How To Draw A Kid Blowing A Giant Bubblegum Bubble

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hey princess you're gonna drop bubble gum yeah we're gonna draw a kid blowing up a big bubble with bubble gum a bubble gum bubble we hope you're gonna follow along with us you need your drawing supplies we're gonna use markers some paper and something to come with all right you ready to start yeah okay first we're gonna draw our bubble we're gonna draw a big bubble i'm gonna draw um this big that's ginormous yeah and connect at the top yeah you're not gonna be able to see our the kid's face because the bubble's so big now i'm gonna draw the top of my kid's head and i'm going to draw them with curly hair and i'm going to draw a boy you can draw a girl if you want you could draw a different hair if you want to just draw a rainbow line instead of curly hair now you guys at home could actually change your drawing any way you want do you want to also add piggy tails oh yeah or ponytail piggy piggy tails yeah that means two right pretty sure oh that's awesome that's really cool we could do another one on the other side yeah i like these little rubber bands and i like them too you could add a bow you could even add flowers in her hair do you want to add a few flowers yeah i like it now you guys can pause the video anytime during any of our videos if there's a part where you think would be fun to add extra things so we always say pause the video if we go too fast but you could also pause the video if you want to add more things to your drawing yeah all right should we keep going now let's draw our kid's body i'm going to draw a curve that comes out like this and also out to the other side [Music] it looks really funny then i'm going to draw shorts i'm going to draw an upside down v and then we can connect one of the legs together and the other one oh we could also draw a shirt the bottom of his shirt or her shirt let's also add legs i'm going to draw two lines down from what for one leg and then two lines for the other egg did i say egg he said for the other egg yeah and that leg i don't know let's draw eggs now we're gonna i'm gonna draw uh two lines connecting the bottom i don't know why i said that and then we're gonna draw the shoe i'm gonna draw a curve that comes out to the right and also out that i said to the right to the left we're gonna draw eggs on the right side and eggs on the left side i don't know maybe you were thinking about eggs i was thinking about legs and i just said eggs and then i got my directions mis mixed up right i'm sure that won't be the last mistake i'm going to draw two more curves coming down from the inside or this this could be the back of our kid's shoe then we can draw the bottom of the shoe and we'll connect the front and the back to each other that's a big shoe that is a big shoe i like it it's cartoon style and then i'm gonna draw the bottom of our shoe like this we'll draw another curve that comes around and then connects the bottom those do look like eggs maybe not maybe i'm going from this oh yeah i saw you do that that's great okay we could also add socks sockline and let's now let's draw our the arms i'm going to draw a line that comes out coming out of the head yeah or the bubble and then let's draw the short sleeve shirt i'm going to draw the letter l let's repeat that same step over here draw the line out and then we'll draw a backwards l this time to match the sleeve over here okay now let's draw the rest of the arm we're going to draw another line coming out of the sleeve then we're going to draw a thumb let's draw an upside down u and then we're going to draw three more fingers and sometimes when we draw cartoons we don't have many fingers yeah we don't draw all of the fingers just for fun sometimes when you draw all five fingers on a cartoon it looks kind of it looks like they have too many fingers for some reason i think that's because the fingers that we're drawing are thicker see how i drew them really thick so now we're going to draw an upside down u and then we're going to draw three more u's connected together for the fingers we did it we've oh let's add let's add two more lines on the shoes yeah we did it there's a little extra detail for the shoe okay now we did it except we still need to do one more step color it yes this part we're gonna fast forward but at the end you can pause the video to match your same coloring or you could color your drawings any way you want you ready to fast forward yeah we got our colors all picked out now before we fast forward let's do one little secret for the gum okay the bubble to make it look shiny i'm going to use our pink this is r605 if you have the same markers by annual markers you can also visit our website to pick out the same art supplies that we have if you want okay now let's draw the highlight first on our gum i'm going to draw a little hot dog shape like this jelly bean or jelly bean yeah it matches the shape of the bubble then down here at the bottom i'm going to draw another highlight a circle at the bottom cool that's it now we're gonna color in everything in the bubble except for this little highlight let's also fast forward the video so that we can color the rest of our drawing i'm using my brown marker to add a little shadow on the red shirt now if you want you could even layer your purple just underneath the bubble to add a little shadow okay it'll make it look more 3d look at that it looks a little darker huh i'll use brown because the red it works really well but brown probably wouldn't look as as good on your purple shirt i also used my white colored pencil to add an extra highlight but you can leave that off to keep the lesson a little easier hat looking five i love your drawing all colored in i hope our friends are gonna take time to color their drawings too you don't have to color your drawings the same way that we did you can change the colors you can change the skin tone and even add extra details maybe you could draw your person with a hat a funny hat yeah or even a background yes a background would be awesome ryobi had a lot of fun drawing a kid blowing a bubble and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music]
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 248,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Art For Kids Hub, Art For Kids, How To Draw, Easy, Simple, Cartooning, 4 kids, bubble gum, bubble, kid, blowing
Id: pD7zWxiQiE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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