How to fight properly as a Spinosaurus [Path of titans]

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[Music] there are few who can claim the title of King others are mongrels Pretenders of the name there are only a few seats at this table and you are wrong if you think that you can just sit down and join long story short you need to be strong to sit at this table and who others but the spinosaurus might be one of the strongest of them all the B topics aside compared to the other apexes it does have a rather unique appearance but that doesn't stop him from claiming his title as king so let's find out just how this creature has claimed its title as king hello my name is Al W and in this video we are going to look at how to properly fight as a Spinosaurus now I have done this type of video before however just like your PVP skills it is outdated and speaking of PVP skills if there are any other Spinosaurus men who disagrees with what I say then bite me it was lag isues and my opponent was probably playing with a toaster also the stuff I'm about to talk about will probably be outdated sooner or later so take what I say as temporarily strategy the topics of discussion in this video will firstly be the Arsenal though I won't go too deep into that you will know why later then we will go over the type of subspecies you should choose to grow the fighting style of the Spinosaurus and its terrain compatibility then we will go over to the fights you can find yourself in and remember the spinosaurus is semi- aquatic so we will go over the fights you can find yourself in both land and in water and of course the different opponents you might need to face and at the end I'll summarize again I'm not going to go too deep into the spinosaurus Arsenal if you click this video you are probably already familiar to just what the spinosaurus has to cook with with I will say that the spinosaurus Arsenal aren't really consistent what I mean about that is it's always changes depending on who you fighting what you're fighting and where you're fighting aside from the ones I crossed out these are the abilities as always changes depending on your opponent and location there are different way you can fight as Spinosaurus and depending on how you choose to fight I will also go into what you should equip of abilities when it comes to Subs species I am torn between the land speed and the defense build you see it again it depends on how you plan to fight and who and what and where you fight I will say that the land build are better suited for a more aggressive fighting style while the defense sub species is better for a more defensive fighting style the water speed aren't really that necessary since you have abilities to make up for [Music] it I talked on and on about how the spus has different ways to fight and I think he's about to the time I explained the I'm talking about the Spinosaurus have one of the best default stats in the game meaning he can win most L vest he's in however that changes quickly when we talk about a creature with similar stats as a spinal the spinal lacks in speed but his potential in manabilang think of it as a contrast to the T-Rex the T-Rex will always want to put you in a head-to-head Clash the spinal fighting Cell are similar to that that he wants to overpower your opponent in a slugfest however unlike the T-Rex the spinal lacking damage output making the spinal a bit more of a perseverance type of creature and that also means that his type of slugfest unlike the TX needs a bit more finesse by the way I just want to say it now while I have the chance I really miss the spinal bleed the spinos to compatibility are kind of all arounded he is a semi- aquatic meaning he can be in both land and in water in a fighting sense though I will say that he can fight pretty much everywhere as long as the player knows what he's doing I will say say that High stats opponents does require a bit more open areas when it comes to Mid and lower cares then you should use a Terrain to limit their movement Open Fields can still work but you are putting yourself in a dangerous spot if you know how to do things but are still unsure about your PVP skill then you can always have a river or a water source nearby just in case you need a get out card now what everyone has been waiting for the fights and let's get the big ones out of the way shall we literally fight apexes and or high TI now just like what I said before when it comes to other high tier animals you should try and avoid an head-to-head clash and rather do a slug Fest but more finess I'm just going to say it now but when it comes to other high tis creature you should try and make it a battle of turn radius always do that I know that the stomp looks and sounds attractive but when it comes to fighting a pack is you really need the extra boost in turn radius the default maneuverability on Spinosaurus very good but it doesn't give you a clear edge of your opponent and being able to turn around on a die may help you dodge fatal attacks like a bone break or a charge up bleed attack basically what I'm saying you need to ride that Apex stay on that ass stay away from its main weapon after all having better damage output doesn't mean if you can't land them there's a lot going on in this phase you need to do good combos with your class and bite and also move according to your opponent so you don't end up in front of their main weapons also I just wanted to go back on the topic of subspecies remember what I said about that the defensive