How To Draw The Hulk | The Avengers

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[Music] what's up everyone and welcome to the club in today's video we're going to be drawing the incredible hulk let's get started by drawing the bottom edge of the eyelid starting over on the left side start on the outside and curve up and then we'll bend that down on the inside now we leave a gap in the center and draw the same thing on the right so you want to line this up curve up round this out and then come down let's curl the inside edge of the brow starting on the left curve in and up and doing the same thing on the right side now it's going to connect the inside of the brow with another curve coming down and then up [Music] and then we'll tuck the eyes in underneath the brow starting on the outside one step in and draw a half circle coming down towards the bottom of the eye and pull that in towards the inside let's do the same thing on the right coming down and pulling that up and then we're gonna push the pupils towards the inside of the eye starting at the top so draw a small circle coming around and then just pull it up towards the inside of the eye do the same thing on the right coming around and then back up let's go to the top and thicken up the eyebrow starting from the outside i'm going to curve up and then in the same thing on the right and then we'll just taper this down towards the inside of the brow so the spacing gets narrower as you come in that's going to fill the pupils in black [Music] [Music] now we're going to move to the center and draw the nose starting on the left side we're going to curve down and then up on the right now i'm going to step up and draw a short curve in the opposite direction for the bridge of the nose and i'm going to move down and draw the top edge of the mouth starting back on the left curve down and then up from the top corner of the mouth we're going to curve out and then down towards the bottom of the mouth and i'll connect the ends with a curve coming down and then up on the right side let's add the top row of teeth starting over on the left side and come down and pull that up now we come down to the bottom and draw the bottom row of teeth starting back on the left up and then down we're also going to add the tongue in the back so in between the teeth we'll start with a point from here on a curve up and then down towards the left go back to the center up and then down towards the right and then we'll fill the inside of the mouth in black [Music] i also want to add a fold on the inside of the eye let's start on the left we're going to curve down and then out towards the left and right side from the bottom corner of the eyebrow we step out and draw on the cheek so we curve down and then just pull that in let's do the same thing on the right coming down and then in and then from the outside of the cheek want to curve down the bottom of the chin and back up on the right so we're going to come down just underneath the mouth [Music] and we'll pull that up on the right side let's round out the side of the head starting from the top of the cheek and curve out and then pull that in towards the top now before we draw the hair and move back down and draw the ears from the top of the cheek and curve up round out the ear and then pull that in towards the side of the head and do the same thing on the right side let's add the fold inside the ear starting from the cheek up and then out i'm gonna go back to the left side and draw the front edge of the hair starting up here and curve down and in and go up and in let's draw another one down and in and go up towards the top and occur in the opposite direction coming out and then down bring that back up we're gonna add one more point going out and then down we'll pull this up towards the side of the head let's add the hairline on the side of the head start from the top of the cheek and curve up and tuck that in behind the hair we also want to accentuate the brow so we're going to add two curves just up above the eyebrows starting on the left curve up and then out line this up on the right and we'll do the same thing and then we'll draw the outside of the hair starting back on the left out and down and we'll just taper that back up and in let's do the same thing on the right coming out and down and pulling that back in let's go back to the left and work our way over towards the right from here out and create a point going up and down on the inside i'm gonna go in the opposite direction going up and out towards the right and pull that down now let's curl this one up going out then up down and in and we'll add one more point going out and then down and then we'll just close off the bottom [Music] now i'm going to move down and draw on the side of the body starting on the left side i'm going to leave a little gap curve out and down towards the hip line this up on the right and do the same thing and then we'll close off the bottom starting on the left come down and then bend that up let's add some muscles to the body starting on the left side we'll draw a curve going up and then down from the bottom edge of the chest now underneath the chin we draw a straight line coming down and then we add some stomach muscles just underneath the chest in the center curve down and then up towards the left go back to the center go down and then up towards the right we do that one more time stepping down down and up and then one more time on the right now we're going to add a torn edge along the top of the pan starting on the left hip out and then down same thing on the right and then we'll add a zigzag pattern from left to right going up and then down just repeat this all the way across [Music] then from the center of the body we'll step down and draw a curve from left to right going up and then down leaving a gap in the center go to the left side and go out and down towards the left heel move over towards the right out and down towards the right heel now we're going to round up the heel and go up towards the toes let's round this out come down and then up and do the same thing on the right down and up and then we'll add three toes on either side starting from the end of the foot we draw a large c going around and then back in and do the same thing on the right side and then we're gonna add two more toes on either side start from the top to the curve around and back in and do that one more time [Music] now in between the second and last toe we draw a curve point up and then in do the same thing on the right and then we'll move back up to the hips and draw the side of the leg from this point we'll step in her out and then down on top of the foot sort of aiming towards the big toe let's do the same thing on the right going out and then down and then we'll tear out the bottom edge of the pant starting on the left side we'll draw a zigzag going up and then down and then we'll repeat this all the way towards the inside of the leg let's do the same thing on the right now let's move up and draw on the arms stretched out towards the side so we start on the left side of the head curve out and up towards the wrist line this up on the right and do the same thing and then from the wrist we're going to curl around the thumb let's step in to create an overlap in out now we want to round up the thumb and then pull that back in and then we'll draw on the palm curving out and then down let's do the same thing on the right stepping down up [Music] out round out the thumb and then pull that back in and then from the bottom of the thumb will curve in the palm now we curl three fingers in behind the thumb let's start at the top and draw an oval going up and out right off the finger and then pull that back in and we'll add two more fingers on the side stepping down draw an oval going out down and up underneath the thumb i'll do that one more time going up down and then in do the same thing on the right side let's go to the bottom of the last finger and curl the outside of the hand and come down and just hook that up sort of aiming towards the wrist do the same thing on the right coming down and then bending that up and then from the bottom of the hand we're going to curve down and in behind the body bending that in toward the side do the same thing on the right coming down and just lining this up on the side of the body and that's pretty much it there's the incredible hulk i hope you enjoyed today's lesson make sure you subscribe and send me your requests in the comments below thanks for watching and we'll see you again soon
Channel: Cartooning Club How to Draw
Views: 901,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvel, how to draw hulk, hulk, the avengers, how to draw, draw, drawing, drawing videos, drawing for beginners, easy drawing tutorials, how to draw for beginners, how to draw videos, drawings, how to draw step by step, cartooning club, chibi, how to draw chibi, the hulk, avengers, end game, how to draw super hero, how to draw avengers, marvel characters, how to draw marvel characters, the incredible hulk, incredible hulk, marvel hulk, superhero, avengers hulk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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