5 Natural Ways to Repel Mosquitoes

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hello everyone this is jag well it's that time of the year again mosquitoes are everywhere every time i go out i just get attacked by mosquitoes and they are living in the bushes i water my lawn and water my tree so they have access to water so they're here and they're making my life miserable so i've learned five ways to repel mosquitoes that i've been using and let me share those with you in this video now the very first way to repel mosquitoes is to use eucalyptus oil so this is the eucalyptus oil that i like to use and you never want to use the eucalyptus oil directly never apply directly onto your skin or inhale it if you inhale eucalyptus oil it can cause seizures and it will cause serious nerve damage as well so always use it on your skin by diluting it in some sort of a body lotion or some sort of lotion that you apply on your skin so for that i have this kind of lotion it's basically a lavender body lotion that i use it's my wife's velvet body lotion i only use it this time of the year whenever lots of mosquitoes so lavender is one of the herbs that actually repels mosquitoes as well which i'll be talking about too so this is what you want to do let me show you all right first get your body lotion and apply it about a tablespoon of body lotion into your hand you want to apply the body lotion first so that eucalyptus oil is not directly in contact with your with your skin second thing you want to do is add about four to five drops of eucalyptus oil right on top of like that so that's about four to five drops of eucalyptus oil you can do up to six drops of eucalyptus oil and then mix it in i just like to mix it in in my hand and from that mixture take a little bit of the body lotion containing eucalyptus well and rub it on your hands and rub it on your arms as well so get it on any exposed body area that you don't get bitten by mosquitoes so eucalyptus oil is very good at repelling mosquitoes as you can see there's a mosquito bite right there i've been bitten by mosquitoes quite a quite a bit so it's time for me to use this technique that i've been using for quite some time just apply it on your on your arms and your hands and you're on your way to go all right now the second way to repel mosquitoes is by using herbs now there's two ways you can use herbs now i prefer the first way i'm going to mention and that is to get some dry herbs and then burn the herbs to create smoke to repel mosquitoes the second way to repel mosquitoes is just by planting herbs around your garden such as rosemary lavender mint basil lemon balm stuff like that however i do have quite a bit of that herbs all around around my garden and guess what it doesn't really affect that much it doesn't really work that much so you really have to dry those herbs and then burn those to create smoke to repel mosquitoes and let me show you how i do that as well all right so these are the herbs that i dry and i burn so this is some rosemary and lavender these are the primary two herbs that i use in my smoker this is a bee smoker and this does a great job in creating smoke to repel the mosquitoes if you don't have this this is only like 10 to 12 bucks if you don't have this you can use a metal can like this one so let me light this on fire this is my favorite part all right can you see it the fire is going it's pretty good amount of fire in there let me pump some more air in there all right that's good and now i'm gonna close it up there you go you see the smoke and it'll get a lot will produce a lot more spunk pretty quickly there you go there it is i'll check it out look at how this how much smoke it's creating there's a lot of smoke and you can just put it around your picnic table and put it where you're sitting and we'll get rid of all the mosquitoes will repel all the mosquitoes or you can go around and smoke the mosquitoes out of the area you're sitting at with the smoker so let's go ahead and do that all right so here's some bushes here i'm gonna smoke these mosquitoes out mosquitoes tend to get in this bush right there so i'm going to smoke it out as well and rest of it i'm just gonna keep it where i'm going to be working on my plants or planting my seedlings outside so mosquitoes don't bother me so we have this back porch and this gets a lot of shade and mosquitoes love to hide here so i put in the smoker right on the steps of the porch and this creates a lot of smoke which deters the mosquitoes from being here so all of the herbs in the smoker you know creates this odor the smell that mosquitoes don't like so this is a natural deterrent for mosquitoes now you might not have a a bee smoker like that one so you can use a metal can like this now the trouble about using this metal can is that it's hard to provide air in there and it's hard to pick it up when it's hot so if you put a piece of burlap in there some herbs in there light it on fire always use tongs to if you want to carry it around or put it somewhere but i just recommend just lining it somewhere putting it somewhere and then keeping it there don't pick it up just let it be you can also put a piece of candle in there with some herbs as well so that that might work too but i like to use the burlap because burlap creates a lot of smoke and that's what gets rid of the mosquitoes and the third way to repel mosquitoes is to wear light colored clothing now i like to wear white yellow or blue i really wear yellow so i only wear white or blue most of the time which is light blue so this is a light blue shirt that i'm wearing right now it's preferable if you wear full sleeve shirts but it's hot right now so i don't really like to wear full sleeves in hot weather so that's why i've been applied that eucalyptus oil persis plus the body lotion onto my arms to protect my arms so always wear light color clothing such as white clothes or light blue clothes or yellow clothes to repel mosquitoes so mosquitos are not attracted to you now the fourth way to repel mosquitoes is by using garlic so what this is what you can do you can take some garlic and then peel the garlic smash it real well and then put it in a saucepan or something put some water in there and boil the water with garlic in it and that will release the essential oils from garlic in the water and you can actually strain the water if you like or put the garlic with water inside the spring bottle itself because most spring bottles have a little filter in there and then spray the area that is most affected around your house with this garlic spray and that will repel the mosquitoes as well so i have a garlic bulb here and i'm going to be getting some garlic cloves out of it so you can get some garlic cloves out of this garlic bowl just three to four is enough for this and then put it in a mortar and pestle like that and then smash it [Music] all right let me smash it some more as you can see it's releasing all the garlic juices that's what you get that's what you want to get all the garlic juices all the essential oils from garlic just give it a really good beating all right and then we're going to add it to the saucepan all right so i have a pan here and i already have some warm water from the kettle i'm gonna put that in there and now i'm going to add the garlic on the mortar and pestle get all the juices in there and then mix it into the water real well so all the garlic solution is ready and now let's pour it into the spray bottle here so we have a funnel and a strainer so let's go ahead and do that so the water goes into the strainer and catches all the bits and pieces of garlic goes into the funnel and right into the sprayer all right let's cover this spray bottle with a sprayer there you go and it's ready to use there you go all right our spare is ready i already have a smoker going here that i showed earlier that's going to provide smoke in this area with all the essential herbs and that's going to repel mosquitoes and on top of that i'm going to spray all of this you know porsche area with this garlic spray that's going to repel the mosquitoes even further so they're not going to be any mosquitoes in here after i'm done i'm just going to go around put the walls the door [Music] and the mosquitoes are gonna absolutely hate this there's some really strong garlic odor no mosquitoes are going to get in here and now it's story time so one mosquito asked the other how was your flight the second mosquito goes oh it was really great everybody was clapping for me now the fifth way to repel mosquitoes or not to attract mosquitoes around your house is by being proactive and that's by not having standing water near your house or around the area that we're gonna sit so never have standing water in your pots you know pots have some catching pans at the bottom that's very neglected people literally don't pay attention to that so that collects water underneath the pots and mosquitoes lay eggs in there so that's one of the sources of mosquitoes that i've seen everywhere in in people's houses and they say we don't have standing water in our house but you have pots and you have a catching tray at the bottom of the of the pot and i'll see mosquito larvae's in there so never have standing water around your house and that will get rid of the mosquitoes around your house as well i really hope you enjoyed this video and i'll see you another video
Channel: Daisy Creek Farms with Jag Singh
Views: 217,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hfUrZ5OW58I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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