How to drill through the centre of a bolt | drill bolt guide

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in a previous video I used some cap head or socket head bolts like that with a hole drilled down the center to remove some broken bolts obviously if you've got access to a lathe with a three jaw Chuck drilling something like that is incredibly easy I can simply put it in the lathe and drill straight through it with minimal setup however most people do not have access to a lathe so in this video we're going to drill directly down the center of a bolt like that using a pillar drill. To set up the pillar drill you will need either a piece of threaded bar or a bolt the same diameter as the bolt that you want to drill through. Here I am cutting the head off this M12 bolt before we drill this in the pillar drill I'll just show you the easy way on the lathe simply put the bolt in the chuck ensuring that you grip it with the head insert an m6 drill bit into the chuck normally would use the coolant feed but in this example I'm going to use metal working spray if you're not familiar with drilling on the lathe you need to peck at the bolt so you go forwards then back it off then go forwards again and repeat this until you are through the other side if you try and go through in one movement there is a chance that the hole will not be dead central as the drill bit can wonder, or so I have been told this is the bolt with the hole drilled dead down the center now it's time for the pillar drill. start off by putting a piece of threaded bar in the chuck with the nut screwed on to the end adjust the table so that the nut can be gripped in the drill vise now lower the drill so that the nut sits in the jaws of the Vice position the nut so that the vice will not move the nut when the jaws are fully tightened you need to get the vice in a position where you can bolt it down to the table of the pillar drill you can now carefully rotate the vice until the bolt holes line up in the table and bolt it down ensure the bolt or bolts are really tight you don't want the vice to move now undo the chuck and unscrew the threaded bar get the bolt that you want to drill through in this case a M12 socket or cap head bolt and the thread a nut onto it. then thread the bolt into the nut in the vice screw the bolt all the way down then tighten the top nut using a spanner. this will ensure that the bolt is held tightly you can now get the drill bit in this case a six millimeter diameter one and fit that into the chuck by doing it this way you can be certain that the drill is in the dead center of the bolt you can now proceed to drill the hole ensure a cutting compound or coolant is used to prevent the drill bit from over heating in less than two minutes you should be through the bolt and now have a useful drill guide for broken bolts I hope you found this video useful if you have and you haven't done so already please subscribe to the channel
Channel: Ultimate Handyman
Views: 771,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to drill through a bolt, drill the centre of a bolt, make a drill bolt guide, drill down the centre of a bolt
Id: 6mZj0J6CNYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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