How To Find A Profitable Product To Sell On Amazon (2021 Step-By-Step Tutorial)

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hi this is stefan james from project life mastery and welcome back to my free amazon fba training series this is video number two in the series where we're going to dive into product research how you can find profitable products that you could start selling on amazon in this video i'm going to show you my screen and show you a powerful tool that i use to brainstorm products and to analyze them to find the most profitable products i'm going to share with you a criteria that you can stick to if you're a beginner if you've never sold anything before online this criteria is going to help you filter your options and choices so that you can find a product that you can start selling now if you missed the first video of this series then i want to invite you to go to fba fba as in fulfillment by amazon head over to that page i'll link to it below put in your name and email and i'll send you video number one this is video number two and there's a few more because each video is designed to build off of one another that first video i really went through and broke down and simplified the amazon fba business model how to sell on amazon the potential the opportunity of it i gave you a lot of different examples of products and suppliers and and hopefully by now you understand that process if you haven't watched that video i want to invite you to go back to that watch that video before you watch this one the next video we're going to dive more into your questions and i got a lot more to share with you but i'm trying to break this down so that you can understand it but more importantly take action with the information of what i'm sharing with you in fact today i want to invite you to take out a journal take out evernote take out something on your computer to take some notes because this is going to be a video where there's an assignment i don't want to just give you much information and you don't do anything with it i want to make sure by the end of this video you have ideas you have ideas that are brewing in your mind of potential products that you could sell to start your business with and with what i'm going to share with you i think you're going to find some great products that you can start selling and making money online from so before i dive into my screen and kind of show you amazon and some research i want to give you a criteria now the criteria i'm going to give you the way i kind of look at it is kind of like training wheels if you're a beginner this will help ensure by following this criteria that you have the most success as a beginner now if you're already a little bit more advanced intermediate you already have some experience you know maybe it's you're not afraid of taking a bigger risk then you don't necessarily have to follow everything that i'm sharing here again this is kind of like training wheels to make sure that your first product can do really well for you because i want to mitigate your risk part of this research process why this is so important you know so many people they have this idea for a product and they just think oh i'm just going to sell this product without doing the research without actually factoring in a lot of different variables to determine first before you go and spend the time and the money to make sure your product is going to be successful i mentioned in the last video i never like taking any big risks i never do with my money i take calculated risks i make sure that i mitigate my risk as much as possible and what can allow you to do that is doing a thorough and quality job doing research by looking to see what's already selling the competition's already paved the way for me and showing me what's possible in the market the demand of this product as well as some of these other things i'm going to share with you is just going to make sure that this is a smoother road and path towards success and i'd say that as you gain more experience you're more knowledgeable you've made some money online your second product your third product because this is not the big you know this is not the end your first product is just the beginning that's the exciting part but as you gain more experience you don't need the training wheels you know you can you can make your own decisions at that point and maybe you're willing to break some of the criteria that i have for you so these are just things that i i wrote out for you that can help you um look at them as a guide not as hard and fast rules you can break some of these things i'm going to share with you there's some of them you cannot whatsoever and i'll make that clear but some of them you can kind of venture off of um but you just have to understand what that means and that it might cost more money and there's a little bit more risk involved in that you can decide that based on your your tolerance and your threshold for risk okay first criteria and i want to invite you to write this down so you remember it i've got a few things here uh first is you've got to make sure whatever product you're going to sell is in high demand and it's profitable okay high demand and profitable the big mistake that i see a lot of people make is they think oh i've got this great idea but they don't do research they don't see if that product's already selling if there's any demand and oftentimes they look and they're like oh no one's selling this product yes i'm gonna make all this money from it no if you're a beginner that's not good if no one's selling that product that might be a sign that there's not much demand for it it's not profitable um competition is our friend a lot of people are afraid of competition it's good competition shows us what's already working and that's going to be so valuable for us in this research process