How to Draw A Floor Plan in Autocad | Tutorial For Beginners | Autocad 2021 Mac

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hello there this is Jay from Jacob I make auto cad tutorials for interior designers and architects and in this video I will show you how to create this floorplan with all the information you see here and then at the end we will export it to a PDF document that would look just like this one here we will start by talking about general settings such as setting up the units and adjusting the objects now then we will start our drawing by adding walls windows and then we will add doors as well I will talk about layers and we will use them to organize our drawing per category we will add text elements to indicate the room names and we will add dimensions to our exterior walls then finally we will finish our drawing by adding furniture fixtures and equipment and by this point we are ready to start the print process so we will move to layout where we will adjust the paper size and we will adjust the plot style we will add a title block to our layout and the title block we are using is gonna have attributes which allows us to update the information inside the title block then we will proceed to printing using called exporting to PDF using the print or plot command and I will finish the video by talking about templates to save the settings that we did throughout the drawing and that would save us time for the next project I will include majority of the resources I'm using in the description below the video additionally this video has timestamps in the description so you can jump directly to a certain section if you prefer to last thing to mention this video assumes you have no prior experience in AutoCAD I hope you enjoy [Music] first let's start by opening AutoCAD and when you start AutoCAD for the Mac version at least you will get asked which template do you want to use to start your drawing and since I'm going to be drawing in inches and feet I will go ahead and choose the one called a CAD LT I'll select it and then I'll just click open alright so now that we have AutoCAD open there are a few things we need to do from the very beginning before we start doing our project and the first thing you want to do is actually go to a window called units and you can access it by typing U and on the keyboard and then hit the Return button and then from there we will get this window the drawing units and here we only need to do one change we need to change this under length type we need to change it from decimal to architectural and we can leave the precision as is and all the other settings we don't need to change them we will just go ahead and click OK alright so that was the first thing is to set up the unit the next thing you want to do is to make sure that the settings you have here on the bottom right side of the interface match what I have here so so what we have here I have this button right here it's showing us the grid here on the background you can keep it on or off for now for this video I'll keep it on and then the next icon you want to make sure it's on it's this one right here it's called polar tracking so you want to make sure it's showing in blue meaning it's activated and then the next one will be dynamic input we would also need this one to be active then the next one will be another another setting or drafting setting called object snap tracking and then the next one object snap this one you just need to right-click on it with the mouse and then from here go to settings and then we will get this window and essentially you want to have all these options checked pretty much except for 10 nearest and parallel everything else we will be mostly using throughout the video and then you can just hit OK to close this and the last one right here this setting we can turn it on or off we won't be using anything related to this setting so so for now I'll just turn it off so these guys need you just need to make sure they are turned on on your end now that we did the the setup for AutoCAD we are now ready to proceed with drawing our floorplan pretty much and we're gonna start by adding the walls doors and windows okay so in AutoCAD there's a drawing command called the polyline you can find it here on the left side or you can type P L on the keyboard and click return to start the command and right now what I'm gonna do I'm gonna draw the general outline of the floor plan so what I'm gonna do here let's start I'm gonna start anywhere here I'm gonna zoom out with the mouse using the mouse you can navigate in AutoCAD you can zoom out in and out with the wheel and then if you click in Hall the way that will allow you to drag pretty much the screen around right so now I'm gonna click anywhere and then I'm gonna go down think I'm gonna zoom a little bit more and then do start the polyline again and then I'm gonna click here and then go down with the mouse give direction and I'm gonna type 31 feet and now we'll put the foot symbol okay so this is our first line and then the next line I will do is for the next wall I will with the mouse I'm gonna point in this direction and I'm gonna type 14 feet okay and then I'm gonna go up and I'm gonna type 4 feet and then to include inches I will just put 6 and no need to put the inch symbol here AutoCAD understand that the first number that you type will be since it will be foot the second number will be inches so we can click return right now to keep going and then I'm gonna again point with the mouse to the right side and I'm gonna type 17 feet and then I'm gonna go up upwards and do 24 feet and then right now here I forgot how much this was but I remember what we can do here we can use this feature where we can bring the the cursor to this point up here and then we can drag along it so we didn't I didn't click there but rather put the cursor and drag and then we will get then the two points where we were drawing and the point on the bottom will cross reference and then I can just click here and now that pretty much mat matched where that point was and here I didn't type a measurement and then I will also do the same trick or technique with this point right here I will reference it to the right and then click once the both both points meet and I see the green references the green green lines references I'll click here and then I'll click back to the first point to close the geometry and I will click enter to finish the command because the polyline command it keeps it keeps the drawing additional line segments so we click return to finish it and then the next thing I will do right now I will I will use a command called offset and you can access offset by typing o on the keyboard and that will start it or from here from the left side it's under the modify section and it's basically this icon right here and what the officer does it allows us like to give like a wall thickness pretty much copies this outline to inwards or outwards so let's go ahead and start here's offset I typed o and then I click return on the keyboard and now AutoCAD is asking specify offset distance so for the exterior wall I'm gonna actually use both I'm gonna use the same thickness for both exterior and interior walls just to make it a little simpler pretty much so I will type 6 and AutoCAD will understand by typing 6 I mean inches so this is 6 inches and click return then AutoCAD will ask me select the object to offset so I will click on the polyline that we drew earlier I will click on it select it and then you will see I need to tell AutoCAD the direction of this offset so would the cursor if I move it to the inside it will show me a preview that's its to the inside if I put it outside it will show it to the outside but in this case I will just click to the inside I will I'll click with the mouse with the left button and now the offset is to the inside and we have our wall thicknesses and then to finish the command right now you can see AutoCAD is saying it's it's asking to do offset still so to finish the command we will just click return on the keyboard and now there's nothing selected no commands active so now let's proceed to adding our interior walls and we will also use the same drawing command we used originally the polyline command so polyline P L and then return the started and then I'm gonna do a connection basically from here to here and then I'll click return and then based on the wall thickness I will reference it from here at this point to this point let me zoom in so you can see from this corner I will track upwards and click there once it meets the other line and then here once it meets this line I will click now we have these lines and I'll click return to finish this okay and then I'm gonna add some more interior walls I'm gonna use polyline and now we're gonna use the same tracking feature or setting you were seeing earlier now I will put the cursor on this corner drag along it to going downwards pretty much and then from here once once I reference it and move a little bit down now I will type the dimension I will put 9 feet and click return and what this means it's selling autocad that we