Carer Visa Latest Update In Canada 2024 | How You Can Move To Canada As A Caregiver? Complete Guide

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did you hear the news that Canada is giving permanent residencies to caregivers and of course they also allow dependents to go with them I know UK is not favorable country for people who wants to move here with their dependence as a carer so you should not be sticking your head just for UK you should start exploring other countries like Canada so today I have invited special guest shaoli from T do immigration and where we are going to discuss the details about this announcement if you're interested in this topic make sure you keep watching the video till the end however before we start a quick introduction about myself my name is Sara and welcome to your knowledge bu if you want to study abroad including Canada and all this listed countries my team can help you free of cost what do you have to do fill the form which is provided in my video description and pin comment so let's get started with today's video hly Welcome once again to your knowledge buddy and if you don't mind can you please introduce yourself to my audience thank you so much Sara for having me back on your channel my name is shapol kapor and I'm a licensed Canadian immigration consultant the name of my firm is t. immigration and I'm based in Toronto Ontario in Canada when I say I'm a licensed Canadian immigration consultant it means I'm licensed by the government of Canada to assist people to immigrate to Canada to give them uh guidance and to help them process their applications and represent them on their immigration applications so my regular audience I think they already know that and that's why I have brought you back again to share the latest news from Canada so I heard there's amazing news for for caregivers like carer and Senior carers who wants to move abroad especially to Canada so can you talk about it what is the breaking news from Canada regarding the carer uh yes absolutely we were actually waiting for this news for a very long time caregiver program has been a really popular program in Canada for years and years and years I think even before my existence Canadians have always needed people from outside Canada to come here and then help them with their children or elderly people in their households or even in general elderly people so this has been a really really popular program and over the years if I talk in very very raw words apparently Canadian immigration has not been able to figure out a perfect program yet so what they do is every couple years they launch a pilot program when when immigration um launches a pilot program it means it's a trial they want to try they want to see if it's really it it's beneficial for them and when I say beneficial apart from just focusing on the employers they also focus on caregivers they want to make sure that there's as limited abuse um to those people as possible because obviously when you come to Canada and you're restricted to only work for one employer then obviously you know they are um subject to abuse as well sometimes so in order to to reduce that the government has changed several programs over the years we have one program currently in place uh which was a pilot as well but obviously it seems like that was also not the perfect program so the government has decided to change that as well they're launching another new program now we still don't know the exact launch date but the current pilot program is set to expire on June 17th 2024 there are several significant changes in the new program and I can go over that as well with you but yeah it's it's a it's a great great great news for those caregivers who've been wanting to come to Canada and and work as caregivers yeah so the headline says you know now caregivers when they come they can get a permanent residency were they not given that before and are they planning to give them now can you just explain that a bit Yeah so the so so that's a really big difference between the current program and the programs for caregivers that we've had in the past and the new program so anything that I'm telling you right now is based on the limited information that we have received as of yet there will be more details available when there will be an official launch of this program what the government is doing is that initially the current program what happens is that if a person has a job offer from an employer in Canada they apply for their permanent residence but what ircc does is they don't grant them permanent residence right off the bat they ass them for their eligibility if they meet all the requirements and if they have uh no criminal you know back like risks or no medical issues they're not inadmissible they're granted a work permit it's a occupation based work permit if the applicants come to Canada they work for those employers for that particular employer or any other employer because it's an occupation based current requirement is 12 months and then after 12 months they send their experien documents to ircc and they're granted permanent but what happens sometimes is that these caregivers are subject to abuse so what happens is they have the job offer but then the employer never hires them or sometimes employers hire them but then they fire them because they don't get along or they're not providing the the services that they're expecting or whatever it is what happens is sometimes some of these caregivers are unable to complete their full experience as a result they can sometimes never apply for permanent residents and they struggle because um their work permit is only for a limited period And if they're not going to work they can't extend their work permit they can't apply for permanent residence they can't work in any other occupation so it becomes restrictive so what ircc is doing now is that they're saying that okay we're going to take