we can see what people are already selling how much money they're making from it and and you want to come in with a product that has already been proven the market for it's proven the demand is proven you can look and see there's a market there's a demand there's money to be made there and then you can come into that market with a slightly unique or different product different color different size different feature different benefit slightly different that was already working again we don't want to reinvent the wheel we want to mitigate our risk what's working for the competition how can we enter into this market and have success so high demand and profitable i'm going to show you a tool i use called jungle scout to help me with that i'll link that below for you guys as well um so that's important otherwise i don't care what your product is that there's no demand if there's no market it's going to be an uphill battle trying to sell it okay so make sure there's a demand profitable and you know depending on how much money you want to make you know often times a product where you can just make 10k a month that's pretty awesome right i mean that's not all profit but you get a 25 to 50 profit margin that's 2500 to 5 000 a month and there's maybe potential to make more from that or maybe you just build up a product makes you a couple thousand a month and then you take that same process and you go into a different product a different category and you create a new passive income stream so there's many different ways you can go about it don't think it has to be a million dollar product or making hundreds of thousands every month yes there are products like that of course but as a beginner you know if you do have a product that does have that potential great but as a beginner you know i really want you to get your feet wet gain experience and make money that experience and the money you make is going to be a huge asset to you if your next product your third product so even your first product in some ways is valuable just to learn this process and to gain that experience that will serve you later a second piece of the criteria is making sure the product is private label able meaning that you can private label it meaning that there are suppliers from alibaba as i showed you in the last video you can find suppliers that are already manufacturing this product that's huge you don't have to invent it you don't have to make it or manufacture yourself you know as part of the research you're going to go and look on alibaba and see hey you know wow there's all these suppliers that are making this product and the more the better when there's multiple suppliers making that product you have options that you can pick and choose from and you're not limited just to one supplier you can get samples sent to you from a few different suppliers and make sure it's the quality product that you want to sell so making sure it's a product that can be private labeled that there's a supplier either in alibaba somewhere in the world or even the united states anywhere but making sure that it is a product that you can put your your brand your logo on and all of that next criteria that i have is making sure you can sell this product for over 15 on amazon so doing that research and and one thing i'm going to mention too when you do research which we'll get into a little bit more when you do research you want to determine where you want to sell in the united states on in the united kingdom germany those are the three biggest marketplaces that i'd recommend for probably everybody to sell on even if you live in canada i'm from canada lived in canada never sold in canada just not big enough of a market more potential in the us more potential like i'd sell in the uk and germany before my own country canada you know not that you can't sell and make some decent money in that country there's just way more potential and opportunity it becomes a lot easier in my opinion so that's what you want to factor into but when you do your research is what platform but making sure when you do your research that that products already selling for over 15 there might be some competitors or selling it a product for 10 but as long as there's a few competitors are selling for 15 or more that's a good sign because you're going to make more money when you can sell for more than 15 bucks i don't recommend anything you could sell less than 10 bucks i remember my fiancee tatiana was selling a cognac sponge and as a bit of a challenging product it was all the competitors were selling for 10 and when it product sells less than 10 at the time it might have changed but people customers cannot buy that product by itself if it's less than 10 bucks it had to be an add-on item and they'd have to fill their cart with more than 10 so that was a limitation of that and that's why i think you want to avoid products that are that are less than 10 bucks but i think 15 bucks or more easier to make money from way more potential especially once when you see that there's a range of quality like maybe the low end is around 15 but there's potential to sell for 20 30 40 50 100 you know like that you might start when you're selling as a beginner in a new listing at the cheaper price point but over time as you get reviews as you market your product as it ranks higher on amazon you can sell it for 25 bucks 30 bucks and that that's huge that's that's something you want to look out for another criteria is that it's a small product and again these are things like small why is that important so that it's not too big it's not too heavy uh the bigger the product the more expensive it's going to be to ship from china or from the united states or from whatever supplier that you may manufacture it from and that's something you might want to keep in mind just because you want to keep your costs low you don't