want to start the polyline 9 feet away from that point so it's referencing it and were able to do that by starting the drawing command referencing the point and then going downwards and we're gonna do that again in a second and once we did this I will just click to this right here not click return and then I will do a similar line on the bottom polyline and from here I can reference this point I put the cursor in on this corner point and I will go upwards and then I'll go a little bit up not too far away from the point and I will type 9 feet ok somewhere like this alright so now that we have this actually let me show you just to show you another technique to doing this you can actually use the the mirror command to do the same effect where we can mirror this line based on the middle point here and reflect it to this other side so what I will do I'll select this line and to delete it I can right click with the mouse and choose erase and or do like I was doing earlier type II from the keyboard the letter E and then click return and that will erase it but for now I'll just do this one I'll select this line first and then I will start the mirror command which is M I and you can also find it here on the left side here is the mirror command but you can see I'm using shortcuts and I'll be using shortcuts through the entire video pretty much ok and let's choose mirror and then from here now that the mirror command is active and our line is selected we will tell it we need to we need to tell AutoCAD two points very much that represent the mirror line and that's what it's asking right now it's asking us to specify the first point of Maryland so I'll find the middle point here and you can find the middle point it's basically it will be represented by a green triangle and the reason we're able or OCAD is able to identify this is because of these snap settings that we did initially this one object snap so back to the middle point let's click on it and then go to the right side and click literally anywhere and then we will get this question from AutoCAD if we want to erase the source objects meaning if we wanted to lead the line that we use to mirror so we will say no because we want to keep both of them all right so now now that we have this what I also wanna do let's copy let's actually copy this line down I think we we need to do one more copy here so copy down and let's do 30 inches okay and then the same for the line on the bottom I will use the copy command which you can access by typing C o on the keyboard and you can might find it on the left side from here under modify this is the copy command so let's do the copy and the way the copy command works we're just gonna click on one point and then give direction and then we're gonna type the distance I'm gonna type sorry here all right so now that we have this now I will go ahead and give like the line thicknesses actually before I do that let me just mark one more line I will do a polyline and from this corner point I will reference to the right side similar to what we did earlier and I will just type here let's do let's do for feet so I can type for feet or I can't I forty-eight AutoCAD will understand that 48 inches is for feet if you wanna type either-or AutoCAD will understand both values using using the foot symbol or without it using inches click return and now the line start at four feet away from that point and then I'll go up like this and then now I will use the referencing technique and I will go down actually let's not go down let's actually let me show you something else here I'll select this line that I just created and then when it's selected and no command is active you can actually click on one of the control points that we see here these uh blue points are called vertex I like to call them control points and what you can do with them you can actually click on the point and drag and that will allow you to stretch it pretty much so I just wanted to stretch it all the way down to the bottom and you will see in a second what I'm trying to draw here this space will be a bedroom a bedroom and here will be a bathroom we will have a closet here and a closet for the other bedroom so let's do let's do first let's see a different command right now it's called the trim command TR TR is the shortcut for it and you can find it from the left side right here it looks like a scissor and it's trying to cut the line trim command is one of the nicest commands in AutoCAD allows you to quickly clean clean your lines pretty much and here's how it works I'll start it and then what I will do I will click on this line and it will get rid of it pretty much and then I will click on this line right here and it will get rid of it as well since I'm using AutoCAD 2021 they updated the trim command so it does it works right away in case you're using an older version of AutoCAD and you're watching this video you just need to click double click return when you use the trim alright so for it to function pretty much the same way I showed you right now alright so trim command will keep going you can see AutoCAD is still still has the command active so we will click return to finish it pretty much and now we want to give the wall thicknesses to everything we just drew so I will use offset again the same command we used earlier to give the wall the exterior wall thickness and it's asking us for the offset distance specify off the distance we will say 6 inches as well and then this one I will bring it down and this one I will bring it up and then this one I'll bring it to the left and this one down and this one upwards and then just to verify what what I've done so far I'm not sure if this is big enough of a closet or this bathroom is big enough so what I will use I will use a measuring tool here and to access the measuring tool I think it was under modify I guess not or is it under tools sorry under the tools tab on the top on the top of your interface and then from here under tools you want to go to inquiry and then you want to choose distance okay and then from here I wanna see how big how big this room is from here to here I'll click on that point and then this point and it's showing me that this is 9 it okay and let's click on this sense this will restart the command and let's zoom in let's click on here this is two feet closet this is good I'm happy with that and then let's do a distance again click on this point to this point and the bathroom will be six feet wide I'm happy with that as well let's just check how deep the bathroom is let's see from here to here eight feet six inches I think this is very spacious so this is pretty good so now I can just click on the exit option on the bottom and that will stop the measuring comment all right so now let's use the trim command again to clean out everything that to clean out like where all the walls meet and actually we want to do an opening here we don't want to keep this wall like this so let's do let's do this first let's select this line first and stretch it outwards and then I will click escape to deselect it uh click escape and then this one the same I will click on it on this point and stretch it outwards just to define this opening that we want to cut from this world pretty much I don't want to have this segment closed pretty much all right and then let's start the trim command again so trim TR and click return and then I will this time I was showing you earlier I can click on each line or I'll show you a different way I'll click in one point and then click on a different point and it will cut through all of them and the same I will use the same technique I'll click here and go all the way like this and it will cut all these lines that are mating and I will do the same on this one right here and then on the top I will do I'll click here then going downwards all the way down that way I cleaned or where all the the the walls meet pretty much and then I'll click on the small ones and since we're doing that let's let's go ahead and clean all the small segments over here all right and I will click return to finish the trim command so now we have the general outline of the the walls both exterior and interior and we are ready to proceed to putting doors and windows on this floor plan okay so the windows and doors are opening so what I the way I like to do it usually is the first place all the openings everywhere and then afterwards I would add lines that represent windows and add something called the blocks to represent the doors so let's mark now the openings on this plan first of all let's look at the entrance I want to put the entrance over on this side so I will use polyline to market so polyline I will reference this point this corner point dragged along to the right side and I will say let's do two feet okay and then go up and click enter to finish the to finish the polyline command and then I will select this a small line that I did I create it and then I will copy it and I'll copy it to the right side let's do 5 feet I'm making it a little wide because I want the entrance to be a double door on this side here alright so and then on this side here I'm