How to Feel Whole & Complete On Your Own | Isabel Palacios

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[Music] hey guys it's Isabelle so in today's video we're going to be talking about how to feel whole and complete on your own when you're single even if you're not single this is something that we should all learn and we should all grow and cultivate and that is learning how to be happy in your own company not feeling like you're missing out or anything or you're lonely or any of that just because you're not in a romantic relationship now before I get onto this video I would like to make an extremely exciting announcement this has been almost a year in the making and I have been teasing this so very much I am pleased to announce that I am now launching the confidence charged-up it is personal one-on-one confidence coaching with me now this coaching will be available to anyone and everyone who ever feels that they want more confidence in their life I am more than happy to be your guide and your coach in becoming the best possible most powerful version of you now this is only going to be available for five to ten clients and it's going to be an eight-week course every week you will be working directly with me either be a phone call or video chat whatever feels most comfortable to you and we're going to be working every week for eight weeks specifically on rewiring and resetting your mindset for one of confidence high self-esteem high self-love and utilizing and mastering the law of attraction if you guys are interested please be sure to visit my new website it's Isabel V Palacios calm the link is down below into the description when you get to the home page just click start here and you will be taken to my confidence page please be sure to read all the information before clicking sign me up and that will take you to the questionnaire that you must fill out if you are especially interested in working with me one on one this is going to be a very competitive process as there are so many people expressing interest and there's high demand to get one of these spots so if you're interested I urge you to please visit my website link is down below fill out the questionnaire I'll be in contact with you for the next step I'm very excited to be working with some of you and to finally connect with you and to help you through whatever you feel has been holding you back so don't wait any longer go sign up right now and let's start taking the first steps to the best version of you it's that being said let's get on to feeling whole and complete on your own when it comes to attracting love or if you've just gone through a breakup or a relationship has ended I always tell you guys to feel whole and complete on your own because frankly we don't do desperate around here we don't have to beg anyone to love us we don't have to go out and search for love love should come into our life freely and we're all about taking back our power and staying in it so if you've been feeling lonely insecure desperate or just not worthy of love or anything good in life just because someone's not in a relationship with you but you don't have a romantic partner then this video is for you so my first tip is to know this you are more than your relationship status look at life as sort of a balance wheel there's career there's health Fitness friendship family hobbies pastimes leisure and so much more so if you look at this balance wheel relationships only make up a piece of the pie a piece of the chart it's that all there is to life when you realize that you're so much more your life is so much more than your romantic relationships then you can stop taking all that energy you're putting into finding a partner and being desperate for a partner and put it towards other areas of your life that need work like finances or health and fitness and that's so funny because some of us act like romantic relationships are all there is to this big balance we love life we act like that's our entire worth that's our entire being that's all there is that's all that makes life worth living and that is simply not true I'm telling you this right now that is not true get that out of your head we're not doing that around here we're not doing the disparition we're not doing that scarcity around here your existence is not valid and solely by your relationship status and you are not defined by your relationship status because you are a unique whole and complete well-rounded individual on your own single and you have many redeeming qualities don't limit yourself to just a relationship status you have way more depth than that so starts right now to work on other areas of your life that are lacking get your focus off of what your ex is doing on social media what your crush is doing on social media who they're talking to what they're doing that's their life that is none of your business focus on your business get your life in line get your life together I'm gonna go into this later on in this video but start looking at your life as a big balance wheel with all these different areas make a big pie chart just draw a circle and start cutting in all the pieces to your life and in one of those pieces add romantic relationships but don't make it your whole circle so what are the areas in your life that you'd like to focus more on good to be your health and fitness could it be your finances your budgeting making more money could it be your career could it be your mindset could it be your family life or could it be your social life with your friends this balance wheel is very specific to each and every person there are some people who right now their life is out of balance they're feeling a lot of lack a lot of emptiness a lot of loneliness because they've allowed a big piece a big chunk of that pie chart that balance wheel to go all towards romantic relationships how they're single how they're lacking and then other areas of their life begin to lack as well so now all they have to focus on is this big old pie chart of nothingness that is not getting anywhere with them don't just define yourself by relationship and if other people wanted to find you by relationship that's cool that's on them that's their mindset that's their scarcity and