want to have to have all these additional expenses and fees involved in shipping your products i'm not sure what your budget is when you're starting this we'll dive we can dive into that later in the q a video that i'll do for you guys answering those questions but you know depending on your budget you might want to keep it as a small product a simple product light is another thing that i have here just to factor in shipping costs um again you this is not hard and fast rules you might find a product oh my gosh stefan is such a great product but it is a little bit heavier it is a little bit bigger that's for you to assess and for you to decide so don't let some of this criteria limit you from pursuing a product you just got to know if this is a product that is a bit heavier or uh bigger it just means that it's going to cost a little bit more money and as long as the math makes a sense it makes sense and you still get a good profit margin of i'd say at least 25 or more then then i think it's worth worth worthwhile uh next these are kind of optional things that i threw in that i like to look for is a product that potentially solves a problem i think that's always great if a product solves a problem so some of the examples i shared with you in the last video these blue blocking glasses they solve a problem to help people sleep better you wear it in the evening time blocks out blue light from your phone computer your tv helps your brain release melatonin so you get a better quality sleep and this is in the market of sleep so you're helping people solve a problem and that opens up doors long term to building a brand that has many other many other additional products and that's one thing i always like to keep in mind if i were to start selling this product and this is a success what would be my second product my third product that's complementary of this existing one that i can sell to the same market because then i can build a brand of multiple products a collection of products and they can all cross-promote each other right so with this product because it solves a problem helps people sleep better great i could venture off into multiple lenses and designs i can create a kids product i can create more of a feminine design or a more masculine design to to target people i could create videos or an ebook that could go along with this product or be sold on the back end or even a course that can help people sleep better people that want to sleep better they're probably also into health and optimizing their their health and their well-being so there's many other doors that this product can open up for me long term so i always like to think long term this product i shared with you the by optimizers probiotics their niche they narrowed down this niche into digestion helping people solve the problem of digestion bloating gas they have some products that help break down gluten types of products that got digestive enzymes these pro probiotics help with digestion and repopulating the guts with good healthy bacteria solves a problem and that allows them to sell a whole a whole chain of additional products um that could be cross-promoted to that same niche that solves that problem and they've got an information component where they've got you know courses and other resources as well the sleep mask simple product light product this also solves the problem of sleep blocks out light when you have you know you'll prevent light from coming into your eyes then you're going to have a deeper quality of sleep so a sleep mask opens up doors to other potential products even this watch case is it you know solving a problem i travel a lot where i'm going to store my watches solves a problem now there might be some limitations on this product on the back end you know what else could i sell well you could sell different designs and things like that but if you know that you're attracting customers that are into watches who knows maybe there's some other watch related products that you could get into and this could be the starter product of building your brand and the same thing with a foam roller right this is uh for those that are interested in recovery their fitness getting rid of back pain really is or just body pains in general so this is a product that solves a problem there's multiple variations of this that you could build out and build a brand from but also there's opportunity to sell this product um uh sorry rather to help people with pain in their body whether that's other products information components teaching them about stretching and all the other treatments that are available to someone so i like products like that now that doesn't have to be like you know part of the criteria for you but it is something to think about that if you do find a product that checks the box there that's awesome that that's going to give you a little bit more options with as well as i'm going to also say a product that you can market outside of amazon is always a plus again not a requirement uh at all but if you can find a product that can be sold on instagram or youtube or on a blog huge i think one of the best ways to market a product is through influencers so for example this product here one of my ways that james swanwick promotes this product his product he sends it to uh models on instagram on facebook on youtube and sends it to them for free or it might even pay them some money and they'll promote it they'll do a post on their instagram promote the product and he's able to market the product outside of amazon and that that's huge because that helps him get more sales on amazon than his competitors are not getting or maybe it's sending your product to bloggers you know who are some health bloggers out there hey are you willing to share this product i'll send you some free bottles um things like that is also great that again i don't