How To Edit PDFs Hassle-Free in 2024 | UPDF walkthrough + Tutorial

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portable document format also known as PDFs are the go-to format for sharing and submitting documents especially for students like myself they are fantastic in making your work look really aesthetic but I'm sure we can all agree that editing them can be a real pain you have to convert the PDF back into a Word document using all sorts of dodgy websites online and then once you've done your edits convert it back into a PDF again it's all just too time consuming this is where updf come in they offer an array of solutions to edit your PDS with a brand new AI feature which all helps working and studying far more efficient all that and more will be covered in this video as I work for exactly how to use updf starting with updf on the iPad now the first thing you want to do is of course launch you PDF now since I've used it before I've got a few of my documents showing up but if it's the first time you've used it you should be met with a blank home screen the first place I want to direct you to is the top left corner where I've got my name and as you can see here you'll see what plan you are on on your AI allocation and the settings now in regards to the settings thankfully not much needs to be changed off the bat I can't say the same for other note taking apps where I have had to Tinker with the settings on uh opening it for the first time however one thing I would direct you towards is the security if you are dealing with confidential documents I would recommend turning the pass key lock on however for myself I don't necessarily deal with this so I've kept mine off in the top right there are two icons and that is all of how you display your files so this one here will have the grid however you can change it to a list of files and equally right here will enable you to select more than one file if you want to bulk edit them but to be honest on launch updf is one of the easier notetaking apps to utilize there wasn't much to change really at all and super easy to get to grips with now let's look into actually how to import documents into updf so you click the plus button in the bottom right corner and you have an array of options you can import from your photos your files computer or options underneath as well now for the purpose of this video I'm going to show you how to scan documents because this is a neat feature of updf that I'm sure a lot of other note taking apps don't necessarily have so I've got a document right here that want a scanning physical piece of paper so I would place it in front of me click scan on updf I can then turn my tablet around it should fill the frame nice and easily and it'll give take a few seconds to scam what's on the screen and hopefully it should be ready to import into the document and there we go it's taking a picture and we're all done so I clicked the plus button next to it I can see that it's imported the document perfectly as well as scanning in documents you can also import files so I'm going to import a file right here for this one I'm going to include a mass test okay so now we've imported our document let's show you how all the features work within updf so as you can see you pull it up and across the top that is where all the features are so first of all you have the house in the top left corner that takes you straight back to the home button the drop down arrow underneath gives you an array of features including copying a document organizing Pages going to a particular page page as well as showing the document emailing it and printing it one feature that's actually super neat with updf is the ability to copy it to updf clouds now I'll show you why that's particularly useful later when we looking to using new PDF on a MacBook SL Windows now let's get into using new PDF in terms of actually annotating and editing it so on the right hand side that's where you have those features so if you click the pen button you'll see an array of features including the pen markup text shapes and notes so when you click pen you are left with the pen that starts automatically as well as a highlighter you have a pen that's got a hashed uh line and then you've also got the Eraser when you click on the pen you can change the color here so there a there's a color wheel allows you to change to an assortment of different colors as Well's a hex code as well for each color and it's similar for the highlighter as well which can highlight anything and of course the font can be changed here to be smaller and bigger whatever to your liking if I was to write something down down for example I write I'll write down my name there's also a box button at the bottom left corner now if I press that and highlight over my name I can then make it bigger I can turn it in your other direction anything whatever I like I can res uh resize it next the pen button we also have the box so this is where we can do text boxes so for example say I actually wanted to write something down you can increase the font here from 56 to 24 for example and say this is a math document spelled that wrong but you get the gist we've also got a bunch of other features as well so you can actually import photos files and scan into the document itself and these next two features are actually something that a lot of people that use notability and good notes for example don't necessarily benefit from them I know that a lot of people in my comments have said that they actually really want other notet taken apps to include this the first one is the ability to actually embed in links to webs and pages and the final one is the ability to actually add a watermark to your documents as well which will be really useful especially if you want to ensure that it's your ownership even when distributed to different areas next to the textbox function we have the stickers now I personally would not use this however next to the stickers we have the stamp which would be useful say you want to add an approved sign to a piece of document say you're a teacher or a lecture or something and you're approving something for a student and alongside that also we have a signature which you can add and I know I've had to do that a lot of times when I've had to fill out plagiarism forms as a student at University whenever I complete coursework I have to notify through a signature that I have not copied my work from anyone else then we've got another funky looking sign here and this is all about the document actual management so you've got a lot of the pages here and as you can see you can bookmark them so if I press the ribbon I can select a certain page in particular and choose whether it's a bookmark it or not bookmark it I can search for particular terms here for example maths see if it comes up and as you can see on page one it does bookmarks will be shown here and you can delete them if you want to you can also add comments say it's someone else's PDF you want to add a comment to it but I actually edit the PDF itself and then finally if you click the Grid at the bottom it'll pull up a grid of all your documents uh sorry of all your pages within the document if you hold down on a particular page you got the ability to actually move it anywhere else in the document and also select multiple Pages at once along the bottom you can also extract insert Pages Copy Pages everything you can expect to do when it comes to document managing and in terms of main editing features that is mostly it as you can see it takes you next to no time to get to