planning to have the kitchen here on this area so I want to put a window for the sink so let's mark a window above the sink and let's do not sure exactly where it will land but for now let's just go from this line on the inside reference it and I will do for let's do let's do 3 feet ok now go down you click enter or return sorry and then I will select this small line that I created and I will copy it I'll tell it to start from this point and then go to the left side and I'll tell it to go as wide as 3 feet ok I think this is pretty good so far so good okay and then along this wall right here I'm not gonna have windows here let's go upwards this area I will put the living area pretty much so I will add I will add couple windows here so let's do polyline again PL and click return to start it and then this corner point I will reference it going down let's do two feet and then return it to here and then I can copy this down or if you want we can also use the offset command to do to to do the offs the offset will do a similar effect with a copy command so here's offset and then we need to tell it the distance gonna make these windows a little wider so I'll do four feet I'll click on this and click click click on there and then click return now to finish it and then I think I want to add another window below it so what I will do I will do a copy by reference so I will do another four feet window but two feet away from this opening that I'm creating here so I will do copy and based on this point how I'm doing the copy based on a point I would like a point away from the object where we're using so based on this point and then I will click on this point and this is like copy by reference kind of technique ok and then the copy command will keep on going so I'll click return to finish it alright so now we have this and then here on this wall up here I want to do like a sliding a very wide sliding door so let's do a polyline from the middle point from here then go up and this one then I will offset it one time to the right four feet and one time to the left I'll click on it again and go to the left and now we have like this these two lines and I will delete the one in the center all right and then here let's add that's at some some let's add actually let's add the doors openings for for the bedroom here for the bathroom and the enter bedroom on the bottom so let's do polyline the same technique we're gonna we're gonna reference the corners can I reference here it's actually reference the I preferred to do from this corner let's do four inches and then go up and then I will do offset and I will tell it to offset 32 inch this is kinda the standard in California to have the doors at 32 inches for the interior and then I will select these two lines that I created and then I will copy them upwards from this wall I'll copy from this point all the way up there to this point I'll click again with the mouse and that marks the door opening for the other bedroom and I'll click return to finish the copy and now for the bathroom we'll do something similar polyline let's do 4 inches away you want to give enough spacing for the door to open and then let's copy this line down like I mentioned 32 inches this standard and click return alright so what else do we have here we need to add a little bit more windows on this bedroom and maybe a window or two on this for this bedroom oh and we still have the the sliding doors let's do the windows first let's do a window here in the middle of this wall I'll do a polyline click here to here and then offset this 2 feet to the right and 2 feet to the left and that will mark like a total 4 feet pretty much click return and delete this reference line that we drew and then again polyline from the middle point here to here and then let's do offset actually let's do copy this time I'm gonna try to show you different commands as we go through so I'll click here and go upwards I'll go to feet and then with the mouse the copy command is still active I'll go down and do two feet again for the same line segment and then click return again to finish the commit and then choose this reference line and the leader and what we can do right now if I want to add similar windows to the bedroom above you can actually select these segments here that we created you can you can click on them like this one by one or we can do like a window selection I will click escape to deselect them and AutoCAD I I should have mentioned this earlier but in AutoCAD there's a there's two kinds of selection when you click on the mouse without holding don't hold the mouse when you're selecting an autocad when you click and not hold you will get a window selection and there's a blue one and a green one the difference between the blue and the green you get the blue when you click from the left and you go to the right and if you go to the left you will get the green one the blue one will select all the objects that are included inside the window so if I do a window selection here only that small line will be selected the green window on the other hand it will select anything that it touch so if I do a green window from here to here you will see it's literally selecting the entire outline of the exterior wall and the interior outline of this interior wall so so that's how the green and the blue window work pretty much okay so I'll click escape now to deselect everything or you can right click with the mouse and then you can choose deselect though again trying to show you different ways to do different things in AutoCAD and now using the blue selection window I'll select these two guys and another blue selection window like this and select these ok and then here what we want to do is do a mirror so I want to mirror these windows from the bottom bedroom to the top bedroom and I will use the middle point that we use initially to create like the different walls for this bedroom and then go to the right and that will mark them up there we'll make a copy of them and then AutoCAD is asking me if I want to erase and not in this case we want to keep the windows we created so far so so far so good we created the majority of the openings we want to have on this floor plan now let's add the openings for these for these closets very much so let's do polyline again you can see that polyline literally is the tool you will be using all the time and let's do here six inches and then let's select it and then copy to the left let's do think let's do six feet let's make it pre white to take advantage of how big it is and I'll click enter I think we can go some more I'll select this line and I will use the move command and the move command is with M or you can have it over here this is the icon so I'll click on it to start it and the way it works is very simple it's similar to copy and the other commands we you saw earlier we select the object first and now we're gonna tell it the base point from where it's gonna start and then we give direction with the mouse and then I'm gonna type the distance I will type twelve twelve inches or I can type one foot the same AutoCAD will understand but alright and then I will select both of these lines and I will copy them from this bedroom to the bedroom to the bottom and I'm using copy by reference similar to how we did it earlier then I'll click return now technically you can draw all the different openings here on this bedroom and then select all of them and mirror them to this bedroom that would save you some time alright so I'm just just to give you a tip alright so now we have literally all the openings marked on the plan like we have lines that show us where they are and so what we will do now we will actually cut them we're gonna cut them or trim them using the trim trim tool so here's trim let's do trim TR and click return and then here let's we can we can click on each line one by one or like I showed you earlier you can click on one point and go to the second point and click and it will click to cut everything through that path pretty much so I'll click here and here and then here and here then click from here to here and then these guys I can actually we cut all of them together since they're aligned together and then the same for this one literally like this and this one here here this is one more window and I think perfect so now we have everything everything all the openings are like are obvious now we cut them and they are literally open so I'll click return to to finish the trim commit all right and here now what we will do we will the next step we will do is we will select everything that we did so far I'll select all of them and then I will do a command called join and the shortcut for it is the letter J and what it will do I will show you before I started I'll click escape to cancel the command basically because of the way we did everything some of the lines we created were not like connected to other lines and the way I like to work in AutoCAD I like all the lines that I work with are to be connected so for example you see this is a line on its own this one in its on its own this one is when it's gone so I prefer them to be all all