How to Edit a VIRTUAL Big Band!

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hey everyone and welcome back to another video this one has been highly requested by so many of you I've gotten a ton of messages and comments asking how I edited the video for our virtual big van of three and one if you haven't checked that out yet it's on my channel it was a lot of fun to do it was a lot of fun to play a lot of fun to record the final product came out really great and a lot of you have been just been asking you know what's the process for going through that and I figured there's no better way of me explaining that process than to show you me editing a video so I actually have our newest virtual big band video here which is Thad's cherry juice and that should be out on my channel already so if you haven't seen that yet you can check it out in the link right up here I'll also put a link in the description below so go check that out and then watch me edit that video so a couple things before I get into the meat of this video one of them is really exciting I just recently launched a patreon so there's a link for that in the description below go check it out if you want to support I really really appreciate it all the all the support that I get through there is going to be invested into this channel into new equipment into the channel instead of being able to do more recording sessions being able to go do more things just do more just like I explained in the intro video I want to be able to produce what I'm doing right now but also just do more of it higher quality stuff more collaborations more videos more stuff like this the more support that I have I can have more time to do those things and really give back to you guys for supporting me through this whole time the next disclaimer is this video might be long I don't know how long it's going to be obviously I have an edited yep I'm not going to just show you my whole process of editing a video of this length because it'll be many hours long but I do want to leave a lot of it in there just to show you the process that I use and this is just the way that I currently know how to do it you know I'm not a professional Video Editor I'm just using the tips that I've gotten from watching like tons and tons and tons of tutorials online about how to use these programs how to edit different tips and tricks and tons of trial and error like hundreds of hours have gone into just editing this andreat and watching the video about editing and then trying it out and exporting it see what happens and just just honing it in and I'm only going to get better and better after this and I really encourage you guys to try that too if you're if you're not sure about editing hopefully this video gives you some tips and you can then take them and then try it out for yourself because everything here there's no exact science as you're gonna see with some of the crops and the trims I have those are just numbers that I kind of found out through trial and error that I wrote down now I use as presets to make my future videos more efficient right before we get into the video aspect of it I'm not going to talk about the audio editing aspect of this video but people have asked about the order of editing and fray jazz song especially like a big band or even a small group what you want to do first is you want to have some type of reference track that everybody's gonna listen to to record their parts that could just be a click track it could be somebody playing like keyboard bass Keys part it could be like an actual backing track that you cut up and edited it could be the original if you want to play it exactly like the original you can use the original and just listen along and play then have all the horns record then over the horns recording and the practice track have the soloists record then what I would do is add the bass the real bass then I would add court instruments guitar vibes piano whatever so they can accompany the soloist fill in you know with the the horn parts if there's any breaks in there and then finally the drum part and a lot of people say shouldn't you record the drums first in a jazz setting that's you know kind of what I'm talking about here you really want to be reacting as a drummer to what's going on so Louis does something you want to react to it dynamically rhythmically space whatever so if the drums record first it's just gonna sound like a Jamey Aebersold backing track which is not the vibe we're going for for a you know an interactive improvisational jazz thing let's just dive into the video now and get editing so we're gonna jump into the computer alright and here we are this is Final Cut Pro this is what I have this is what I use this is what I know how to use this what I'm comfortable with but I think the tips that I give you and the things that I do here should translate pretty well to any video editing software you have if you have Adobe Premiere if you have iMovie if you have DaVinci Resolve it's all going to be the same basic stuff it's just gonna be probably laid out differently and it's gonna be maybe called different things but hopefully you can take something from that so as I go through this I'm going to be giving you some of the tips that I've learned from doing wrong many times and then and doing it right and things that make my life more efficient and the first thing is label everything correctly this might be something simple but it's it really helps because there might be multiple takes of things there might be different things label everything is you can see right here I have you know everything labeled pretty you know pretty clearly and now that that's important to get there the next