off that experience requirement if you have a job offer and you meet all the other requirements you directly come to Canada and you apply for like you get granted permanent residence now if there are any conditions to it we don't yet like are they going to ask for specific amount of experience from back home we don't know yet because the current uh program doesn't require experience from outside it only requires education post-secondary education and relevant education or experience right but the mandatory requirement was Canadian experience of 12 months in that field but they're taking that off so we don't know if they're going to ask for a specific amount of experience from outside Canada good this is interesting so if I have to ask you people sitting in India who wants to move to Canada as a carer or senior carer what do they have to do where do they apply for the job so basically what ircc is doing right now is up until the current program only individual employers could offer a job to a caregiver so for example me I have young kids if I want a caregiver from outside Canada for my children then I as an individual can give a job offer and get that person here that is what the current program says organizations were not allowed to give job offers under this program when I say organizations means you know recruitment agents or providers of uh you know these kind of services to individuals again not long-term heare homes but individuals so let's say I am Li I am registered with an agency and I tell the agency that I have elderly parents and at home who need support or they have disability partial disability or full disability then I can go through that agency and that agency can bring in a caregiver for me that was not allowed until this program but it seems that in the new program individuals plus these organizations will also be able to bring people but only for people who need care if they have a disability okay for child care we still need individual employers me as a mother or a parent can sponsor somebody to come in give care to my children at my home or at their home but again that's not clear as well in this program the current program allows them give care from their home or my home but that changes going we don't know if that changes going M forward so that's the big difference in so what do they do these people they have to find an employer who can give them a job offer and then they can apply for this program when it opens also there is very limited number of applications that are accepted every year we don't know what the next year limit will be usually with child care that program literally the day it opens it closes the same day within like 3 hours for the Elderly Care the program usually remains open for longer because you know for elderly care you usually need people with a nursing background because you know that's how they can support them uh so that program remains open longer but Child Care Program closes the same day literally three hours and it's first come first okay but again we don't know what's going to happen with the new program when they launch this one while you were talking I had so many questions already let me see if I'm able to recall so first thing if the carers are allowed to come or will be allowed to come now and given a permanent residency can they bring their dependence as well 100% they were always allowed to bring their dependent even in the previous program okay and the spouse get now that they will get permanent residents directly so that means everybody is going to come as permanent residents but earlier when they were getting work permits the family would also get work permits are there any licensed employers who you think will be working with those immigrants like say from India Pakistan or Nigeria wherever they are you know to bring the right people I mean for example I'm comparing this with UK UK is completely different to what you were explaining in Canada if I want a carer here for my parents I cannot bring I I don't have license and it's not allowed only the licensed employers and also there are massive changes happening in the UK only those Care Homes which are licensed by the UK government can only bring those carers now so I'm just thinking from my audience perspective who are watching this video and if they are sitting in India they still want to be a carer or senior carer and they want to move to Canada what should be their first step where should they go any links websites or anyone who can help them so no apparently like I said organizations up until now were not even permitted to bring people under this program specifically now there were other programs you must have heard the name lmia we've discussed that in the past videos as well they were allowed to bring people on that program earlier for a work permit only but then government even during Co changed that because of the abuse involved with it so people can't be brought from outside Canada on work permits either LMI supported work permits and for this particular occupation now if they're working as nurse AIDS which is in Long-Term Care Homes then that's different but as home support workers or home uh caregivers like child caregivers they're not allowed to come on LMI supported work permits they can only go through this program so organizations were not eligible for it and there are no licensed um individuals as well what I need to do is like if I'm sponsoring somebody as an individual I need to register myself as an employer with the Canada Revenue Agency they will give me a payroll number government of Canada will do the application and verify me as a legit employer through my CR so they'll make sure that my income is enough that I'll be able to pay the wages now a lot of people ask me this question and I'm going to because I know your audience is also going to ask who is eligible to sponsor income is the criteria I should be able to pay the wages