joined together and you will see later when we put the hatched or present the the walls it's much better if all of these guys are joined together so let's do a big selection to select everything together like this and then let's type J to do the joint command and click return and now everything is joined together and we can verify the same lines that were disconnected earlier let's click here now they are joined together I think this one didn't work let's select them and do join ok now this is working oh this one didn't work too so let's tell them to join ok perfect so this is like all of these walls or these lines that represent the walls are like almost one object pretty much and the same here the same here this one this one this one this one and this one I'm just doing a quick verification like this perfect so now I all of them are art like connected lines pretty much all right so now the next step will be to start adding the doors and the windows and let's start by adding the windows and then I'll show you how to add the doors so let's do the windows let's we're gonna use the rectangle command to do the windows so I will type our e C and that's the shortcut for the rectangle command you can also find rectangle up here in the drawing area and it's this icon pretty much so let's click here okay and we start the command and the way it works it's very simple for rectangle you just click on one corner and here's the other corner and then I'll click now if I want to restart the command immediately because rectangle the way it works it does it one time and then it stops so to restart the last command we did you can just click return on the keyboard and that will restart literally the last moment so now that rectangle is started again now I can click here to here and I can click return to start it again click here to here return and then you can also right click with the mouse and you can choose to repeat rectangle you can see it's showing you so I'll click on that like this and one more repeat and then repeat and everything that I marked right now with the rectangle these are windows and everything else that's left these are doors and I just realized we don't have a window for the bathroom so let's go ahead and add it there's a polyline I'm here to here then let's do offset let's do 18 inches to the right I don't think the command start let me click escape okay and then offset the letter O and return and then now let's do distance of 18 inches click on the line click upwards click on the line again and go downwards and click return to finish it and then let's delete this line and then let's trim it like this and then let's join everything that we just created just so we have clean lines here's joint and now let's do window now let's do mark the window with a rectangle and then click right here now earlier you saw like we did have the similar look but this is we're not done yet you will see later on why am I doing this the way I'm doing it all right so now we have all the windows marked so now let's just add a simple line in the middle of the rectangle for each window just to represent the glazing and just to differentiate it from the walls so I'll click return to finish polyline here let's repeat polyline from this middle point to this middle point and click enter to finish the command and then right click repeat we're here to here and then enter to finish it then repeat and then let's see here how many windows we have left there's another one and here's one more and click return okay I'll use the keyboard to stamp I'm hitting return quickly start the command and then clicking hitting return to finish document right so now all our windows are marked and they're drawn now we are ready to proceed to adding the doors in this drawing so the doors in AutoCAD I'll show you I want to show you first how to draw them first and then we will we will move to using blocks pretty much for them so let me just Pan the screen a little bit away from here just to this empty area and I'm doing this pan or this handle I'm doing it with the wheel on the mouse I'm clicking holding it and this allows us to drag the screen around you can also right-click and then choose pan and that will activate it if you're using a trackpad on on your laptop or your Mac that will that might that will definitely be helpful so let's click exit to finish it ok so to do a door let me show you doing the swing door first so here we will do we will use a polylines similar to how we did before and then let's do let's start and then let's do let's say we want to do a door for these openings right here okay so I will start here I will give it the thickness of one and a half okay and then maybe two inches it's better but for now just something simple and then this door is gonna be 32 inches and then again I will do one and a half and then I will go back to the first point where I started and I will click there now click return to finish the polyline so this is just to represent like the door panel pretty much and then to represent the swing arc right here on this side usually the way I like to do it is using a circle I will start to start the circle I did this pretty quick let me redo it again so circle is the letter C and now I can click here to start it or you can start it from here on the left side of the interface so circle I'll click here and the way these circle command works in AutoCAD you will need first to choose the center point of the circle and then choose the radius so I will tell the center of the circle to be at this point and then I will tell it the radius to be as much as to this point and I'll click here and then I will just do a reference line here with the polyline from this point to somewhere here and then I will use the trim command and then I will trim this arc outside okay and I'll click return and then I will delete this reference line that I use it was just a mark where the the the cut should happen so now we have something like this and then this door we can or just this line pretty much this polyline in arc we can just select them and move them and put them here but to make it a little easier we can block these elements together we can make them like a group that has a name and that is called a block in AutoCAD and to do a block in AutoCAD you can simply just do the used letter beat start the command then we from this window we know we'll need to do two main things we want to give a name so I will say this is a test door and then we need to tell this door where it's gonna be the control point for this block so see right here where it says base point we need to choose pick point and then now I will choose the swinging point and then now that we did the name and we picked the base point we can go ahead and increase the block then when I select this again you will see these elements are together and they only have one control point and they're all highlighted and then I can move this from this insertion point or this base point that I use and then place it here and then I can copy it and place it here as well all right but deed rather than doing this and drawing this doer from scratch AutoCAD actually has a library of blocks that comes with it and that you can use and they have a really cool door block so to access the blocks library in AutoCAD on the right side of the interface see right here on the top it says there's layers and then to the next tab there's something called let's click OK got it so we can click on this and this is the reference manager and the last one here is blocks and under blocks right here you can see that actually on your end it will probably be something it will look something like this you when you click on blocks it will be looking on this step which is showing us the blocks in the current drawing so what you need to do is to switch to the next the last icon on the right side and choose block libraries right now I have this library open jcat I will switch to another one the switch to architectural Imperial and this is the library that comes with AutoCAD and then from here see there's a there's the door block here so let's right-click on it and then choose insert in drawing and then I'm gonna click and drag and place it usually I like to place it somewhere outside and then I like to drag it to place now what's cool about this block is that if I'm gonna select it first when you select it you see there's a lot of controls on it and these controls allow you to do this and things for example if I click here I can control the swing so I can choose if I can tell it to be open as much as 90 degrees they can didn't select it let me do it again okay here we go alright and beside that the feature that I really like is this one right here if I click on this arrow I can switch the the the the size or the width of the door and it has a standard door with the pre-match okay so you can see if I stop at this point it will give us 32 inches or 2 feet 8 inches so this is matching the opening we have in here so this is the one I will be using I'll actually get rid of this one and then I will move it with the Move command and then I'll tell it to move