want to give you too many pieces to limit yourself i don't want you to feel limited but things to think about you know it doesn't have to i know many products that don't meet all this criteria that do incredibly well okay so i'm just giving you ideas things to think about another thing that's optional is is this product potentially something you're interested in yourself or have a passion for not just the product but even maybe the niche um you know for me personally i was really into fitness i was doing a fitness competition when i first started selling physical products on amazon and i was taking a lot of supplements um specifically it's kind of like fat loss supplements so one i was taking was l-carnitine which was an amino acid that helps the body kind of keep its muscle but also burn fat another one was cla and bcaas and some other products like that and i chose that product because i had a passion for fitness i was doing a fitness competition they're products that i would personally use and can get behind and feel confident sharing with my friends and family and strangers so that was something that was important for me that helped me now i'm not here to say that your product has to be a passion of yours i know many people they're selling products they're not and they just look at this as a business especially when they're first starting make money based on the money that you make then with that money and experience now you can get into a new product a new category that you're more passionate about but that is something that if it checks the box of great that's an advantage because you're going to have more passion for building your business and selling your product so not a requirement by any means but i just want to point that out that can be beneficial i think sometimes some people they let to stop them and they're like i can't find any product i'm passionate about in that case just just start with a simple product that you can make money with and again because because when you're first starting you might have a limited budget that might prevent you from choosing some products that are your passion but if you start with a simpler product that's easier and cheaper to get started with make money with it now that you have more money more experience then you can go after some of those more expensive products or the ones you're really passionate about so don't think that it has to be a passion if it is great but don't let that stop you is what i'm trying to say and i also mentioned the profit margin profit margin is beyond this video because you got to calculate the expenses of the product to manufacture it uh the shipping cost of it if you're gonna ship it from your supplier from c or by plane uh when you ship it by c it's cheaper but takes longer you ship it by plane it's more expensive but uh faster so and then also amazon has their fees too i'm not going to go too in depth into that i want to go off too far from the topic of research um there's more to it that we'll cover in some other videos but hopefully this criteria makes sense and can help you with uh getting started with it now the next thing i want to dive into before i show you my screen and we browse around on amazon now now that you have that criteria in mind and hopefully you've written that down the next thing is a brainstorm process okay you've got a brainstorm this is what i do first before brainstorming on amazon i want you to think about products that you already use okay or own in your house that can potentially meet the criteria that i just shared with you okay so what i did is i shared my story i when i first started this journey i thought about what are products i'm already excuse me already using and benefiting from so i've got a ton of supplements i love supplements i like to optimize my health and i was like oh that could be great you know there's many different supplements that i can promote and sell i'm passionate interested in that i can sell it for more than fifteen dollars i can private label it in that case i private label from the united states because i get better quality product and don't encounter any issues with it it's light it's small check the box on a lot of different things um so for me supplements is something that i decided to pursue uh but again you might look around and might find hey you know i've got kids maybe you're a mom and maybe there's a baby product that's a huge category a lot of potential with that or maybe you're into gardening or the outdoors and you find hey you know what the gardening dish is big i love that there's some great products here that i use that could be sold on amazon or maybe you've got a dog or a cat you know and you there's some products there dog toys or you know different products you might already be buying for your dog and for your pet that you could explore there's so many different categories and types of products that i think the best way to start is just look around and explore your house look at what you have in your kitchen kitchenware is huge on amazon there's a lot of great kitchen products based on your hobbies if you're into camping on the outdoors there might be some great products there that you can find if you're into music and playing guitar or some sort of instrument there might be some related products there so that's the first thing that i'd recommend you do and really when you're starting this i recommend spending some time in just a brainstorm take out your journal take out a pen look around your house and spend maybe an hour or so just looking at products and thinking of products i'm looking right now i'm in an airbnb right now there's some coffee products well that's a huge niche in market there's some great coffee accessories that could be sold i've got a yoga mat there the yoga market's huge yoga block yoga towels don't don't over analyze it too