How to Dual Boot the Steam Deck with Clover (Full Process, Single Drive, No SD!)

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what's up guys how's it going Mike the tech here and today I'm going to show you how to install Clover which will let you actually install both windows and steamos on your main hard drive so if you have that 512 gig or even updated your uh internal solid state drive uh to a larger drive you can format that partition it and have both your Steam OS and windows drive and the best thing is you don't have to reformat your Steam OS Drive in order to do that so if you already have a game installed you don't want to reinstall it you can simply shrink your drive and install the new windows OS alongside it so this is gonna be a fun tutorial and I'm actually going to erase my entire steam deck and start it fresh just so I can make this one for you guys so if you like this one be sure to click on that sub or thanks button below alright so I've gone ahead and reinstalled Steam and it is a fresh operating system aside from one game automatically installing Boulder's Gate everything else is just on my SD card and it's fresh so I'm going to show you how to install all windows and actually I'm going to take out the SD card right now so I'm going to go to steam settings I'm going to scroll down to storage and we're going to remove the drive so now we can see we have an internal drive with 300 gigabytes free so I'm going to give a Windows 150 gigs we're going to click on the steam menu and we're actually going to power off our machine so we're going to go to shutdown and confirm now what you're going to need is a USB drive at least eight gigs and you're going to install the Steam OS ISO onto this because even though Steam OS in desktop mode has the KDE partition manager which we're going to use you can't actually edit a partition if you're in and using that partition so we can't actually log into steam and just do it there we need to log into a drive containing the exact same program and use that instead right so to prepare our Steam OS USB drive we're going to go to this address here I'll put in the description we're going to accept the terms and download the deck image once we've done so we're going to download Rufus and this will allow us to create a bootable USB drive so let's go ahead and download the x86 version and open that up now Rufus found the device already so this is the USB drive we'll be using and then we need to select the actual image so let's go to select and you'll see that we have our steam deck recovery image right here let's go and hit open and we'll click Start this is going to warn you that it's going to delete everything on the drive we'll click OK and we just wait for this process to finish so I've gone ahead and installed that here and I'm going to plug it into a dock here and I am using the UTech Smart Dock here so I have HDMI I have power here I have my uh Mouse so it's easy to use and I have my USB thumb drive here with the files and everything and I just plug that through USBC into my steam deck and that allows me to connect everything all up at once and what we're going to do is on the steam deck you're going to hold down the volume down button and then tap the power button and you're just going to wait for the steam deck to turn on while holding down the volume down button and then once you see that you're going to go ahead and let go all right and once you go ahead and do that you're going to see that we have Steam OS here EFI hard drive and an EFI USB device we're going to click on that and it's going to start loading into the USB and this could take some time all right so we've gone ahead and loaded into the UI and what we're going to look for is KDE so let's go to system and choose KDE partition manager now we have a partition manager that shows all of the partitions on our drive and we can see that we have this really large one this is obviously our steamos drive so what we want to do is we want to shrink this one to make enough space for a new windows drive so let's right click on this and we're going to go to resize slash move and we can actually adjust the bar Itself by dragging it so if I wanted about 150 uh that should be good 148 000 megabytes so 148 gigs for Windows uh so let's go ahead and hit okay now we have this unlocated 145 gig drive so we're going to right click on that and we're going to go to new for the file system it doesn't really matter what we choose because we can always adjust this later when we install Windows but I'm going to go ahead and choose NTFS and I'm not going to label it I'm not going to really do anything else I'm just going to go ahead and set up the drive as NTFS and hit OK and now that that's done it's not actually adjusted anything in our drives yet we actually have to hit apply for that to take effect because it says two pending operations here so we're going to go ahead and click on apply it's going to give you a warning that this is going to permanently change the drive and let's go ahead and click apply pending operations and we can wait for this to complete once this is complete you're going to have two separate partitions um plus your OS ones but you're going to have your main Steam OS and then a new 150 gig partition that we can use for Windows later all right so this has been successfully completed and now we have if we press OK it's going to scan our drive again and it's