How to Draw Thor | The Avengers

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hey there today I'm going to show you how to draw chibi Thor so let's get started in the top of the face with the eyes so start with the one on the left and what I'm going to do is I'm going to start the top and just draw a circle for the eye from here I'm going to draw a highlight on the top left corner here just imagine the light coming down in an angle this way so it's going to pick up a little highlight on the top left so let's draw a circle and then color everything else in Black from here we're going to draw the exact same thing over on the right side so I'm going to imagine a line down the center I want the distance of each eye to be equal from that Center Point so starting at the top we're going to line up the tops and just draw a circle from the same size and then I'll draw that same highlight circle at the top left corner let's go ahead and color everything in Black okay from here I'm gonna have to draw in the sides of the face card first before I draw on the face because this overlaps the helmet and the main part of the face so let's go ahead and draw some curves on the side just beside each eye so I'm going to start with a point underneath the eye and I'm going to work my way up to the side here so I'm just going to go a little bit higher than the eye and just draw a curve going just below the eye like that I want to draw that exact same thing on the right side so I want to make sure that I get the same height so I'm going to put a point right here and I want to draw it down to the same height on the bottom so I'll start at the top I'm going to curve down towards my fingers right there from here let's go ahead and draw the side guards so these are going to come down at an angle down to about just lower than the chin so I'm going to draw the chin part here I'm going to come down a little bit lower so coming down in an angle on both sides so you see they're coming in towards each other from here let's go back up to the top of the face we're gonna go in between the eyes a little bit lower than the top of the eyes I'm gonna draw a little point from here I'm going to flare out two angled lines going outwards so one to the left and one to the right and then from here I'm going to draw two more angled lines going up and I want them to come to the same height as these lines here so I'm going to start here I'm going to come up in a steeper angle up to the same height as this line there do the same thing on this side trying to iron angle lines and I'm going to connect that to that point with a straight line on both sides let's go ahead and draw in some eyebrows so above this eye I'm just going to start on the left I'm going to curve inwards so here I'm going to angle this line a little short line going up and I'm going to go back to the starting point let's draw a curve so it gets a little bit thicker as it gets towards the center let's draw the same thing on the right so here I'm going to draw a curve draw that angle line in the middle and then connect the front to the back let's draw a little bit more detail on the helmet so up here about halfway between this point and this point I want to draw a line going out just to the edge of the eye it's going straight out like that on both sides and then from here I'm going to curve this line down curve it down and beside that face card just like so on both sides now from here let's go ahead and just draw in the chin so just above the point on the other side here I'm just going to come up a little bit and draw a curve for the bottom of the chin going from left to right we're going to draw on the beard let's go up here so halfway between this point and the chin I'm going to draw a curve from left to right okay I'm going to angle two lines coming down on both sides from here I'm going to take this point and just curve it and tuck it in underneath this line let's go back up to the center so from here I'm going to come down a bit and put a point there from this point I'm going to curve down towards the chin on both sides so you can see the two curves coming down and then right here just above here I'm going to draw a curve this is for the bottom of the lip because the mouth is actually tucked in underneath the mustache from this point I'm going to curve and Tuck underneath that line I'll do the same thing on the right so you can see that there's a little Gap in between there okay so let's go up to the helmet so the side of these these face guards I'm gonna have to curl these out so the top of the head I kind of want the top of the head to be about there I want the Wings To Go a little bit higher than that so if this is the top of my head I'll go a little bit higher so from this point I'm going to curve it in the opposite direction so you're seeing this curving this way in I'm going to go the opposite way from here so I'm going to go up to the starting point and just pull the pin towards me and just connect with that point there I'm going to go over to the right side and do the same thing starting on the outside and curve right into that point there let's go ahead and draw in some of the detail for the helmet so here I'm going to take this line I'm going to go up here and I'm going to draw a straight line going across and I want to pass this line a little bit so going straight across you see I'm passing this line just a little I'll do the same thing on the right side from here I'm going to angle two lines coming in at that same angle that I have here so two short lines coming in and I'm going to connect those two points with a straight line going across let's go ahead and draw a little more detail here so from the center I'm going to come down just a little bit draw a point I'm going to take those two corners and just draw an angle line going right into there so you see it's just changing directions just slightly okay from here I'm going to take this point in the middle and go straight up to the center of the head to the top of the head so right about here I'm going to