much just make it make a note of it because um right now part of this process you want to come up with ideas that you can then go and research and look how profitable it is on amazon and and really check that criteria that i provided for you so really the first step brainstorm look around your house explore i recommend you do that after watching this video come up with a list challenge yourself to come up with five or ten products just looking around your house okay so that's the first thing that i would do and recommend uh there's actually one more thing on the criteria that i forgot to mention this is also optional too is a product that is durable and what i mean by that is a product that's not fragile or is easily going to break so i'd avoid products that are glass products and products that could break in shipping or even certain electronic products because certain ones might malfunction or you know not be working properly and the reason why that's important and what i recommend kind of avoiding it when you're first starting out is that you're potentially gonna have to deal with the headache of some customers receiving products that are broken and just not working properly and when that happens you're going to get probably a bad review on amazon or you're going to have to refund the product and send them a new one which might not be a big issue for you but it's something that like i'm being mindful when you're a beginner you don't want to have to deal with all these headaches so that is something you might want to think about and maybe avoid okay so we covered that brainstorming making a list okay so that's the first step and then what we're going to do if you are limited there on the list of ideas that you can come up with next we're gonna go to amazon okay so i'm gonna show you how to do research on amazon and how to come up with some ideas and evaluate some of those ideas on amazon so let's uh switch gears here i'm gonna open up and we're going to dive in okay so right now i'm on one thing i want to remind you of again when you're doing your research is to be mindful of which amazon store that you want to research and potentially sell in is a u.s marketplace the most potential the most money to be made is on but you might want to consider the uk or germany or another marketplace but i would recommend the us germany or the uk probably uk or germany if you live in europe but if you live anywhere else in the world probably united states is going to be your best bet there's going to be more competition but there's going to be way more money to make to be made that the competition doesn't matter as much as you think because there's some markets that are so big you do not have to be on the first page to make a lot of money in fact many great products that are making ten thousand plus per month or more are found on the fifth or the tenth page from some some categories they're just so many more customers and money to be made on dot com so i'd recommend that for probably 90 percent of you that are watching this um now if you already have an idea okay let's take the blue blocking glasses the way that i'd analyze this even further because it already meets a lot of the criteria right this products light small but i want to look to see the potential the demand which is the most important thing i'm going to type in blue blocking glasses now as i was typing that in blue blue blockers glasses is another key word for it even blue light glasses that's an important understand because whatever listings show up is going to be based on the relevancy of this keyword so if i type in blue blue light blocking glasses it's going to bring up in an amazon search page on that first page and even beyond that keywords that are most relevant to this keyword but that does not accurately represent the whole market and the opportunity um because if i just type in blue blocking glasses for kids for example which is auto-suggested here that's a different market i could research that market because if i only if i only limit myself to this market and i do my research based on this i might determine uh you know what i'm not sure if i can stand out or be that unique in this one but when i go more niche and break down a niche into a sub niche then i might evaluate and determine hey you know what there's a lot more potential here and i can be a little bit more different or stand out a little bit less competition in some regards uh or blue blocking glasses for women right maybe you start with a product more geared towards women or for men the reason why i bring this up is because a lot of people you might think of this product and type in what someone might search for it you might do your analysis and research of this but you're only looking at one one perception of this whole market which is a big market okay there's different angles and different ways to position a product in a market which is important to understand because you want to think about um the product that you if you're going to research this niche and this product as you're going through it you also might want to think hey you know what i can be a little bit different or stand out here at this product in different ways of what's already being sold or what's out there so i want to mention that okay but you're going to type in a keyword because that's how a lot of people buy products on amazon they use it as a search engine to type in a keyword and you want to look at the results now i use a tool called jungle scout highly recommend it it's a google chrome browser extension if i click right here on the top what this tool is going to do is it's going to pull up all the data here on the first page okay so these are the first 32 results i can load more but it's going to give me some valuable data that's going to save us a lot of time and make it very easy to assess a market