How To Edit Music For Your Videos | FCPX Tutorial

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A lot of people have a difficult time editing their music for their video. I thought I would try my hand at making a tutorial going in depth on how I tackle a lot of the problems that arise when working with music.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Sadtacomonger 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] i'm good i'm good in the hood hey friends good to see you on this wednesday this week on the final cut pro i'm going to be showing you my five-step process for making any song work for your videos this video is going to be a little bit longer so i will have time codes beneath if there's any section you want to skip to let's get started [Music] so here we are in final cut pro um this is actually my channel trailer and if you're interested in watching that there will be a card in the upper right hand corner that you can click on and watch it just to get a better idea of what we're working with but today i just wanted to show you how i actually edited the music for this video so to get started we're going to come up here and find our music track now this is actually just a preview clip and i will later put in the actual clip but this is just a common practice in larger productions where you don't buy the song until you're ready for it so this one actually has a watermark over it you can hear sounds strange so i'll show you how you can edit the preview version and then later change it to the full version without losing any of your edits so the first thing we're going to want to do is right click on this particular track and we're going to assign the audio role of music now i'll show you why that's important in just a second from there we're going to click and drag this onto our timeline and i have everything soloed so we'll just push alt s to unsolo all of our clips from there we're going to want to work solely with um with our music track so we're just going to come up to the index and this is why it was important to set it as a music track we can actually disable the sound effects and the the dialog track and only hear our music effects without having to push alt s every time we want to edit it we're going to actually want to create this into a compound clip before we do any editing so if we right click we can go up to new compound clip or if you want you can also do alt g we're gonna just name that music track alright so if we listen to this song let's see what we're kind of getting into sound strike so it's a little bit more epic at the beginning and i actually kind of wanted to start out a little softer so unfortunately this song starts out pretty big and epic and i wanted to maybe start it off with some piano and i looked around for a lot of music tracks that do start with piano but i just couldn't find anything that meshed well with this particular track so all we're going to do is come on over here to the end and if you listen there's actually some really nice soft piano so we'll just go ahead and play through soundstripe and you'll notice that that real beautiful piano keys playing so that is exactly what we want we're going to go ahead and edit this by chopping and we will drag the beginning or not the beginning but we'll drag this section of music to the very beginning of the video and we can drag this other part away and you know what we're actually going to take our music index and drag that up and then we're going to push this button here focus timeline on this roll and then all we will see is the music tracks just a quick helpful tip so now you'll notice that we've chopped the music but if we open our compound clip the music is laid out exactly how it used to be and this is really helpful because if we play it now we've got the soundstripe watermark on it and we want to get that removed after we've fully downloaded the song so go ahead and open your compound clip and i have another downloaded version of the same song but it's the full quality version and we'll just drag that right on top and then we can disable the preview version and now when we play it it's the full quality version without any watermarks and we still maintained the edits that we did previously that was something that always really frustrated me when i had to use preview clips and so yeah this is just a quick method i figured out on how to fix [Music] so that go ahead and just play through part of this section and i'll actually activate the dialogue and sound effects mesh together in an intricate dance to create both story and emotion at age nine i began making films to express myself in a visual manner okay so you'll notice that the music track ends a little bit prematurely and i really wanted it to carry through to the epic build so all we're going to do is find a moment where this track actually repeats itself so let's go ahead and play through films now so that note is very similar to that note they're actually the same note so we're going to make our edits based off of that so what we will do is come on in here right where that piano note starts actually i need to get rid of this so i can hear what i'm hearing that's right where the piano note starts so we'll take that we're going to push alt and click and drag and this will give us another version of this track and we'll just put that actually we'll go ahead and delete that for now just get it out of here and we'll come on in here and let's see how this matches up it looks like it might be off a little bit yeah so it's a little bit off so we're going to line up these tracks perfectly so if i double click on both of these waveforms you'll notice how it expands it and we can click and drag and look real closely let me increase the size here a little bit and you'll notice that our waveforms are just a little bit off so we are going to click and drag this just a little bit over and we can actually use the period and comma keys there we go that's what we'll call um to move it left and right and they have little arrows on them just to help you remember that and that'll help us move it one frame at a time so let's go ahead and see if that lines up great so they do line up now there's an awkward edit so to fix that click and drag these handles and add a slight crossfade and now let's go ahead and play through a very smooth edit that you would never be able to tell especially behind some nice sound effects and whatnot so we've got those all set now let's go ahead and continue to play through our video and see what the music is doing for us at age nine i began making films to express myself in a visual manner now nearly 15 years later it remains the thing i am most passionate about yeah we're off to a good start so you'll notice in the song there's this kind of u-shaped thing happening and this is where the really big epic build happens so that's the part of the track that i want to hit as our video starts to kind of you know take off so let's go ahead and find the exact moment that those drums hit we'll just uh deselect the dialog and effects again and we're gonna go through frame by frame using the arrow keys it seems to be this exact moment here so we're going to push m and that will create a marker and i know because i've already made this video that i want it to hit right on this big explosion here so we're going to click and drag our marker right at that moment and then i will reactivate it with v and we'll just have a fade in and let's just see how that's working [Music] all right so now we're going to find the ending of our video so if i come over here we'll just play through okay so that is right where i want the ending to happen so you'll notice on this really big drum hit um i think we can do a really easy transition so i'll just play through right there right where it goes to white so we'll just come back find that exact frame disable our dialogue and effects again right there we'll push b uh for blade and we'll cut it and then we will come here to the end which is typically a really great point for just