How To Edit CINEMATIC Wedding Films In DaVinci Resolve

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what's up filmmakers welcome to this da Vinci resolve tutorial today I'm going to be teaching you how to create cinematic wedding films so if you're brand new to editing wedding films in Da Vinci or you're a Season Pro and you're just looking for inspiration and refinement this video is for you so I've been a wedding filmmaker for over 6 years now and I've been filming weddings in Hawaii full-time uh it's been amazing uh I love my job I basically get to go to cool places in Hawaii and film weddings and epic locations I can't complain so it's taken me over like 5 years to really like refine the way I edit and I just switched to Da Vinci resolve last year and it's been a really cool transition I think I was still able to edit faster in Final Cut Pro but with da Vinci I'm able to do the coloring and the stylizing that I like but yeah let's not waste any more time let's just get into the tutorial and I'm going to show you guys how to create a cinematic highlight film for weddings in Da Vinci let's go all right so now that we're in Da Vinci resolve we're going to open up a new project I'm going to assume you already know the basics of Da Vinci so I'm not going to be going through all that in this tutorial so if you don't know D Vinci at all I would recommend going studying up and learning about it but yeah let's get started all right so the first thing you want to do is open a new project um I've already opened one right here uh Robin and Danny highlight film you can click this button right here to open a new project so let's do that I do most of my editing inside this edit tab um obviously there's the media page the cut page and edit tab I do mostly everything in here that's where we're going to be editing today so let me drag the content into the media bin yeah I'm going to drag it right here into this master section I'm not going to change my frame rate cool and then I have all of the content right here so I kind of have it listed I have like my footage right here I have the voice over and I'm choosing this uh wedding to do this video because it's a really short wedding so this is like a small a lopment so it's just the it's just the husband and the wife and the kid and the and the ceremony so I thought this would be a good video just to practice doing something quick and easy for you guys so the first thing that I do when I open a project is I will highlight all the Clips in a bin I will go clip attributes and I'll change everything to 23.976 um I shoot a lot a different frame rates 60 frames per second so I want everything to be in 23 and that will make uh the 60 frames per second uh footage into slow-mo I do that for uh well this one I don't need to do that and then the next thing I do is I highlight all of them and I put a conversion L on them um I shoot everything in SL log 3 so I want when I edit it I kind of want I don't want it to be in log so I just put a l a conversion L on it right away so my favorite LS are the Phantom LS if you shoot on Sony I recommend using the Phantom LS they are the all right so I'm just going to put neutral on there and now all my Clips are going to be out of log I'm going to create a couple timelines right now so my first timeline is going to be called select okay and then we are going to take all the footage and just throw it on to select so now I'm going to just fill up this whole timeline so now I have all the footage from the wedding right here on this timeline as you you can see so this is a really cool wedding the good-looking couple it was in Hilo um there's waterfalls in Hilo there's like a cool Airbnb super epic it rained the whole time though so I was getting drenched but it was a super sick wedding um now the next thing I do after I create this select timeline is I create a new bin and I call this one ceremony sink and what I do here is basically take all of the ceremony clips and put them into a bin because I'm going to be like doing a multicam edit on the ceremony itself so now in the ceremony sync I have the two audio files and the two angles from the ceremony right here and I will be making um a multicamp ceremony edit uh after we do the selects so now that we have things on a timeline I'm going to start pulling selects um I don't like putting in andout points inside the media browser I'd rather just do it on the timeline to me it's faster I've just found this to work better in Final Cut Pro I did do it in the media browser cuz you can add favorites and rejects and stuff like that but in Da Vinci I just put it all in the timeline and then I start making selects so let's do that right now so yeah I'm just basically getting all the stuff that I don't need and so when when I do this I use the hot keys qw and E one is to trim the left one is to make a cut and one is to trim the right uh if you guys want me if you're watching watching this if you want me to put my my keyboard shortcuts into like a file you can download just let me know uh but this is just how I do it so I just shuttle through everything with [Music] jkl here just cut in the crap all right so now we have made all of the selects for the highlight film so as you can tell everything's nice neat and cut that took me about 30 minutes to do this little tiny alotment all right so now that we have made selects for our wedding film what we're going to do is now create a ceremony multicam uh video and you do this so you can pull um audio clips from the ceremony and put them into your highlight film so what I like to do to create uh ceremony multicam videos is I create a new bin which is just ceremony sync and I pull in