thing is with final cut and I'm sure you can do this with us as well I would use proxy media when you're editing and what that means is when you when you go to edit okay and you have these videos here when you click on one over on the right you're gonna see transcoding instead of create optimize create proxy media and make sure you leave files in place then once you import it's going to it's going to agree render it basically rewrite a new file that's a lower quality so it'll run a lot smoother especially when you have a full Big Bend you're stacking all these charts on top one another and you have a computer that's not too fast like mine the way to view proxies click view and optimize originals when you're ready to see what it's actually gonna look like and when you export it but run everything in proxy so it does take a while so you know this this is probably already rendered for on this computer there's probably been about twenty hours worth of rendering already that brings me to my next thing make sure it makes your life a lot easier if all of the files are the same size so all 1080p all 24 frames a second 23 point you know nine eight they are all the same so when you do go to the right and you you start transforming them and cropping them and cutting them and pasting that you can do it they're all you know they're all the same size so if you want to as we're gonna see with with the first couple instruments if you want to cut one instrument and apply that cut to another instrument it they need to be the same size for the for the pixels now when I film I film everything in 4k so for this you know that I imported it in 4k first but as you see it's 1080 I basically dragged it in here and export it as a 1080 I did that for all my videos some of the other videos that came in that weren't exactly 1080 and 24 frames I did it all so they're all equal now so we can just get going the next thing is projects here I make if you hit command and that would bring up this you can make a new project within this whole event so the event is to call charities here's the projects so what the projects you can kind of work on individual sections in this case its literal like musical sections and then you can drag them into the overall video some people like to just stack up all the clips here but then you literally have 17 18 19 20 once you have soloists clips on top one other you can't see them all because there's you know unless you have a giant screen which I don't have you can't see them all and when you start cutting and pasting them it stuff gets all all mixed up having the score handy is really important so I know from just listening to the tune and playing the tune that the trumpets and the trombones for the most part are playing within their own sections the whole time as you saw with with three and one if you watch that video at the beginning there's a little trio with flugelhorn bass and berry so I kind of pulled those out separately but you can still do that but leave all the trumpets and trombones and sax in their own sections so the first thing is let's drag in all the trumpet parts so the next thing is we're going to line them all up to start correctly we know they all start on beat one we know they all start together so we're going to just look at the audio waveforms here this is the count off it looks like actually okay so that peak right there now this this is a magnetic timeline and things snap into place so the first one you put in there can't be move to the right or left so that's the one you'll base all the other ones off of so we know that that clip right there is beat one on trumpet four so what we'll do is we can just like cut those and by the way cutting is is a scary thing at first on here but do not worry just because I cut that beginning out of the trouble three-part it still exists see it's right there it's just cutting it helps you line things up easier so hit B for Blade a to go back to pointer select delete bang done and you know I was really bad at this at first it just takes time so let's let's make sure these are all lined up then I'll then I'll mute it so we don't have to hear random trumpet noises the whole time we're doing this so you can make these bigger small and make sure they're lined up okay now the next thing here in and it's the thing that people struggle with most is placing the boxes on the screen for the four trumpet parts so for this and you can do this any way you want get creative with it this is where sometimes the creativity this and like the color grading you can really go crazy with I just want to do standard four boxes top left top right bottom left bottom right so I'm gonna show you how to do that and this is again we're having them all the same size really helps especially with when we transfer this over to the trombones and the rhythm section so we'll start with trumpet one by the way in final cut that whatever clip is on top that's the clip you see so the clip you see is there so if I got rid of trumpet one this is not trumpet two you notice he's wearing a different shirt so you have to start doing a little bit of math and a little bit of common sense here the the the 1080p refers to the height of the video it's 1080 pixels tall and in 1920 wide so you have to just do a little bit of math to see where you want to put these so first thing you want to do if you want four boxes is you got to put my 50% so if we put all four boxes at 50% I'll do this manually instead of cutting and pasting pasting for this first one just so you can see so they're all at 50% now but now you can't see them because you know they're still on top of one another so if you click trumpet one click this transform tool here you can