subspecies are much better for a defensive fighting style unfortunately the spinal lack in speed does make it difficult for it to keep up even with other apexes this gets even worse when the sub species you chose aren't meant to do a lot of running around this is just something to keep in mind if you do choose to defend Subs species that you might have to let a lot of people escape now to be completely honest the land build spinal aren't that much faster than its defensive counterpart however it does make the idea of chasing your opponents more realistic I would say however view it as this way if your opponents are clearly faster than you that means that you can definitely win over them in terms of a slug vest you just need to do it correctly to be completely honest staying on a dinosaur's tail aren't completely necessary for every dinosaur on the other hand if you do wish to have the best odds to win a fight no matter what creature you should perform this I don't know strategy there are few creatures who can compete with the spinal in terms of turn radius and among Apex is even less you have the health and tankiness but because of your lack of speed speed and damage output basically what I'm trying to get at is no matter what opponent no matter what Apex you are facing you should always try and make it a contest of turn radius no matter what Apex is I do recommend this Arsenal this Arsenal are best suited for I contest of turn radius and as long as you can perform the strategy correctly then you have the capability of winning most fights if you have a chosen stomp over this action then you need to be selective when to use it without traction tail writing will be more difficult if anything you might have to rely on the smart move button and then predict your opponent's movement and then just hit them when you can I'm not saying that this stomp is bad I'm just saying you need to be smart when using it before I go into what to do against pseudo apexes against low tiar I just want to say it right now low TI alone aren't too much of a trouble in this situation it is actually good to have the stop ability however it's not really that conspicuous so it is good to use for baiting the creature in against low TI your claws and tail are the best option you can use the stomp ability too but it requires a bit more timing and luck pouncers and Grapplers aren't too much of a problem if a pouncer PS on you I would just shake two times then I would hit the stomp button and when the pouncer releases from the lack of energy then he will get [Music] stomped I'll say it again against low tears then tail and Claws remains your best option and stomp if you can land a blow there are ways for you to make it easier for yourself you can either one go into water or you can place yourself in an area where they can only attack You from One Direction making it easier for you to predict their movement all you need to do is to be ready and when you see they come you only need to do the timing correctly and get rid of the past FL are never a problem when they come solo as a pack then you only need to do the same stuff but with more targets if anything it might be easier to deal with low tiar as a spino compared to a Rex do not underestimate the perseverance of a spino not only are your tail placed in an angle where it's easier to deal with smaller opponents most of the spino's abilities are directed for a more endurance type of fights a spino can keep on fighting even when he's at at death store also question for my viewers in terms of stat what the is tacosaurus probably not a high one sudway packes are a bit more different there are multiple ways you can fight sudway paxes one is the easy one you can just overpower them in a head-to-head Clash the other option are just in case if they plan to utilize their speed Advantage Claw at them and fight them tail with them all until they are dead you don't really need to do the contest of turning radius with them however it can make it easier for you to have the extraction so you are able to keep up with their speed by the way this is the Arsenal I recommend against zuro axis though the other one can also work depending on how you like to fight they are usually faster than you and if they do get a few tail rides hit in you then even you need to be concerned this becomes even more annoying if they have other abilities like bone break or bleed fortunately if they do have any of those annoying abilities just be glad that your stats are better than them if they do apply those unknowing abilities then you usually can survive until they run out the duration of the ability I mean also just ignore the cat he think is relevant simply put against Sur paxes all you need to do is just keep up with their speed and then just outmatch them overpower them in raw strength besides agility and speed you don't really have too much to worry about sudo axes and again what I say about low tis they're usually more of a bother than a threat solo that is if they do come in the pack then you can start worrying the beautiful thing about Spinosaurus is that you can just go into water and suddenly the enemies you need to meet becomes even less you are safer in the water while they land animals need to fight among themselves the few creatures you do fight in water are usually the Crocs there are actually a rather simple strategy to deal with Crocs Crocs are a menace in water they are high speed and high damage however with the updates they are now heavily focused Ambush Predators meaning