How to easily check your car A/C system for lubrication

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real quick video on career Commission's Davis is my ML 320 but this kind of applies to any car and this is two people that check in top up their conditioning at home using one of these refrigerant replacement kits in the little gauge there's nothing you need to actually check once in a while on and it is the oil in the condition of the oil inside of your compressor in your your AC system and there's a little checker that you can get some vehicle they coming out and get some in singles you'll know in a pack I've already tested my system and keep it yellow in there that indicates that the oil is clean if it's black or brown - contamination from water and drop inside your system you have to have a purge you shouldn't keep operating their AC if this was black or brown yellow or slightly clear and oily that's what you want you want some oil in your system and all you basically do is take this and go to the height probable low-pressure side there's always the top cap there's two caps going to be on your air conditioning system there's a blue one in the black one generally it's the black one you take a little cap off I need right here I took the cap off we won't have here it is also the only one that will fit to have one of these air conditioning reeking refrigerant public fits but the only one that this knowledge will fit on it won't fit on the high side high pressure side only fit on the low pressure side so that's all new touch sure you a quick again they've already done this and what can Ibiza like $70 apiece you can raise this one but you just simply take it start your car turn the air-conditioning on let it run for about five minutes a little valve right here and then check the oil level now if there's no yellow or white oil in here this is a little low on oil I'm going to actually add some lubricant to the system because you don't want your air-conditioned system you want to compressor running with no lubrication and the lubrication is all provided inside evacuation occurs not making too much noise there condenser fans are coming on you don't want your recognition to run with no oil no lubrication civilities after your compressor door ruling the whip the seals and stuff and now suspended ton more money it's best to go check every once in a while especially the beginning of the summer when you're going to top off your air conditioning if you do top it up every summer test for oil in the system which is what this is in this shows that it's a little bit low it should be pumped up probably about halfway so that should show about halfway with oil and adding the oil with the exact same as the refrigerant the instructions are on the cam if you have one of these refrigerants top up kit just get a can of the lubrication we pump it up do it the exact same way for all the instructions on the can it's no different so this is for people who do pump up their own and recharge their own air conditioning system it's not something you just do for the fun of it if you are a person who tests and re recharge your air conditioning system this is something you want to check this is one of the steps you should be taking every year if you do this every year because they're concerns in your air conditioning system they do leak out over time they bleed out I mean just imagining the bumps and the the weather that your car goes through has compared your home air conditioning system or your refrigerator you know they don't bump around they're not exposed to road salt and dust and dirt and going over potholes they just on well they don't they don't generally leak and cards generally after five six seven years they will leak a little bit of refrigerant out with topping them up is completely normal anyway this was this is just a video on testing the lubricant condition and the lubricant within your AC system viously if yous little AC test valve pleaser flick so these are from durable basting oil analyzers and they're very simple to use you should use these every time you top up at the beginning of the year when you top off your air conditioner entry and like I said that should probably be about I'm close to being fine but I'm going to add a little bit I'd rather have the limited level up a little higher anyway thank you for watching
Channel: fupabox
Views: 170,238
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Keywords: a/c oil, auto parts, a/c repair, duracool, Mercedes sl, mbusa, porsche convertible, air conditioning, mercedes amg, mercedes suv, vintage motorcycle, Mercedes convertible, mercedes parts, amg, Automobile, Mercedes-benz, Porsche how to, Mercedes slk, auto repair, fupabox, mercedes repair, a/c test, Mercedes how to, how to, automobile a/c, Mercedes clk, diy, porsche
Id: uI5x7VPpvVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 42sec (282 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2017
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