specifically on a members platform like the central land so in the central land there are 90 601 parcels of land and you can actually separate them out into parcels and estates so parcels are one by one land plots and estates are two or more adjacent one-by-one land plots so i'm here on the central lands website uh you can see that this is the home page and if you guys are looking to actually uh look at buying some land you guys can click here start browsing and you can come up here to land so you can see that they have land and they have collectibles right we're gonna go check out land right now and this is basically just a map of all the different parcels and estates that are available so you can see that the light blue colors these are actually for sale and the ones that are grayed out these are actually already owned by someone so let's say i click on one of these so you can see that this is parcel negative 29 negative nine and it's owned by this person and it will show you any highlights for that particular parcel and you can see that for this one there's a road seven parcels away this is on the ethereum network so if you do want to bid on this one you can click bid right here going back let's check out one of these uh parcels that are actually free to buy so let's check out this one so this is partial negative 20 negative two and it's owned by this person it's right next to a road so that's gonna probably make it a little bit more expensive and you can see that right now the current uh asking price for this plot of land this partial land is a hundred thousand mana so right now mana is about three dollars each so this would be about three hundred thousand dollars you guys can either buy it uh for a hundred thousand or you can place a bid on it so i've actually zoomed out you can see that this is all of the available land that is in the center land some of these gigantic parcels are called so for example this one's called dragon city this one's called genesis plaza and yeah it's going to be really interesting to see how all this land develops over time and if it actually does uh keep increasing in value so now i'm going to talk a little bit more about the four haas platforms to buy members land starting with the central land that's one i just went over and showed you guys the inside of but yeah the central land it's the oldest metaverse platform with one layer divided into a grid and a limited supply of land which increases demand then we have somnium space this is a members world on the ethereum blockchain that's divide unevenly into different plots this basically means that players can build script and monetize their own environments which i think is super cool because if you can make an entertaining and engaging environment for people to enjoy you can actually get paid for that next we have crypto voxels so this is an unevenly divided metaverse layer on the ethereum blockchain that was inspired by the popular game minecraft the crypto vauxhall team is uh constantly generating new islands and parcels where people can buy land and build stores along with art galleries and then finally we have sandbox this is probably the most popular platform right now for the metaverse and it's an evenly divided metaverse layer where there's a limited supply of land that are all the same size so now let's talk about metaverse nfts which are again digital assets with unique and provable ownership through the blockchain now i know a lot of you guys are gonna be thinking about arch when you think of nfts but few know that it actually encompasses all assets that a person can have in the members so this includes things like weapons equipment clothing and more to invest in nfts you can either one create your own nft and begin marketing and selling it in the metaverse or to buy an nft that you think will rise in value as time goes on so with the first option you guys have the possibility of making passive income off the transaction fees from your nft being sold and traded on the marketplace generally people will set like a five to ten percent uh residual which basically means that every time it's sold on the marketplace you are getting that five to ten percent now when you're buying empties the whole concept is the same as investing into anything right you want to buy low and you want to sell high so you're buying something with the intention that it's going to go up in value over time if you guys want to learn more about how you guys can actually mint your own nft and start selling it i actually go through that in a lot more detail on my how to invest in nfts video so like i mentioned earlier you guys can check that out it's in the description below now let's go over some metaverse crypto projects that you guys should be aware of first off we have the central land which we've already gone over but let's talk more about their token which is mana mana is an ethereum token that powers the central land virtual reality platform as it's used for purchasing plots of land as well as goods and services in that virtual world then you have axi infinity which is basically like the blockchain version of pokemon with its own governance token axs meaning that you can vote on changes in the axi community if you have their tokens next up we have sandbox and sandbox as mentioned before is a metaverse gaming platform that's similar to roblox with its token having staking capabilities and the ability to give governance this can be purchased on digital exchanges yeah sand is cool because it actually has utility functions and it can be purchased on digital exchanges and then next we have engine coin enj this is a community gaming platform that offers play to earn gaming experiences as well as nft creation abilities so yeah if you do want to invest into the metaverse uh one great way to do that is to actually check out these projects do your own due diligence and if you want to learn more about purchasing cryptocurrencies or tokens you guys can actually check out my how to invest in crypto video which i'm also going to link down below yeah you really can't go wrong with the big ones like bitcoin and ethereum now before i end this video i want to remind you guys that as smart investors we have to consider the risks of all investments especially with the fact that the metaverse is not yet fully developed here's some things that you guys should consider right it's not all positive news the mavericks it's completely novel and it's not fully developed people don't like that the metaverse is actually detaching humanity from the real world other people are criticizing the members as lacking real or legitimate value and others are saying that anything involving the members is just mere conjecture and that's super volatile and uncertain so yeah investing in the members it's much much different than let's say investing in index funds which have a lot of historical price movements right you can literally look to see the s p 500 how it's moved in the last you know 1500 years but with the members this thing is brand new and it's going to be extremely volatile so as such you need to invest accordingly and you know manage that risk in my opinion it's better to look towards the future with optimism because with any investment there are no guarantees and although the metaverse might not be the best for humanity or have that much value right now i do think that the world is becoming more digital and if you don't take the time now to examine the risks with investing just like you guys are doing watching this video doing your own due diligence and research then you could miss out on tons of potential profits if the world is to fully adopt the metaverse really the whole thing is dear due diligence do more research watch more videos about the members see if it's something that you truly believe in and something that you want to invest in and from there make a guide decision whether or not you want to actually put your hard-earned money into this there's really so much more for you guys to learn and if you guys are interested in any specific uh land platforms or nfts or coins make sure you to do a lot of research for each of those things before you purchase it the last thing you want to do is just purchase something without understanding what it is why you are buying it i found that a lot of my investments where i sort of blindly went to something did not turn out that well there are always new nft projects coming out with low floor prices so you don't need to have a ton of money uh to buy nfts and of course you can easily buy crypto right now um there are tons of different platforms out there like coinbase gemini and if you guys do want to get some free bitcoin i will actually put links down below to coinbase and gemini coinbase is giving out ten dollars of free bitcoin when you use my exclusive code and then gemini's giving out 25 dollars when you trade 100 or more with your account using my code so yeah hopefully you guys enjoyed the video i know we went through a lot of different things in this video but yeah it really feels like we just scratched the surface you know we could talk about each of these things for hours and hours but this is a beginner's guide this is just going to give you a good idea of how to actually start investing in the metaverse it's also going to make you think is the metaverse something i want to actually put my money into yeah let me know what you guys think about the metaverse comment down below and make sure to like and subscribe if you want to see more content just like this i make a ton of videos about personal finance investing in entrepreneurship thanks so much for your time again and i'll see you in the next video peace [Music] you
Channel: Charlie Chang
Views: 129,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to invest in metaverse, 2022, how to metaverse, metaverse stocks, metaverse crypto, metaverse investing guide, how to make money metaverse, how to invest in the metaverse, metaverse explained, metaverse projects, invest in metaverse, nft metaverse projects, decentraland metaverse, what is the metaverse, metaverse land, metaverse investing, what is metaverse, metaverse crypto projects
Id: fz724_LYTLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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