based on the rotation point from here you know place it there then I'll select it and then I will tell this to go to the inside and I will flip its direction using this arrow and then I just need to move it a little bit more to the inside to align with the wall alright and then I will select it I'll copy it and I'll copy it let's do here let's move it let's flip it outside and then I'll move it inside with the move comment ok and then one more copy actually we can yeah actually let's just keep copying so let's copy one here and we will need one here and then over here on this side and these closet doors will just do a sliding door pretty much ok so let's do this one this is an easy one I will move it from here to here and I think this door I made the opening total 5 feet again I'll remind you how to do the measuring from the from the top from from dimension our tool sorry and then inquiry and then here we choose distance and I just want to double check how big did I do this opening five feet I'll click escape to stop the comment so that means this door should be 2 feet 6 and then using the mirror command I'll click I will start the America man and I'll click from here going upwards and that gives us this door okay and then let's do the bathroom door but here we're gonna have to use the rotate command and to to rotate this door select it first and then start the rotate command by typing ro and you can find the rotate command here in the modify section on the left side and it's this icon right here so let's choose rotate and then on D on this on this corner point let's click here and then let's go let's go let's move the mouse away from that point and then I will go up and then when I move the mouse up we will see this a green reference line meaning that this is going straight and the rotation works you can also you can also let me do undo here to do undo you can just click on this arrow right here okay and then now select it you can do the rotation command and then just tell it to rotate by 90 degrees and that will do the trick as well and then we move it from this corner point to here and that was that was about using this door block and this and this block by the way I just want to mention one more thing that this block is a special kind of block it's called a dynamic block and that's because of all the controls it has on it AutoCAD has some of them already that comes with these software and I'll show you later some of the blocks that I created myself alright so now let's move to adding the sliding doors for for the closet area and for this area to the outdoor area so let's look here let's do a quick let's check how wide is this so let's use tools let's click on tools inquiry distance and this is seven feet wide so what I will do I will do two door panels I'll use polyline and they have to be like half that distance so half of seven feet is a three feet six inches and let's do let's do one and a half thick panel I think I did this wrong let me do undo okay let's click escape this didn't work I'll select this and delete it I can do the erase button or I can click delete on the keyboard so polyline again so let's do this three feet six inches and then one and a half thick and then let's reference the first point and go down and click here and click return to finish it okay and then this polyline I will just move it on this corner to this corner and then I'll select it again and move it from this corner to this corner and then I'll make a copy of it I will copy and let's go from here to here and click return okay and then let's select this and then I will do move and I'll just move it I don't want to show the door fully the sliding door fully closed so I'll just do here to here okay just to can I do a little bit of presentation make it understandable okay and then now that these two guys are created and they are matching the other bedroom I'll just copy them from one of the corner points here I'll tell it to copy from this point to this point and click return and if you want to flip their direction we can just do a mirror and we do a mirror based on this middle point oh that's not gonna work actually we can we can do the flipping we can just literally move them again it's not necessary to change it but I'm just trying to show you different commands okay and now let's do the same for this guy for this opening over here let's verify the opening with using inquiry and distance let's click here to here and this one is a little wider so it's eight feet so I'll just use one of these door panels that I eat that I already created and I'll copy it from here to this corner right here and click return now this one that I did earlier it's the three feet six and to adjust it quickly I can literally I select it and then by clicking on this can trol point over here and go into the left I can stretch it by six inches okay and then this point I can stretch it they should have been connected and moved together but it didn't work in this case but anyway once you stretch that here we now have a door that's four feet that's half this opening and then I will copy it similar to the way we did but this time I will show you a technique rather than copy down from here to here and then move it to the left I'll just copy it directly from this corner point to the middle point over here and that gives us the same can effect and I'll hit enter so now we have all the walls doors and windows now we will move to adding layers to our drawing here and layers in AutoCAD pretty much allow us to control the properties of geometry properties such as the line weight and the line type okay and to add layers in AutoCAD you will go to the layers tab over here and then from here to create a new one we will click on this icon to make a new layer and this one I will just call it walls for now and then if you want to change the settings we can change the color from here we can make it green and then from here if we want to change the line weight we will just tell it from default to make it as thick as 35 and then the line type we will leave it as continuous now technically we should add different layers for two to categorise like the different elements we have in the drawing so walls for example should all be sitting on the walls layer and the doors and the windows should have their own layers as well so just a safe time I already created a file earlier with all the layers we will be using and it's right here so what I will do here I will just select all of them and then right-click and do copy do clipboard copy and then go back to our drawing and then right-click and then let's do paste okay and I'll just put them somewhere a little bit far away from the drawing and I will leave you I will leave you a link in the description box below the video on how to what are the settings that I use for these layers and also if you'd like to get them you can get them as well from the patreon page alright so now that we know that we have the layers here that I move transfer them from this file to our drawing here what we will do now we have them all loaded on the right side you can see let's expand this list a little bit I will click on properties here so we can see all right awesome so the original layer that that I used for walls this one we could leave it but for now what I will do I will select all the walls that we have and since we joined them earlier it will be easier to select them this way all right and then I will change their layer from the properties window on the bottom I can change it from here from layer 0 which is the default layer in AutoCAD to walls and and then I'll just click escape or we can change the layers from a different location from the layers window itself so now I'm selecting all the windows we will also move them to their own layer as well so windows and then lastly doors to select all of them and then from here let's do doors right and that's that's about these layers for now to add room names in AutoCAD we will use the text comment you can access the text command from the left side over here when you look at this section all of these commands on the left side are related to text pretty much and also basically you can actually click on this particular icon to start the text command or using shortcuts you can type the letter T and then click return and that will start the text comment now the the the way the text command works is basically we need to draw a rectangle representing the dialogue box so this is how it works let's say Sue it here so you would just click once and then click again and that will open the dialogue box for this text very much and then here we will type bed bedroom for example one all right and then to close this text or to finish the command you can click on the Save button up here or you can click outside the dialogue box all right and now you see like the text almost disappeared but it doesn't disappear it's actually very small and if we zoom in you will see like it's very tiny compared to our floorplan and obviously that's not gonna work so to change the text size we need to do that from a window or a setting called the text style manager