to that person who's going to come to Canada for the full duration of their employment and how do we assess that so I need to have so government has some set income levels depending on the family size so if I'm a family size of let's say three people then based on my income for the for three people in that the government has set plus the annual wages of that particular caregiver the total of both should be uh less than my actual household income and when I say household income it could also be to Partners so if me and my husband together our income will be calculated to assess our eligibility if we can sponsor somebody or not if our income is even $1 less than what is required to hire that were not eligible to sponsor okay understood so say you are eligible and tomorrow you have to hire someone after you get this license what do you do where do you hire I don't need a license I don't need a license I just need a payroll number and then I give my um there's an employer form again we don't know what documentation will be required going forward but as of right now there's an there's a form uh that the employer has to fill out giving description about themselves the number of children in the household or who has to be taken care of and uh you know what kind of a accommodation will be provided what will be the hours of work how many breaks what will be the wages and all of that and we give that and then the applicant rest all of their information their forms their documents and they submit that application if the officer while processing the application needs additional income documents then they reach out to the applicant saying can you reach out to your employer and provide us with these documents understood what's the next step again I'm thinking from my audience perspective shy understand that's a requirement from the employer from my audience who wants to move from India or anywhere to Canada what does this news mean to me for example I was very excited about you not car are given a Perman residency from what you're talking I feel like okay it's a good news but what does it mean for me or my audience two things okay I think your question particularly means how are these people going to find those employers is that what you're asking correct so 90% of the time this is through contacts reference right it's impossible to find an individual somebody so people have friends here relatives here uh uncles and aunts here they can ALS there are recruitment agencies uh who sign up individuals like myself who are looking for those caregivers so I will have a client come to me as an immigration professional oh do you know somebody who can help me or there are actual recruitment agencies who sign up people like myself who offer those Services employer will still remain myself the program will be done through me but there are recruitment agencies who will help those people to connect I think that that thing is very clear to me what is not clear I understand your employer and our recruitment agencies will be helping so who are those recruitment agencies where can my audience find them that is there's no such information online available there are no licensed people for that the government doesn't support any specific people um there's nothing like that it's all individual search people have to go through their references and and uh Sara you know what I would also not hire somebody without uh doing proper reference checks or making sure that that person is the right person for me after all I will be uh handing over the care of my young children to them right so it will always come through reference it will come through people that know somebody it's never going to be Unknown People it's always going to be true I'll give you an example I have some clients who' hired caregivers and then once those people have obtained their PR but the children are still young they will say okay my friend can do the job Can you hire my friend and then the parent starts the sponsorship process with the friend I'm not quite impressed with how things are been done so I mean it's only people with reference or right Network get the job then you know whatever people who have no network or connection then it's not as great news as I thought so because UK in fact again compared with UK it's completely different you know there are licensed recruitment agencies or Care Homes who can hire from anywhere but only those licensed Care Homes they can doesn't matter where are you based you know you can apply for the job the only main change which happened in the UK is like you cannot bring your dependent but someone without a dependent they apply for the job if they have the right profile and you if you give the interview and of course you pass the interview get a job offer you can move so you don't have to have any kind of network or connection those platforms are available it's like proper job sites are there where people can apply from what you are explaining to be honest it's not a very great news for my audience they don't know if anybody in Canada so they cannot take advantage of this right but that's the reason why I initially said that the government has not been able to find the perfect program and that's why every few years they have to change it so it seems somebody in policymaking needs to replicate the UK caregiver programs H not completely but like you said dependents are not allowed now but here in Canada you say dependents are allowed so say someone with a strong Network or Connection in Canada they can still bring their dependent which is pretty good you get a direct permanent residency which is pretty good which is not the case in the UK in the UK you have to stay on that skill visa for 5 years then only you can apply for permanent residency however you can change employer depending if the new employer still have the license and if they want to sponsor you if if you don't get a sponsorship you need