now drag it wherever you want okay just so you want it top left then trumpet too you want up there jump it through you want it down here Trump before you want over here now there's nothing to snap them into place so yeah you could just look here really closely and try to line it up but there's a much easier way so knowing that it's 1920 pixels wide okay half of that would be 960 then if you say okay I'm gonna instead of X equal 0 because x axis is left and right instead of 0 in the middle I'm gonna do - 960 cuz we're going to the left oh that's in the middle over there we actually want it only halfway so we actually want it half of 960 so 480 so you're gonna go - 480 and that'll snap it in the x-axis okay then for the y-axis you know it's 1080 tall half of that was 540 but once again if you do 540 it's gonna be halfway up so you're gonna do half of 540 which is 270 and there you go so for Final Cut Pro if you're in 1080 you're four four boxes are going to be some version of 480 for the x-axis and 270 for the Y if so let's do that for all four of them now at its core video editing especially with these multicam stuff that's what it is so you can literally end there if you wanted to but as you notice this makes for nice boxes and then what you'll end up doing is each one of those boxes in the main video will be a section so this this this full trumpet section here of all four of them will end up being one of the four boxes in the final video so basically gets compressed you'll do the same thing for each section as we did for each trumpet part I like to go further with this stuff and once again this video is not just a general thing it's going to be me showing you what I do so I could leave it like that and then just do all the other instruments in throw them in but I like to do color correction color grading adding some nice just some color things to make it look the way I want gonna say better I'm just gonna make the look look the way I want and then also add some borders and then once we get all the sections together then we're gonna start doing popping in and out and soloists and stuff so that's why this this does take a long time so the next thing I want to do is I want to do color correction so what we're gonna do is instead of clicking on each one and adjusting you know just say we just do the opacity of one of them it gets rid of it so any effects we adjust would be only one we're gonna use what's called an adjustment layer so you're gonna go up here to titles you're gonna click a DG area DJ the cool thing about the adjustment layer is it effects any effects you put on it affect what's underneath of it for example if I if I click on adjustment layer and I turn the opacity all the way down during this time everything will be blacked out but before it and after it will still be there so that applies if I put it you know only half way through a vote so if it's above trumpet three and four and then put it to zero you see it only affects three and four first thing I'm going to do is I'm gonna go to view video scope so now I can see what's going on here so let's go to color let's go to exposure so this is the exposure reading here zero is pure black 100 is pure white you want to get the blacks down to roughly zero if you go below you see it completely crushes them out but you can go a little above if you want a more faded look you can go you know I like I like things pretty dark so the next thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add a lot and lookup table it's basically a if you want to call it like an Instagram filter for video kind of it's basically color grading presets now I sometimes use these I sometimes just do it myself but sometimes these looks look really good all the color grading and color correcting tips I've gotten from watching tutorials and videos online I really highly recommend Peter McKinnon and Maddy hop oh yeah those are two guys they're from Toronto Canada they have two separate channels big big channels on YouTube they're videographers and content creators on YouTube but they do a lot of tutorials and I've learned a lot from them on how to frame shots and how to film an exposure in ISO and Papa Papa Papa I'm gonna use Peter MacKinnon's LUT pax here lop pack here so I love Kodak killer so if I put this up to a hundred percent whoa terrible it adds a lot of gold especially if the wall is a little tan or yellow so I'm just gonna use maybe out on the thirty five fifty forty percent so that looks pretty good so if I took the effects off here's what it looks like here's on off on off on already better now I like a vignette as well so we're going to put a vignette if you want to put a vignette on each individual video you would have to or each individual frame you would have to put it on each one but I'm just going to do a general one for the entire thing so blur go to zero so let's make this not so dark just a little bit on the outside so here's here's why I like a vignette look this that's with the vignette that's without with without with without the final thing is I like to have borders between them now I'm not going to put a border on the outside of this yet because like I said before these four boxes this trumpet box is going to be one box out of four you know saxs trumpets trombones rhythm section so that'll have its own border I'll do that later to make a border you're just removing part of the video to expose what's in the background in this case there's nothing behind these videos there's nothing underneath them so it'll just be black and if you wanna have different colors by the way you can come up here to generators and solids and you can just put these on the bottom and you can have whatever colors