limited mindset but you don't have to have it you don't have to live by that paradigm tip number two is don't to give in to society if we listen to society all our lives if we're constantly caring what everyone else is doing what society tells us to do what religion what culture what all these things tell us to do we're never gonna live our true tics elves so if you feel trapped by Dogma if you feel trapped by societal standards that you need to get married by this time or have a partner look like this or do this you're always gonna be slave to that you're never gonna free yourself you're never gonna live life on your terms so don't allow societal expectations or anybody else's expectations to rush you into something you're not ready for if you're not ready for a relationship if you're not ready to start dating if you don't feel like dating don't let anyone push you into that if you're happy doing you if you're happy in your space in your power then keep going and if you're not happy where you are right now create a life that you're happy with and I tell you guys this all the time you don't have to have a certain job a certain life a certain thing to make you successful or to make you great or whatever because everyone is so unique everyone has such different unique talents perspectives experiences that a one-size-fits-all cookie cutter approach to life does not work all it does is set people up to living depressed lives to feeling anxious to not ever being in tune with themselves into living life that is not their own so step out of that know that what works for everyone else does not necessarily mean that it will work for you it's all about discernment figuring out what works for you figuring out who you truly are and what you truly want that is the first step in freeing yourself from societal standards next step is to get out of that scarcity mindset most people who feel lonely or feel like they need a relationship or can't be single alone it is because they're in a scarcity mindset now what is the scarcity might say it's what you think that you're never gonna find somebody so when you think that you're gonna be lonely forever it's when you think that you're past your prime there's not enough people out there not enough good men or good women out there or like you're never gonna find someone like your ex or your ex told you that no one will ever love you as much as they do that is all part of a scarcity mindset and I don't want you to subscribe to that mindset if you don't believe it and a lot of us don't I actually believe that deep down we just allow ourselves to foam to this pity we allow ourselves to fall into this hole because it feels comfortable to just blame society or blame everyone else for what's going on in our inner turmoil and our inner home so I'm telling you right now if nobody's told you this you will find better than your ex the person for you is out there there are plenty of fish in the sea and plenty of great catches out there there is abundance in this universe and your ideal partner the partner that you have been always your eye on the person that you envision yourself with does exist but it's because you've settled for the scarcity mindset you've settled you thought I can't do any better than this this is the best I'll be able to do this is the best that's out there you have settled into this mindset which is why you feel a lack why you feel loneliness why you can't be happy on your own why you keep swiping on the dating apps why you keep putting up with people who treat you less than you deserve because you're in this mindset but if you tell yourself there is plenty of opportunity for me out there there are plenty of people out there to meet there I don't know how many billion people there are on this earth so many countries so many cultures so many people out there and it's all about knowing that you have options and that will allow you your freedom truth is if you step up your game and I don't mean just your flirting game and things like that I mean if you actually level up mentally physically emotionally if you become so much better than you ever were in the past honey you will be a magnet for that abundance you will be a magnet not only for potential suitors but a ton of amazing things in your life so you have to believe that your person is out there for you you have to believe that your standards will be met when you do that you are creating it in the universe you are creating that opportunity so get out of the scarcity don't believe any of those limiting beliefs anyone else told you for and don't allow the beliefs in your head right now to stop you from being the best you can be and living your life on your terms scarcity mindset a lot of people have it it's normal it's what society wants us to feel like we're inadequate or that we're not good enough and in the end you're a whole and complete on your own you're good on your own and the right person will come to you when you're ready for it tip number four is to feel comfortable alone now I am a person who thrives in solitude I wasn't always like this I wasn't always a person who liked being independent on my own as I became more self-aware as I allowed myself to enjoy my own company I started by taking myself out on dates just living your life on your own and enjoying your own company that is what will take you out of that mindset that you are lonely because being alone does not equate loneliness people who feel lonely by themselves it's because they haven't gotten to know themselves it's because they haven't enjoyed their own company and a lot of us we want to be in a relationship we want to have a partner but if you're a person who always has to have somebody with them to feel validated to feel something that means you're always gonna be taking in your relationship you're always gonna be taking time attention and energy from your partner but if you feel whole and secure on your own you get comfortable being alone you do things on your own not depending on other people to be there or to rescue you then you will actually become a high-value partner a partner that will add value to other people's lives to their partner's lives thus you will attract better people into your life that will