Complete Beginners Guide and Tips to Cyber Punk 2077 2.0 | No Spoilers

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welcome to another one of my video Friends full red here with a spoiler free tips video for complete beginners to cyberpunk whether you decided to start with Phantom Liberty or not this guide will help you still what should you focus on what are some things you should pick up right away are you going to mess up your fi Tre all these questions answered and more just as a side note I want to let you know that this video was actually inspired by someone's comment they were worried about one of the videos I have posted would have spoilers in it uh it did not but I figured you know new players are still coming to cyberpunk especially after the latest 2.0 drop and DLC so let's make a tips video for him all that aside let's jump into it in cyberpunk your stats matter as you level up you will find better gear and gain skill points as for the skill tree there is no wrong way to build a character but my advice is to stick to two maybe three trees this way you can get the most out of your style of gameplay there are are trees for everyone whether you want to go stealth be close combat or even a cyber Wizard and plus more take time to check out the different skill trees read through them and don't worry if you decide later on to try something different you can Respec your points however you can only do this once one way to test a few options is to save the game right before you resp this way you can test a few trees out see what you like and then if you regret your decision you can load that file right back up now let's talk about a little bonus tree called skill progression it's located at the bottom right hand corner of the perk tree page here you will see different trees Head Hunter Netrunner Shinobi solo and engineer each accumulate experience points depending on how you play the game for example you will gain experience for Head Hunter when you get head shot silenced weapon takedowns and targeting enemy weak points I wouldn't recommend focusing on getting XP for these trees individually because it takes time so just play the game how you normally would but keep in mind at certain Milestones you'll get some pretty nice Buffs and even perk points so how do we get armor it may not be obvious at first because you will not have access the whole lot when you're looking at vendors at lower levels but you will want to visit your friendly neighborhood Ripper do and check their inventory under the tab cyberware you will have a number of different body parts you can upgrade this is is where some of your best stat modifiers abilities mobility and armor comes from at first you won't see many options and you'll have very little cyberware capacity no worries we have a perk tree for that too and it is called technical ability right down the center you'll find perks to help you get the most out of your cyberware and even decrease their requirements another way to increase your capacity is by finding capacity shards you can find these in the world of night City by looting containers chests and killing enemies but speaking of shards I should mention there are multiple types of shards that'll give you experience points to your overall level or even a skill we mentioned earlier there's even perk Point shards so you have got to keep an eye out for these let's move on to the question how do you make money and how do you gain experience well aside from the typical story missions in killing random bad guys there is a lot to do when you aren't doing story missions and I suggest going to those blue squares on your map called gigs this is one of the best ways to make quick money weapon components and gain experience the missions are usually pretty short and each one slightly different aside from that we also have random events such as crimes you will see crimes happening on your mini map or map as this symbol they are also pretty straightforward kill the bad guys and loot what you'd like and you'll gain a bonus XP for completing these tasks it does not stop there though there is more to do in night City so explore the world and try those tasks you find so I mentioned weapon components and money earlier yes you will get a nice reward for completing these tasks and missions but you'll also find loads of guns you can either sell these which sell for surprisingly a lot of money or break them down into weapon components that you'll need for upgrading iconic weapons or crafting your own weapons if you're wondering where you can find blueprints for crafting weapons you can find them right at a weapon vendor and when you purchase one you can craft that weapon as many times as you'd like I'd like to also mention that you can craft ammo as well in case you are ever running short and are not near a vendor it's located at the bottom of your crafting page let's take a break from all those menus and let me show you where you can get that fancy car with the guns I've been using in this video it is called the type 6 6 hoon and it is free it is easy to get and you can use this car until end game it is that good all you have to do is drive to this location on the map and approach the car you find in the warehouse this will start the mission I'm in love with my car and our friend Johnny will tell you to find a way into the vehicle the keys are just behind the car just use your scanner to find the box and it is that easy and now she is all yours we are coming to the end my friends but I have failed to mention a couple things I think you should be aware of and one of them being street cred street cred is leveled up by doing missions story missions and just about anything you normally would it also has its own tree similar to the one we saw for skill progressions giving a nice discount at vendors but aside from this the only way you'll have access to certain missions and vehicles is by leveling up your street cred but don't worry it's pretty easy as you just play like you normally would and your street cred will level up right with you secondly a quick mention about iconic weapons they can be found exploring night City doing missions and based off choices you make in the game iconic weapons can also be upgraded so when you find one at a lower level you can still use that same gun for the rest of the game as long as you have the components to upgrade it thank you so much for watching friends I hope you enjoyed this video so please go ahead and hit that like button and subscribe subscribed I will see you [Music] soon
Channel: FolkRed
Views: 12,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: H-yEdpXuRJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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