all of the ceremony Clips so for this one it's pretty simple it's just two angles and two audio tracks now what you're going to want to do is highlight all of your audio and angles for your ceremony you're going to right click it and you're going to go create new MultiCam clip using selected Clips um and I'm just going to name it you know ceremony multicam now the thing about this wedding which is kind of a hassle is it was raining so none of the audio is going to sync manually so I'm going to have to do that by myself so if it was a normal wedding day where you could hear the audio from all cameras you would click on angle sync and You' click on sound and that way it would um it would sync everything up according to the waveforms but that's not going to work on this one so I'm going to have to do it manually so I'm just going to do angle in and we're going to create it so there you go so now I have a multicam up here in the browser and since it didn't sync automatically what I'm going to have to do is do that by myself so I'm going to have to do right click open in Timeline so now I have all of the clips right here um yeah I have all the clips right here and now I have to sync them up manually and it's going to take me a second so I'm going to kind of go through this and then I'm going to fast forward it and then we'll get on to making Cuts okay so now that I've synced all the audio uh for the multicam clip what I'm going to do now is go to the timelines and do create new timeline this one's going to be called like ceremony multicam boom schmap so now we're going to come here and take this multicam clip and drag it up here and what you want to do is you want to close the inspector and you can probably close the media pool too and you want to click right down here and go to the multicam section so that is going to show the clips okay so now that we have the multicam clip loaded up and synced we just have to start making cuts and basically what I'm doing is I'm creating like a a ceremony video with like multiple camera angles and cuts so let's keep going so right here and anytime there's like a jerky camera movement that's when I switch so obviously like right here now I'm going to switch to angle number two and there's a in D Vinci you can press two to switch angles 1 two 3 four obviously but I have it on command because I use one two three for other things so here we go go so I have not set up in that angle obviously and then yeah we cut out to number one all right yeah so what I'm doing here I'm basically just uh switching between camera angles to create like a ceremony film like a fluid ceremony video CU actually I deliver this to them too after I all right so now okay so now I have created a ceremony multicam video if I scroll through this as you guys can see it's just like a seamless ceremony video obviously I'll go back and I'll like color grade it in stuff and if you want to color grade an already cut up shot like this you basically just have to go back to the original multicam clip go to open and timeline and you can like color grade the clips just like this so you don't have to like color grade each individual cut that you made if you forgot to do it before so yeah there's this if you need make any adjustments in like the audio it's in here so you just got to right click open in Timeline okay so now we have two timelines right now we have our select timeline and we have our ceremony multicam timeline so what we want to do now is we want to go to our ceremony multicam and we're going to create a duplicate of it and this one is going to be called uh this one's going to be called like ceremony cut so this is basically where I take pieces from the ceremony and start putting them on there so we're also going to go back to our selects and we're going to duplicate that and we're going to call this [Music] one uh we're going to call this one uh you know the highlight film so now we have the selects just in case we have to go back to it so what I want to do is I want to open the highlight film right here so now that we have uh all of our timelines set up so we have like our select timeline that's kind of like all of our picks now we have the highlight film which we'll be working with we have our ceremony film or the ceremony multicam which we're going to be exporting as its own thing and then we have our ceremony cut which we can use to cut up for the film so I'm going to go into here and I'm going to find um some clips that I want to use for the wedding film I like to start out every highlight film with the most clear best looking vocals um because I feel like it just sets tone for the video I feel like you want to hit start off really strong especially when you're doing client work uh don't put like the best voiceover clip or the best looking stuff at the end of the middle it's best just to hit them hard in the front of it cuz it keeps their attention nothing's worse than having like the lamest voice over clip at the very beginning of the video so I really think that um his vows are going to be probably the intro so I'm going to go through here as I wrote my vows and stand here today all right cool so I'm going to grab uh the vows right here and I'm just going to copy them command C and if you click up top here you can kind of go to your different timelines so I'm going to click on the highlight film and I'm just going to paste that right here so there's one there's their vows and I'll kind of go through those later so now as you can tell I have her vows and his vows on the wedding film timeline let's go out and try to film a couple more so s m cam I'm G to get her intro prayer I feel like that's kind of cool so this right