How to Edit Multiple Cameras in Final Cut

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hey guys today we're gonna be talking about multi-cam clips in final cut final cut has this great feature where you can bring in all your media from one shoot so if you have multiple cameras or audio recording devices you can sync them so easily in final cut and then you can cut between them with the push of a button it's an amazing feature in final cut if you haven't seen multicam editing and final cut before you're going to learn a lot today quick story at my production company plum productions we recently hired a new production manager and i could tell he was apprehensive about final cut because he'd always been a premier user and i promised him he would learn to the final cut the way that i do and this is the very feature that really won him over he loves it and i know you're gonna love it too and by the way i should mention that if you're a final cut editor but you're just sort of fumbling your way along and you want a deeper understanding i have the perfect course for you it's called final cut rockstar you can get it at my website i'll link directly to it in the description box this course takes you through everything you need to know to really maximize final cut's potential and i get a lot of great feedback on it but back to the multicam clip tutorial let's just talk about some quick best practices for using multicam clips in final cut you want to take some care on your shoot data make sure you're setting yourself up for success and edit one is that you want to make sure that every single device you shoot on has some sort of audio recording on it it doesn't have to be good audio it just needs a little bit because that's what final cut uses to sync your clips and the other thing is you want to start and stop all of your devices at roughly around the same time that's going to help you keep track of things in the multi-cam editing process in final cut so you should have the same number of clips from every single device and they should roughly be about the same length all right let's just dive right into it i'm going to show you a couple different ways to use multi-cam editing in final cut all right so here we are in final cut let me just show you what we're working with here this first clip is our primary camera and this is the clip that has the best audio on it we've got a boom mic suspended over her head and hardwired into the camera on this shot personally for growth opportunities they're endless this second shot here is a secondary camera that is only using the internal microphone so there is some sound on it but the sound is not very loud or very clear so um first thing we need to do is tell final cut which camera each of these clips came from so to do that you're going to select your clip in your browser you're going to head on over to your inspector window you want to make sure you're on this icon here this is the info inspector and you're going to look for this line here that says camera name it should be blank now you can find camera name under several different options in this drop down here it is under general there's camera name under settings there it is again camera name but you only need to fill it in in one of these fields and it will populate all of them so for this primary camera i'm going to name it a let's go over to the second shot here and this one we are going to name b all right now here's the time for the magic we're going to sync these two shots so i just need to select both of them in my browser right click and the option you want is new multi-cam clip and then you're going to get this pop-up here so it's going to ask you what you want to name your clip i'm going to call this synced interview and you want to make sure this little box here is checked use audio for synchronization that's definitely what we want and i'm going to hit okay and now it's automatically synchronizing my clip i just have to wait that didn't take long at all did it and look what i've got here in my browser i suddenly have this new clip with this little grid icon in the top left that is the icon that indicates that this clip is a multi-cam clip so now what i'm going to do is start a new project we're going to call this configuration one and i'm going to drop this here into my timeline now when i look and i run my playhead down my timeline all we see is that main camera but there's more than meets the eye here if i double click on that clip i can see that i've got two tracks here the top clip is our primary camera camera a and underneath it is camera b and if i hover my cursor over that track we can see camera b right now i'm only playing sound and showing video from camera a and how do i know this because see these little icons here at the top of my clips they are highlighted on this one and not on this one so i just want to show you we're not going to do much with this right now but i just want to show you what happens if i want to see the video from camera b i just click this little icon and now look what's happened definitely for growth opportunities uh there i'm hearing the good sound but i'm only seeing camera b and you'll notice they're perfectly synced aren't they so what i want to do is turn back on this primary camera here and i'm going to clean up the audio on this primary storyline because there is a track from the internal mic here i'm just going to turn that off so we've isolated just the good sound personally for growth opportunities and now at this point is where i would apply any filters or color correction to my clips this is really important right now it's a big time saver to do this now as opposed to later so what i can do is just apply a color correcting plug-in i'm going to link to this plugin down in the description box i love this twenty dollar color correcting plug-in from my fcp effects and i can just toggle between my clips by hovering over the tracks just to check my color correction and fine-tune any adjustments i want to make all right so that's all we need to do for now in this expanded multi-cam clip so now we're gonna go back to our primary storyline just by hitting the back arrow and there is our clip and again of course we're just seeing that first camera angle so how do we get to the part where we get to cut between these two different shots really easily we're going to open what is called the angle viewer you can find it here under view show in viewer and then angles or you can hit shift command and seven and that also opens up the angle viewer and now look i can simultaneously see both of my camera angles now let me just show you a few things about the angle viewer you need to know that are really important the first thing to know is that if you drop down on settings you can have up to 16 different angles here so you would get a lot of these little boxes if you had that many cameras i don't have that many cameras i'm just gonna stick to two but just know that final cut can handle like a really big production like that more than