Get a Hand-Drawn Sketch Look in Blender - Tutorial

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hey it's BR over the last few weeks I've been playing around with blender trying to make my renders look like sketched drawings after a bit of experimenting I think I've gotten the look pretty close to what I was looking for it's nothing fancy just a few modifiers on a grease pencil line art object or two and a single procedural material which is what I'd like to go over with you guys in this video if you'd like to follow along I put this posed Sailor Moon model up on gumroad for free link is in the description I'm using blender version 4.0.2 so make sure you're on that version or higher if you're on a lower version the blend file may not open all right let's start off by adding some line art shift a and then let's go grease pencil collection line art with the grease pencil object selected let's go to the modifiers Tab and under collection let's choose Sailor Moon but as we can see there are no lines that's because the line art modifier projects from the camera's view so we need to add a camera shift a come down here and add a camera we can place this camera from our current view by pressing control alt and zero and now we can see the lines they're a little thick by default we can go back into the line art modifier and under line thickness this will control how thick these lines are we're going to go with three now as I orbit away from the camera you can see how it's projecting these lines from the camera's View and it kind of breaks the illusion of these lines this can get a little bit in the way if we're doing any editing and it's kind of hard to see see if we're looking from a different angle so let's split the viewport we'll come up to the left here until we get this little Crosshair and we'll drag to the right and on this left side we'll hit zero to return to the camera press in to pull out the right menu and under view right here where it says camera to view we'll click it now when we orbit around the camera is stuck to our view so we're always viewing from the camera's perspective you can see on the right here as we move around the line arts being redrawn over and over and over as we move around so now that we've always got a camera view that we can refer to two over here we can turn off these lines on the right viewport we can do this up here in this menu selectability and visibility click it and then come down to where it says grease pencil and click the little IE icon to hide those so now we're free up on the right side to do whatever we want now on this left side let's change this over to the uh material preview viewport shading my window's a little small here you can middle click and drag these let's come over and click here for the material preview and as you can see real time shading is happening here you can see the actual Shadows coming off of the 3D object we we don't want that this is going to be a sketch so we actually want all of this to be flat and in order to do that we're going to add some materials let's select her bun it really doesn't matter you can select anything in here to create the material I'm just going to select the bun and then down here in the material we're going to click new and under surface where it says principled we're going to click this and come up to emission and as you can see the Shadows have disappeared it's just completely white so we want to add this material to everything in the scene all we can do is Click A that selects all and you can see that her buns which has the material on it is the last thing selected because it is a different colored outline it's a lighter orange if it's not lighter orange if something else is lighter that means that's the active object we want what we added the material to be the active object so select the bun last and then hit contrl L this brings up your link menu and we'll click link materials that's going to copy the material from the bun to everything else so now everything's completely white there's no shading happening at all no real time shading and if moving around the camera gets in your way over here on the right side you can click on it and just hit H to hide it so now when you move it around it's not going to get in the way oh and one more thing the white kind of looks dull we can come up here to the render properties scroll all the way down to the bottom and where it says filmic under view transform let's change it from filmic to standard now it's going to be a bright white and not look so dull okay so we have lines now let's make the lines sketchy let's select the grease pencil line art object again in the outliner and this outline is going to kind of make it hard to see the borders and stuff so on this left side viewport let's turn off the overlays by clicking this icon okay so with the line art selected let's click on modifiers add modifier and let's choose noise so the top slider the position slider is going to control how strong this noise modifier is we're going to want to bring this down to bring it closer to the model the next slider strength controls the opacity it's kind of randomly placing opacity the next slider thickness we add a random thickness to the lines we can skip the UV slider the noise scale is going to control how jittery everything looks we're going to want to keep this one a little bit low okay so it's starting to look a little sketchy next let's add in another modifier let's add a multiple Strokes modifier duplicates is how many strokes we want this to be up to five the distance is how far apart from each other each one of these Strokes will be we want this to be all the way down