grips of it I'd honestly say it's one of the easier notet taking apps to get used to especially for someone that wants something really efficient easy to use and doesn't want to spend a lot of time get into groups with the software however on the right hand side is one of the biggest gamechanging software Edition tools that updf has that the other not taking apps don't and that is the integration of AI updf has its own Ai and and it's got the ability to do next to anything as you can see right here it can translate the document it can explain the document summarize the document it can even write stuff for you this is completely gamechanging now we know AI has blown up recently but the ability to integrate this into a PDF editing app I mean that's Cutting Edge stuff so for example I'm going to ask a document to actually translate it into French and let's see how it does as you can see it did a fantastic job of translating the document into French now for someone that is born in England and studies in an English University that's something I won't necessarily need but I know studying at University that I've got a lot of foreign students there and maybe you're working in a foreign country the ability to translate PDF documents right there and then rather than having to use an online dictionary or another form of translator will be super useful for people like that and the ability to just summarize and explain documents will just make the process so much more streamlined when you've got a bulk of text that you quickly want to go through through now I spoke earlier about copying to the updf cloud and I'm going to show you exactly why that's so useful here so I click the drop- down arrow and then click copy to updf Cloud when I then go to open new PDF on my MacBook the document will be right there and I'll show you that exactly right now so here is updf open on my MacBook as you can see on the left hand side we've got updf Cloud right here and as you can see it's been synced straight onto my MacBook in literally a split second I've just got straight from my iPad to my MacBook and the same document is right here this can't be said for notability for example because I've tried to use notability on the MacBook and it's never quite the same as notability on the iPad however when I use updf straight away on my MacBook handoff basically exactly what I'd want to see from an efficient note taking app that can edit PDFs like updf now in terms of features mostly the same as the iPad I would prefer to use the iPad personally so I can use the apple pencil to draw upon my PDF however if I wanted to use a textbox function I'm sure we can all agree that typing on a keyboard is much easier than typing on an iPad for example one thing I will say about a desktop version of updf is that the actual document manager is much vaster than on the iPad though so if you look at the left hand side right here we're in the reader section right now we can comment upon the document we can edit the PDF we can also prepare a form we can redact the PDF as well as organize the pages crop it which wasn't necessarily available on the iPad and have page tools as well including the watermark Etc so I do feel like the actual General document Behavior and the ability to manage it is better on the MacBook in that sense in my eyes if you go back to read it here you'll see across the top we've got different options zooming out zooming into the PDF this is normal things that you'd expect from most notet taking um apps and softwares now that's another one recognize text using OCR now this is something that requires an external uh login installation to do what this enables you to do is that say you show a picture of a receipt for example this will actually read the numbers and turn it into a PDF in that sense so if it takes a picture of something it will translate that into an actual PDF with numbers and words that you can edit this is so so helpful especially people that want to take pictures of receipts or of documents and they want that picture text actually be turned into a real text that can be edited in other areas where updf is really help helpful is when you want to fill out forms for example for a contract or a tick boox form you don't want to be printing it off ticking it off it looks really unprofessional the ability to do it on updf with a text box your own signature and Ticking function is really helpful also the MacBook Windows version of updf gives you the feature to add multiple PDFs at once on the go so as you can see in the top corner it's kind of like a Google Chrome tab you've got different tabs open so of course I've got the one right here with the calculation problems but I click click the plus button I can open a brand new file so I'm going to click that and whichever file I want to choose I can choose any of them why not choose the file right here for example and there we go we've got two on the go right now and you can add this for as many as you want so if you want to work with multiple files concurrently this is a perfect type of feature you would want to use and of course updf on the MacBook SL Windows has the ability to use AI as well in the bottom right corner you'll see updf AI which can do exactly the same as the iPad version in terms of other features that I want to talk about in particular it's a redact feature because this is something that you don't necessarily see a lot on other note taking apps now what redact does is it gives you the ability to actually block out or black out particular features of the document that you don't want to be seen for censorship reasons or any other for example I can block out this part you must show all your working therefore now it won't be seen on the document now of course you can do this on a notability or good notes by creating a block and point it over that's so much more inefficient you've got to actually size the block up yourself and it looks too childish it's not really professional through updf it gives a more professional look of doing this it must also be said with the redact feature that you can search for particular words and every single time that particular word appears in a document it will be redacted and so my friends that was a gloss over on exactly how to use updf on both the iPad SL tablet and Mac os/ Windows you should have everything you need to get started using the apps sl/ software I'm delighted to let you guys know that updf Pro Plus AI is currently on discount so do check it out by the link in my description and in the pin comment updf has revolutionized the way that I'm able to note take and organize my files I've completely cut down on actual physical paper which of course is a benefit to the environment and the ability to actually scan in those papers now keeps all my documents in one place if you do have any questions please do let me know in the comment section down below and as always if you want to keep up to date with more note taken app tutorials this is a place be make sure you do subscribe down below I've been Dennis I appreciate your company throughout this video and I hope to catch you guys all in my next one take care
Channel: Deniz Sancar
Views: 223
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Keywords: UPDF, pdf editor, pdf app, how to edit pdf, UPDF tutorial, note taking on ipad, note taking apps, productivity apps, PDF editor 2024, how to edit pdf in iphone, productivity apps for students, UPDF full review, UPDF vs Adobe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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