you want behind I just like black cuz its standard and it looks it's good so for trumpet one that's top left let's always mute that for trouble on top left we're going to take off five off the right and off the bottom so the five in between here and five in between here so right you just hit crop trim five bang bottom crop trim five done and then we'll do the same thing for trumpet two so it'll be end up being ten total so there are the four borders you know these are things that are detailed things that I like that I noticed that I would notice if I didn't do them or I noticed them on other people's videos you don't have to do this once again this is just kind of my process and I even zoom in to make sure they're they're exact because if you accidentally bump this a little bit you know even by like that's seven you know I would notice that and it just drives me nuts so I make sure they're all perfect they're zoomed back out to fit and now basically the trumpet section is done so what I'll do is I'll pull the whole adjustment layer the final thing is let's make this entire trumpet section for the whole song an entire clip so let's select also command a or you can drag whatever you want you can also do like this you can do whatever just make sure you select everything including the adjustment layer right click or two-finger click new compound clip I'll just call trumpet clip and now look what happened that entire trumpet section is now in one file as you can see if we if we did the same thing for trumpet two trombones rhythm saxophones and then we had four sections we can stack them on top of another and then use those same presets of the crop in the trim and then you'll have trumpet section trombone section sax you know rhythms and that's how you can create the boxes if you want four boxes so I'm gonna show you now how you can quickly apply this to another clip by the way before I jump to the trombone section here always make sure you have lots of coffee on hand that helps you get through it it really does and how do you drink your coffee I take mine black no cream no sugar no nothing in it how do you like it also student gave me this mug I did actually spill an entire cup of tea from this mug all over my desk last week or not too long ago luckily didn't get on the interface or the computer any handy this stuff I have here but that was pretty stupid on my part I just knocked it over but I did spill the tea so that was pretty funny so now we're going to apply this to the trombone section because I know the trombone is played together I want them in four boxes as well so I'm going to do the same process with that so I'm gonna first line up the audio for the trombones okay now that I have all four of the trombone parts lined up with their audio now I'm going to apply the same crop in trim that I did for all the trumpet parts to the trombone parts and then it'll line up the exact same way first thing is you can't have to go back and forth here a little bit so we'll go to the trumpet name and the trumpet thing the trumpet section so you hit command C just a regular copy for that lets go to trombones so trauma one you don't just do command V you have to do shift command V that will paste the attributes so if you did have some type of color grade on the individual file you can choose to include that or not here you can uncheck or check what everyone so the only thing that was done was the position the scale on the crop so we are going to apply that and there it goes top left so we'll do the same thing for trauma into trauma through trauma for compared to trumpet two three four and there we go the great thing about the way I did with the trumpet part first is the borders we know we're going to be there but we'll double-check let's zoom in 200% we know the borders are good we know that they're you know all in the correct spots and you can even you know check up over here on the top right just whatever one you highlight it'll show same thing I did with the trumpets I'm gonna color correct this now I'm gonna start with the same color correction that I had for the trumpets just because it's a nice easy starting point and I know I want another vignette so we'll go back here and then all you do is highlight the adjustment layer command C for copy it and then you're just gonna paste a paste you're gonna paste the entire thing here make sure it covers the entire clip and now as you see now it looks that's definitely too dark the shadows are too low first thing is I might just bring up the shadows okay that brings the detail back there looks like our trombones are done so we're gonna do the same deal we're gonna command a select all a new compound clip and let it go so it looks like the computer is about to take off like a jet or it sounds like it's taking off like a jet so we're gonna take a little break here I'm gonna get just you get a little more coffee in here and let this kind of render it's also good mentally to take a break sometimes and we're back it's not fully done rendering yet but I don't feel like waiting anymore so we're just gonna jump right into it so the trumpets and trombones are done the saxophones we're gonna do in one shot as well now saxophones are gonna be a little trickier for a couple reasons so let's get them in there first I'm putting two put the berry was done in Clips so I'm gonna do the berry on top so I can move it around remember you can't move the bottom one so I'm just going to do tenors first let's get these in order tenors first then Sopranos brother how cool is that having two soprano parts instead of Alto parts that's so awesome and it gives such a unique sound you guys should have already watched this video if you haven't