so um it's pulling from the top 32 on this first page now keep in mind if i go to the second page here second third doesn't mean that you know all the ones on the first page are making the most money right because this is only the first page based on this keyword and these rankings can change all the time and some people might be advertising their product running ads or not might not be optimized as well for this keyword this is only one one perception of the markets really what i'm trying to get clear to you so don't just limit yourself to looking exactly at this because the market usually is bigger than what you're just your search result is bringing up so what's valuable about this it just gives us a lot of data to make an analysis of this so average monthly sales that's on average how much uh the average product is selling average sales rank sales rank uh every product's got a what's known as a bsr best seller ranking and the closer you are to one then that's the top ranking that you can have um so this is useful to know just kind of how competitive the market is and where some of these products are ranked on average average price so that's on average what this product is selling for so this meets over 15 which is great uh this product is being sold the swanny is specifically for 69 and so i look at the average price but i also want to look at the high end this one's selling for 25 there might be some 69 dollars if i browse around and that's showing me if i really build my brand invest in quality get my reviews up and rank my product i can charge a lot more and sell it as a premium product which is great average reviews um this one is uh you know something that you want to keep in mind as well because products that have so many reviews like this one's got ten thousand three over you know thousands of reviews very difficult to compete with and so often what i like to do is i browse products i like to find products that don't have a lot of reviews less than 100 or 200 reviews because that's more achievable to compete with starting out and i want to see how much money those products are making and then there's an opportunity score this one is a three i'll link to jungle scout i'm not going to go so in depth into this tool there's a lot of actually features that they have but this is telling me it's a high demand product awesome you can make a lot of money with it but it's also high competition and really what competition means is that you're just gonna have to work harder that's it okay i think a lot of people they limit they allow competition to hold them back competition um what what the key thing you want to think about with competition is how can i stand out or be different or unique because you could go into this market with maybe a kids product or a different frame or different lens or some sort of unique selling proposition what is known as a usp be a little bit different and you can stand out from everyone else in the competition you can really blow up in this high demand market so there's still potential in ones that are higher competition but another thing that i teach and what i also emphasize is that this is just on amazon one thing that you're going to want to do with your product is think about how you can sell outside of amazon so if you can find influencers to promote your product if you can run facebook ads if you can do instagram marketing facebook marketing maybe build a facebook group community or youtube or a blog these are all things that give you traffic that your competitors are not getting and pretty much makes competition more obsolete i'd say so i don't get too worried about competition there are um you know some products that i maybe would want to avoid um but it just means you're gonna have to work harder or it's gonna take a little bit longer doesn't mean that you can't make money from it just means that you're going to have to be a little bit more creative to stand out or work more market your product outside of amazon so this is just really valuable to assess it to look at all the data that it's bringing up it shows me all the products here okay you might want to look at some of their listings and see what they're doing like this product here is doing a two pack that's a way that you could stand out as well is offering two different products and you might find that most people are selling one so that could be unique this one's got two different designs which is really interesting too so different things like that you can look for in these markets and see how you can be a little bit different this person's selling six different ones you know this person's selling a different lens so products like these uh that got 250 reviews 200 300 i want to see how much they're doing how much money are they making and if i want to analyze it a little bit more i can click on it go to their listing just press this button and it'll tell me so this product here looks like they have different variations right so they've got this one uh different frames it looks like so this products making about five thousand six hundred dollars a month in revenue that's pretty good and it has potential of course if you market more get more traffic to it this person got more reviews ranked it higher maybe ran ads for it then obviously they can bring that number up and even charge more money for the product as well so i would look at products a few different products with whatever idea that you have and just assess it you know get some ideas from it see if it's attractive to you if it really stands out um how much money can be made this was the swanees one that i showed you here that my friend has and so if i look at this one he's selling for 69 he's got more reviews 890 861 but he's doing about 11 592 a month pretty good and on top of that he's selling on his own website his own store as well making a