pull a line straight down so it's always easier to pull the pin towards you than a way if you want to get a straight line from these two corners I'm going to curve towards that top of the head there so let's go ahead and take this pen right in the corner here and draw a curve going to that point so it's actually not a curve it actually goes to a point and go back up here and I'm going to curve down towards the right from these points here I'm going to curve out pulling them out okay so we got that let's get back to the side guards on the face so from these points I'm going to angle them down it's just for the ends of the wings so I'm going to take this point here and pull it down an angle and I probably want to come up to the same distance and length as that top of the helmet there so I'm going to do is I'm going to pull this line towards this way I'm going to go up here and do the same thing so I want to come up to about here and pull this line like so from here I'm going to curve down I'm going to do sort of a backwards s on this side and I'll do sort of an S shape on this side so this is going to get a little bit tricky so from here I'm going to pull it in to here so it gets a little bit tighter As It Gets in that way so it's one curve this way from here I'm going to go in the opposite direction and connect with that point there let's go ahead and just curve and just connect with that point at the bottom of that guard I'll do the same thing on this side so I'm probably going to pull this line just a little bit more just to make sure it's the same height I'm going to come down to a pinch Point here curving in like this and then it's going to curve in the opposite direction so curving around and connecting there let's draw in a little bit of detail on the wings so there's a couple like little Stripes that go along here so what I'm going to do starting up here I'm going to draw a curve going into the side of the wing there so it kind of comes from the end right on the inside I'll go right up here I'll do the same thing then one final one I'm going to go right and I'm just going to aim right to that point there let's go back up on this side on the right and draw it try and draw the same thing so just trying to get the same distance on either side so let me come down to about here let's draw that curve there and then one final one pull that in like that so we got the head let's get into the body so let's start with the neck so under the chin I'm going to draw a curve going from left to right we're going to draw those two chest plates on either side so two big circles just right in between the neck and the side of the face guard and these are going to be about the same size as the eyes and then I'm going to just trace on the inside just two smaller circles just for the trim of these chest plates from here let's simplify the cape from here in between I'm just going to curve a line like this that's going to connect those two points now we're going to draw the top of the cape here because it kind of goes this way and it folds back behind the arms but the top part will actually overlap on top of the arm so from here I'm going to curve a line going outwards so a little curve going out from those chest plates that I'm going to take that point and just tuck that in under the face mask just like that so from here let's get into the body so the Torso the upper torso I'm going to draw a pretty short so right about here so I'm going to go from these chest plates I'm going to curve two lines coming out on either side I'm going to connect those two points with a curve okay we're going down back up let's draw in the center plate so there's this little detail in the center here so I'm going to take a point here and just draw like a V going towards the center of the body from the center here I'm going to pull a line down and then I'm going to draw a smaller V just underneath it let's go up on either side and then from these ends I'm just going to push these underneath those discs we hear this draw in three more two more uh discs on either side but these are gonna get smaller as they go lower down on the body so right in here in the space I'm just going to draw smaller Circle smaller than this one here let's go and draw one more on the right and then we're gonna draw two tinier ones on the ends I'm just two smaller ones you see that I'm coming in and on an angle but coming down towards each other from here let's draw a little small detail so up here I'm just going to draw two lines coming up and come up in an upside down V towards the center of the gate Gap and pull a line down in the middle so here let's draw in the little cloth that hangs down so on either side of this Center piece I'm going to draw a two angled lines coming in I'll connect that with a straight line across the bottom I'm just going to trim out this just to give a little bit of detail trim the outside like that now let's get into the leg so legs I'm going to make them pretty short I'm going to make the legs about the same height as the upper torso so starting up here not on the center but just left to Center I'm going to draw a curve down to the left heel and then on the right curve down to the right heel let's draw on the bottoms of the feet so I'm going to draw a curve from the heel to the toe and I want the feet to be quite wide so draw a curve like that and curve on the right side now let's start on the left we're going to draw the top part of the foot so from this point and curve up from this hip and curve this right on top of that foot just like that just drawn the sole of the foot so here I'm just going to trace the bottom Edge just above just to give it a little bit of thickness we're going to draw the top edge of the boot so right here I'm going to draw a curve and then just below it I'm going to draw a thick band from the front I'm just going to draw a little bit of a knee pad so I'm coming up a little bit I'll draw a curve going right to the top of that boot from here let's go and draw that flipped over on this side so I'm going to draw