How To : Export from Marvelous Designer to Autodesk Maya

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hello everyone reza here welcome to another marvelous designer video now in this video i am going to respond to a request from my patreon page and a user asked how to export multiple elements from marvelous designer separately into your preferred 3d application package it's actually a very good question and i have not covered that yet so i thought it would be a good idea to just pick the hat tutorial that we did a while ago and decompose it and export different elements separately into maya let's get started [Music] all right first things first you need to make sure that you have uvs so i'm just gonna go into uv editor and if you remember in that making a hat video we did uv unwrap it so that's the first thing that you need to be mindful of another thing is you need to check your topology now by default what you get is triangle so basically any fabric you create marvelous designer is going to triangulate that the reason that that is not the case for us because if you remember and i'm gonna go in here to show you everything is a quad if you remember very first session introduction to user interface i asked all of you to go to settings preferences and in 3d i change that mesh option from triangle to quad so i don't need to retopologize after i create my garment that's why every garment i create it's quite wrangling now let's say you forgot to do that or you're just a new user you found this channel you didn't follow from the very first session what should you do well one obvious option would be to re-apologize it in your preferred 3d application and admittedly i'm looking at this this is not the cleanest of the topologies but this does not deform as much if that was a character or if you rig this asset then i highly suggest you to take this into let's say an application like maya and properly re-topologize it but all i want is quads not triangles and for that matter this will get the job done i'm just going to go in here and switch to thick so i can see what's going on if you want to do it inside marvelous designer it's actually very easy you go into edit context menu 3d garment and you just go quadrangle it so you just need to select your objects select your patterns basically and go here 3d garment and quadrangulate and marvelous designer tries its best to quadranglate the mesh now the reason that i picked this tutorial because it's got everything it's got a button it's got stitches top stitches that we can export out separately and it's got the actual fabric so that would be a really good scenario for exporting tutorial not to mention that in this um version marvelous designer 11 and possibly higher you can change the way that you export top stitching you can export the top stitching as a diffuse map or you can export it as an obj which is quite exciting you could do it in previous versions but you had to do it in the export menu as opposed to a property editor menu so there's a slight change there with the preparation out of the way let's get to the actual tutorial and see how we can export this asset into multiple objects and open it inside autodesk maya [Music] all right let's think about what exactly we want to do i would like to export this hat as multiple objects because i can easily connect them inside autodesk maya and i can keep the eyelets separately i would like to have top stitchings as one object and i would like to have the button as one object all separate what i also want to do is to bake the top stitching into my diffuse map and i highly suggest you to do that because sometimes your top stitching can slow your scene down significantly so i would like to have that as a backup in case if i'm uncomfortable with that amount of geometry in my scene i can easily use the top stitching on my diffuse map with normal map and basically make my scene more efficient all right with that out of the way let's get to work i'm going to go to property editor and switch to top stitching select top stitch one i probably need to reset my workspace excellent with that i'm gonna get the property editor as well all right take two top stitch and in here under information type i need to make sure that texture is selected not obj so all of my top stitchings are now will be baked on these fabrics hope it makes sense all right let's go and go to edit select all and i'm going to zoom in a little bit so i can kind of see everything clearly it's a good idea before you export to do a quick sim so the uh fabric settles and if there is any giona penetration it can be sorted before you export because those tweaks can be done much easier inside a marvelous designer now with everything selected i'm going to go to export object selected and i made a a clean nice hierarchy where i put my buttons into buttons folder i put my fabric inside fabric folder and i put top stitching in my top stitching folder so i'm going to go to fabric obj is selected i'm going to call this main underscore fabric i'm going to go save i get this export obj window let's go through it select all patterns of course i would like to have that have it as a single object or multiple object there's a really good chance that you may want to color certain areas uh differently inside your preferred 3d application so having that as multiple object allows you to have that option again combining these panels inside let's say autodesk is literally a single click so i'm not really too worried about that i want that to be a thick object obviously the thickness adds to the realism so why not i'm just going to scroll up in image size 1k is way too low especially now i'm planning on exporting top stitching as diffuse map 1k is not going to cut it i'm going to go to 4k so 4 0 9 6. i would like to have the diffuse map i would like to have the normal map we do not have roughness opacity or metalness so with