a two camera shot so now let's focus on these icons here because they each do something different this first film strip with the little audio waveform means that you're enabling switching between both video and audio so in theory every time i switch between camera a and b i would be taking both the video and audio from camera a and the video and audio from camera b this would probably work in a situation if you had like a two camera interview and you wanted to cut to whoever was talking and hear their microphone if they were each hooked up to their original camera that is when you would use that first feature the second icon lets us cut between camera angles but not switch the audio sources that's the one we're going to be using for this particular project and the next icon this waveform enables audio only switching so that you would probably use in a situation where if you had two people in one shot but they each had two different audio sources and he wanted to show both of them at the same time but only hear one of them talking so you're not hearing the other person breathing or clearing their throat that's the situation you would use that tool the first way i'm going to show you how to cut between these two camera angles is using the mouse so you can see that my cursor is turned into these little scissors i'm going to start on the primary camera and then we're going to cut to the second camera by clicking on this window at the appropriate time then we're going to jump back to the primary camera all while we're playing back on our timeline uh personally for growth opportunities they're endless we have so many different outlets and spread throughout the uniqueness of all the different properties that do make up the boca raton hard work is recognized and and moving through the different positions you know are available and there's a lot of support that goes along with it we're all one team everybody comes together and we all want to succeed together as a collective okay so you can see there that i just roughly cut between my camera so look in my timeline i've got cuts here on my multi-cam clip but what if i don't like exactly what i did or i want to trim out part of the sound bite you guys it's so easy you just treat it like it's a regular clip and final cut if i want to cut out part of a sound bite you can just use your blade tool to cut out sections and then if you want to move where you made your cuts i just grab that seam and i can take off this at the end just like in normal editing now if i change my mind and i want to change this shot from the primary shot to the secondary shot and then come back to the primary shot all i have to do is cue up my playhead to the beginning of that part of the clip and click the opposite camera angle and now i've switched it and then i want to switch this one back to the primary so i just cue up my playhead here and click the primary so now we're ping-ponging back and forth between these two shots so that's how easy it is to do multi-cam editing in final cut that's a very common real-life situation you might have with the two cameras one of them with the good audio one of them with the bad audio but what if you're in a different setup where you have two cameras but the good audio is on a separate audio recording device i know that comes up a lot so i want to show you how you would tackle that it's just as easy let's take a look at what we've got going on on our second configuration here we've got the wide shot but this wide shot only has the internal mic on it this one here also only has the internal mic and then the good audio can be found here on this audio track personally for growth so just like before we need to assign each of these clips a camera name even though the audio isn't technically a camera we do need to assign it a camera name so let's make the primary one again a let's make the secondary camera b once again and this audio file we're going to name c and just like before we're going to select all of these three clips right click new multicam clip and again we're gonna use the audio for synchronization there we've got our new multi-cam clip it's got this little grid icon in it let's drag it down into the timeline and expand it by double clicking so now this time you can see that it has selected this top clip here for audio you can see it here it's highlighted the primary camera has the video assignment and then the second camera has no assignments to it right now just like before this is the point where you would do your color correction guys while i'm copying and pasting my attributes to these raw video clips let me know if you are enjoying this video if you feel like you're learning something give me that thumbs up hit that subscribe button and ring the bell so now again let's go back to our primary storyline i'm going to trim up the fat on this let's turn on the angle viewer by hitting shift command and seven and let's change the display to four angles and in this particular case once again we're gonna be set to the center icon i'm going to leave angle one alone i'm never gonna touch this one but i am to show you the other way to cut between clips using your keyboard so last time i did it by clicking my mouse cursor over the window i wanted to see in this case we're going to switch using the numbers on our keyboard so in this case because we never want to switch uh to angle one angle one is our sound and it's gonna stay there forever we're gonna use the two key and the three key to switch between these two different camera angles so again all i have to do is play it in my timeline hit the space bar and then if i want to switch between cameras i hit the two or three key personally for growth opportunities they're endless we have three so many different outlets um and spread throughout the uniqueness of all the different properties that do make up the beaufort two hard work is recognized and and moving through the different positions you know are available and there's a three support that goes along with it we're all one team everybody comes together and that's it it's that simple so that's how multi-cam editing is done in final cut it is so easy and user friendly you feel like you're right in a control room switching between your different camera angles i hope you guys enjoyed this video thank you so much for creating with me today i will see you again
Channel: Jenn Jager Pro Tutorials
Views: 33,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final cut tutorial, final cut pro, syncing clips in final cut, synching clips in final cut, how to editing multiple cameras in final cut, sync multiple camera angles, final cut pro x, final cut pro x multi camera editing, multicam editing, multicam final cut, synchronize clips in final cut pro, multicam editing tutorial, multicam editing in final cut pro, sync multiple cameras, multicam editing tips, synching audio and video in final cut, multicam
Id: X5baUmK8noc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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