How to draw a Simple 2D Character in Blender 2.9 Grease Pencil. Blender animation tutorial

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[Music] hey guys uh today we're going to draw our first uh simple character in blender using the 2d animation features this is blender when you start it up all you have to do is choose 2d animation and i'm going to middle mouse click control to zoom out and we're going to draw our first character here um and we're going to start but the first thing i want to do before we start is create a new layer and a new layer you created by going to the stroke here up this has to be selected go into its properties and this is the layers panel of course you can see the layers down here in the timeline as well so let's go ahead and click the plus button to create a new layer here it is double click on the name so we can rename it sketch layer return and i'm going to move that layer down all the way to the bottom using these up and down white arrows there it is there's our sketch layer i'm going to select my uh pencil tool and up here select a pencil and then i'm i like drawing with this red stroke just to separate it from the ink stroke the command z to undo that the radius is obviously the thickness of the stroke for example this is 500 i'm going to keep it at 25 and then the strength is how strong it is i'm going to just take it all the way to 1. and so and i'm gonna just start drawing on the sketch layer uh start sketching out some ideas uh i know that i want i i know that i want him to stand more or less we'll put a floor on there we'll put a middle a center line oops a little too wiggly a center line and then i'm going to start by drawing the head maybe the torso and and then the uh the legs and then the arms and and this is just this this is just uh boxes and i'm going to do another box right here a little narrower towards the the end very very simple undo undo i'm gonna do i'm gonna do this a little bit towards here because remember i wanna i'll make this from from thickest here at the shoulder to thinnest here at the uh at the wrist uh a neck neck and then and then the the the hand the hand i want to do maybe like circles so that i can see the size um the the bottom of the pant and then the shoe just something like that very simple we're going to keep this character very simple so that we can get get it done um quickly and not complicate things just marry maybe a very simple character let's start with the head um so shift middle mouse and then control middle mouse to zoom up and down and let's give them some eyes let's give them a mouth a little nose and some eyebrows let's give him some ears it doesn't have to be perfect i'm gonna give him some sideburns and then i'm gonna do the hair kind of like this he's a cartoon character so he's got a big hair like that and then the side of the head like that and then the other side like this and like this basically that's all i'm going to do maybe give them a collar with a v this is the collar and like that and this like that and then give them a couple uh let's draw the hands and then i'm gonna do very simple hands guys very very simple cartoony hands i'll do the thumb i'll give them i'll give them about four fingers and that's it again here i'll do the thumb and then the i guess this is the pinky the index and then the middle finger right there um i could tuck his shirt in and then give him a belt it's up to you guys all right i've got my my sketch layer done and i'm going to go ahead and lock it so that i can't mess with it anymore and then go to my lines layer pick an ink i'm going to start inking now pick an ink pen and then i'm going to do a a black stroke so that way now i can start inking i've got my black ink stroke and then i now i can start inking so this is the inking process you go you go over the sketch i'm going to show you um during the inking process if your your hand is not that steady um you can always go to the draw mode i mean i'm sorry the sculpt mode and there is a smooth brush then you can smooth these out by going over it and it'll smooth it out it's almost straight and i can sit here and go over it and over until it's straight but even if you don't have the the i'm going to go to edit mode select this and then hit the delete key delete stroke and so even if you don't have the smoothest uh hand draw that's okay you can either do what i did in and start over or you can smooth it out with the uh scope mode smooth uh and you can do it as you draw or when you finish you can smooth out all the all the details uh i'm gonna do that and then i'm gonna do this all the way to here and then i'm going to do the ear erase that make it a little bit smaller do this do this and by all means you can correct anything that you see wrong right there there's there's the head there's the face we're keeping it simple we're keeping it very simple uh because we want to again draw this in a hurry and not make it too complicated because we're gonna be drawing this character over and over and over um over the length of many many frames so i am going to uh scroll up continue to draw the neck the collar oops and then the arm and it doesn't have to be perfect um nothing is perfect right everything has little little odds and ends and stuff and and so i'm gonna do the collar do the collar this way and then this way and then this way and then this way there we go i am go i decided i am going to put a uh a belt see and i'm just going to do a uh a square continue on with the drawing i'm going to go all the way to the bottom all the way to the bottom and then from the hip all the way to the bottom and then i'm gonna do the pants just a little rounded and then the shoes oops maybe like that maybe like that and then and then the hands and then that's it we'll be done with this shift middle mouse to move there there there and then there very simple all you want to do is get the point across and maybe that's too much make it simple enough that you're going to be able to draw this for lots of frames let me look at it see and there we have it we have our our main character don inked we we did the sketch lines uh we did the ink lines and now let's do the fills uh let me explain how the fills work i'm gonna go to my fills layer and i'm going to lock the line layer i'm going to turn off the sketch layer and let's work in the fills layer so the fill any any of the drawing tools except you're going to use in the materials instead of a stroke you're going to use a solid fill and a solid fill is anything you draw instead of instead of drawing a stroke like oops like this um you're going to draw a a fill like this so it'll it'll fill in this instead of giving you a stroke command z and then so that's what we're going to use but i noticed that the the color the vertex color here is green and and i'm drawing in gray uh what i'm gonna do is i am going to turn on vertex paint and now i have this available to me so just be careful that if you use some color any color you know which color it is because you might want to use it for instance if you're going to do the face in this color and then the hands or whatever you need to use the same color so i'm going to use this color for the skin i'm going to zoom in control middle mouse shift middle mouse to move it and then start drawing remember this is a solid fill and whatever i do it's going to fill in that area command z so you don't have to be super accurate but you follow you want to follow the line and the cool thing is that if you mess up for example i i messed up right there i could fix it with the scope mode but the move tool i mean the push tool so in this case what i'd like to do is is push it into place if you ever need to um adjust your fill you can do it with the sculpt brush go back to draw mode fill in the ears the neck you don't have to be super accurate you can adjust the fill with the scope tool we're going to um we're going to paint the hair the hair could be any color um we'll pick uh um this red remember that if you go off you can always come back and fix it with the sculpting tool i went out i went out a little bit there and i can always put it back into place all right back to draw mode that's the only thing i'm going to do red the shirt i may want some kind of green color there's my shirt uh the belt let's give him a brown belt we'll pick this this brown the buckle let's do like a like a golden gold buckle there we go the pants let's do like a uh a uh blue i'm following along the line again you don't have to be super accurate you can always go back and uh um adjust it just like i'm doing in the scope mode get the push brush and push it right into place where else right there uh and i guess that's that's all go back to draw mode and then finally guys the shoes the home key zooms out all the way and there we go um i wanted to add maybe just a little bit of highlights in the eyes uh and so i'm gonna grab a white and i'm just gonna do a little white a little all the fills are i have to do it on the lines i do have because the fill is behind the lines so that's okay i can do it on the lines and there it is i'm going to go ahead and uh lock that back up and hit the home key and there's our character uh in the next video we'll add some highlights and some shadows and then in the final video we'll add a background to this character okay thank you we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Learn 2 Animate
Views: 208,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Blender 2.9, Blender 3D, Blender 2D, Animation, 2D Animation, Grease Pencil, Tutorial, Beginner Tutorial, Art, Film, Blender Tutorial Beginner, Blender Grease Pencil, Blender Animation, Blender 2d Animation, Blender Tutorial, How to, How to Animate, How to use blender, How to draw, How to tutorial, How to animation
Id: gNuVVoM1FBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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