MediBang VS Clip Studio Paint: Which Should I Use?

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in a past live stream I painted a character of  mine in medibang paint Pro a free program to see   how it held up against clip Studio paint a paid  Titan of a program in this video I'll be going   over the main pros and cons of each program while  the speed paint of the live stream goes on in the   background so first we'll be going over the pros  of medibang prank Pro medibang is a free program   that handles very similarly to bigger programs  so it has a lot of similar shortcuts and a lot   of similar tool names this is a pro because if  you were to ever switch to a paid program in the   future or if you wanted to use something a little  bit more advanced then you could very easily do   so because it has a lot of similar functions so  it it's a very easy to transition program this   program is also very accessible for beginners so  it's really easy to read and it's really easy to   get used to all the stuff is right in your face  it's really easy to see all of the shortcuts right   there all the names of all the functions that are  happening it's really easy to get used to and it's   really easy to read medibang also has a lot of  the tools that bigger programs have like layer   types and brush settings it's cetera so medibang  while it is you know a free program and it's a   little bit more simple it still has a lot of those  more intense tools that bigger programs will have   which is really nice for a free program because  you know you're getting that bang for your buck   and that buck is zero medibang also includes  some of the Lesser known functions directly   on the toolbar so it's right in your face a lot  of bigger programs require you to look through   the program to find these certain tools so say  if you're going into your selection tools it   automatically has your expansion like your pixel  expansion right there it automatically includes   like your color fill that sort of thing or like  how much your color should expand when using your   paint bucket that isn't always directly in your  face when it comes to programs sometimes that's   like hidden within the UI so it's kind of tough  to see so it's really nice that they kind of just   put it directly on the upper toolbar you don't  have to scroll you don't have to look through all   these little Windows to look for all of these  functions which is pretty nice and is also a   mobile version of medibang that is completely free  so there is a version of medibang Paint Pro that   is available to download on both your phone and  your tablets that's also completely free so if   you ever wanted to do art on the go medibang you  know has options for you some cons of mini bang   though is that there are no external brushes that  you can download all of them are proprietary and   stuck within medibang the issue with that as  well is that the extended brush Library isn't   great A lot of them are just effects brushes and  even so the effects aren't that amazing looking   they're pretty clunky and making your own brushes  is very unintuitive so if you didn't really like   how any of the default brushes on medibang worked  make it your own brush is pretty complicated well   not necessarily complicated it's that it's not  complicated enough there isn't really a lot of   settings you can change there really isn't much  many options there for you so making your brushes   can be a bit finicky there are a lot of smaller  things that are also missing from functions that   make the program I'm frustrating for a seasoned  illustrator so there are a lot of things even   though it has a lot of similar things to bigger  programs there's a lot of very small things that   are missing a lot of quality of life stuff that  is not included in medibang that is in bigger   programs like there's no nudging with arrow keys  if you don't know what nudging is when you select   an object you can use your arrow keys to move  it over a pixel at a time so there's no nudging   with your arrow keys on medibang your arrow keys  are your rotate backspace also doesn't double as   delete like so if you ever wanted to you know get  rid of something like if you selected something   with your lasso you would have to hit the delete  button you wouldn't have like backspace isn't an   option you also can't merge more than two layers  at a time unless you put them in a folder so you   do have to put all of your layers within a folder  if you wanted to merge them into one thing which   can get complicated especially if you have like  clipped layers and if you wanted to merge all   of those together you couldn't do that unless if  you unclipped them put them in a folder and then   click them again you also cannot clip layers to a  folder that's not a thing you can do in many bang   but medibang is not great with the smaller things  uh so if you're a bit more seasoned it might get   a little bit frustrating for you and I did say  that there was a mobile version but while there   is a mobile app it doesn't actually perform that  well so if you were to use it on your phone the UI   gets pretty squished like it's pretty simple on  desktop but if you were to take it to something   like a phone or maybe even an iPad it can get a  little bit small and clunky foreign [Music] clip   studio paint so the pros of clip studio paint  is that it's a very very intuitive program it's   considered industry standard within many modern  Digital Arts settings so it is a very very strong   very Hefty program it's got a lot of functions  that are available and it also includes a lot of   functions that a lot of other programs don't  have some of those include the perspective rulers   so what you can do is you can place down your  own perspective and it snaps your brushes to a   perspective that you could set right so let's say  that I wanted a two-point perspective I can put   down uh two points with the