here is an alotment film uh if this is a normal wedding film you'd also have a toasts timeline that you would be taking a voiceover clips from and kind of weaving them out uh but like I said I want to keep this one simple and just kinding the basic structure sure of how you do it all right so now that I have like some voiceover Clips I'm going to go try to find a song now so let's go into music bed and let's look for a [Music] song I like it I like [Music] it so lately I haven't really liked like really super happy cheesy wedding music I want to kind of make it a little more minor toned and Moody I don't know I just I'm kind of tired of like happy songs and this is where uh pulling selects round two is so let's just go here and with music music can always [Music] change let's [Music] start there we go so I loved how that kind of came in and like I said so let's just go through now and edit to music like I said this is Select version two so here we go this is where I like I filter the crap even [Music] more [Music] like I said this is the crap filter so no this is my favorite shot this right here is my favorite shot I hope I wish I would have got the bride doing this this is so moody I love this all right everything is cut and uh now I just have to add some vocals up in here so let's do that right now so we've been working on this for probably about like an hour and a half now two hours right so so we'll just take that and then so I have OB obviously I have like all the clips right here I'm just going to take this clip so in order to um put it onto the timeline to where you want it to be so I'm going to insert it like right just right at the beginning to take this and I'm going to hold control or shift command and what that's going to do is basically just allow me to just insert it in here without overwriting any Clips so I kind of like how see the music's kind of coming up oh yeah I'm gonna mute all these tracks right here also I'm just G unlink I'm going to delete all this audio from here you can do that by just right clicking everything and then hitting unlink right here so you just do that so there's the audio is gone now I like to do audio like the the the Down Beat and then up to the to the vocals so down beat then there goes the vocals so let's see how that sounds you can shuttle Clips like micro adjustments when you shuttle using um the comma or the period as I wrote my cool obviously we're going to have like this over top right now as I wrote my vows and stand here today I have trouble finding the words to Des sometimes you have jerky moments so you got to kind of like get here today I have trouble finding the words to describe just how lucky I am to have both you and Rya in my life boom all right so that's clip number one in my life so I like to cut on the down beat a lot so we'll cut on the Down Beat for sure you don't have to cut to the music now I'm going to switch it up I'm going to just do one like from the bride now we built together and for allotments I don't like to do the vows like all of his vows and all of her vows I like to like kind of stagger them or so we'll kind of put some getting ready shots at him now Danny we have come a long way from the Walmart parking lot I knew from the moment I met you you were going to change my so now what I'm doing is I'm just taking some of the audio clips I'm just kind of starting to put them in the timeline and while putting Boll on top of them I'm just going to drag it somewhere in here and it doesn't have to be perfectly dragged in the right place because what I like to do is get it to where I think I need to go and if you want to change the clip on the timeline shortcut is using three or four see how like three will just like shuttle it between Clips I love that that's awesome so when you're doing the voice over you want to add like relevant clip to what they're saying so like when she's saying talking about her daughter you put clips of her daughter in there the relationship you two have built is so special and I can ask for a better Dy in her life and so now as we're like progressing into the film we're going to start using clips from the ceremony because they're obviously going to the ceremony right now and also like between like Clips like of people talking you want to give some time to breathe you know at least two clips three Clips preferably just you want to give it a second just to breathe you know I noticed one thing when I was working with my editors he would put too much vocals in in a row and you want to make sure it flows nicely with the music and and see like you don't want to put even though they're like putting on the Lays like this like clip and this that's like a jump cut and I hate when I do this or when people do this like my editor does this because it it it's not a good cut you don't ever just want to cut like that you want to like change angles when you cut and there's I think something called the 30% rule um or the 30° rule so where when you make a cut you want the other angle to be like at least 30° different what this does is like it makes it so there's no jump cuts and jump Cuts just feel like you're in a horror movie so don't ever use jump Cuts notice it's like it's never going to be a cut from one same shot to another shot like this no don't do that so what you want to do is you just want to go here even that see like that is not a good cut right so we're GNA do like something like this it's speaking words appreciation and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful way where's one I'm gonna put that at the end it's going to be like it's having the capacity to forgive and truly uh but but see like here still a jump cut like