How To Find All Iconic Weapons in Phantom Liberty! (Cyberpunk 2077)

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in today's video I will show you how you can find all 38 iconic weapons in the Phantom Liberty expansion I will go through all the weapons in the main quests at the beginning so if you don't want to see or hear any spoilers about the main story then jump to this Tim stamp where I'll go through all the weapons from the side quests and gigs in order to find all the iconic weapons you first have to arrive in dark Town play the story until you are in dark town in the apartment to be specific and dark town is free to explore Hawk is now a powerful assault rifle and can Mark enemies with head shots making them slower and weaker and just unable to use abilities you can find this assault rifle right on a small wall in the docktown apartment after M goes to sleep you can go out for a moment wait a bit and then get this rifle Her Majesty is an iconic pistol that gets perfect precision and guaranteed head shot thanks to its Optical camouflage ability there's also a special silencer and you get this weapon automatically during the quest or main quest get it together and I think it's kind of bugged because when I use the optical camo it doesn't guarantee a head shot it doesn't guarantee perfect Precision maybe it's bugged maybe I'm just using it wrong the reset to Tech sniper can be found automatically during the get it together Mission when you have to cover Reed during the mission you take out a sniper on a vantage point and then after covering re you get the sniper automatically the sniper can hit multiple enemies at once making that weapon one of the best snipers in the game in my opinion the ndi opray is a new iconic power sniper rifle that fires explosive projectiles you also get increased reload speed and an increased chance to burn your enemies you get this weapon in the mission birds with broken wings but only if you pick it up yourself so this weapon can be missed and if you don't pick it up in this Quest you cannot get it anymore so just go to the armory in the headquarters if you talk with Alex and Reed and then just pick up the weapon the fire starter mission is a very important one firstly for the general story and the ending but also for many iconic weapons that you pick up along the way here you have to make the decision to help either Songbird or Reed and depending on which decision you make you will unlock different weapons if you help Songbird for one you will meet Murphy later so a lieutenant or just some Thug some soldier of Kurt Hansen and you will meet him in the mission and you can find him whereupon you will get his Bat Murphy's Law This Bat can increase its attack speed when hitting knocked down enemies and another iconic weapon based on this decision to help songbird is the Pariah Tech pistol which you get if you kill Reed almost at the end of the main story the weapon is silenced and head shot give you a better charge time of the tech pistol and also an improved reload speed additionally this weapon fires three full damage shots when loaded however if you decide to help read you will have to defeat Kurt Hansen over the course of the mission and can take three iconic weapons from him firstly wild dog finally an iconic lmg successful hits with this weapon increase the rate of fire and also the crit chance and melee attacks deal high damage to enemies when your ammunition is empty Fang is an iconic knife that does more and more damage with further hits in close combat however if you throw the knife you prevent opponents from escaping bolt Eagle is a revolver that works very well in combination with Fang because if you throw the knife into an opponent's leg and shoot the same leg with bolt Eagle the leg will shatter and the enemy is defeated arabus is an SMG that runs on black wall energy increasing Effectiveness against low Health enemies well I think every weapon is effective against low Health enemies but let's just forget this you get this weapon in the main mission somewhat damaged in this Mission you are hunting Songbird so you must have helped read in the fire start Mission otherwise you wouldn't get this Mission Songbird takes you to an old milit facility where you will be chased by a robot at a certain point by the way this mission is amazing the atmosphere is great and you you shouldn't rush through it take in this atmosphere and just enjoy this Mission because it is really that good at some point you have to deactivate two terminals Alpha and Bravo and later also Sierra and Victor when you make your way to the terminal for Sierra instead of going right through the door you can simply continue straight through another door after restoring the power with 15 technical ability one door further so you just go around the corner and then you can activate the power and then you can go through this door and then you can pick up aabus and then later craft it but how you do it I will explain in a second a little later in the mission you even find a black wall cyber deck which you can find in the room where you see another projection of Songbird this is by the way in the Prototype room and you can also open this room with level 15 of your