How To Farm Berserk Weapons & Armor Guide | [EN] CotC

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hey what's up it's dream and today I'm back for another weapon and armor update guide this time farming for the new berserk series that just released this Wednesday with patch 1.9 while our last weapon series origin gave HP as its bonus stat the berserk weapon series bonus is physical attack this means that it'll be our best in slot physical damage weapon for the next few patches and then of course as always the newest armor will always be the new best in slot defensively for achievement purposes it's recommended every patch to craft one of every tier 4 weapon and one of every armor piece if you're an endgame player however this isn't mandatory you'll be perfectly fine only crafting what you need for your roster of physical DPS and things that you can actually make use of if you made a bunch of origin weapons already they're still great and honestly there's still the better option for utility or Magic based characters as those characters will get more use out of the 300 HP bonus than they would from a single digit bonus to Magic attack that being said personally I'll be making a bunch of these weapons for sword and for bow to help with my warrior and Archer job Towers since my nukers in there could really use the physical damage bonus once I finish that I'll be looking forward to making weapons for the Largo cup which all my physical DPS will be in for as well but I'm probably going to skip over making things like fans staffs or tomes this patch personally with that out of the way let's talk about how to make this new series and where to farm its materials the blacksmith for this patch is in Grand Port once again so once you've picked up your first couple berserk materials from progressing through the bestower of power 3 you can return to him see the weapons armor and enhancements added to their shop as with every patch the base weapons and armor are going to be crafted using the normal mob drops in the new dungeon while the weapon enhancements to tier 2 3 and 4 require daily Elite mob drops and the respective battle-tested weapon you can teleport to the dungeon by clicking on it in the middle of the ocean once you've visited it before once inside you will see a number of waterways with forced bathing and smaller Island dungeons within the map the two Elite mobs we want from the first map are found on the bottom left and bottom right Islands I personally like to start with the bottom left Island since it flows into the other one more naturally but you can do them in any order that you wish once inside the bottom left Island we will meet our very first daily Elite mob the mighty killer conch as always we want to click Memoir really quick so that we put a save point in front of him in case we have to close our game to reset for his drops and once we're inside of the fight we see that his weaknesses are sword ax Tome lightning and wind he has a relatively low HP pool so he should be pretty easy to Nuke down in a single or two turns now the drops that we want out of our killer conch every single day are polished Stones he has the chance to drop four to six polished stones or six refined Stones we want to reset and make sure that we're killing him every single day a to receive poly stones from every single kill however it does not matter the number that you get As Long as You Follow the outline I have in this guide if you did not receive your desired drops from him upon the kill close out your game on the results screen and you will be able to fight him again no harm no foul as the game does not save your fight and your drops until you are out of the battle screen alright now that we're back at C we're going to want to go up a little and then make a turn to the right and start heading down to the bottom right aisle on a side note it's worth visiting each of the other Islands on the map independently as most of them will have an NPC for you to interact with after you've beaten the chapter or they will have an item waiting for you once we step foot onto the bottom right aisle we will find our second daily Elite mob the menacing treasure bones this one is going to be a little bit more tanky than the other ones so I recommend focusing his weaknesses with your daily clear roster the hardest he is weak to spear ax Tome ice and light he has the ability to drop us polished Stones refined stones and soften Stones this means just like origin farming with the flame wisp we want to alternate what drops we get from Mr Bones every single day this is what allows us to not care about the quantity of drops that we get as long as we're getting the correct drop from each mob during the day that being said you're going to want one kill daily to give you polished stones and one kill daily to give you refined Stones it doesn't matter which one he gives you on your first clear as long as it's not softened you'll be resetting your second clear of him in the bonfires of battle later to make sure that you get the other one that you did not get from the first one in my clear here you can see that he drops me polished stones that means later on I'll have to remember this as I will be resetting for refined stones on my next kill now it is time to proceed to our next set on the second map I prefer to teleport to the Isle of Orsa and walk back into the second map from the back half as it's a little bit quicker personally the aisles that are holding our daily Elite mobs for this map are the one in the very bottom middle and the one that is the leftmost center I like to start by heading straight down and going for the bottom middle first but again the order that you do them in not too important just like in the first map I definitely recommend checking out each of these islands individually after you beat the chapters there's lots of items and lots of cool things for you to find also if you're a new player and you're still working on getting exp into your roster there's a new guaranteed koi chubby Kate that spawns in the rightmost middle aisle once you've beaten the chapter you can farm this every single day for bonus exp to add on to your ad Kates once we step onto the Southern Middle aisle we can see our third elite boss for the day the mighty sea anemone this is another Elite with a really low HP pull so it should be relatively easy to Nuke down pretty quick and he is also one we are not resetting for ever basically he only drops for fine stones and quantities from five to eight and like I said it doesn't matter the quantities that we get as long as we're following this route you can reset if you want to go for seven or eight every single time this will allow you to make a bonus weapon about every other day but it's not necessary so I wouldn't worry about it if I were you once we hop back onto our boat we head over to that left most center aisle to finish up our last Elite at least in our first round of kills for the day as we will be making our way over to the bonfire of battle next and once we step onto the aisle we will find ourselves facing our last Elite the menacing crested portly penguin God that's a mouthful we save in front of him so that way we can guarantee the drop we want from him at the end of the fight as his name implies he's a little bit thicker just like Mr Bones was but this time he is weak to Bo fan lightning and wind this boss has the ability to drop you both strengthen and soften Stones