that no you don't do that so that is not going to be here so like I said this is a short one dude not this is like 2our video making a three minute highlight right so I'm going to take it from her vows to the end remember the whole point of this video is to make them cry with happiness so you got to create some moods all right so we have just finished putting all of our voiceover Clips onto the the timeline so as you can see the timeline looks like this now who all right so boom all right so so just a recap of everything we did first we imported our footage and we pulled selects the second thing we did is create a ceremony multicam video and cut it up in order to create clips for our narrative for the highlight film step number three is we took those clips and copied them into a new wedding film timeline and created a narrative story Story by placing the Clips in between um our selects and putting b-roll over top of them like this all right so step four now is we are going to start color grading um I'm not I only really color grade heavily um things that I'm going to use for my website if it's um just a wedding film that I'm not going to show anywhere I'm just getting paid for it whatever I'm just going to create it maybe do a little bit of color grading if things look bad but I'm not going to like go in and get super artsy with it man color grading is the whole thing but basically I'm just going to do and do primary colors correction like I said I'm not the best at color grading I'm not going to create multiple nodes or anything for this I'm just basically coming in and just making these clips look a little bit better I don't ever like to clip the highlights I really like to take down the Gamma or the midtones because it kind of adds a little more contrast and mood after you do the output blanking you're going to notice that you're going to have to like move move Clips up and down using the y in the position section to have both you and R in my life I said I'm not going to color grade every clip I'm just going to color grade clips that are a little too bright for me and like I said I have to adjust the Y position on some of them come a long way since the Walmart parking and for when I'm doing Talking Heads St up I kind of like them to be more on like a third so I like to keep them like right here contrast everything looks pretty good like right out of the box so but I really like taking those midtones down all right so now I'm going to put like the look onto the wedding film this is like the final sprinkle of the wedding film so you want to go into your color page you're going to want to highlight all the clips you're going to right click on it and you're going to put add into new group I'm going to put like the highlight grade one and what this does is you can add adjustments to all the clips now that are in the group so but in order to do that you have to go to clip up here and you go to group post clip so that's this is the things I'm going to be affecting is the group after the initial grade so right here I'm going to create um I'm going to create two nodes the first node is going to be a l and what I'm going to do and this is a kind of like you can this is where you can create a look now I'm just going to use a l that I have that I I like it was free it's actually from gamut so gamut Luts it's their free kinetic pack I like it I just do kinetic one obviously I don't like how strong it is so I'm going to go to the key output right down here and I'm going to put at 0.25 it's very subtle like very very subtle I don't want it to be too much because then after that I add my film effect and this is kind of where it kind of transforms a video makes it look way more film likee so I use a uh plugin called film and convert nitrate as you can tell it's really strong right off the bat like look at this like this that's way too much for me so what I like to do as I take the chroma down to like 25% and the Luma down to like 33% so as you can tell see that's like very more way more subtle and then I also take the grain strength a little bit down and I make the size just a little bit and I take down the saturation cuz I don't really want any extra saturation in it also I also increase the exposure just a hair so that it compensates so now you can tell like it's just a very subtle thing but actually makes it look way cool sometimes I'll boost the saturation just to smidge it just CU sometimes the Luma chroma kind of takes away the saturation but I'll put that in there and I just use the basic film stock that it comes up with so here's the before and after of the L and the film emulation so there's that and there's that so after you put on the L in the film um emulation uh now it's time to kind of actually go back again and fix some things because sometimes colors will change things will change like right here this one looks little more green now and I don't go crazy with this I I I'm probably like you I'm probably OCD and I like to do way more than I should all right so now that I have color corrected everything I've added a look and a film emulation I'm going to mess with the audio now so what I do at the very beginning is I come in here and I make this really big and I start making key frames to uh the audio so I do that by holding option and clicking and now I have these four key frames and then you can just bring down the center like this um there is another way to do this which I will be showing you but for right now just to make it easy for you guys we're just going to do this Danny we have come a long way since the Walmart parking lot so now that we have everything lined up I'm just going to create key frames now for all the