How to Easily Download All Your Google Photos

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hey everyone this is tony futures tech i'm tony and in this video i'm going to show you how to download your entire google photos collection in one shot and we're going to do this with something called google takeout so let's go ahead and hop on into the tutorial here as you can see i am on my google photos page looking at my albums and what you could do is individually go through these albums and download them uh one by one or you can come back to your photos section and highlight them all and download them that way it'll zip them up into a big archive file and then you would download it through the browser that way but the best way to do this to make sure you get every single photo even if you don't have them organized into albums is with google takeout like i said so how do we do that let's go to your a new tab here and go to hit enter and this is where you can pretty much not only google photos but pretty much any service that you use with google you can download that data in the in some type of format right so uh google chrome data google calendar data you can keep going going down here google drive data but what we're looking for is google photos data okay so uh there's a check box by default on all of these we're only interested in google photos so let's deselect all those check boxes and then come back down to google photos and we will check that box only now there are multiple formats that are going to be downloaded you will get your photos your actual photos and the resolution that you chose when you uploaded them you get your video same type of thing you'll also get your album and metadata if you have albums it'll give you stuff like it says here such as the title or description of the album and then photo metadata same type of thing when the photo was taken and any comments that anybody made within google photos so you're going to get all of that data in one single archive so that's just an overview of what that looks like i'm going to click on all photo albums included that's the default for this case because this is i have i probably have 500 gigabytes of photos or probably even more than that i'm not going to do that in this tutorial but you can by default everything is selected i'm just going to pick a few of these so i'm going to pick the album from my 50 days abroad and the album from when i sold my buick suv car uh just the pictures associated with that now down below there are also if you don't have albums like i was saying there are also uh pre albums i should say that google creates for you so by year so every picture that you took in 2019 2020 2021 so right if you don't have your stuff organized in albums that's how you would get every single photo on your account so with when you're satisfied with your selection you can click on ok it's going to take to this next page actually it's not we have to go down to the bottom and then click on next step and that'll take it to the next page which it says how often do you want to export these files and we're just going to do a one-time export you could schedule that for you know every two months six months and something like that um but we're just going to do this once and done and then the file type is going to be you can pick zip or tgz uh zip is most compatible with pretty much any operating system and then uh based on how much data you're selecting you can have each archive in in its own uh file up to two gigabytes in size four gigabytes all the way up to 50 gigabytes so i'm pretty sure all my data for those albums is under two gigabytes but if you have problems downloading large files and you know your data is over two gigabytes then you might want to stick with something smaller like this and then you'll just get multiple two gigabyte archives uh so this for this case we'll just keep the defaults here and then like it says up here it'll send me a download link via email when my files are ready so click on create export and this does take some amount of time depending on how much the data is so we'll just fast forward through this and i'll catch up with you when that's ready to download okay guys i'm back just about two minutes later and as you can see google emailed you right after you requested the data it said archive of google data requested for this email address um the next email that was at 9 48 a.m the next one was just two minutes later and it says uh your account your data your google photos are ready to download so let's go ahead and download those files and that's going to take us to the downloads section after i sign in here and here you can see this first one right here google photos the size is 1.58 gigabytes has already started downloading here and this is the data that we requested google photos so that's going to take just about six minutes here so we will also fast forward through that all right we have about one second left and that archive has been downloaded so let's uh let's actually put this on the desktop i'm going to drag this onto the desktop and then we can extract it okay so just double click on a mac uh or right click on windows and extract it and now we have all of our photos in here so open this up this is a folder uh technically all of our photos are in this directory but let's look at this archive html file that's going to open up in a browser and it says we'll make this a little bit bigger we have 508 files totaling 1.58 gigabytes okay and the exported files we have our two albums our 50 days abroad album in our buick rendezvous album which contains these photos which are linked here but i think a better way to look at these are in the explorer here and then the file formats this is kind of what we looked at earlier about the photos videos album metadata and photo metadata so let's go ahead and take a look at what that actually looks like let's open up this folder and we have our two albums in here 50 days abroad buick rendezvous let's look at the 50 days abroad um you'll see here is uh all of our pictures so here's a picture uh me on the plane uh outside of the plane um barcelona airport what else we got down here this is in mumbai this is in goa so i have all of my pictures and then you'll see that we also have these json files right so let me see um let me find one that i kind of know this this is in udapore but if you look at the associated or where is the associated this one the json file for that picture you'll see that it's a little bit weird format right but this is the name of the file right the um timestamp that it was created okay right here and then there's the readable format for that this is the gps data the latitude and longitude that that photo was taken the altitude okay all this other information and then the original url on google photos where that was located and it was taken with an android phone so that that's the type of metadata that we're talking about here and one of these is actually the album metadata 2. so let me see if i can find that uh we only want to look at the json files it's probably that's a no that's a smaller one um this one maybe no that's for the video oh here it is metadata.json so this is this is all the metadata for the album the 50 days abroad album so we have all of the descriptions for the the individual items so this is a varanasi and you can match these up to the actual album itself and we can we can do that here's here's the actual album over here so we have 50 days abroad uh which is right here and uh near the end i was at the taj mahal so let's see if we can find that down here oh and these are these are comments so somebody said i like it thanks somebody said you're welcome thought maps would help that was actually me um i didn't know you were in iceland and lol to the monkey's own car so that's the comments of these albums which you can see right here those are those comments and then there yeah there's rajasthan there's pennsylvania my trip back to pennsylvania there's delhi so so very very cool that's that's how that metadata matches up there's a lot of other things that you can do with google takeout like i said if you're interested in learning about those check out some of these videos over here let me know if any questions in the comments below subscribe for more videos like this for me in the future and if you do i will see you in the next one you
Channel: Tony Teaches Tech
Views: 209,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google photos download, google photos download all, how to download photos from google photos, how to download all photos from google photos, download all photos from google photos, download photos from google photos, how to download all google photos, how to download google photos to pc, download google photos to desktop, how to download pictures from google photos, how to download all google photos to computer, download all google photos to computer
Id: tKKS7R2gWaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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