so to access that window or to access the settings of the text we can either click here on this icon texas-style or we can go to the format window up here and then choose text style and it will open this window which is basically the manager for the text styles now autocad by default has a style called standard and the standard one like really it doesn't work it comes in very small and you always have to change it to a proper size for the text alright so from here you can choose this standard and then you can choose the text side or the text height and change it to something that might work for example 6 inches and I'll hit apply and it didn't change the text we will need to create a new text element right here and then it will show it properly all right and then I can expand this to make it fit in here we go right however to make sure I'm using the right text size I will actually get rid of these guys and I will use text styles that I created before and the textiles I created our standard text style so they have the proper text size depending on the scale of the drawing and let me let me explain this a little bit so I'll go here to this file that I opened and from here you will see I have multiple text elements with different sizes and as you can see these guys like I noted on them pretty much which is scale they they work with so let's say you are working on a drawing that you're gonna put on 3/4 3/4 scale so you would need to use this text element with with that floor plan or that drawing so depending on the depending on the scale of your drawing later on when you print it you will need to use a proper text Styles okay now the easy way to deal with these with these texts is just to select all of them then I'll right click go to clipboard copy and go back to our project and place them close to the layers so I'll right click clipboard and then I will do face and by the way I forgot to mention that these layers are also standard layers that architects and interior designers work and use the terminology might be a little bit different and the colors might be different but for the most part the settings and the naming like mostly is understood and used by a lot of interior designers and architects so I recommend using them in your project alright so this floor plan or this drawing that we're doing I'm planning to print it on a quarter inch scale if you notice the scale for our drawing we were drawing everything to true skill so when we drew a door here 32 inches we actually drew 32 inches the scaling and AutoCAD happens later on as I will show you when we get to printing pretty much all right so since I planned to put this on 1/4 inch of scale I will go ahead and choose the textile that work for it for that here we go and I will I can just copy it no need to use the original and I'll just drop it somewhere here now click Ritter all right and then I will select it and to edit the text you can do you can do text edit by typing te and that will show you this command and I'll click enter and that will activate it or another way is to just double click on the text and that will allow you to also update or edit this text and now I'll change this to say bedroom one for example and I'll select all our text and I'll just tell it to be in the middle click outside and then move it a little bit here to the right alright and one last thing I will do I will select this text and then from here from the properties window let me see it's not visible here so we will need to go to customize my properties from here to see an option that's not visible by default let me just expand this a little bit so we can see and let's go down so on the bottom I don't see this option here we go text a friend so I will click on here that way it will show me the setting for for this text to be able to add a frame around it AutoCAD for Mac by default doesn't show all the all the settings or properties for elements so for Mac users you will just need to click on this button right here the customization button and activate something if you don't see it for Windows users this one is already available in properties you can just locate it in the properties window so here I'll just click on text frame and that gives us a frame for our and I'll resize it a little bit and move it a little bit to the center and then I will move it to the proper layer I'll change its layer I can do that from the properties switch it here to ID let's see which one we're gonna use we're gonna use text since this is a text element all right and then I will select this text and copy it here's another bedroom I'll drop a copy of a text here one for here one for here and we can add just a simple text to say closet okay so this is bedroom I will do text edit or Oh gothic you can just double click on it as well right and then this one here double click select everything and switch it to closet and then this one I'll double click switch it to bathroom and then this one the same this will be a living room and here we can just say kitchen right and then this closet text I will move it a little bit done and then I will copy it to the next closet as well and now it's it's time to add dimensions to our drawing and to do that we will use a command called dimension linear which can be found in this area right here and as you can see this area has a collection of dimension commands and the one work and I use in particular is this one right here dimension linear so let's click on it and then the way the dimension command work is real simple we just need to click on one point and then another point and then we need to move the cursor away from the line to place the dimension element pretty much so I'll click I'll just click somewhere here now what do we look at this it just doesn't look right we can't tell what is this value pretty much or what's the unit if this is saying 288 but we can't tell if it's inches or feet or if it's using something metric also the arrow here on the dimension is very small and also on this corner the dimension is very very close to the line of the wall so we will need to modify this and to modify it we will need to go to something called the dimension style manager exactly like we did with text the dimensions also have a style and a style manager and to access it we can access the style man the dimension style manager from this icon right here or if we go to the format menu on the top and then go down and you will see there's dimension style and then from here you see the default in AutoCAD is standard but it's not gonna work we will need to modify it and to modify it open it from here and then click here and modify and there's several there are several settings to change about the dimension but to save time and keep going with this I will use my own dimension Styles that I created earlier all right so I'll go here to this file and then I will select all of them and then I will right click just like we did with text I'll do copy and then right click and then go back sorry to our drawing and then here I'll do a right click clipboard and I will paste it somewhere here right and just like text the the dimension styles that I created are also standard in the US architects and interior designers use these particular settings and also I'm providing you these dimension styles I'm providing you if you want to download them for free the link will be in the description box same for the text styles as well alright so let's look in here and let's look at it you will see here I left you a text that says what each dimension style what scale does it work with so our drawing is gonna be in quarter inches scale so it's right here so I will need to use this dimension pretty much or this dimension style so this one let's click on it and let's see what it's called I'm gonna select it and then from the properties you can see here it's telling us what's the dimension style name and it's called JC - 0 48 so we all just click escape you to deselect it and then here from the properties window on the right side I will go to dimension style and I will switch to JC is 0 4 8 and that's the one that's used for the quarter inches go alright and then this one I can delete it or select it and modify it to have the right dimension style but for now I will get rid of it actually I will just hit the delete button on the keyboard or you can right-click and do erase all right so let's see so we switched right now the current dimension style that we will be using so now we can just go to dimension linear alright and I'm just gonna do the overalls here the overall of this plan pretty much so I'll click on this point and I'll click on this point here and then drag them ok and then I will need to restart the dimension command or I can right-click and choose repeat then click again here to here and then align it kind of with this dimension that we have here and then I can right-click and do repeat and do from here to the very bottom and go out now I'm gonna use actually enter it will be just much faster to do that so enter to repeat the command I'll click from here to the center of this window feel free to do it to do it from the