watched this video yet of us playing cherry geeze check it out the description down below okay so we're gonna start the beginning so let's get the berry from the beginning here now that as you see he filmed it in vertical which is fine especially for this because I can put the berry in the middle vertically between the two tenors we just have to do some different cropping every time I edit a new video there's always something I have to change from a previous one it's never going to be 100% cut and paste so once I find out what works then I can write it for the future and for this one I have to do some new cropping let's get the audio lined up first and then we'll get onto placing the videos [Music] this one we're not going to be able to just do four boxes because there's five people but also because of the the vertical nature of the Berry Park let's go to let's say Trump it and then we'll go to trumpet one we'll copy go to the saxes go to soprano one pace now you see you notice you don't see it because remember that whatever is on top here is gonna be what you see on the screen so if I go before it though there we see the soprano one so you know what right out of the gate let's just make the barre 50% just so we can kind of see what's going on here because I exported it as a 1080 file and didn't believe it as 1080 by 1920 vertical you see the black bars and left and right that's no problem we'll just trim those off view at a hundred percent and let's just pull the crop from the left until we hit like exactly on there so if we put it to right let's say very close 655 656 and you have to literally I just go through that sometimes 657 656 655 okay it looks like there's a gap when you go to 656 let's go over and do it to the right 656 so now if we go back we have that in the middle now the problem is though it's it's the the way the Sachs's are it's it's kind of cutting off that middle part and and yes we could leave it like that and that would line up the saxophones like the that soprano one and the tenor one are lined up but I think that looks a little too goofy to me so we're gonna do is we're actually gonna Center the tenor parts within their own boxes there so not within the overall box but within their own box so they're all gonna shift out a little bit I actually went in and figure this out ahead of time just so I didn't waste your time doing it now and it looks like 152 and a half is what we're gonna clip from either side so on the tenors I just went through and just like I did with the other one one by one I kind of went through it so if we go one fifty two point five one fifty two point five plus 7s o157 point five because we want that crib now we have to slide it over to the left to make sure it works and we know I checked that out already it's going to be 556 so we'll go negative negative five five six and there we go so now it is centered with itself with its own box here as opposed to just the entire thing being hidden behind here so I'll do the same thing for ten or two so that now equals the saxophone section now the problem is as you see we only have barry up to letter C so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go through and line up the Barry part for the rest [Music] just got the the berry lined up with the whole saxophone section there so now I have all those clips but as you see it's much bigger so once again just just like we copy and pasted before we're just gonna copy from the berry part to itself and that will paste the position to scale the crop do it like that and you can actually select multiple and paste them to multiple now when you go over here everything's lined up so now once again like I said with color grading we're gonna take just my parts first because I can apply just one layer to them and then I'll do the berry parts separately so we're gonna select all we're going to do a compound clip and make sure this is the end you select everything all the adjustment layers all the parts new compound clip okay and now it has to it's all those dots means it's rendering that but now we can start to build if you want I I'm just gonna do this to show you in the video project what we can do is actually we can pull in whichever ones we want so let's pull in the trombone part first right you can just copy that go to the video paste and now here's the overall video and then we can go to trumpets copy that go to video and paste them on top if we hold on top if we know they start together need that line up the beginning here we know they're gonna start on beat one together you get them lined up together for example but now it's like oh okay they're on top of one another what are you gonna do do you want the trumpets in the top left or top right we'll do the same thing we did with each individual boxes will literally just click on that whole clip put it at 50% move it to number 4 80 moves it to the right to 70 there's trumpets let's put trombones in the bottom left so we'll have 50% and you could also just copy this from the previous one or go with and copy but I'm just want to show you so you accept me is it that's basically the if you just did nothing else but that for all the parts it would look cool you'd have all sixteen seventeen eighteen however many boxes you want and you can just just do it from start to the end have it be one shot the whole time and it'll look pretty impressive and people send you messages saying how did you do that to keep the interest of the visual aspect of it you know I like to change things so if the if this axes are playing solely I'm gonna have this axis on the screen like you saw with this one in three and one you put just the soloist there with the rhythm section can we say also