to nothing we won't have to worry about offset but we do want to click fade now we want these multiple Strokes to happen before the noise modifier so let's drag it above noise it's still looking like Inked lines so let's add opacity and let's bring it down about halfway to 0.5 we need to add one more modifier which is the length modifier let's place it above the multiple strokes and what this modifier does you can see over here on the left it kind of overshoots the intersections which kind of helps with the sketchy feel because like it's never perfect when you're drawing we don't need these to be super long so let's drag these down to about 04 03 somewhere around there and you can see we kind of got some overshooting Happening Here the start and the end is just both sides of each line all right now we can do a little cleaning up with our line art you can see up here in the hair where I've got these different objects intersecting they're creating line art in those intersecting places so we can come up up to the line art modifier and then under the edge types we can uncheck intersections and that gets rid of a lot of our problems but one thing on this particular model from this view it's given us these extra hairs I don't want them to be seen from this angle but I have to have them there in order to get this silhouette from the side so what we're actually wanting is just the silhouette from these hairs and not the Contours so Under The Edge types if we change Contour to silhouette this this is more like we want it kind of hides these over here when it's in this View and over here you still get to see them coming out of the side but switching it to silhouette makes us lose all of our inner details all of our Inner Line so let's switch this back to Contour so what we can do to solve this problem is have another grease pencil line art object affecting only these parts of the hair so let's select these parts of the hair and the top part because as you can see it's not creating a line right here so we want this to have a silhouette too let's hit m to move it to a new collection and we'll call this collection hair now as you can see over here on the left we're not drawing any lines on the hair parts that are in the new collection so what we're wanting now is another grease pencil line art object that has the same settings as the one that we had before only this one needs to be pointing to the hair collection and using silhouette instead of Contour I don't know of a way to copy this so like shift d doesn't work in the outliner what I found that I could do is add a new grease pencil collection line art and then in the outliner expand the tree for the new line art and our old line art and we can click on the modifiers from our first one that we've already set up and drag them down to our new one and it'll copy everything over now on the new grease pencil object let's go to the modifiers and under material if it's red just click here and select black 002 let's change the collection to hair and then down here where it says Contour change it to silhouette now our hair doesn't show up over here on the right side when it's in front of the hair and as we pan around it appears still in the silhouette all right now that we've got our sketch set up the way that we want it we can start adding in detail lines you can do this by marking edges in edit mode uh for example here we can select the bangs go into edit mode you can select some edges hit contr e and Mark freestyle Edge if you Tab out of edit mode back into object mode you can see that the line has been drawn on so let's go back into edit mode and let's select some more edges CR E mark freestyle Edge when we Tab out you can see that it's drawing all of these lines under her bangs let's go into the Tiara because there should be a line that goes along the top and the bottom back into edit mode Let's select this Loop holding down shift we'll select this Loop control e and if you want you can right click on Mark freestyle Edge and add to Quick favorites now whenever you hit Q your quick favorites menu pops up and you can just click Mark freestyle Edge instead of having to contr e find it at the bottom of this menu tab out and you can see that our lines have been drawn our extra lines let's do this one more time on the ear tab into edit mode we'll select a few edges Q for quick mark freestyle Edge and now we have an Earline so we can do this with all of the places that we want extra lines to show up Mark fore style Edge and uh there's quite a few extra lines that to be added here I'm kind of I'm going to just kind of timlapse my way through adding all these [Music] edges okay now that we're done marking edges there's one thing that's been kind of bothering me it's how dark these eyelashes been and uh these little marks on their cheek we can go up to our first line art object and we can just turn off the crease threshold and it should lighten everything up a little bit it does lighten them up a little too much we can darken these up a little bit by adding a new material let's click on these eyelashes here and in the materials let's copy it by clicking this to copy to make a new material from this and let's change the color to just a little bit grayer let's actually add that to all of these features that are around the eyes selecting these lashes last we'll do the same trick with the contr L and then link materials so they're a little bit lighter Okay so we've got just about everything we need we just need to make one more material we're going to make a procedural like a hatching material like you shaded it by hand what I normally like to do when I'm creating a procedural