be similar in a very similar healthy mindset by being comfortable alone you get rid of these feelings of insecurity of codependency you won't become clingy because you're secure you're yourself you're in your space you do your thing whether someone walks into your life or walks out of it really doesn't make big waves in your life because you your equilibrium is nice and steady so just do more things on your own don't feel like you always have to invite people or be doing what everyone else is doing don't give in to that FOMO be happy and comfortable in your own space that does not mean turning into Hermits her being alone all the time it just means hey I'm gonna spend a Saturday night by myself at home reading going to the gym on my own er going shopping on my own er doing all these things on my own and that way you become more comfortable over time naturally in your company now my fifth and final tip and I believe this isn't the most important one kind of going back to the balance wheel we are going to get our life together I always tell you guys when you're single on your own that is the best most liberating time you can literally do anything with your time you can do anything with your life from here on out especially after a relationship ends it's like you have a fresh start so take this fresh start a new beginning and put it towards implementing change creating abundance in your life and creating the life you love so that means having very tough inner dialog discussions with yourself where do you need to level up in what areas of your life need improvement and start putting your focus towards that because not only will improving your life make you just a happier all-around more successful person it will create a better energy around you your energy will be free-flowing in abundance and beauty in security and confidence and what does that do that attracts a better partner that attracts better people into your life your energy will get so high and so vibrant that anyone who cannot reach you vibrationally will not be able to enter into your energy field so make sure that you are becoming the best version not only for you but also for a better life also to attract better people work on your finances your career don't be afraid to set yourself up for success don't be afraid to look somebody in the eye and be like I'm not interested in dating I'm working on me don't be afraid to just stand up for yourself and finally step into your powers as I was talking about on this week's episode of my podcast taking back your power if you guys haven't listened to it it's available on basically all platform where podcasts can be listened to but I was talking today about leveling up and and reinventing yourself let go of what doesn't serve you you've let go of those relationships those circumstances those people you've let it go now you've created a gap in your life a void so it's very important to start filling it with things that are for your betterment but this is all about being honest with yourself getting to know yourself becoming self-aware but even if you don't know where to start tell yourself I'm going to do my best in every aspect of my life and I will not allow my relationship status to deter me towards my success all you have to ingrain in your brain and also your habits and daily routines have to align with what this vision is for your best highest most high vibrational self that you can imagine in the future so yes guys you are whole and complete on your own you were born an individual you are born a person with very specific unique talents abilities and qualities that can't be found in any other person in this world so you need to start showing up as that you need to start acting like this person because that is you that is you beneath everything that you've been taught all these silly things all these beliefs that have been instilled in us since we were young beneath all of that is your true self is your highest self so don't sell yourself short by falling into the scarcity mindset your life is yours and in the moment that your life becomes yours and you're living it in the highest vibrational self when you least expect it the right person will come in don't doubt it don't fear it enjoy your life whether single in a relationship what have you enjoy it it's your life you only have one make the best of it all right guys so thank you so very much for watching this video I hope it helped you I hope it inspired you to start living your life on your terms and stop giving in to the scarcity and lack mindset it's only holding you back and if you guys would like to be coached personally by me please visit my website the link is down below I hope to be able to talk with many of you and please understand that coaching is a very life changing a very transformative perience so for those of you who would like to change your life and become your most confident most powerful self only if you are a hundred percent committed to this I want you to visit my link below I hope to see you guys there and if you'd like to connect with me please follow me on Instagram and I'm also on Twitter links are down below follow taking back your power my podcasts on Instagram as well so thank you guys so very much for watching don't forget to subscribe to see more videos from me enjoying our high vibrational family always remember this no matter what you may look like no matter what your relationship status would be or your financial situation is or who you are in this life your true beauty your true Worth and your true power always come from with it I love you all and I will see you my next video but back
Channel: Isabel Palacios
Views: 131,446
Rating: 4.9586349 out of 5
Keywords: how to be single and happy, how to be happy while single, how to feel whole and complete on your own, how to stop being desperate, how to attract love, law of attraction for love, how to manifest love, how to manifest a specific person, how to use the law of attraction to attract your soulmate, the glo up after the breakup, how to get through a breakup, how to get over your ex, how to get over a crush
Id: ZjkyvBuS_z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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