How To Edit Your Timelapse/Hyperlapse using ONLY FCPX

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hi guys in today's video i'm gonna show you how you can edit your time lapses or hyperlapses using only final cut pro let's begin okay so now when you open your final cut pro we're gonna click on open library we're gonna create a new library i'm gonna call this let's say tl1 short from time lapse i'm gonna click save then we're gonna click on new project we're gonna call this again tier one i'm gonna leave the resolution on 4k and 24 frames per second but if you want you can do a full hd 1080p or 30 frames per second wherever you want but i'm gonna leave it like this okay i'm gonna click ok now what i'm going to do is to import my images okay so let's select all of them okay we're gonna click import selected okay so now when that is done we're gonna close this window and then we're going to import all of these images we're going to click command a and we are going to import them on our timeline so by default uh final cut pro will show every single image for nine seconds but we don't want that so we are going to change the duration of every single image by clicking command a in order to select all the images then we're gonna click ctrl d and here we're gonna type just one as one second and then we're going to click on enter and so here are all our images will be shown every single image for one just one second as they're all selected we're gonna click on new command click by clicking the right on the trackpad then we gonna name this whatever we want let's say like that click ok and what this does is converting every single image combining them and creating a video clip or new compound clip from now on if we want we can for example um for example we can adjust the exposure of our clay bring out the highlights or bring out the the shadows even we can even change the white balance if we want it's on your personal preference what we can do right now is first we're going to export this clip in order to apply our stabilization in final cut pro you just need first to export the clip and then you can apply the the stabilization features so we're going to do that by clicking on master file the name we're gonna leave it the same of these settings we're gonna leave them the same except we can click on just video only we're gonna click next and now we're gonna save our um our hyperlapse this hyperlapse on our desktop for example click save so when our clip is done we're going to import it again in final cut pro we're going to import it in our timeline okay like so and now what we're going to do is we can apply the stabilization feature because now it's available and we're going to leave it just to make its own magic okay the stabilization was done and now we're gonna click play and as you can see it's not that smooth and just from my personal experience i find out that if we click on initial cam the stabilization will be way more smoother and here it is as you can see it's way much smoother than the automatic setting that final cut pro chooses by default so what we can do now is to as you can see there are some black bars because of the stabilization that the final cut applies on our clip we can scale our clip in order to make it 16 by nine and just to hide those black bars like so and if we go back and play our clip here we have our clip stabilized and ready to be uploaded wherever we want and now we can of course uh in order to save that final stabilization we need to again export our clip okay and here are our final example of our clip okay so now what i'm going to show you is another example so here is our clip i've used a tripod so there no need of stabilizing this footage but what we can do now is obviously to hide those black bars here i've already saved a preset that is really helpful in order to scale your your video a lot more faster and easier for example if we go down here in custom here we can see uh i have two presets when i drag them over my clip as you can see it applies the the scale effect and we have a 16 by nine video if you want to save your settings for example let's click command z you just need to apply your scale settings for example like this click on save effects presets name it wherever you want let's say save and here we have our preset that we can use in our future time lapses i'm going to show you what is the final result okay so here is our time lapse now i actually i wanted to show you this example let me just zoom in as you can see down here uh because if you use let's say a lighter lens than 20 or 24 on your camera you get a distortion and you some of your objects within your frame would not appear as natural as they are in real life for example obviously back in the day people haven't built their soviet buildings like this so in order to change this let me zoom out again we need to go down here on the right on the distortion section so as you can see on our both left and both right we need to adjust the distortion correction setting by doing so as you can see okay let's i think this is okay and let's see the bottom right as you up again the wrong direction uh something like this okay now obviously we have to scale our image in order to hide those black bars okay we're gonna select our clip click on transform and now we're just gonna drag this like so okay we're gonna click done and if we play this my laptop is struggling right now with the screen recording with final cut pro and now we're gonna export this in order to show you the final result as we see now it's done i'm gonna play the clip for you right now so this is the end of this video guys thanks for watching again these are my methods and my ways how i'm editing my timelapses and hyperlapses so if you have any questions or any suggestions you can leave them down in the comment sections below i hope this video was helpful to you and i'll talk to you soon in the next one bye for now
Channel: Martin Meramdzhiev
Views: 801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fcpx, how, to, edit, timelapse, hyperlapse, raw, jpeg, images, stabilize, crop, 16:9, 3:2, white balance, final, cut, pro, adobe, lightroom, premiere, distort, correction, preset, hl, tl
Id: jH4nJf-LJqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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