how cool it is that Terrell Stafford agreed to solo over this for us it's so that's so awesome and so nice and I want to thank him for doing that because that you took the time out of his day to do that the next thing I'm gonna do places accidents then I'm gonna do that same thing with boxes at the rhythm section [Music] so right now we have the entire band kind of place there you notice or if you notice I still haven't put any borders in between them you could do now the same thing to each one of these clips as you did to each box I stopped so everything looks nice and clean and if we played it from start to the end it would it would be the whole tune and everything will be cool I still haven't added the audio track which I'm gonna do in a second where it gets tedious is now all the other little parts about cutting in and out this part gets a little more tricky just not necessarily harder to do it's just it's easier to screw up let's add the real audio in so next thing I'm going to do just to tidy it up a little bit is will clean up the beginning and the end of the tune let's see where we want to start right around there so I like to start from the top it just makes it easier you can just rip them all right into the the playhead there because remember the bottom one controls it so now rhythm clip is the one that controls so if I went past it you see how it turns gray up here you can't use that this is the beginning of the clip so that's why I start from the top BAM starts together so let's just all start [Music] so right here we have a little vibe solo [Music] so now we come with a melody there so you have some creative options I think I'm going to cut right to the vibe solo then the end the vibe solo I'll have the whole band coming with those hits I'm gonna do it right on the downbeat there oh right on the downbeat so what you want to do now is if you want the vibe solo to be over top of everything let's layer the vibes on top I'll go back to where I want that downbeat right there and remember whatever is on top the highest video file that's there the literally the one on top is the one that you'll see over top of everything else so if I just play it [Music] [Applause] and then I can go back here so right there I just cut it for the length of the vibe solo so once again I'm gonna just color correct the vibes and I can copy and paste this later let's see you try it again maybe we'll have the band come in on the big hit and not on the downbeat Dada then the band pops back right there or a little hair before it so your eye can see it for a second you can process what's happening so let's do so we'll do the hit with the whole band and then let's just have the saxis come in I just want to blade what's above the saxophone so that would just be the trombones let's blade this axis you can delete the trombone part there I'm gonna leave it and just put the opacity down to zero and then I'm gonna put the saxs up to a hundred there so put those back zero 100% and there you go the reason why I had trombones back to zero because they're above it if I put them see the show up so everything above this axes would need to be zeroed out [Music] [Music] so right on the downbeat there now it's the beginning of the solo section right here I'm gonna cut all the video clips okay that's where we're gonna add in Terrell Stafford's ridiculous solo so now we have some options we can just have taro on screen the whole rhythm section on the screen I'm thinking because there's only three rhythm section people plus him but it's not going to be because it's shot vertically it won't look kind of good if I just put him in a corner and then put everybody else in the corner would look a little weird so what I'm thinking is gonna be trim his down put him on top and then put the rhythm section across the bottom you have to basically now pull in the original drum part the original bass the original piano part line them up then crop them down and cut them out and then you have to apply the color grade that you applied to them previously you have to dive in there and do it let's import the piano the bass and the drums separately now look how crazy this can get you see all this this this this is with remember each of the trombone clip that's four videos Sachs's that's five videos trumpets that's four videos rhythm section that's three videos here's what we'll do a line at the beginning of all them will line them up then I'll cut it except for the solo section and then we'll start editing the solo section [Music] okay now I have the piano bass and drums the original files lined up I clipped them from everything before terral's solo I left them till the end the song because I'll clip them after because there is another solo and I'll just clip it after that and what I think I'm gonna do is just have the rhythm section across the bottom what I'm gonna want to do for that is the same boxes if I want it to be exactly half and half the same boxes that I would do if now we're doing six boxes which I figured out ahead of time so I have numbers written down for that basically you're clipping the right and left to make them a square three squares as opposed to the sixteen by nine okay now we have the three boxes there now they don't look a hundred percent great so let's move Terrell up to the top because then he'll be over top of them and we can kind of figure it out from there here's we're just kind of getting not creative necessarily but just like thinking outside the box and just trying to figure out a solution to the problem so the problem is we have to figure out a way to get Terrell on the screen right so let's just go down to whatever we think so let's scrub through it sticks out a little