How to identify a bad Capacitor

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I would like to point out a couple different ways to tell you have a bad capacitor these are common values for capacitors and LCD screens flat panel TVs plasma LEDs 2200 microf 25 volt the capacitor on your left is bad the one on the right it's good can you guess why the one on the bad is and the one on the left is bad if the bonness on the top of it didn't give it away the top of the metal itself is swelled up versus the one that's flat the one that swalled up SP out some of it guts that's one tail tail assign that you can use another way is at the bottom of your capacitor if you got a lot of corrosion around your bottom of your capacitor and green stuff take your capacitor out of circuit and check the bottom and if it's got a bunch of goop and stuff on the bottom much like what's on the top here you got a bad capacitor be sure to clean up all the area that this thing is leaked out for otherwise they're just going to continue to corrode your board another way to checking this is is using the ohm scale and your voltmeter normally if you start out at 200k or 20K you can watch this change theage and it depends on the direction of where you have your red leaves on the negative or positive of the capacitor you can actually see the h wise and lower like it's charging and discharging the capacitor a third way to do is take your capacitor that you have and use a capacitor meter such like this that I bought online for 15 bucks as a kit you put it together and it has a digital readout and it can tell you that this thing is 2 76 microfarad a good one when we read 2 point whatever I'll show you what I [Music] mean it's calibrating it has to clean up all the excess information that is stored have to make sure your leads on there good otherwise it's not going to read right 2.13 micr with that that point is a comma so that's 2000 50 microf that's what it's reading so that's a good capacitor you can have a little tolerance with these much like resistors that's a good brand there ntion n Sean however you say it just don't ever buy cap X on they will do this for your TVs and then you'll have a TV it's not working these are the capacitors that they put in in most of the TVs today so you're getting crap quality capacitors at a cheap price and this is what happens so that's going to be it for today I uh hope youve learned something about capacitors the good versus the Bad and the Ugly so thanks for watching I'll see you next time we'll learn something about resistors
Channel: Stupid Circuit Board Repair
Views: 688,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Electronic, Repair
Id: AvlNKZ8GzEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 22sec (262 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 15 2012
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