edges of the window but I'm just gonna do from the center of each window here okay and I'm snapping to this point click return one more time and up to here to here and then I will do the same on the other side click enter or return sorry to repeat the command and then let me do an overall from this point to this point this overall is unnecessary actually it is necessary because we don't have it on the bottom and then here let's say we want to show this one how much it is this is to 6 and then enter 2 here and then I think we will just need this dimension here all right so now all these all these dimension elements we technically need to put them on their own layer so I'll select all of them like this with big green selection windows and then from the properties window we will switch them - let's see - the dimensions layer ID dims and now we have the dimensions as well I can add the rest of the windows and be much more detailed with this but I think you already got the general idea of how to use the dimension and the dimension style the last thing to add or drawing is basically furniture elements fixtures and equipments now we can draw everything from scratch or use blocks however most likely you will have to do both pretty much for the simple elements like tables and countertops you would just draw them yourself and for the more complicated elements like bathroom fixtures or kitchen equipment you would like it's better to use blocks find the blocks and use them it will be much easier to use and it would save you time all right so now let's see looking at this floorplan let's see let's decide where we want to start I'm gonna I'm gonna start adding everything from the bedrooms and then I'll move to the bathroom then living room and then we will wrap up in the kitchen area all right now looking at this the room names the text elements that represent the room names it's kinda in the way it's kinda in our way for us to draw everything so what I will do from the layers list I will select the text layer and I will hide the text so from here on the right side I will go in list go up rig up this text and then from the left side I will click on this button to make it invisible or I can click on the right side and make it freeze it pretty much and that will give us the same effect very much and now we can proceed to working on the bedroom now before we start to drawing any of the elements I will also switch our current layer from the zero layer I will switch it to the furniture layer so on the right side I can switch the layer from the top from the layers window and here click on this list and then switch to furniture or from the bottom from the properties window I can select here and switch the layer to furniture either or that works that way whatever we're drawing it will all go to the correct layer pretty much so here in the bedroom let's focus on it I will add a desk first here in the corner now we'll use a polyline for that okay and I'll click on this corner then I'll go to the left side let's go maybe 30 inches maybe that's a little that's not that much I'll do and do so let's do three feet okay even that much let's do 42 instead and then I will do 24 and then here let's do what was the total 24 let's do now 1 foot 6 inches and then now I will go I'll go to the bottom 3 feet okay and then I'll click here and then I'll close the the polyline back so now we have that now I want to add a desk chair to to this desk and for that I will use a block instead of drawing it from scratch and to add a chair I'll use a block and from the blocks library and to access the library we will go to the right side and then onto the top there's the layers and then on the far right side there's blocks and then here you want to make sure you are selecting the block libraries alright and I showed you this earlier when we were inserting the doors on this floor plan I showed you how we use this door from this particular library is called architectural Imperial and this library comes with AutoCAD however this library doesn't have a chair block that I can use so what I did I actually loaded my own libraries of different elements and I will be using that throughout working with this floor plan I also I'm gonna include a link in the description box so you can get some of these blocks for free right so now let's choose the bedroom then from here oh this is for the vets what I want to do is first the seating then I'm gonna go through this list of chairs let's see I want one I want something like this I will right-click on it on this block and choose insert in drawing and then I will drop it here somewhere then I will rotate it I'll do the rotation kinda from the middle and here we go we have this chair beside the desk now I'm gonna add a bit so for that we will go back to the blocks from the libraries list and then I'll click here and I'll switch to GC bedroom and from here I have these beds and then I can use any of these guys D there's one that I want to show you it's this one bed plan dynamic I'm gonna right click on it and choose insert in drawing the reason I want to use this one because I want to show you a feature in AutoCAD about the block some of the blocks AutoCAD can be dynamic and we saw that in the door earlier when we selected where you can do a lot of different things with the block you can stretch it you can change the direction of the door the swing direction and also like how open it is now the same here I made this bed the block pretty much and what it has if you click on it selected you will see that it has this arrow that allows us to switch between the different bed sizes okay so I will just choose Queen and it will show us a different bed in that block then I will just rotate it from here and then move it from here and right under the window over here alright so now we have that now I will add nightstands nightstands I'll just draw from scratch I'll use polyline and now we'll do let's see 1 foot by 1 foot and then another one foot and then close the geometry back ok and then I will move this polyline let's see I'm gonna move it from this corner to the corner of the bed then move it away bye let's see maybe 4 inches and then move it away from the wall maybe just by 2 inches right and then I will add a lamp here I do have an electrical library I don't think I have it added here it's not these ones these won't work let's see yeah we can just draw it ourselves so I'll just switch back to let's go back to bedroom alright so to draw a lamp here I will just use the circle command I'll type C and click enter and then from here I will just touch the perimeter of this polyline and that would give us the center of this polyline now I can click on it and now choose the radius I'll choose let's choose 4th and then I will I will do an offset maybe by 2 inches and then after the circle to the inside and then I will add two lines like this just to represent a lap ok and now that we have this now I can select all of them and then I can mirror them I can mirrored the nightstand and the lamp based on the bed to the bottom and then AutoCAD will ask if I want to get rid of the original I will say no and now we have this bedroom ready and the same I can literally select everything that we did in this room and then mirrored to the other bedroom since this is symmetrical I can just do from the middle here and here we go now we have the furniture for both bedrooms okay and now we can move to the bathroom now for the bathroom I will switch our lair again let's go to the layer step here and then I will switch here to I'll click on the list from the top and I'll switch to fixtures since I'm gonna be putting fixtures in the in the bathroom all right and now let's go back switch back to the blocks libraries and then from here I'll switch the library to another one let's choose let's use fixtures and then from here first let's put a tub so I'm gonna choose the plan I'm gonna right-click and choose insert and drawing and then I'll just drop it anywhere then I'll select it I'll right-click on it I'm sorry I'm gonna rotate it and let's start the rotate click on the corner let's rotate it from this corner actually then go down then I will move it with the move command from this corner to this corner now this this step is also actually a dynamic block so I can select it and then from here I can click on this controller and switch it to make it as wide as well as the bathroom alright so now we have that now let's go up and look at something else don't have a toilet seat in this collection because I didn't make one in the library so oh because the AutoCAD one has toilet seat block so let's switch to architectural Imperial and then here we go we will right click on this one and choose insert in drawing now this one obviously it's an elevation a front elevation of courtesy but again this one is a dynamic block as well so I'll click on this now I'll tell show me the plan here we go now we have the plan and I think this controller will do rotation yes well so now I can move it let's move it for now to here okay then let's go back to layers and I'm gonna switch to to the casework where is