How To Draw Lips

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[Music] what's up everyone welcome back today I'm excited to be doing video 3 of my series that walks you through drawing the human face and head the first video if you didn't see covered drawing the eyes the second video covered drawing the nose and like I am sure you can guess today's video is gonna cover drawing the mouth I'm excited about this one it seems to be one of the easier features to draw for people however I know of one part of it in particular that everybody seems to accidentally get wrong so I'm excited to be able to clear that up for everybody and I hope you've enjoyed this video see you guys after ok everyone let's get started so for the first set of lips were drawing and this is the profile of you and the woman in the reference photo that I used for drawing this set of lips she had a very pronounced I don't even know what you would call it the center section of her upper lip was way more pronounced than you know most people it looked like she had just recently used one of those like lip sucker things or I don't know Botox or something or maybe it's natural you know you never know but anyways obviously it's gonna be different depending on the the features of every individual but yeah just pay attention to the lines and folds and all of that so at the beginning of this video I said there was one thing in particular that I noticed people do all the time that doesn't help them out and that is drawing the outside of the lips like literally drawing the lip shape lines on the outer edges of the lips now in real life there's there's really only a color difference that allows you to see where the end of the lips are and where the rest of the facials begins and people have a tendency to want to draw like an actual line there if you notice when I was drawing it I pretty much just used my blending stick to create the shading of it and you know in all of these videos the tutorials that I've been doing I haven't even touched the facial skin really you know I've done shading and stuff for the nose and right around the outside of the eyes and stuff but in all reality I haven't taken the time to perfectly do the skin tones and all of that I've been mainly focusing on just drawing the features now when we get to doing the whole face and head we'll go into that quite a bit more um now for this one the lips once you start working your way out to the rest of the skin you know it it becomes apparent that the two different tones are what caused the lips to look like the lips it's not it like a hard-edged line like you would get around like the nostrils of your nose or something like that it's a very smooth soft transition and really what you're working with is tones it's not it it's not a structural thing and so I just wanted to make sure that that was one of the main things that I talked about because it is the main thing that I noticed people do in correct so when you're drawing your lips try to just do a very soft shading to it and I promise you once you get to the rest of the face it'll become way more clear and obvious that that's the better approach and you can always do both you know like do the same drawing with softer features and then do the same drawing with harder hard edge features and it'll become clear to you that the softer edges look way more natural now for the for the front view I feel like this is the easiest for people to draw I mean lips and eyes are one of the most common things for people to draw when it comes to human beings I guess you know they're fun and they're pretty and they're way less intimidating than drawing the entire face and doing a full portrait and so you know I think that it's one of the easier things to draw I think that what people don't do that really does make a difference and you'll especially see this with the last set of lips that I'm about to draw a lot of people don't go into detail enough you know they just they just shade it on in and then call it good but everybody's lips have all these little defined lines and you know you get chapped lips and things like that lips aren't perfect they have all kinds of small little detail in them and you know in these drawings I could have pushed it farther I could have gone into more detail and you know I think that I possibly should have but um definitely push push it farther go go into extreme details and I think I'm pretty sure that I said this with the irises of your of the eyes in my eye video you know a lot of people just same sort of deal they shade in the colored part and block out the pupil but they don't go into the tiny little flecks of light and detail that are within the eye and it's the same thing with the lips um and I definitely could have pushed it farther you will see in this set this is I guess a kissy lip type set of lips but um this pair of lips especially because when you pucker up and you get that smoochy look that's when the lines get super defined and I have fun with it I have fun with getting all of those little details in there because just like was painting and any sort of art you create the more you push the details the more it pops the more the more interesting it becomes for the viewer and in my opinion the more fun you have you know so push it farther get those details have fun with it and you know pay attention to the small microscopic bits that come with you know drawing one of the things that I've learned from drawing and you know practicing and learning myself is that you know you can spend five minutes on one particular feature I could spend five minutes on one of these sets of lips and you know you could make it pretty darn good I mean definitely not super realistic but then you you also go back and you work on a feature for an hour you could I could literally have sat here and just drawn the these three sets of lips for an hour piece you know working it pulling things out pushing things in you know enhancing the shadows and all of the small little details and you know some people will say oh my gosh like spend an hour on one feature but honestly the results you get come from the time you spend so if you want something super hyper realistic and every little detail in there take the time don't be afraid or don't get you know put out what the idea of spending a long while mastering and perfecting as much as you can what you're creating and you know it's it's the reason that you go onto Instagram and you see these hyper realistic awesome drawings and honestly I just want to challenge you to push things further try your hardest get those details and these were really quick basic lips but they give you an idea and have fun with it thanks everyone for watching I hope you enjoyed that video and I hope it helped um I really wish I would have done something about like teeth and tongue and all of that but what can I say I didn't so if you want me to do something like that I'd be totally happy to do it just let me know what you think down in the comments below also leave me a comment if you didn't understand something or if you have some questions I can totally respond back and if you did enjoy this video definitely hit the thumbs up button I would really appreciate that and hit subscribe if you haven't already definitely check out my social media accounts Instagram Facebook all of my social medias the exact same artwork by Paden if you want to email me you can always do that it's just artwork by Patton at and I hope you guys have a great weekend and a great week and I will see you next week might be a different type of video not completely sure if I'm going to do the next video in this series or something else I don't know I like to mix it up whatever I hope you guys have a great week thank you so much for watching and I will see you next week bye check out my social media artwork need to do a video of like that a video like that just let me down let me down and bad bad bad nothing mix seems just okay
Channel: Artwork by Payden
Views: 22
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: how to draw lips, drawing portraits, art series, drawing people, how to draw, drawing people for beginners, how to draw lips for beginners step by step, diy drawing portraits for beginners, drawing portraits tutorial series, RapidFireArt, how to draw female face by pencil, how to draw realistic lips for beginners, mark crilley, theartsherpa, drawing and painting tutorials virtual instructor
Id: rywc31uhmww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 18 2018
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