a curve going to that point there on the right so curving and going back up to the hip I'm going to curve this down to here so let's draw on the bottom of the boot up here I'm going to draw that top trim of the boot and then make it twice as thick for the trim and then draw that knee pad starting on the outside curving in let's get into the arms okay so this arm I'm going to have him holding his hammer this armor is going to have him with a fist getting ready for battle so let's start on this side so we're going to draw the arm curving up to the hand which is going to be here so on this curve I'm going to start about halfway let's draw a curve going out towards the wrist underneath here I'm going to take that same curve and just draw a curve going underneath that body just like that from here let's round out the wrist and I'm going to come down a bit and then just trim out the wrist area and then from here let's go ahead and draw on the hand so I'm going to have the hand in this position like this so what we're going to do is start with the thumb starting from this corner I'm going to curl around like that okay so start from the wrist I'm curling around on itself from here we're going to draw a curve going towards the center of this wrist so this is this part right here let's draw the first finger so here I'm going to draw a curve tuck it in underneath that thumb we're going to do an overlap so coming down here draw a curve and roll this right into that thumb and just draw one more finger so here I'm just going to do that same thing just tuck this in underneath now we're going to draw that handle of the hammer before I finish off this hand so the hammer I'm going to draw this angle here so I'm going to do is I'm going to start just on the side here and pull a little short line down and go over just underneath this thing on this Pinky and just draw another line down straight line across to connect that now we can finish off this hand so I'm just going to follow this line and just curve the bottom of the hand like that take these two lines here and just pull them past the hand here so I'm going to imagine this line going up and just going behind the hand there this line is going to continue on up as well let's draw the little strap down here so here I'm just going to draw a curve kind of looks like a raindrop it goes like that okay so there's a little Gap in between and I'm just going to trace the inside just to make it look like it's got some thickness let's draw the actual Hammer part so because the hammer handle is in a tilt I'm gonna have to draw the hammer in that angle too so this bottom part I'm going to draw a straight line across let's take those two points and pull two lines going up now this isn't going to be square it's a little bit more rectangle and I'm going to connect those two points with a straight line going across now for a little bit of detail on this end here this top corner I'm just going to pull a line in this bottom I'm going to go up let's connect those two points with a straight line let's do the same thing on this side so from up here I'm going to pull it down from up here I'm going to pull it up and connect it with a straight line let's do a little bit of detail of this arm so he's got sort of like a cross-hatched pattern on this arm so I'm going to do is start at the bottom corner here I'm going to just draw a line across like that and just leave a gap and just evenly space out these straight lines going across that arm we're going to go in the opposite direction now so we're almost like creating little squares in here so I'm just going to draw lines going in the opposite direction this way cool now let's go and draw the arm on this side within the fifth position so I'm going to take this arm and draw almost the exact same thing on this side so from the hands I want to draw locate the hand here so I'm going to start the arm at the top in between the cape here just draw a curve towards the wrist on the bottom here I'm going to curve towards the wrist connect this with a curve now I'm going to draw that wristband so here I'm going to draw that curve like that let's go and draw the thumb so starting at the top and curve around itself like that from here I'm going to curve in the inner part of the wrist and just drawing that first finger so starting at the top of the thumb curve around like this doing an overlap hold this finger in towards the thumb there and then one final finger hold in like that and then from this wrist I'm just going to round out and just pull that into that pinky there let's draw that cross hatch pattern here so I'm going to go in this direction starting at the bottom going across and then in the opposite direction moving down let's go ahead and finish off the cape so you see where we ended off here these are going to actually fold around and come in behind the body so I'm going to pull this line down to here but I'm going to do a little wave as I'm coming down so curving around coming down past that arm coming down behind that rope and just in like that let's do it on this side so curving down behind that hand and then flaring out on the ends I'm going to connect those two points with a curve so I'm going to start here and just curve into that foot over here I'll curve into that foot finish off in between and that's pretty much it there we have it there's chibi Thor I hope you enjoyed this lesson please make sure you check out our TV playlist I'll be adding more every weekend thanks for watching and we'll see you soon thank you
Channel: Cartooning Club How to Draw
Views: 1,422,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drawing lessons, how to draw, step by step drawing, drawing step by step, drawing ideas, art ideas, easy drawing ideas, cartoon people, cartoon shows, education, draw, drawing, thor, chibi, avengers, draw avengers, avengers cartoon, how to draw thor, draw thor, cartoon thor, ragnarok, thor rangarok
Id: TGE2pi2Vk-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2016
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