that in a head-to-head Clash they will fall short especially with a rather low health for water fights I recommend this Arsenal it will give you the speed you need to dodge your opponents at attack and also the bulk to tank one of those and don't be scared to tank one of those hits all you need to do is keep applying pressure on the opponent keep applying pressure don't let him gather himself and do a counter attack against highest stats semi Aquatics like the dino kyus or the mod Dino sucus a different approach needs to be taken if you can then you should try and fight them on land on land you should have the advantage against both of these creatures maybe more so dinos suus but dinoyo should also be weak against the tail riding if the fight does end up in water I'm actually not too sure on how the odds will be to be completely honest it's kind of it depends on the player it really does in water at least if you have the ability for swimming then your abilities to swim should be somewhat similar the spin only needs to stay at the top because he needs to worry about the spine besides that I said the odds for winning this are pretty much 50/50 it really depends on the player in other words they aren't really any sure ways to win against a similar stat creature in water also just ignore the third partyer I swear it's impossible for battle Titans player to not interfere in a 1 V one seriously put that on the list for impossible challenges with battle Titans players now I will say this taking on multiple opponents especially those opponents who are at equal stats with you that is never a good idea if you see multiple opponents with similar stat as you always back away the odds are against you and you really shouldn't do this you are most likely to lose this is by the way also a reason to why you should make sure that you have a water source nearby if you have a water source nearby then your attackers might not even bother attacking you they will know that the moment they show aggression you will just B to the water however I am not one of those guys when you do fight multiple opponents you need to rely on that they actually are two opponents by that I mean they are teammates they don't want to do any Friendly Fire and that is something you should use against them in a fight with opponents with similar stat as you I recommend this Arsenal you need to utilize your Superior turning speed to the max you already need to put a lot of effort just killing one of these and now you need to do it for two though it's only greedy to try and kill both you should Target the weakest one and then go for him [Music] again you don't need to kill both once you kill one of their teammate you're basically one after after all they were the one who couldn't kill you in a 2v one so do summarize against apexes try to stick on their ass ride that apx do not let go from riding that Apex stay on their tail stay away from their main weapon and then continue continue to tail ride them you see the spinal claws they are meant to grip that ass and your mouth keep biting it against sudo axes just overpower the poor they will soon find out that they are not that guy and we'll have to back off so they don't die unless they are willing to go all full guns and blazing against low tears just tail smack them up bit slap them bait them into your weapons they are weak they only need a few good slaps and smack use the terrain to limit their movement if you need to if they really want to get all up into that then just Stomp Them against most semi Aquatics just apply a lot of pressure to them in water you are one of the better Brawlers so that's where you need to force them into a head-to-head Clash against creature of similar stats however I'd say then you can still do the head-to-head clashing however the also winning that are 50/50 depends on player that's all I can say now if they're multiple opponents if they are a low tiers then you can fight them but if they are of syil stats as you then the odds are against you no one will shame you for running away in a 2v one but if you insist utilize the fact that they don't want to do any Friendly Fire and then and just dance around them utilizing your better turning radius is key to winning this fight Target one and when he's low enough that's when you can go for the [Music] kill now I should probably say that this combat video weren't planned so the usual combat video will continue as usual I just did this one because I felt like it in any case if you have any specific creature you want me to cover just go to my Community post there you will find a dedicated post where you can suggest your creature in the comment sections also make sure that you read the extra info on the post just in case with that I have nothing more to share and I beat you guys ad goodbye
Channel: ๐“๐“พ๐“ญ๐“พ๐“ท๐“ฅ๐“ธ๐“ด๐“ฝ๐“ฎ๐“ป
Views: 3,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AudunVokter, Vtuber, Gaming, Gameplay, memes, playthrough, funny, vtuber moments, gaming moments, funny vtubers, stupid, game fails, Envtuber, Vtuberen, Dinosaurs, Dinosaurgame, Dinosaurgameplay, gameplay, dinonerd, dinosaurcombat, dinosaurfight, PathOfTitans, POTgameplay, PathOfTitansgameplay, Gamer, Fails, gamefails, badplay, meme, packhunting, spinoaurus, t.rex, spino, idiocy, moron, noob, Nycta, Modded, Mods, Modded dinosaurs, Venom, Bleed, Utahraptor, battle, dinosaur battle, pvp, survival
Id: C9A6qDZsNF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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