lot more money there too so kind of looking at the products that are available okay and all you're really doing right now is just to analyze assess them and gathering data from the products you find on amazon the ideas that you already came up with and you're going to try to prioritize them you're going to try to narrow them down to the ones that you think have the best opportunity for you based on the criteria that i shared now that was just based on ideas you might already have that you came up with but what if you don't have any ideas what if you can't think of anything you looked around your house and there's nothing there well here on amazon what you'd want to do is look at the different categories and this can be a little bit time consuming you might want to spend a couple hours doing this potentially but looking at the different categories of products so i like to usually come up here and just kind of choose some categories that stand out to me that i might be interested in so let's say that you come down to health and household actually you know let's do puppy supplies pet supplies i can look at these subcategories i love dogs let's see what is there okay so what you're going to do scroll through see if any of these products meet that criteria when you catch one that does write it down make a list of it save the link so you can come back to it and do more of an in-depth search so if it was these uh poop bags i can pull up this product now this one i'm not you know it's got 54 000 reviews oh my god don't be intimidated by that it's just an idea for now because i can take this and say okay poop bags let's go here type in poop bags and see how big the market is how many products are selling are there products here they have a lot less reviews that are less established that are making some good money what's the potential of this market and again i come here with jungle scout and see what it pulls up and i always like to see what the monthly revenue is um like i mean these guys are doing 874 000 a month that's pretty nuts uh okay but there's some here doing 26 000 13 000 and you know they have a lot less reviews and so i can kind of scroll through here okay this one's got 65 reviews doing 540 a month okay not bad i mean you know it's a good starting point i guess but i browse through here and just kind of look to see okay what's the potential of this market and if it meets the criteria if it's something that interests me great i write that down okay so coming back here okay what's this this is a pet toy now i might see this it's only 9.80 but it's giving me ideas so uh if i type in dog toy and i can see here they've got that keyword here plush dog toy right so just type in dog toy and just look at the market i'm sure there's some dog toys selling for over 15 but i can just kind of look at the category browse around there are some for twenty dollars that i see here and this is a market you can really stand out with and be unique in and pull up jungle scout just kind of get an idea of the market now this is pretty broad right and i can even break it down into dog squeak toys dog chew toys plush toys for dog dog toy balls i can go even more narrow and research that as well so this one might be a little bit too high competition because it's a more general keyword there's a lot more competition from that but hey let's go to dog toy balls okay and here i can look at this market and this will be a lot less competitive but i might be able to find some good ones here okay so that's the process guys that's what you're gonna do um is just do search do deeper searches again it can be fairly time consuming you know if you find ones that catch your eye that stand out for you great add that to your list come back to it go deeper into it but right now i'm just looking at the dog category right i'm just gonna browse through here see what products are available okay are there any ones here that really stand out that could be unique or interesting okay so you're going to browse through this category and as you can see there's many different pages that you can go through there's these sub categories as well that you can dive into as well you know maybe a grooming product for dogs and you might be able to find something here that really stands out that's unique okay maybe this glove this is a pet hair remover glove okay let's pull that out now this one's being sold for eight bucks but it's fine let's just type in uh pet hair remover glove and let's see if there's some that are being sold for more than that and what the potential is of this market looks like most of them are less than 15 dollars so maybe not a great product so maybe you'd scratch that that's not one for you okay um but i'd continue browsing around this is a process again it should take quite a bit of time um you know you might look into some other categories maybe the baby category and usually you find the best products the deeper that you go into the search um let's do nursery so the kind of the ones that show up on the first page uh are often the ones that are going to be the more competitive ones and the ones that might not be the best fit for you so that's why you want to go deeper and deeper through many different pages of products so i could browse through here see if there's any interesting thing looks like there's this you know some toys and i'd keep browsing keep browsing guys i think a lot of people they give up because they look at a few pages they spend an hour and they're like i can't really find anything got to keep looking guys and that's why jungle scout can can really help you with this process and guide you uh to finding some some great products okay how about this swaddle here so this could be a potential product it's being sold for 22 dollars i don't even know exactly what to type in this maybe swaddle and whenever you kind of do