How to Easily Detect a Failed Capacitor

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all right this would be a short video about how to detect a failed capacitor specifically i want to talk about the electrolytic ones because these type of capacitors fail more frequently and more often than other types there are three failure cases the first one is easy to detect look at this one a bulgy top and changes in the shape of the component so whenever you see something like this on your board on your board you can make sure that it is failed and you're gonna replace that another example is this one the top is okay however the bottom is like this let me show you the second case which is trickier to detect the shape is fine no bulge no problem at the bottom however to detect this type of failure we need an instrument the capacitance measurement an lcr meter like this or a benchtop multimeter with the capacitance measurement option so let me go to this and measure the capacitance of this capacitor i set on manual for the faster measurement let me see how much is capacity how much is the capacitance of this one all right it shows zero zero so this proves that this capacitor is totally dried out and it's useless do you see that the shape was totally fine however this is a useless and this is you cannot use this on a board it causes problem it does nothing actually so for the second case you need instrument the third case is even trickier than this one i don't have a sample to show you however i will explain this on this problem on this new one this is 22 micro farad let me show you what i mean okay this is a 22 micro farad capacitor and it shows 20.3 this is totally fine however when you pick up when you pick up a capacitor and measure it and the tolerance was high even if it it was even if it it was not zero you're gonna replace that capacitor for example this is a 22 micro farad it shows 20 if this was 15 16 or something like that then definitely this capacitor has a problem and you're going to replace that so that was a trick yes one track it requires case of failure so definitely you would need instruments to detect the second and third case and finally electrolytic capacitors fail when the temperature or the and and or the noise of the environment is high and near the power components when the temperature is high when the noise is high those capacitors are suspicious first check these capacitors then you can then go for other other areas of the board anyway i hope you liked this video give me a big thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe catch you next time
Channel: MyVanitar
Views: 9,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: capacitor, electrolytic capacitor, failed capacitor, bulgy capacitor, capacitance measurement, lcr meter, benchtop multimeter, multimeter, siglent multimeter, sdm3045x, capacitor problem, smps capacitor, bulgy, dried capacitor, dry electrolyte, capacitor fail, lcr
Id: XKv4OMSz7jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 43sec (223 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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