going to say we have this is our steam drive and now we have this separate Drive um that we can use for whatever we want so now we need to install Windows let's go ahead and close out of this we're going to go ahead and turn off our device so go to shutdown and choose shutdown so now we have the same drive I'm going to go ahead and plug it into my computer and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to head over to the windows 11 download page and I'm going to choose create Windows 11 installation media because this is going to let us use all of it at once so let's go ahead and download and run the media creation tool it's going to say getting a few things ready go ahead accept now we could leave the default settings here so let's go ahead and hit next and we want to choose USB flash drive so this will detect the drive automatically we'll see that we have a removable drive here let's go and hit next but you'll notice that the size is way off if I go in here it says it's 126 megabytes now why does it say that because the drive is formatted as a Linux operating system so we also need to do some partition work here let's go ahead and type in create and format our disk partitions once you've done that you'll see that if we click on EFI it actually is disk 3 and there's quite a few uh other partitions on this disk we're going to delete this volume we're going to delete this volume and you can see that it's automatically uh adding to this unlocated space now we're going to delete this volume over here and we can delete the main EFI volume and that should be enough space so let's go ahead and locate this by creating a new simple volume and we're just going to go through and leave all of these as default so the max size it allows you to assign whatever Drive letter it gives you that doesn't matter we can leave it as FAT32 that'll change shortly and we'll hit finish now it shows that the USB drive has shown up and yep we can see there's a new 7.2 gigabyte volume and in Windows it now shows up as full size so let's head back to our installer refresh the drive list and you'll see that we have new volume here let's hit next and things are going as expected so let's just wait for this to load alright so our flash drive is ready we're going to go ahead and take it out of all right so our flash drive is ready we're going to go ahead and take it out of our Drive we're going to go ahead and click on the bottom right hand corner and eject the drive this is currently in use give it some time and then you can inject it now we're going to place that drive into our USB hub again and then we're going to do the same thing as before on the um steam deck we're going to hold down the volume down button and we're going to press the power button and then we're going to let go of it once it actually turns on so hopefully it'll show up on the game capture device and there it is so we're going to go ahead and choose our USB device Kingston traveler and we're actually loading into Windows right now one really nice thing is they actually automatically replace the windows logo with the Steam logo I thought that was kind of fun but you're going to run through the installer just like you would on a normal machine until we get to the actual choosing a drive portion so you're gonna go ahead and choose I don't have a product key yet and fun fact apparently if you're on a device under like 12. if you're on a smaller screen device and that includes the 800p screen of the steam deck you don't actually have to purchase a key but normally just log in with your um Microsoft account and you should be good to go now we're going to choose which version we want to install I'm just going to install home because it doesn't really matter too much to me but if you need some of these specific features you can choose that as well that's it next we're going to accept the agreement and hit next and now we're going to choose custom installation now here we're going to look for our 145 gigabyte Drive which is right here we're going to click on that let's go ahead and format it just to make sure it's nice and fresh let's hit okay now we're going to choose that and hit next and now it's installing Windows to that partition now one thing you will not be able to actually load into this without using the bootloader holding down the volume down button and turning it on every time so after this I'm going to show you how to install Clover so that every time you turn on your steam deck it actually asks you do you want to start in Steam OS or Windows it counts down a few seconds and then it just chooses Steam OS if you don't input something if you do input something then you can move back and forth you can even theme it it's pretty cool so I'll show you how to do that once this is complete all right so it's restarting and it's getting the devices ready this is installing all the default drivers and such all right so we are logged into the actual Windows OS now so I'm gonna go ahead and choose next we see that we have a US keyboard that's fine uh no I don't want to add a second layout connect to a network alternatively if your USB hub has an Ethernet port you can just plug it in directly and you want to type it in at all so we're continuing with the installation let's go ahead and skip this for now we'll continue now one of the easiest ways to actually use um typing in this is to just tap your screen and it will bring up the