bit but that should be okay so that's still bigger than just a box I don't have any presets for this this is this is new to film upright like this with three we're gonna do we're gonna move the base to the end because it'll look cool or having the taller base and then we can cut off part of the piano part I think okay and there we go okay that looks pretty good I like that [Music] all right so right there off-camera I put the trumpet solo and the tenor solo I made sure that I made the the crop I made sure I made the little borders on each one and I made them their own compound clips each as you can see here the tenor solo is a compound clip Terrell sells a compound clip because I then put a vignette over it and it also cuts down on the the height of the entire thing so we're getting to the homestretch now basically the same process I'm gonna go through the rest of the tune and anything that jumps out at me as it needs to be in the forefront I'm gonna put to the forefront anything else I'm just going to leave is the full band I'm gonna go through that right now and I'll see you at the end [Music] all right I'm back it's a few hours later now a bunch of hours later and I did some other little things kind of the same repetitive stuff that I was doing before just all the way to the end of the tuning and here we are to the end so we're gonna jump back into final cut to finish it up we're all rendered out as we are right now and I put a little end screen on here I got this thing at the end here and little things like this add a little bit to it there's a drum fill at the end here you can listen to [Music] [Applause] [Music] I made that obviously the cuts there between the drum fills but then I also made the horn sections or actually the entire band that's in between a compound clip and I did I knew there was gonna be one two three four of them before the final hit so I did 60% 70% 80% 90% so it you know it's kind of getting bigger on the screen there so right there on the last hit as the cymbal just kind of sizzles out I'll have it fade to black there and then for this I just used the titles here there's one for the thanks for watching the top the other one is these here just at the end I fade in just part of Terrell solo there so watch this here so as this the cymbals fade down brings up the level of the trumpet solo then fade it out in time and ends on the downbeat cool so what we're gonna do is we're gonna select not quite everything once it's into the the end screen I don't need that so I'm gonna drag all the way the beginning all the way here including up there so let's see if we got everything so all the video so we're gonna hit new compound clip full video hit okay so now boom it kind of smushes it down and now we can make that bigger just starts a little bit more a little easier to see so the final thing we're gonna do two things we're all three three things we got to watch the whole thing but we're gonna put a border around the edges of everything then we're gonna fade in to the beginning then we'll watch it and we'll see if we need anything after we have the border on the final thing to do before watching it let's add the fade into the beginning I like to start from completely zero which means completely black in this case there's no background to 100% only in a couple seconds or so so the first thing is let's find out where to be at a hundred percent by right around there so that's what three seconds so let's leave the playhead there down let's come up here to opacity leave it out a hundred percent click the plus that adds a keyframe that basically says by this point you want it to be a hundred so you can either hit the up arrow now you have to hit it twice because that puts it only at the the beginning of the audio hit it again and you're at the beginning of the clip and you know you're at the beginning of the clip because of you this this County camera reel marking here on the left let's let it render a second and then we'll hit play from the beginning and then we'll check this and then we'll let the whole thing render then we'll watch it all the way through if it looks good export so my camera died there I didn't get a chance to make an outro so here it is thanks so much for watching if you stuck around till the end here I really really appreciate it hope you learned something from this and you saw what it takes to really make one of these kind of virtual big band videos I want to thank everybody involved in making these virtual big band videos Adam Alex Omid Justin and Mike they absolutely killed it also another huge shout out to Terrell Stafford for solving on cherry juice it was really awesome to have him so I hope you enjoyed this video once again thanks so much for watching please browse my channel and subscribe I have lots of different kinds of videos on there and please check out my patreon there's a link to that in the description below thanks again and I'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Dave Pollack
Views: 8,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sax, saxophone, dave pollack, jazz, david pollack, tenor, tenor sax, tenor saxophone, how to edit, final cut, final cut pro, final cut pro x, peter mckinnon, matti haapoja, color grading, video editing, editing tips, video editing tips, music video, how to edit a virtual big band, virtual music, virtual ensemble, virtual big band, virtual jazz, trumpet, trombone, bass, drums, drum set, bari, bari sax, soprano, soprano sax, soprano saxophone, thad jones, cherry juice
Id: u6YcUg_Om78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 48sec (2388 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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