so you want to go for the drops that you are working for for that weapon for that day let's say you're making a sword like I am today as always Then You're Gonna Want strength and stones from your first kill of him and then whatever you want as bonuses from your second kill really in this clear you can see that it gives me softened stones but that's perfectly fine I can get my strength stones from my next clear of him coming up here we're gonna head up to the nameless Town's Tower of remembrance and then into the bonfire of battle 2. we're gonna head on over to the right and enter the sea portion of the bonfire Battle 2 and this is where our final Elites will be for the day all four of the big boys that we just killed will be in the top two rows right here so let's run over and do our second killer conch for the day reminder we're going to get polished stones from every single kill of this every single day so reset until you get your polished Stones doesn't matter the quantity next we're gonna head up and get our second kill of the sea anemone and of course again only drops for fine Stones don't have to reset for quantity go in and grab them real quick then back on over to our big portly penguin and we kill him getting our strengthened stones that we require for our sword today and then last but not least we're going back down to Mr treasure bones to grab our refined Stones since we got polished stones in our first kill if you got fine stones in your first kill this is where you're coming to get your polished Stones finished for the day make sure that you kept track of what you got the first time if you forgot you can always go back to the blacksmith and check what you need to make your second step sometimes Mr Bones here and your conch will troll the out of you and give you exactly what you're not looking for over and over again but it's worth sticking it out and getting what you need from every single daily clear so that way you can make at least one weapon per day I personally sat here and reset Mr Bones for 30 minutes while making this video today and sometimes it'd just be like that but we did finally get the dropper looking for it so now we can head back to town and make that very first berserk four sword to do that we're gonna head back over to Grand Port walk inside the blacksmith shop and once we talk to her you'll see that we're turning in the rewards enough to make an entire Weapon by itself and so since I am making a sword as my first weapon today we're gonna go over to the base weapons we're going to make the base berserk sword easy peasy and then we're gonna head on over to the enhanced arms you can see that we unlocked berserk sword too and we're going to go ahead and upgrade it using our mats we just farmed and then we can go ahead and go straight to a three once unlocking that and then of course since I have leftover BT weapons from last patch when I made a ton of Swords I have an extra one left over I can go straight to berserk sword four now I'm going to show you guys a comparison of trading up An Origin sword to a berserk sword on my Lars just so you guys can see how much gain it actually is go over here yep plus 49 weapon damage along with a plus one to grade that grade will only matter in Overworld fights like level 100 NPCs it won't affect stuff like Largo's Arena however that 50 physical attack definitely is going to so with our Elites killed and our Weapon made for the day let's talk about armor like I said at the start of the video armor is always an upgrade patch to patch however it is a very small upgrade patch to patch you can see that it gains just a few single digits of Defense in each category depending on the typing and then of course that one great upgrade so if you're struggling against Overworld fights like BT NPCs or level 100 NPCs this will make you a little bit tankier to maybe clear those fights since Yan lawn's cup was very physical based and I made a ton of physical defense armor with origen this time I'm going to be making the mixed set the quality set for the Berserker cap and the Berserker vest after farming in various maps in the new dungeon including Isles and on the water for around 20 minutes each I came to the conclusion that the place that I was getting the most equal mats and having the best time getting fights was an island where we get our killer conch kill for the day that is the first map bottom left Island it has one of the longest walks that you can trigger on any of the new maps by just pinging one side of it and then walking there automatically meaning that you're going to trigger more encounters with less map clicks overall on top of the fact that everything in here is basically weak to lightning so that you can use Cyrus or Therese to just completely knock down every single enemy with one attack and then move on to the next I personally set up a party where I have both Cyrus and Therese so that way I can use all of Cyrus's mana and then use all the Reese's Mana that way I have to make less trips Back to the Island taking advantage of just how many mob encounters I can kill between their two SP pools I would usually walk away with 9 to 11 of every single mat every single time I would make a trip back to the Inn meaning that I could finish off my vest and cap farming in about two hours just like I could for origin so yeah this is the best map that I found for farming all four of the mats equally if you're trying to hard Farm some Reaper tree branches or gold crystals at the end the very first water map where you're on the boat is really good for Reaper tree branches and the second map when you're on the boat is very good for gold Crystal farming so if you're behind on either of those two things you can try to hard funnel by going in the waters there however even then I chose to just stuck it out here because I personally hate the lag that happens on the water it's beautiful I'm glad they did it thematically but for farming I'm gonna stick on the island and just you know put my nose to the grindstone and that's gonna be it for this guide thank you guys for watching if it helped out please make sure you subscribe check out the future videos I also have a backlog of stuff helping for arena fights for exp farming either through Kate's or through the nut Memoirs I also have videos on older gear sets if you're in older patches you're getting walled by Bosses I have a new player guide and I also have a bunch of pool videos where you can watch me be a disgusting degenerate so definitely check those out if it sounds like it's up your alley I also stream on Twitch most nights we're playing different games on over there so definitely check it out dreamed if you're into that kind of thing and yeah I'll see you guys in the next one stay safe stay cute much love
Channel: Dreamt
Views: 9,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Octopath CotC, EN, Berserk Weapons, Best Gear, How to Farm, Best In Slot, Best Weapons, Guide, Berserk IV, Battle Tested, Middlesea Dungeon, 1.9.0 update, new content, Cyrus, weakness, elite mobs, loot tables, lightning AoE, new dungeon, Menacing Treasure Bones, Mighty Killer Conch, Mighty Sea Anemone, Menacing Crested Portly Penguin, Octopath Traveler, Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent, Octopath Traveler: CotC gameplay, Octopath Traveler Guide, arena prep, Largo
Id: i8IJ3bfrkAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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