How to extend/stretch your titles in Davinci Resolve? (Keyframe Stretcher)

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hi everybody jeremy from video studio here today i'm going to show you how to use keyframe stretcher to be able to have responsive titles that you can extend and reduce as you want let's check it out improve your video and speed up your workflow by using easy to use drag and drop templates made specifically for davinci resolve check it out on our website okay so here we are in fusion i've made like a simple composition with like a background attacks and a rectangle and basically now i'm want to animate it i want to animate it the in and the out but i will make the out uh stretchable with another note that we call a keyframe stretcher basically what it's going to allow us to do is to extend titles as much as we want then in the edit page so if then we want to make or fusion comp let's say 16 seconds 20 seconds we can just you know extend it and the keyframe out will be extended with it so let's see together right now how we can do that how we can achieve that so first off let's make a quick animation so we have something to start with so i'm gonna do something really simple it's just to show you how it works and how you can do it uh so right now i'm gonna start with the rectangle let's say so right now i'm happy with the size of the rectangle let's start a key frame here perfect then i'm gonna bring it down to zero we're gonna bring the width to zero so we are all first animation we're gonna do then something with the text so let's um here the rotation let's do the y-axis perfect here it's good and then i'm gonna bring that to 100 so basically now yeah perfect i got what i want i'm gonna show you how to smooth that out because right now it looks uh like you know a bit slow and it doesn't look really really good so let's go with spline then we're gonna show up or keyframe so we got basically the text keyframe here but as you can see the line is not a curve it's just a straight apply and that's why it looks so harsh so we're gonna select all of the point then we're gonna hit s and as you can see it's already smoothed out so it looks better um it's already a bit more smooth but what i like to do i'm going to continue select them i'm going to hit t to just show up ease in and ease out and i'm going to bring the ease in to let's say about 80. um and to me it looks way cleaner when you do those thing it makes the animation way smoother let's have a quick look yeah it's um it's way better in my opinion so now that we have the animation in let's do quickly the animation out we're gonna go to let's say i wanted to start at 50 and we're gonna do we're gonna go back to text then we're gonna put the same keyframe here um and at the end we're gonna reduce it to 100 again perfect so basically we're replicating the exact same thing that we've done at the beginning but at the end that's pretty much it so now rectangle we're going to do the same thing we're going to go to 50 here it's nice with let's keyframe that and then out we're gonna bring it to zero again perfect so as you can see we have basically the same thing we're gonna adjust the smoothness the same way we've done so let's select everything then hit s to start to smooth it out and then we're gonna just the is not sorry not the we're not gonna just the is in we're gonna adjust the ease out for that matter so let's go with the ease out and let's go to 80 the same way so as you can see we got something that is pretty similar um let's give it a go perfect perfect we got our animation it works it's nice so now the problem is if i go to the edit page and i try to stretch it as you can see here so show up and it doesn't stretch it's stopped the same way that we've set up the keyframe as so to bypass that and to be able to stretch it as we want we will have to add the keyframe stretcher uh it's really simple then basically you're gonna add it at the end of your um nod structure so right now i'm gonna add it after the merge so i'm gonna hit shift space to open the select tool panel then i'm gonna go with keyframe stretcher let's add it so you know just tap key and it will show up like right there uh keyframe search let's add it perfect so as you see right now it's red because we haven't put anything so it's say that there is an error but don't worry everything is okay so what we want to do here is how it works um it's pretty pretty simple um so the source of the composition is starting at zero the end it's finishing at 71. so we're gonna put zero it's like by default it's gonna be zero at the beginning and then you just want to put the end at 71 where it doesn't matter like your fusion com length and you know your it just depends off your um of the lens of your fusion composition and it depends of you know the framework that you choose another thing for this specific composition is 71 but it can be like a a lot of different number like uh 320 or whatever so just make sure that you have um the this thing like the source in that is always zero most of the time and um source and uh that for me is 71. then we gonna basically tell that node what's when the stretch is starting and when the stretch is ending so right now my animation is finished at 24 so i want the stretch to start at 24 and um the end basically it starts at 50 so i'm gonna put 50 here let's do it 50 perfect and what it's going to do it's basically between 24 and 50 where there is no animation when we're gonna stretch uh in the edit page it's only this part that's gonna get stretched and not the animation so you will still have the animation in and you will have to animation out so here we go i think it's good we're good let's go to the edit page let's check it out so now we're gonna stretch it to 12 seconds and as you can see let's render it so you have a clean look at it so now let's render let's check it out so you have the animation in perfect and as you can see it's only the middle of the composition that have been stretched and now we still have the animation out that gonna show up any minute perfect so we have your animation in or animation out so you can you know extend it as much as you want you can reduce it just if you reduce it be careful you put your animation let's say on this one at 24 frame and then 50. so if you go 2 two two too low then you may have your two key framing that gonna overlap so so be careful to not reduce it too much because otherwise the animation in and out could overlap so just be careful with that but other than that now you can you know extend it as much as you want and you will not have any problem all right guys so let me know in the comment if you have any question and what kind of video you would like to see in the future don't forget to like and subscribe it really helped a lot and i'll see you in the next video bye improve your video and speed up your workflow by using easy to use drag and drop templates made specifically for davinci resolve check it out on our website
Channel: Video Editor Studio
Views: 788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve 17, JayAreTV, Jamie Fenn, Keyframe, Keyframe Stretcher, Keyframe davinci, fusion keyframe, fusion animation, macros, macros davinci resolve, davinci resolve titles, davinci resolve template, davinci resolve animation, davinci resolve motion graphics, Casey Faris, extend fusion title, extend fusion title duration, keyframe animation basics, keyframe beginner davinci, davinci beginner tutorial, tutorial animation davinci
Id: sUi6FCQkI0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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