finishing off your video so if you listen [Music] there's that really nice bass drop that happens so let's go ahead and take that portion right where that base drop happens we'll delete this large portion here and there it's got a nice ending and then we'll just do a little bit more finessing here so we will double click both tracks and then i am going to add a few frames on this underneath clip and we'll just add a little crossfade and another crossfade there and let's go ahead and play through nice man this tutorial is starting to get a little bit long but hopefully you're you're hanging in there so i think we just about have all of our music tracks together if we uh go ahead and just play through on our dialogue join me in this new adventure as we work together to better express ourselves through the medium of film [Music] yeah that seems to be working great and you'll notice i wanted it to end right at 1 30 so we can just fade off the ending there really quickly if this video is helping you at all i would really appreciate a like also consider subscribing if you're interested in more videos just like this one let's continue on [Music] our next step that last one was kind kinda long but this next one will go much faster so we're just gonna click and drag everything we're gonna right click and do new compound clip and we'll call it finished music track that'll get everything down um to an easy maintainable place okay so this next step is audio decking now to do some audio decking we're going to want to be able to see our dialog track so we'll actually we'll push shift and focus on the timeline for both roles and that will hopefully make our jobs a little bit easier so i'm going to show you a little tool for doing some easy audio decking normally people will push alt or option and they'll click on this white line here and they'll add a keyframe add another keyframe come to where the dialog stops add two keyframes and then they'll drop the volume way down so they can hear what's being said films now more than ever are deeply embedded into every culture and that's a bit of an extreme example especially for this beginning the music's actually soft enough i don't have to drop it a whole lot but that's usually how people do it now what i like to do is use the range selection tool so i'm going to right click and delete these keyframes and we're going to push r or you can select it from this menu here come up range selection and if we click and drag you'll notice this yellow box kind of going over our audio we'll just select the portion that we want to duck out now if i click and drag this line it will automatically add the needed keyframes to have the audio decking happen so let's listen now films now more than ever are deeply embedded into every culture so that's a really quick and easy way to do some audio ducking now let's come to a little bit more severe section to really hear the changes so again we'll make sure we have our range selection tool selected with r we'll click and drag over this portion here and we'll just duck the audio way down so we can hear what our dialogue is i want to help you create films that express yourself to the world so you'll notice the music's still a little bit loud and i'm going to show you a tip for fixing that in just a little bit we might be able to drop the volume just down to maybe 13 but um but there's some additional filters that are really help so we can just do that for all of these audio sections so on this section i'm not very happy with how the music comes in so we're just gonna do a little bit of finessing and you can actually click and drag each of these keyframes around to really get it to where you want it so let's go ahead and check that to do just that join me in this i like how that sounds [Music] so this next step is something i don't actually see being taught frequently and i what i don't know why because it's actually really really helpful let's go ahead and select our music track and we're going to come over here to the effects panel and we're going to look up for an effect called voice or music now i think this has found actually an eq in the audio effects panel so we're going to click and drag voice or music onto our music track and you'll notice it blasted a bunch of it way too loud but we're gonna fix that come up here to your effects panel and you'll see the amount and let's go ahead and set that to zero now on this portion where i start to talk we're gonna add a couple keyframes we'll add a keyframe right before the music decks and then we're going to add a keyframe after it's done ducking and we will set this to something like minus 50. now we're going to come to the end we'll add another keyframe and then add one more keyframe and we'll set that to zero now it's a little bit hard to tell what this just did but i'll show you so if we listen before i will disable it this is what it sound like before i want to help you create films that express yourself to the world okay and this is what it sounds like after i want to help you create films that express yourself to the world okay so essentially what this filter did is something called eq carving so let me preface this with i am not an audio engineer by any means i just saw some tutorial videos and i'm just trying to do my best to explain it in a way that hopefully you can understand so eq carving works like this if i go to channel eq we're going to add this filter called channel eq and essentially if we watch this we'll we'll add that we'll push the analyzer and we can actually see what the audio waveforms are doing i will set that back to post okay so we'll watch what the audio waveforms are doing here in the music um okay so typically the human voice falls i think somewhere between 85 and like to uh 50. it's somewhere in there i'm not exactly sure but essentially what the voice or music filter does is it actually drags those frequencies down which is where the human voice is and essentially that creates more space for the human voice to come through without competing for those same sound frequencies so i hope that explains it i will link a video from rippletraining who does a much better explaining it and uh yeah anyway so what i like to do is add this voice or music filter over and again that's just adding keyframes wherever your music decks out and this will carve the music for you adding a lot more clarity to your voice above the music without having to decrease the volume of the music further so we'll just see how that sounds and to provide you with the tools necessary to do just that so we can actually increase the volume a little bit without having to worry about losing our voices and to provide you with the tools necessary to do just that so you can actually maintain your music volume pretty loud i know this video was a little bit longer but i really appreciate you guys sticking around to the end if it was helpful at all i would really appreciate it if you consider pressing the like button it helps my channel out tremendously and it's totally free to you so also consider subscribing i have new videos every single wednesday also consider leaving a comment if you have any tips on this particular video or any of my videos also if you have any questions or suggestions for future tutorials i love reading those comments so make sure you leave one below and i will see you guys next week [Music]
Channel: The Final Cut Bro
Views: 2,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final cut pro x, music, how to edit music in final cut pro x, 5 steps to make any song work for your video, the final cut bro, in depth tutorial, audio editing, music editing, final cut pro music, soundstripe, how to cut music, how to shorten music, make song shorter, seamless audio edit, seamless music edit, final cut pro, final cut pro x tutorial, final cut pro x effects, EQ carving, set audio type, cutting your music, editing sound, make your dialogue sound good, tips
Id: 4r6K0M3pRfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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