technical ability almost at the end of the quest the robot is deactivated by Songbird and drops a core which you can later use to get either the cyber deck or arabus after bringing it to a Netrunner and personally I think the cyber deck is definitely the better choice you always get a better SMG and the arabus is in my opinion not that great but the cyber deck unlocks unique quick hacks that work with the black wall and is probably one of the strongest cyber decks in the game so spoilers are over and will go through all the gigs and side quests obviously there are also spoilers for that but the main story spoilers are over ambition is a tech pistol that is equipped with a special site hits can blind targets and also give a bonus to head shot you get this weapon in the gig prototype in the scraper but only if you don't bring Hassan back to milch if you talk to hands you can simply tell him that the Prototype should be removed but that Hassan should not be sent back to milch or you don't call hands at all and take up the offer of Hassan and then Hassan will write you at some point later and give you the weapon at a meeting in another gig called waiting for Dodger you get two iconic weapons in in this gig you have to free two police officers from an ncpd headquarters in the basement you will find the Voda machete in a box in the corner which deals burning damage you can also deal guaranteed critical damage Rosco is a revolver that you also get your in this G but at the end of the gig you have to eliminate Dodger and then you can get the revolver and with this revolver you can take out an opponent immediately if you shoot them first in the leg and then in the head ogu is a smart pistol and shoots explosive projectile and you get this weapon in the gig treating symptoms here you have to fight a number of robots over the course of the mission but the boss of them drops this weapon PES is also a smart weapon but this time it is an SMG you actually get this automatically during the gig spy in the jungle you get it after defeating the boss Boris rebikov and this weapon is silenced and the crit damage increases the longer the weapon fires it's pretty strong the crime stopper is a smart pistol that can deactivate cyber extremities immobilize the the opponents and increase crit damage you get this weapon during the gig heaviest of heart and here you have to find Georgina zinsky in mran club so that she deletes a witness statement from a desperate father you will find the room on the Upper Floor and in the Next Room you will find a suitcase with a weapon in it deserter is a double bar power shotgun that has an extreme Firepower and also causes you to burst into flames when you take out an opponent so you just move faster for example and just just looking at the damage it is probably the strongest weapon in the game right now here you will be tasked with finding Jason forman's murderer so after finding the murderer you are not allowed to kill Leon reer otherwise he cannot give you the code for his stash however the code for the gate is 1975 and you can find it here so now you can kill him if you want because you don't actually need his code or the location of his stash you can just go there type in the code and still kill him the all reli liable is another iconic revolver that has significantly more head shot damage and a longer range and the higher the distance the more damage the weapon does you get this revolver at the end of the side quest shot by both sides here you help Bri escape from Dante or from milch but Dante finds you at the end and you have to eliminate Dante to get his weapon if you save Bri in the process you will even get her weapon risk it an iconic pistol that has better handling and guaranteed critical hits when you're he health is very low well I saved her so I got her weapon I don't know if she can die and you still get her weapon just make sure she's alive munchin is another revolver and somehow there are just too many revolvers in this game but you get this weapon automatically during a side quest in the side quest Run This Town you are tasked by Mr hands with ensuring that do town has a worthy leader after Hansen is eliminated it could be that you have to make the right decision in the fire starter Quest and due to spoilers I just say you have to help breath in this Quest but I'm not sure if this is a requirement with munella headshots can poison enemies and if you enter combat you even keep your stealth bonus for a very short time GRE gree is again a tech revolver that has the ability to upload random quick hacks when you hit an enemy you can find this weapon in slider's storage room and to do this you need the key first which you can find in the voodoo boy headquarters to find it you just go through the right door in the large room so you can find the key on the table in a small office to find the storage room however you need to go a little bit further down the road into a round building the event tide but instead of going straight in you just go up to the blue writing and then go right it's best you just follow the path here in the video and you will eventually come to a large room which you also enter in the quest the Damned behind the door with a clown