Capacitor Safety - How to Discharge Capacitors Safely

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One very useful skill for dealing with electronic  systems is being able to identify capacitors and   safely discharge capacitors. You can see here  I have a bunch of different type of capacitors.   So electrolytics, ceramic... the thing with  all these capacitors right here in particular,   these five, is that none of these are dangerous.  If they're fully charged it's not dangerous   to touch these, but the looks on these can be  deceiving. This is especially true when it comes   to electrolytic capacitors, which are these guys  here. For example if I showed you this capacitor   and this capacitor, which one of these  two do you think is more dangerous?   Well if you guessed this capacitor, you're right.  This capacitor right here is rated for 400 volts,   68 microfarad. This one is rated 35 volts, 10,000  micro farad. So even though this holds a lot more   charge, it doesn't hold the voltage required  to electrically shock you, whereas 400 volts is   plenty enough to shock you. It probably wouldn't  be a serious shock but it wouldn't be pleasant,   and it can get even more deceiving.  For example, if I bring this one in.   Now, you might be thinking this one obviously  looks dangerous, but this is actually rated   for just 25 volts. So if this was fully  charged, and you touch these terminals,   you wouldn't even feel it. This one on the  other hand, even though it's physically smaller,   this one is more dangerous. The sense that  it's rated for 200 volts at 1000 microfarad.   So this one could give you a pretty  substantial shock if it's fully charged.   Even more confusing, a capacitor like  this one which is an x2 capacitor,   this one's rated for 275 volts yet it's  physically smaller than even this one. When you where you start getting into the really  dangerous capacitors they start looking like this,   and you can see here I have the two terminals  shorted out permanently. This is actually a   capacitor from a microwave oven and this  capacitor is rated for two kilovolts. So the truly dangerous thing about these is  not only can it potentially shock you and cause   burn damage, or nerve damage, or  something like that... if you touched   the terminal of this with one finger and  the other terminal with the other finger,   well it's going to send 2100 volts through your  chest, at that point, and potentially through   your heart. Now one feature of these very large  capacitors, usually, is you can see this symbol   right here it has a capacitor and a resistor  on top of it. What that means is that inside of   this can there's a capacitor, and then there's  a resistor shorting out the two leads. So when   this is removed from power, it will start slowly  discharging itself to make it relatively safe.   The reason I have it shorted out, though, and  generally the reason you want to keep these   shorted out, is you never really want to rely on  just one point of failure. So if that resistor   fails for any reason, this capacitor could  potentially store quite a large amount of power   and you wouldn't be one any the wiser, but while  these capacitors have safety mechanisms built in,   these ones don't. So there is no resistor inside  of here. So if you charge this capacitor up,   it's going to maintain it's going to  have some leakage, and it's going to   start discharging slowly over time. It will  maintain a significant amount of charge   even when disconnected from power. So one thing  to kind of help you understand how capacitors work   is to think of capacitors as  sort of like electrical springs,   and like a spring normally when there's no load on  it there's no real danger from it at all. If you   put a load on a spring, let's say you stretch  out the spring, that would be the equivalent   of charging up this capacitor, for example.The  issue with this is, think about what happens if   you take a spring that's been pulled out as far  as it can and then let it go. Well it's going   to try and release all of its energy as fast as  possible, and usually with pretty violent results.   The same is true with capacitors. For example,  if you think of the capacitor like a spring,   if we were to take us like a screwdriver like  this and short out the two terminals like this,   that would be the equivalent of taking our spring  and just letting it go. So it's going to try and   release all of its energy all at once, and to  demonstrate this, what i can do is i'll take this   35 volt 10 000 microfarad capacitor, and short  out the two leads. So you can see what happens.   This is 35 volts so it's safe to touch  even when fully charged, but it will still   have pretty explosive results if you try and  discharge it. So let me charge up to 30 volts All right now that's charged I can take these off. Now take my screwdriver. Again, this is  like taking the spring just letting it go.   So very quickly tried to release all of its energy  onto my poor screwdriver here, which you can see   is a little bit blackened up. Now if you promise  not to try this at home, I'll do this test again,   this time with a 400 volt capacitor, and what I'll  do is I'll be charging it up to about 300 volts   using this transformer and rectifier. So I have  my meter here also to keep track of the voltage.   So I'll turn the supply on real quick. So about 250 volts on that capacitor, and  this time, though, if you touched it with   your bare finger it would shock you. So I'm  just going to use my screwdriver, keeping   a good bit of distance, yep. So you probably  don't want to have that happen to your finger.   So you can discharge a capacitor like this. Like  I said though it's pretty much like releasing a   spring under full tension. Not only can  it, you know, obviously cause damage to   your tools like this here, but it could  even cause damage to the capacitor itself.   This capacitor may not be very  happy anymore that I did that.   So generally a better way to discharge capacitors  is to use some type of resistor in place. So this   right here is a 10 watt 10 ohm resistor and  this is a 100 ohm 5 watt resistor, and these   are ceramic resistors. So they can get pretty hot.  You can also use larger resistors like this one,   although you have to keep in mind that  discharging a capacitor this way is really   only safe when you're using it on one that is not  physically able to shock you like this one here.   So I have my oscilloscope set up here and I'll  show you the differences in voltage drop between   if I just do a direct short and if I hook up a  resistor like this. Okay, so I'll go ahead and   charge up the capacitor up to 30 volts. Now I'll  take my screwdriver and short out the two leads,   and you can see on the oscilloscope that  the voltage dropped almost immediately. So   this time I'll do the same test but I'll use a  resistor to discharge the capacitor instead of   just my poor screwdriver here. So I'll  go ahead and charge the capacitor up,   and it's fully charged. So now I will  apply the resistor to the leads there, and you can see the voltage drop  was much more steady this time.   Let's try it again just to emphasize it. Now you can see the voltage drops off very very  gradually, no sparks came out of this. So the   main takeaways from this video are to always  pay attention to the labels on capacitors,   especially if you see large ones. The label  really tells you what the capacitor will be   like like. For example, this one is not very  dangerous, but this one is potentially dangerous   even though it's smaller, and when you're going  to discharge your capacitor generally it's a   better idea to use a resistor. You want to make  sure that when you do this, you're only doing   it on a capacitor that is safe to touch. If you're  dealing with a larger capacitor like one of these,   I would suggest not trying to discharge  this. I would suggest not even working   on the equipment if you don't feel comfortable  with it just to avoid injury. Find someone who   is comfortable dealing with high voltage  and knows how to handle large capacitors,   but most importantly, if you see a capacitor  like this one, be extra careful because this   one will hurt you pretty badly if it is in some  way defective or has not discharged properly.
Channel: HTM Workshop
Views: 211,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discharge a capacitor, capacitor discharge, discharging a capacitor, capacitor safety, safely discharge a capacitor, capacitors explained, electronics safety rules, electronics, capacitor size, discharge capacitor slowly, how to discharge a capacitor, how to discharge a microwave capacitor safely, how to discharge capacitor, high voltage, discharge capacitor, discharge a capacitor safely, how to discharge a capacitor safely, discharge a capacitor with a multimeter
Id: eQsfuS0VjJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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