windows keyboard which is actually pretty good so if you just tap here on the screen it brings that up and even if you're using a mouse you can go ahead and click on what you need to do and it'll start adding your Microsoft account let's go ahead and click next we can create a pin this will make it a lot easier you can choose your privacy settings we're going to skip our customization we're going to skip connecting to our phone though that might actually be a nice feature if you just have your phone in your pocket you're playing on your steam deck and you can use some Phone features like texting right there so that might be a nice one so now the actual Windows Experience is getting started and once it's done we're going to load right into our desktop alright so we are logged into windows and everything is going to work just like we would expect it to move into all the menus you can go to the steam website and install the drivers you might need to do but I'll make a separate video on that where I want to show you is how to actually install the dual boot menu so first I'll show you how to actually boot the normal way so let's go ahead and shut this down power and shut down and at this point we can remove the thumb drive we don't need that anymore Windows is now on our steam deck along with Steam OS and what you want to do is boot into the boot menu so hold down the volume down button and press the power button and keep holding the volume down button and you'll see here we have Windows boot manager or Steam OS we're going to go to Steam OS this time and if you're okay with that kind of switching just holding the volume down button and pressing power and choosing your operating system you're good to go but I'm going to show you how to install a bootloader so that you can have a visual user interface whenever you turn on your steam decks so let's go to the steam menu we're going to go to Power and we're going to go to switch to desktop all right and we're in desktop mode so now what we want to do is go to Firefox if you have an installed Firefox yet it'll prompt you to install it and the reason we're installing Firefox instead of just doing the console commands directly while we can do that is because it's much easier to copy and paste and this is a very direct way to copy and paste all the commands you're going to need to use during this process so now that it's installed we're going to launch it and we're going to use the keyboard to type in Clover steam deck so we're going to go to the steam deck Clover GitHub and you can see uh make sure it's the same author here and we're going to scroll down and you're going to see that we actually have all the code we need to run here so what we need to do is go into our application launcher go to system and go to console we're going to copy this First Command which isn't super necessary because that's where we're starting but let's go and paste that here now we're going to git clone and we're going to copy this entire command here so copy and we can paste here and a fun fact you can actually hit the a button to submit this and you'll see that it starts going through the process and it downloads thankfully we got no errors so we can go into that folder so we can copy this first line here paste it in and hit a and we're in that folder now you can see it in the console here and now we want to set the security for the install script so we'll paste this here and press a and then we want to run the install script so let's highlight this last one copy paste it here and install so we need to set a password so let's open up our keyboard and we just need a very simple password for now all right so I've gone ahead and updated the password so let's paste this in again and we can enter our password and now you can choose your default operating system so if we want Steam OS to load up first we can choose Steam OS otherwise we can choose Windows I'm going to choose Steam OS so that it feels like a normal experience every time I turn it on and we'll press OK we can see that the installation is started and everything should be good to go now let's try it out let's go ahead and shut down our steam deck so I'm going to shut down and we'll shut down completely now without holding the volume down button we could just turn on our steam deck and we're in a bootloader we can go left or right with the d-pad to choose which one we want to load and we can even customize this so if we go to options and press a we can choose all kinds of really cool features including the uh theme here so if we go to GUI tuning for example we can go to themes and choose which theme we'd like to use and they all look pretty cool but for example there's a fun one we can even choose Rick and Morty and head back and you'll see it switches to Rick and Morty pretty cool system and then once you choose what you want to load into so I could choose Steam OS or Windows if I choose Steam OS it's going to load in just like normal but yeah that's it for this one a little bit long a little bit uh convoluted but I hope I got everything if you have any questions or comments please leave them in the comment section as always thank you so much for watching have a great day [Music]
Channel: MikeTheTech
Views: 15,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mikethetech
Id: d9QWFclJe6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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