to be sponsored for 5 years you can stick to one company or you can stick to move to 100 companies but everybody needs to sponsor you within that 5 years and only once you stay on 5 years on that skill Visa then only you get your permanent residency so you see I'm comparing UK and Canada and when I heard this news I thought oh my God people who wanted to move to the UK with their dependents who are not allowed to come now they can now move to Canada however let's see who can use this um but if you ask my personal opinion I personally feel that this is really not going to get rid of the abuse again abuse for caregivers yes maybe it will be it will be taken care of the the applicants will not be abused anymore by the employers if there are if that was happening but I think the system in general will be abused because now people are going to take advantage of this program even if they're not genuine caregivers or they're not going to actually work as caregivers in Canada they'll use the program come here get their permanent residence and and not do those jobs so I think again this is not the IDE program so when do you think there will be more detailed information regarding it is there any kind of communication already see my assumption is and this is pure assumption the program will open on January 1st 2024 five that is when they open it every year because it's first come first Ser at 9:00 in the morning um I'm assuming they're going to launch the program sometime in Fall so that people can start preparing the documentation job offers and everything they have announced the program before the expiration of the current but the specifics should come sometime in fall and this is my assumption thank you sha I think you have shared a lot about the latest information on carer and uh senior carers as well who want to move to Canada but again I think I'm a little disappointed like I said because I'm thinking from my audience perspective for people who have no network or Connection in Canada I still think they are going to struggle to move to Canada for people who got their own personal contacts or networks I'm sure they will take advantage of it so there's one side yes they will take advantage of it and they can also get a permanent res tency but on the other side people who have no network or any kind of Connections in Canada they are going to massively lose on this opportunity you know even though they are licensed carers or say n nurses who want to move to Canada so there's both both sides yeah but again there's also good news for people who are genuine and who really want to do this or and come to Canada they have reduced the uh language requirements and they've also reduced the um uh education requirement for this program earlier the education requirement was CB 5 the Canadian language Benchmark and uh for Education needed one year of post-secondary Education they've removed that to high school education and clb4 so but again again what I'm trying to say here you know irrespective of say I am I'm qualified overqualified what if I don't have any network in Canada I can never go there even though I say I'm the best person I have good experience and everything I don't have any network or connection I can never go then what is the point of having all those kind of requirements again I'm trying to put a fight from my AUD because I know when they are going to watch the video I will get those comments you know how can they apply when I have posted something on my I think Instagram yesterday people have already started question okay how do we apply where where to start you know those are the questions that will come people's mind but again like I said it's going to be individual employers or organizations who are helping yeah and people have to do those searches themselves contact individuals or recruitment agencies but there's no license or nothing that the government supports or promotes yeah so if recruitment agencies do advertise for roles then it's a good news at least people who knows how to use internet or how to find those recruitment agencies they can contact them that is still fairly good enough but I don't know how your recruitment agencies in Canada work whether they will advertise for such rules or not we don't know it's all money business as well yes I heard in the uks you know there were a lot of scams you know people were selling this job offer for 20,000 pounds which is like roughly 20 lakhs and then bringing people and I I hear the same thing in Canada as well yeah and yeah these jobs yeah so they I okay but again I'm no one to comment about Canada and I don't know how things are going to benefit them or not benefit them but okay it's nice to have this information from you uh and at least it's out to my audience I'll see how it's going to benefit them I'm going to do a research on the recruitment agencies in Canada myself and I'm going to see if I find something how do they do it today you know will those recruitment agencies keep doing that from say first of J as well so if I find something of course I'm going to make more detail information uh for my audience but uh thank you very much sh for thank you for coming and recording this video you're very welcome thank you
Channel: Your Knowledge Buddy
Views: 37,219
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Keywords: caregiver in canada, Carer visa latest update in Canada, Canadian Home Care, Caregiver Immigration, Caregiver work in Canada, Home Care Jobs Canada, caregiver jobs in canada, jobs in canada, canada immigration 2024, canada caregiver jobs, caregiver job in canada, canada caregiver visa update, move to canada as a caregiver, caregiver in canada job, how to be a nanny in canada, carer visa latest update in canada, canada immigration news, canada caregiver credit, canada jobs
Id: 8j9rK5SoW4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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