How to draw FAST using Clip Studio Paint's "secret features"

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i'm going to show you how to draw as quickly and efficiently as possible using clip city paints secret features well they're not actually secret but i never see anyone else use them so they may as well be hey i'm gregor tchaikovsky and i make the comment called loading artist i've been drawing these comics for a billion years now and along the way i've learned a bunch of neat tricks on how to draw a streamlined as possible people ask me about these techniques when they see me draw on twitch so i thought hey i may as well make a proper tutorial video so they'll stop bothering me let's get started okay let's begin by drawing the head whoops that sucks but hey instead of undoing and redoing a bunch of times what if i told you you can just pinch and pull your line into the best line it can be how is this possible it's because i'm drawing in a vector layer you see when you're drawing a vector layer you're not actually drawing down pixels you're you're actually drawing a mathematical equation with properties that determine the curvature and thickness of the line or something i don't know i'm loading artists not loading science guy scientist you can see what i mean when i use the object tool here to select the line see the string of dots these are called control points and determine the shape of the line i can move these points or even the entire thing i can transform it rotate it delete it i can change the brush size or even the type of brush used or if i don't have any specific line selected i can even change it for the whole layer at once so how do you create a vector layer well just go to layer new layer vector layer or just click this little button right here you can tell if a layer is vector because it'll have this tiny cube next to it you're probably wondering wait a second this guy didn't just move the line he pinched it and you're totally right for that i was using a sub tool called pinch vector line this can be found inside of the correct line tool in addition to pinch there's a bunch of other nifty subtools in here like control point control the control points like adding or subtracting them as well as a bunch of other things but i don't really use this one so much so i'm gonna move on simplify vector line this simplifies your lines by removing excess control points if it gets a little if it gets a little bit too much it also has the ability to remove tiny stray lines that might be lurking about connect vector line combine multiple lines into one also works to make circles the closer you can bring these lines together before combining the better the result you'll get redraw vector line feel like redrawing a line but without actually having to redraw it from scratch use this redraw vector line width similar to the one before except you're redrawing the thickness of the line not the curve and correct line width good for changing the thickness over an area instead of per individual line okay now using everything we've learned so far i'm going to go ahead and draw the rest of my character i know it's looking a little bit crazy but that's on purpose i'm gonna be demonstrating something huge very soon all right now it's time to show off my favorite feature of clip studio paint right now we've got all of these lines overlapping each other so what do we do well i guess i'll just start erasing the bits of the line i don't want no there's a much faster way than that it's called the vector erase brush amazing absolutely amazing alright so here's what's happening go into the erase tool inside of it select the vector erase brush take note that vector eraser is turned on and next to it we have the middle option selected which is erase up to intersection and now whatever line i touch with this vector erase brush it gets erased up until it meets another line this is super handy and i use it all the time for my comics i i i don't even like telling you this because this is like a super secret golden goose dripping and special sauce i don't even want this information now what do i do the other two options are erase whole line which as you can guess erases the entire line and erase touched areas which well i guess these names are pretty self-explanatory this one acts as more of a traditional eraser except considering you're erasing parts of a vector line it can get a little odd it's still useful though so now you know about vector layers and vector erase that's great and will speed up your workflow a lot but you could be so much faster if you used modifier keys alright modifier keys are a lot like hotkeys for those who don't know a hotkey is basically a shortcut to a tool you just press a button it changes to that tool you press another button it changes to another tool and so on but a modifier key is a button you hold down to temporarily swap to another tool and letting go swaps you right back to whatever it is you were doing you've probably already dabbled with modifier keys maybe without even realizing it like you know when you hold down alt and it changes to the color picker or you hold down space and it changes to the hand and you pan around those those are modifier keys i know i know i know that's a pretty standard feature but did you know clip studio paint lets you completely customize this look at this this is so handy and look over here here are the two examples that i mentioned before hold alt change this tool temporarily to eyedropper hold space changes tool temporarily the hand and as handy as all of that is you can also set up modifier keys depending on what tool you're currently using so for example like for my drawing tool i've got hold ctrl to swap to the object selection tool hold shift to swap to the vector erase brush and hold shift and alt to swap to the hard erase brush just a heads up similar tools will share modifier keys for example the modifier keys i've set up for my pen tool are also the same for my pencil tool this is great because otherwise it would be a nightmare to keep track of you can tell which tools clip city paint considers similar by looking at the output and input processes at the top here pen and pencil are both output direct drawer input pen so they share modifier keys however something like the crayon tool is output direct draw input brush so it's not similar to the pen or pencil and has its own modifier keys so anyway have a think about what tools would be handy to swap to and when but don't feel like you've got to use every one of these modifier keys because that would just be incredibly overwhelming and i wouldn't i wouldn't suggest that at least not at the beginning maybe once you're like a pro or something then you could be like playing the keyboard like it was a piano and you'd just be like you know painting the mona lisa just you know whatever and now for my final tip on how to draw faster it is [Music] hotkeys wait wait wait wait i know i know i know you're already using hotkeys i mean you're watching a video on how to draw faster so it's highly likely you already use them but are you using hotkeys in the best way say you're playing a game and you're using the wasd keys to move around you wouldn't press j to jump you'd press something easily reachable like space so why would you use a hotkey like j when you're drawing j sucks i don't even know what j does what what does it do anyway blend i don't even use blend and if i did i would change the hotkey anyway have a think about what tools you rely on the most and then think about where you might prefer that hotkey to be the goal here is to have your hand move as little as possible because any time spent moving across the keyboard is time wasted but the only downside is i mean it's kind of like learning that dvorak keyboard yeah it's faster and more efficient than the regular qwerty keyboard but if you ever need to use a keyboard outside of your home you got to be devoract then again how often are you really going to be drawing on someone else's computer anyway and that's it for now i hope you enjoyed this video and hopefully some of these tips were helpful to you otherwise i kind of just wasted eight minutes of your life but otherwise if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment or catch me on twitch i'll be live streaming all of my comics using these techniques in addition to twitch you can also follow me on twitter instagram facebook reddit you also have a discord server you're welcome to join i also have a patreon nudge nudge wink wink hey i'm gonna wink on this one i also i also have a patreon [Music] all right i'm wrapping up
Channel: Loading Artist
Views: 487,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loadingartist, loading, artist, gregor, czaykowski, webcomic, comic, clip studio paint, clip studio, csp, drawing, how to draw fast, vector layers, modifier keys, hot keys, drawing fast, drawing tips, tips, tutorial
Id: Uel2DS8L9zA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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