How to Enable SQL Server Authentication in Microsoft SQL server 2022 [ 2024 Update ]

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hello everyone I welcome you to my Channel today  in this video I'm going to show you how we can   easily create SQL Server authentication within our  SS SMS so in my previous videos I have showed you   how to install SQL Server then how to install  SS SMS so SS SMS basically means SQL Server   management studio so in my previous videos I have  showed you all of that so that time I have also   talked about how can easily set up SQL Server  authentication so here is that video so here   to just simply write click and to you know open  this SQL Server medicine Studio as an admin mode   so just simply click on run as admin so when you  click on that it going to ask you for administrate   privileges just click on yes and you can see ouro  Ser management studio is rightly launch so here   is our Windows authentication so that time when I  showed that video I have showed you about Windows   authentication this time I'm going to show  you about you know SQL Server authentication   so for that you need to do some setup so let's  first go inside by Windows authentication and   then we are going to configure it for our SQL sub  authentication so you can see if you expand this   you can see we are you know rightly logged in  into our SS SMS and we are using administrator   that's a very important all right you need to open  it in a as administrator mode so now you need to   right click and click on properties and you need  to switch to the security Tab and you'll be seeing   this server authentication so here I need to click  on this SQL server and windows authentication mode   and then I need to click on okay and immediately  you'll be seeing it is telling whether you like   to restart now so just simp on okay so we are  going to restart don't worry so now you need to   you know expand this security and then you need  to expand this logins and you can see we have AA   user so you to right click on this user and then  you to click on properties so it will open this   you know login properties for E user window so  here first thing that you need to do is you need   to rename this password so let's you know rename  this password to something that you can remember   so I'm you know retyping that same password and  after that you need to you know switch to this   status tab so here you can see that our login  is currently disabled so you need to enable   that and then you need to click on okay and now  if you just you know simply right click on login   and click on refresh you can see that our essay  is now enabled right so after that you need to   you know again click on this SQL Xpress and right  click and click on restart so immediately you'll   be seeing it is you know giving you this prompt  so just simp click on yes and you can see it is   attempting to stop the following service and going  to restart it so you know let's you know wait for   a minute and you can see it is rightly restarted  now so now we have successfully established our   connection so we can just simply click on this you  know disconnect icon to disconnect U that login   that we have made as a Windows authentication  and now if you again click on that plug icon we   again have that SQL Server screen right so here  I'm going to select SQL Server authentication so   now it's asking for our login ID and password so  remember login ID was our essay and our password   that password that you have given that time you  need to repeat that same password over here click   on connect and you can see we are now connected  as a SQL Server authentication so a user right   so here again you can create your databases I have  showed you all of that on that video right so you   can do all of that after connecting our SS SMS  as a SQ server authentication mode right right   so that's basically all about this video I have  started G syntax channel so if you're interested   you can always subscribe this channel I'm going  to post regularly coding videos on this channel   so please do subscribe GX channel that motivate me  to make more such videos and I have also started   geeky vlogging channel so if you're interested you  can also subscribe this channel as well so that's   basically all about this video thank you very  much for watching this video and God bless you all
Channel: Geeky Script
Views: 8,000
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Keywords: How to enable SQL Server authentication, how to create user in sql server 2022 step by step, sql server create user group, how to change windows authentication in sql server, how to change windows authentication to sql server authentication 2022, how to change windows authentication username in sql server 2022, sql server windows authentication not working, sql, sql server management studio, sql server, How to Enable SQL Server Authentication in Microsoft SQL server 2022
Id: sxRUdVte5jM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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