How To Draw Piggie

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hey Art friends I got my little Austin with me how old are you four yeah you're four and we're going to be drawing piggy from elephant and piggy yeah all right you got your marker y are you going to follow along with me yay all right we hope you guys are too you have something to draw with and some paper in front of you you ready to start yay okay let's do it right now Austin we're going to start with Piggy's nose and we're going to draw an oval in the middle of our paper do you want me to help you yeah okay I like helping you with the ovals sometimes you need a little help for the right size right mhm there we go there's Piggy's nose it's a it's a pig right yeah so he's got a pig nose Piggy and Alin Piggy and Elin so do two little lines for his nostrils good those are it's going to be a sideways nose I like it okay now let's draw let's draw draw Piggy's eyes and we're going to draw them closed so we're going to draw two U's above Piggy's nose okay so we'll draw a u right there yes and then a u right next to it good and then we're going to draw little eyelashes on Piggy's eyes so one two 3 one two three on each U one two 3 and one you count them two what's the last one three good job now we're going to draw a rainbow line that goes over Piggy's head and this is going well over the eyes and it's going to make Piggy's head so we'll start right here and draw a rainbow line that goes over to the nose yeah that's that's the head okay now we're going to do an a shape for Piggy's ear on the end of the rainbow yep and then back down good okay now let's draw our other ear and we're going to draw another a shape right next to the first one we drew we can to start right here come up and then back down okay now let's draw her mouth and it's going to be open and it's kind of on the side of her head so draw a little curve right there good and then we can draw a u shape underneath so our mouth is open awesome and then we can color it in now let's finish her head we're going to draw a little curve right under her nose so right here draw a curve to finish her chin and then the back of her head we draw another curve right here so we're going to start right here on her ear and curve all the way down to there yes good job we finished your head does that look like Piggy yeah now let's draw her belly we're going to draw a curve that comes out like this so let's draw right here and we'll draw a little belly a little curve see how this comes out like a d or straight line that works too it's going to be a skinny piggy now we're going to draw an upside down down J and this is going to be for her leg does that look like an upside down J yeah we'll start right here go up and then down to there so come up and down yeah that's it now we'll draw a line right next to this one this is going to be for a leg so draw a line right here down and then we're going to draw an a shape to connect the two the two lines and that's going to be for a foot good job we did our leg now let's draw her arm over here and it's going to be a lot like her leg we're going to draw a little line comes out so start right here go out to there yes and then we're going to draw a line right next to it good and then in between we'll draw that vshape for her arm or hand right there go in and then back up yes good now let's finish her body we're going to start right here and we're going to draw a hook comes down into her leg right here ye yes right there that's a good spot you did it that is going to be a skinny piggy I like it are you have having fun y yes okay let's draw our other arm so we draw another curve just like this one on this side so draw another curve out here she's she's skipping and she's having a lot of fun isn't she yeah now we're going to draw the bottom of her arm coming out and then we'll draw another V to connect for her hand now let's draw her other leg we'll draw a line that comes curves down so we can start there and curve down to there and then we'll draw the other part of her leg yes comes down to the same spot good and then an a shape for a foot perfect okay what is she missing her tail yeah she's missing a little tail that comes out a little Cur curve out of her back yes and then a curve back okay she's jumping and so we we need to make some wiggle lines yeah okay so let's do a little wiggle line on this hand so two little wiggle lines so it looks like she's moving her hand one two and then two little wiggle lines on this side like the wind that comes out of her it kind of looks like the wind yes it does good job now she's up in the air so let's draw a little shadow on the ground and we could just scribble it like that is that cool and draw underneath her legs right here just scribble yeah just a little scribble and it looks like a shadow on the ground give me five you did awesome now it's okay that our drawings look different right yes because what's the most important thing to have fun yes to have fun and what do we still need to do color it yes let's color it okay Austin we're going to use our colored pencils and we only need two colors a dark pink and a light pink yeah we're going to color her nose light pink and the rest of her body dark pink yeah you ready to start y let's fast forward right now you did it man good job on drawing Piggy and color iner did you have fun yeah you promise yeah we hope you guys had a lot of fun following along with us remember it's okay if your drawings don't look exactly like ours because the most important thing is to have to have fun also be sure to check out the books elephant and piggy they're so funny we love those books don't we yeah yeah they're really cool what's the elephant's name um Gerald Gerald yeah they're really cool check them out and we'll see you later our friends [Music] goodbye sh
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 374,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art for kids, Art projects, Art Ideas, Art Tips, how to draw, Elephant and Piggie, Piggie, pig, Gerald
Id: 1G6bi3d7E80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2016
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