that i'm going to go okay now if i bring my diffuse map now and zoom in you can see now i have the top stitching baked to my diffuse map that's a really massive help you can see same scenario applies to my normal map so at any point of time if you want to somehow fake it you can easily do that without using that heavy top stitching geometry so that's a possibility that is out of the way let's get to the top stitching so i would like to have the top stitching as a separate object so i need to make sure to go into top stitch select the material and switch from texture to obj this time now i'm going to go to edit select all go to file export obj selected i'm gonna go to top stitching and name this main underscore stitches save now i know i said select all patterns but you actually do not want to select all patterns i'm going to deselect this i'm going to go into the third one select all graphics and trims expand that and enable top stitch definitely make sure to have that as a single object and importantly make sure that uvs are off otherwise you run into problems you want that to be weld and thin or thick up to you i want this to be thick you can have that as thin or thick really doesn't matter if you go thin it allows you to weld it or unweld it i would like to have that as a thick object so that's not going to be a problem with everything else as default i'm gonna go okay now lucky last would be the buttons i have only i happen to have only one so i need to make sure that the hat btn is selected simply because i do not want to export it as default button check everything make sure that it you have exactly what you want if you have textures you can assign it now normal maps you can assign it now because buttons do get uvs so with that i'm gonna go to file well i need to make sure that i go to edit select all file export obj selected i'm gonna go to buttons and i'm gonna call this main btn for button again deselect all patterns i'm gonna expand that make sure button is on single object will do and i need to make sure that uvs are correctly defined diffuse map and normal map if you don't have any textures you get solid color and again if you don't want to use it then don't that's fine and okay all right that's how you export your objects to your preferred 3d application in the next chapter i'm going to show you how to assemble that inside autodesk maya okay here i am inside autodesk maya let's start with the first one the main fabric i am going to bring this fabric in first things first um i'm gonna put them into a group so ctrl g and i'm gonna call this main underscore fabric now with that selected i'm gonna press f to bring the actual model what i want to do in here i want to select the eyelids and have them as a separate object because if you remember at least for my design these eyelets were metallic so i'm gonna go to mesh and combine and immediately go to file edit by type history and i'm gonna call this eyelet or rather eyelets plural the main fabric can be the same material in my case it is uh i just assign one material to the whole thing but if you wish to give let's say one panel a slightly different color then that would be your chance before you combine them but for me that is not the case i'm gonna go combine edit delete by type history i'm going to call this main underscore fabric okay so that is done let's bring the top stitching i'm going to go to file import go one folder up into top stitching and main stitches import there i have my stitches nice and clean you can rename these two stitches by the way let's actually mention that if you're getting name spacing like that what you can do is to go to windows general editor and then go to namespace editor and just get rid of these name spacing so you can actually name them without dealing with that prefix so that is stitches this is main fabric and this is eyelet now lucky last file import and i'm going to go one level up and into buttons main button and import and there i have my button again you can go to general editor and namespace editor and get rid of this main btn prefix i'm gonna call this button and there you have it now the rest i'll leave this with you where you go ahead into assign new material let's say you go assign a metallic object with a different color then you know you start tweaking and assigning material and textures to your object the cool thing is if you go to uv texture editor you already have uvs and some of your uvs are flipped when you bring objects from marvelous into maya but that's no problem you can always go to uv shell let's do it on one of these guys move it here i can probably turn off the grid so you guys get to see what's going on and then you go and select uv select a little bit of it control select to uv shell shift right click flip and then both of them are correct so there is no flipping issues in case if you have numbers or texts on your hat usually the inner layer is the one that is flipped so no one's gonna see it but just in case if you want to have super clean design then you can definitely do that so that's it that's the end of this tutorial now you can just export your dress with multiple components all separate into your preferred 3d application and it really doesn't matter what application you use 3d max blender moto they all more or less have the same workflow at least when it comes to importing objs and as an alembic so hopefully there's something for everyone if you're using different application i hope you found this video useful thank you very much for watching and until the next video see you guys later
Views: 4,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MD tutorials, Marvelous Designer 11 tutorial, Marvelous Designer to Maya, Export stitches from MD, MD to Maya, Reza Sarkamari Marvelous Designer Export
Id: KeBkmpEFluM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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