you then find the weapon Carmen is an assault rifle that increases the crit chance when hitting the arms and legs you also do more damage and have a higher chance of bleeding when you jump run or slide you get this assault rifle during the quest bolts to the wall and here you have to listen to a Bargas Soldier and he tells you a story about how he joined them and how he stole a few things to make money of course Kurt Hansen wouldn't like that so he tasks you with helping him Escape you cannot frame Yuri because he will find out and then of course take matters into his own hands but you will not get this weapon if you tell him that you are making a plan you can call your allies such as PanAm River and I think Rogue is also there and you can ask them for help this ensures that the two soldiers can escape and they will leave the rifle behind for you GAA is an iconic pistol that has a higher crit and bleed chance the closer a Target is to do this you have to start the quest no easy way out and kill Angie at the end of the quest you can also get an iconic baseball bat called baby boomer through the quest Dazed and Confused something has gone terribly wrong here and a guy named tul thinks he is some kind of actress and if you play this Quest and don't confront tul with his letter at the end you just let him believe he is who he thinks he is then you will get the the bat after the quest and the bat is then on the counter of the riid do clinic in the open world you will also find some iconic weapons first of all you can get four iconic weapons from the weapons vendor in the stadium and you also get basically every single iconic weapon that you have missed in the base game but they're not part of this video so Hercules a smart assault rifle that can poison enemies and caus knock down enemies to explode you can then get order a double teag shotgun that leaves behind an EMP Trail when charged over 66% AATA is the thermal Katana which you can also get in the main game but you can also find it here and it is a new weapon so it's part of this video and you can also purchase neon and iconic knife and you then get three more weapons randomly through Kurt Hansen's air drops you can always recognize an iconic drop by the yellow weapon symbol so if you see an orange and not a yellow symbol you don't even have to look for it or just not even collect it laa is a tech revolver that fires explosive projectile aabi is a shotgun with a special kind of burning and taigon is a revolver with the same burning damage all of them are pretty strong weapons then we have three more iconic weapons which you get through increased crime you can find all of them here on the map and Ru is the first one and you find it in a chest at the end of one of these crimes and this weapon is a tech SMG with burst or full auto mode and depending on your charge you can choose between them and it can even penetrate walls even uncharged AGA is a Tomahawk that can shock enemies and is dropped by a boss in one of the crimes Sparky is a sniper which emits electric bolts when hitting enemies in the head you can also find this one in a chest at the end of one of the crime encounters baseball bat X mod 2 is just a bat that can equip multiple mods at once and the X mod 2 weapons are basically having all the same effect you can find this bat on the opposite side of the Mr H club and diagonally to the right is the concrete staircase that you can climb up and if you then follow the path in this video you will find the baseball bat well hidden behind a chest at the end catic XM 2 is a chain machete that can also equip multiple mods however you can find this near Terra cognita for follow the path in this video here too QB X mod 2 is the QB assault rifle with multiple mods and you can find this assault rifle opposite of the Golden Pacific fast travel point in a round pool of water here you just have to swim down collect the weapon and it's yours you can also find the poar xod 2 in the open world and this is a shotgun also with simply more weapon mods but you can find this here near the apartment follow the path in this video until you come to a locked door if it's closed you can just jump to another time for example in the evening I found out it just works better in the evening and if it's still closed then you just go all the way back and then back to the door and then it should be open if it isn't then just repeat it a few times and then it should work but these weapons aren't the only iconic weapons in the game in my next video I will show you how to find all iconic weapons in the base game
Channel: The Gamerunit
Views: 36,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cyberpunk 2077, cyberpunk 2077 gameplay, cyberpunk 2077 edgerunner update, cyberpunk 2077 update 1.6, cyberpunk 2077 best weapons, cyberpunk 2077 new weapons, cyberpunk 2077 new items, cyberpunk 2077 beginner guide, cyberpunk 2077 phantom liberty, cyberpunk 2077 update 2.0, cyberpunk 2077 tips and tricks, cyberpunk 2077 netrunner build, cyberpunk 2077 stealth netrunner build, cyberpunk 2077 phantom liberty iconic weapons, phantom liberty all iconic weapons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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