like a one-word search you're gonna pull up a lot of um results it might be better to narrow it down into a little bit more niche so how about we do uh you know swaddle zero to three months and this could be a product that looks like someone might you know a mom might buy for their baby for the first three months and then you know maybe buy a different one once they're a little bit older so there's more potential with this product to get repeat customers and sales as well but it looks like you know this is a product there's many that are being sold for twenty thirty forty dollars there's some here that have only 163 reviews about 400 reviews and let's do a quick look here at jungle scout what it can show us okay so some here they're doing thirty three thousand a month twenty eight thousand seventy nine thousand okay this one right here has got 135 reviews about six thousand dollars a month okay so that's a little bit more achievable to do a similar product this one's only got 163 reviews doing 18 000 a month okay great and you know this is a product there's a lot of ways that i could stand out and be unique you know different designs different colors and different package or different bundle of this product different quality of this product and of course you know there's the opportunity to get a repeat customer as well and sell them another swaddle or other baby care product so hopefully that makes sense for you i don't want this video to be hours long but that's the process guys it's it's first brainstorming whatever ideas you you have doing a deeper search on amazon using a tool like jungle scout which by the way there is a special discount that you can get i've worked with jungle scout for many years i was able to get you guys a discount if you look below in the description or below on this page uh you can get a discount on jungle scout highly highly recommend it's going to save you so much time and make it so much easier and i really did not even do justice of the true power of jungle scout because you can filter things uh better on jungle scout too and there's a lot more features that can help you in this process and they have some trainings as well to help you use their tool and help you with the research excuse me with the research process but what you'd want to do as an assignment is you'd spend some time a couple hours you might have to come back to this a few times look at products browse different categories go deeper and deeper with them take notes of ones that stand out to you do deeper research on that don't just disqualify a product right away keep it there until you find a better product and better product and better product and i've even found products sometimes that haven't come to me till like weeks later in some cases um and i'm always thinking of products even to this day so there's always products that i find that i could pursue and start um based on the criteria and the things that i shared with you and what you now know so sometimes it is a process it could take a little bit of time some of you might find a product right away hit the ground running fantastic other others uh might take a little bit more time to spend researching and thinking of products and and getting some ideas from that but once you've done this process you've got a few options i'd recommend narrowing that down to your top three once you've got those top three products at that point now you want to move on to reaching out to suppliers going to uh you know getting samples from them finding out what it costs to manufacture that product knowing what your profit margins are those would be the next steps you'd want to take to really identify out of those top three products which is that one that you want to pursue that you're going to move on with and launch your online business and start making money with it and once you find that product it's so exciting to move forward with it um you can be a little bit nervous at the beginning i get that you're not sure the journey ahead i do often recommend getting a great course that can guide you through the process as well that's what i did because that gives you confidence and there's more to it that a great quality course can really teach you more than what i can teach you here today because there's a lot of mentors that i have that i've learned from and they've shared this with me and there's always new strategies as well to find great products so getting a great course can help you with those next steps and guide you through it i'll link below to the course that i started with they've got a free training that goes more into their method and their strategies that can really help you too so i'll link below to that for you as well but hopefully this video helps you get an idea of how this process works how to research how to find products what to look for what to avoid um you know and the criteria to help you find a great quality product that you can start with and build your online business with if you enjoyed this video please give this video a thumbs up subscribe for more and i look forward to seeing you again in the next one take care
Channel: Project Life Mastery
Views: 131,476
Rating: 4.9026217 out of 5
Keywords: how to find a profitable product to sell on amazon, how to find a profitable product, profitable product, sell on amazon, profitable, product, amazon, how to find a profitable niche, private label amazon, amazon seller central, amazing selling machine, jungle scout, how to find a product to sell on amazon, amazon fba, amazon product research, amazon fba step by step, amazon fba guide, amazon fba for beginners, amazon business, amazon selling tips, 2021 step by step tutorial
Id: XC3IzycKNbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 53sec (2573 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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