tool and whichever  direction that I draw in it will snap to that   perspective ruler it also has a comic and manga  page creator and it has layout tools so a couple   of programs have this but this one includes  building your own boxes and speech bubbles in   a very very Advanced way you can change the  spacing between each box you can change the   types of bubbles you can change the line width  that sort of thing that's really nice and really   really smooth they also have Auto coloring uh  I don't use this ever it's pretty finicky but   it is available for you they also have vectorized  layers which is really nice it makes drawn things   on the layers unaffected by making them smaller  or larger with the transform tool so that's pretty   awesome if you've ever been on a program and  you want to make something like way way bigger   but then it like messes up your line quality the  vectorized layer makes sure it doesn't do that and   etc etc because there's so many things  to name the brushes also handle very   beautifully on clip clip also comes with a  lot of very lifelike default brushes and many   of advanced effects brushes they come with  a lot of buildings a lot of lights foliage   Etc and they make these effects look drawn  they're really really nice really intuitive   and when I say life like default brushes they  come with like watercolor brushes ink brushes   pencil brushes that sort of thing and they all  handle and look very much like the real thing   um and if you were not too happy with whatever the  defaults were there's a huge library of brushes   made by the community that you can download  from the library or you can like just download   them from online clip studio also allows you to  download photoshop brushes so if you ever wanted   those that's available making your own brushes is  very Advanced and very intuitive there's lots of   options you can make your brushes as crazy as you  want it says a lot to go through if you'd like to   support the channel and the creation of free Arts  education become a member on patreon for working   files behind the scenes posts and discounts on  our class offerings some cons of clip Studio   paint though is that it's very non-beginner  friendly clip studio is a very very Hefty   very clunky program it is an intense and busy UI  there are many functions that are hidden behind   Windows hidden behind scrollers you wouldn't know  about them unless you're pretty seasoned if you   weren't looking for them you wouldn't know and  you would just think that it was missing the more   advanced functions require you as an artist to  be more advanced as well so like I mentioned the   perspective ruler but if you don't really know  how perspective works it's not like it's an oh   I'm doing the perspective for you it's more oh you  need to know how this works so that you can place   it down and make it easier for yourself so clip  Studio does cost money though it does go on sale   very frequently and it's a one-time payment there  are two different versions of clip Studio there's   clip Studio paint Pro and clip Studio paint ex ex  is the more advanced version clip Studio Pro is   the cheaper version I have Pro it works perfectly  fine if you're an illustrator ex just kind of   gives you more animation capabilities but either  or it's totally fine however they are moving to a   subscription model for any 2.0 updates so you can  read more details about that on their site so you   have to pay for updates not necessarily the base  program but if you wanted updates further from   that you would have to pay for the subscription  model and there is a mobile version of clip Studio   but it was already a subscription model of six  dollars per month and it also doesn't perform very   well on mobile unless you're on an iPad even then  it's a little bit finicky so really both of these   programs should be used on desktop if you have  that option because there are mobile versions but   really with most programs unless it was built for  mobile it's not going to be very mobile friendly   thank you overall the program that you choose  doesn't really matter it's whatever the artist   prefers if you wanted my opinion I do prefer  clip Studio as a seasoned artist I would much   rather pay a little bit for a far more powerful  program than settle for something for free however   if you're a beginner artist looking for something  to try I'd recommend starting with a free program   like medibang if you find that you really  like digital art or want something a little   more complex you can give yourself an upgrade  down the line if you'd like to see more videos   on these programs we have tutorials for both  medibang and clip Studio paint available on our   Channel if you'd like to see this video in real  time with my live comments there will be a link   to the original live stream in the description  below join a virtual class to learn live from   our professional artists get creative assignments  individual guidance and real-time feedback on your   artwork start today and level up your practice  if you learned something new like and share this   with a fellow art nerd if you love receiving  quality and free Arts education subscribe   here's a couple other videos  you can check out next [Music]
Channel: Winged Canvas
Views: 41,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clip studio paint, clip studio, digital art, medibang paint pro, medibang paint, csp, medibang vs clip studio, what digital art program to use, best digital art program to use, digital art for beginners, digital art programs for beginners, digital art programs for pc, how to use clip studio paint, how to use medibang paint, comparing digital art programs, best digital art software, which digital art software should i use, best digital art program, medibang paint vs clip studio
Id: XS6uw2OxZ9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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