My Father Taught Me This! Passing It On To The Next Generation

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how's going guys in this video I'm gonna be giving you a tip that has been passed down to me by my father and it relates to getting a bolt to thread into position that basically is refusing to go in or that you could have a bracket see like that that's slightly out of line so the last person that was at this job left the top side of the threads damaged when they were putting that bracket down i elongated the hole down here to try and help it but it still doesn't want to move down into position this this bracket is actually free down here and you can you can move it back and over so if you see there pushes it pushes all the way in but I'm just gonna show you a quick tip on how you can do that and it doesn't just relate to this job it relates to many many other jobs that that might happen to you so I'll just bring you over to the vise and we'll take a look I have the boat nice and secure and the vise now and the next thing I plan on doing is I'm going to put some automatic transmission fluid on top of this is great lubricating fluid and I am going to get a hacksaw and I'm going to go straight down the middle of this bolt so I want to go straight down the middle but I don't want to go all the way down I just want to go to the top side see where that thread is damaged there as well from the top beam bird so just go down halfway like that and I'll show you how I do that in a sec like I said it's straight down the center you want to go okay so I just read it so it might be a little bit easier for you to see and so I'm gonna go about a quarter to a half the way down okay so for this particular one that should be enough I don't know if you can see it there I'm bringing it a little bit closer so as you can see I believe that should be enough for this particular bolt has just wire brush that off now in a minute but what that actually does is it allows the top of the bolt to collapse in and gain thread easier then as it goes down to the base side here you had you still have the full amount of thread and the bolt is able to be secured and torqued up as normal and but this bit at the start it just allows it to collapse in when you're starting the thread and get a bolt that doesn't want to go into position to start and I'm gonna bring it over now let's see if this has worked all right so I have it in position down there and I just started it off the threads there you go so that's it back snug in the position there like it should be and there is no issues with tightness you can torque that up to whatever the setting should be and you won't have any problem with grip and at all it is something like I said that was passed on to me by my father I passed it on to quite a few people in the trade that I've worked with and I hope you find it useful it's very um it's a very helpful tip that has got me a lot of situations over the years that's not something you use all the time but when needed they can certainly certainly get you through a job without read Tappan are looking for new bulls or lots of different lots of different reasons so I hope you found this video useful if you did please like share comment and subscribe and I hope to see you in the next one thanks for watching [Music] you [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,354,276
Rating: 4.7160711 out of 5
Keywords: old mechanic tip, old hack, mechanic tips, remove a damaged bolt, fit a damged bolt, no need to re tap, pro tip, damaged tread, nut wont turn, motor tecnician tip, master tech hack, easy, simple
Id: -0mIr2DWK_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 28sec (268 seconds)
Published: Invalid Date
Reddit Comments

This could be helpful and should be remembered. However, if the bolt refuses to start, perhaps the threads are bad as OP said. I'd just reach for the proper tap to chase the threads. If you don't have the tools, do this.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/alleycat2-14 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

Thank you for the tip. That will probably be very useful. Cheers.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mike112769 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

But why not use a new screw if the thread is damaged?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RRumpleTeazzer 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

I fell asleep

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Belllringer 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2018 🗫︎ replies
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