audio so remember it's option click click option this can be tedious but uh yeah it works and you just bring it down usually I like to bring it down like minus 14 I think just depends what your music's like but click click and then click click bring [Music] down a good marriage must be created so this one needs to be down a little more so I'm put that like- 20 all right so now all the audio key frames are here it's sounding so the audio sounds pretty good so now we want to go to the fair Light page and we're going to do a little more tweaking on the audio so on audio track one now I like to add like a dialogue leveler and basically what it does is like bring the low audio up and the high audio down how we had finally found our c means cool I added that and then I also like to add a compressor so if you go here to this Dynamic section I just go here and I just do dialog basic compressor it just gives a little more um brings the vocals a little to your face more and uh yeah I'm not going to go through all it and the EQ I always kind of like to just go here and dialog add clean high end they have really good presets in Da Vinci so yeah yeah and then for the music actually I like to add an effect on there and the effect is going to be spatial stereo width and I'm just going to increase the width all the way up so what that does is it takes the audio for from here and kind of puts it out here and put the vocals in the center so now how does that sound I promise you you're all I see I'm telling you you're all I need I will never leave and I will always follow you I love you okay so that is basically the entire process of editing a wedding highlight film so I just finished up color correcting I went into the music and I put key frames to where the dialogue is to lower the music so that the dialogue can come through after that I added some effects to my uh dialogue and to also the music to give it more space and more um presence and now it's it's time to export and deliver this so I'm going to show you guys my export settings basically I kind of have a preset here says YouTube but it's actually my wedding film preset so I'm going to name this so I'm going to name this just highlight film I'm just going to name it R and D highlight film and these are kind of my settings right here so I just do MP4 h.264 4K restrict to 8 8 80,000 advanced settings I have my color Space Tag re 79 and my gamma tag re 79a that's super important if you are on a Mac one thing that I also do is I go to the audio section and audio normalization I put it to YouTube because what that'll do is kind of level it out so that when you export it it will sound good Okay cool so now we're going to add that to my render queue put that where I export things save it and yeah and you just render it out and that's it so then you have your highlight film and then what I do after I'm done with my highlight film is I'll go back into my ceremony multicam I'll put some titles on this and I'll will export this as a standalone video and deliver that to for the client as I wrote my vows and stand here today I have trouble finding the words to describe just how lucky I am to have both you and Riya in my life [Music] Danny we have come a long way since the Walmart parking lot I knew from the moment I met you you were going to change my [Music] life the love you have for me and Riya is beyond anything I thought possible the relationship you two have built is so special and I couldn't ask for a better Danny in her life you push me out of my comfort zone and believe in me even when I don't believe in myself you make me feel like I'm the most beautiful woman in the [Music] world a good marriage must be created it is remembering to say I love you at least once a day it's never going to sleep angry it's standing together and facing the world it's speaking words of appreciation and demonstrating gratit attitude and thoughtful ways it's having the capacity to forgive and truly forget it's not only marrying the right person it is being the right [Music] partner our family wouldn't be as great as it is [Music] now St step in and you that [Music] as we told one another how we just fit how we had finally found our soulmates I don't know much but I do know with every fiber of my being that I was meant to find you I promise you you're all I see I'm telling you you're all I need I will never leave and I will always follow you I love [Music] you and finally I promise to choose you every day in every lifetime in in every Universe in every moment for all time always until my last breath I love [Music] [Music] you all right well that is the tutorial that is how I edit a cinematic highlight film In Da Vinci resolve um if you got any value out of this please hit the like And subscribe button it supports the channel I will be making photography content and film Mak content every week unless I'm filming weddings until next time guys go have fun go create something dope edit something dope share it to the world because your story matters all right until next time I'll catch you later peace [Music] he
Channel: Jon Bodhi
Views: 15,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve, Resolve editing, Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve, editing tutorial, editing tricks, editing tips, editing hacks, filmmaking, how to save time when editing, become a better filmmaker, learn to edit videos, how to edit youtube videos, pro filmmaker, online content creator, Wedding Film, How to edit wedding, Wedding Video
Id: omXVhgejjII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 36sec (1956 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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