material is I'll add in a plane shift a plane and we'll move it above her press G and z and we'll kind of bring the viewport to where we're looking down on it with this selected let's click new and we'll drag up this bottom window and we're going to create some procedural sketch hatching so in order to see what we're doing over here we need to switch this to material preview let's select and delete this principled and let's shift a and we'll search for a noise texture let's place it in and connect it we're also going to need a mapping node let's plug the vector into the vector and lastly let's get a camera data node and we're going to connect view Vector into Vector now what this camera data does is no matter where you're viewing it the texture is always going to be displayed directly towards wherever you're viewing it from whether it be the camera or from the viewport so it's going to be completely flat no matter what you can see this a little bit better if we start to stretch the texture now when we move around the texture is not moving it's always placed directly in front of us like this okay so let's modify this to make this sketchy looking so starting off let's change the type from point to texture let's stretch this y value up let's bring it up really high something like 80 something let's bring this x value down about halfway maybe about 5.5 over here in our noise texture let's change it from 3D to 2D let's bring the scale way up something like 250 normally we don't sketch straight up and down like this so under the rotation over here let's bring this to somewhere around -45 and if you want to further tweak this we can add in a color ramp and then place it between the noise texture and the output and we can crunch this either way to get darker lines or to get lighter lines you can also change the color of these if you want bring this up a little bit to make it a little bit lighter something about right there now we have kind of a fill-in texture let's this hatch okay we'll move this out of the way and get back into solid view on this side all right let's start applying that material for certain parts of our character let's select her boot we'll go into edit mode now this part up here it stays white and this part should be shaded so instead of just like trying to select all these let's just select the top part here that's going to be white and then we'll invert our selection by hitting control I in the material tab over here let's click the Plus and we'll select our new material hatch and then we'll hit assign and it's going to assign it to whatever we have selected so assign so let's add this to the skirt and the bow her choker uh the Jewel on her forehead the little headlights on her buns and then on her sailor scarf thing we invert it and then add the hatch material and assign it oh I almost forgot we have we have the floor let's select the floor We'll add the white material to it and let's actually let's pull the floor into the Sailor Moon collection and then we'll go into edit mode on the floor with everything selected let's mark all of these freestyle edges and then we'll tab back out now the floor looks a little too clean like the lines are a little too thin let's actually pull this out of this collection hit M to move it and we'll make a new collection and we'll just call this extra lines and now one last time we're going to add one more grease pencil collection line art let's open it up and our original line art let's drag the modifiers over that way they're copied we'll go back into the new line art for the floor under modifiers we're going to have to select the new material change the collection to extra line lines and now we can kind of start modifying this a bit let's make the line thickness a little bit [Music] higher let's move the position a little bit and then for the length let's just delete this modifier out of here we actually don't want this clipping into our character at all and the last piece for this floor let's select it go down to the material let's change the material to hatch let's create a new material for this just for the floor let's scale this down just a little bit maybe rotate it some and we'll lighten it up a bit by dragging this slider to the left and dragging the white to the left as well that way there's just a little bit of sketch lines on it if you want to do a little bit of tweaking you can go into any of these and just tweak a little bit like maybe those lines for the floor are a little too thick we can bring those back down so yeah that's about all there is to it this was a really fun little experiment and I hope you enjoyed the process of Faking the model into a 2d sketch oh and I forgot to mention at the top of the video that also included in the tutorial files is a rigged t- pose version in case you want to make your own poses and renders if you're interested in the Sailor Moon that I modeled for this I have a time-lapse video of it up soon the real time process video is also up on grm road it's about 1 hours long and it's a little heavy on the file size so gum rub makes me charge at least $1 for it also also as I was editing this video vertex arcade uploaded a very cool video going over getting a very similar result so if you're looking for more info on getting a sketchy looking blender go give their video a watch anywh who thanks for watching and I hope you guys are having a good day all right bye
Channel: Bran Sculpts
Views: 60,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender tutorial, blender 3d, bran sculpts, blender
Id: 8sFf1K8_0oQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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