the casework layer there's case work but this layer is wrong it shouldn't be here there's another one that should be here see the blue maybe I entered in named it properly let me double check here CW okay so I guess this one has a different name I'll just rename it and then here say C W okay so that's that's for casework pretty much okay and then now let's locate it and it's to make it current I'll select on the list here and choose this alright and the reason I'm switching to casework is because now I want to put the vanity base here so I'll use poly line I'll click here let's do this three feet wide and then let's do 24 that's typical then click here click here and click return and now let's switch back to the fixture layer and now let's insert a sink so let's go to the blocks that's good libraries and switch to the bathroom not bathroom to the fixtures library and then from here let's choose a single sink I'll choose insert and drawing then I'll just place it literally anywhere and then I'll select it rotate it from here to here and then select it and move it to the center of the back and then move it a little bit away let's do maybe just two inches actually let's do one more inch okay I think this this looks pretty realistic and then the bathroom let's move it let's see here I don't know how much we have left I don't know how much distance we have let's do inquiry so let's go up to tools then inquiry this fence still from this point to this point we have three feet so this one we can so this one we can actually move it from here to here and then move it to the right by if we want to put it exactly in the middle I will do one foot six inches which is half of three feet okay so that was the bathroom now for the living room let's go back to the layers and let's switch back to furniture okay and then let's start here with let's see let's add a that's not a TV stand here and a TV and then we will add couple sofas here and maybe a coffee table so first let's do the TV stand I'll click here and then let's do maybe 18 inches I think is good okay and then reference this corner come here and then to this point and back to this point and click return to finish Paula black and now let's insert the TV I'll go back to the blocks at libraries and then from here I will switch to I think it's under equipment the TV okay and this one has a lot of kitchen kitchen equipment so we will use that a little later but for now I'm trying to locate the TV that I have here here we go this one furniture TV plan so I'll right-click on that one and choose insert in drawing and here we go and then let's place it let's just place it somewhere in the middle here and then let's select it then let's rotate it so that way it's facing the wall and then I will move it I can click on this point and then that will drag it pretty much to the back and then I'll offset it from the wall not offset it literally using the command just moving it one inch or that's do two inches away from the wall all right but this TV is pretty small and this block luckily is dynamic as well I already created in it like all the common TV sizes so let's choose something I don't know let's do 70 feet inches 17 inches sorry right so that's that's there and now we can add let's add a sofa so here let's switch to sofas and let's see here what we have so I want to bring a double one I think this one is good yeah this I want to use this one so in certain drawing and I will drop it I'll reference the middle I want it to be in the middle of the TV so that's why I'm referencing here I'll just drop it for now and then I will insert like a single one thing this one is the same style so let's insert in the drawing regard this one I'll drop it anywhere and now the sofa let's move it let's move it backward back to the other wall and then let's rotate it from the middle here and then I will move it back to meet the wall I missed you all so I'll move it back to here and then I'll offset it or move it a little bit away from the wall maybe three inches right and then this one I will rotate it so that way it's facing the upper wall then I'll move it for example I don't know from here to this point and then I'll move it to the left let's say let's see here let's do 34 inches and then I'll move it down a little bit maybe 6 inches just to make a little bit of room right and then for a coffee table we don't need to use a block for that it's pretty simple to draw it will just do a polyline let's do 3 feet maybe and then here let's do let's do 52 inches then reference the other point a little too big but I think it's fine then I will move it close to the sofa to the middle point and then move it away move it away by let's see let's do let's do 14 inches or let's do 15 inches I think this is pretty good right so now we have all of these guys I can add a lamp here for example on this corner let's copy this what we created originally in the bedroom and then move it to there okay and click written right maybe this is a little too small let's make let's draw a circle under it so let's do a circle that represent the table let's do eight inches radius so that would be total 16 and then let's move these guys from the center to the center of the circle now to see the center of a circle you want to touch the circle first the the perimeter and that will give you the center point and now we can snap to it and then move this back to to here alright so that was regarding the living room now let's look at the the kitchen so for the kitchen I'll switch first our lair actually let's switch to the layers here and then let's switch our current layer to casework since I'm gonna be adding cabinetry here and base cabinet so let's do a poly line and then what I had planned originally in mind is to put a sink on this window and I'm thinking of putting an island over on this side and we will put the range and then the fridge on this corner so let's see I'll just do a general outline and then we will trim it and adjust it as necessary so I'll start from this corner and I'll go to the left so let's see up to here AutoCAD saying this is gonna be 8 feet if I click here but I will use the I will type the dimension I will say give me a treat to here right and then let's give the thickness of 24 and then the thickness on the other side will be also 24 inches or 2 feet so this let's do 6 feet here then going upwards let's do let's do just 6 feet for now ok and then click on back on this point and then close it back to here alright so now we have we have this basically think of this as like the base cabinets think of this as a counter topic to be exact and under it there's base cabinets so let's add the sink here I'll switch the blocks and go to the libraries and then let's switch there to the fixture library okay and let's use a double sink so I'll right-click on this one and I'll choose insert in drawing okay so this one I will reference the window in the middle here and then I will rotate it and then I will move it one inch away from the wall I'll click from here give a direction upwards and type one okay maybe maybe another half inch I will type point five an AutoCAD will understand this as 0.5 inches okay I think this looks much better and then here did this one we just want to make sure that it's on the right layer so I'll switch back to here and I will tell this sink to be on the layer feature perfect and now we want to place some of the equipment so let's put a dishwasher first on the left side of this thing so for that I'll switch our layer to equipment and then let's go back to blocks and I think I have it under equipment let's switch back to that so here dishwasher here we go this is the one I right-click and choose insert in drawing okay and I'll drop it somewhere and then I will rotate it so that way it's in the right direction like this and then I'll place it beside the eat do you think okay and it doesn't look like it's gonna fit so what I will do I'll stretch the countertop I'll click here and stretch it to the left let's do another let's do another 8 inches okay and then let's move this maybe also 8 inches or let's see looks like AutoCAD saying telling us that if I click here it will be fine about 5 inches let's just do for it ok I think this looks pretty good for now okay so now we have the dishwasher now let's add the range much okay or this soap so first I'll mark it i will do a polyline here just to mark where is i will reference this point two feet away okay and i want it to be like to start here and go from to go to here and then we will have some more cabinetry or countertop so i'll tell this line to come back here and then this line i'll selected the reference line we drew and delete that from here let's go down and find this arrange and we will put a hood on top of it as well let's use oh this is the front it's not gonna work this is for an elevation this one is for a floor plan so we will right-click and choose insert in drawing okay and i'll drop it somewhere and then i will rotate it so that way it's in the right direction and then move it from here to here and then just a little bit move it like maybe it's one inch I think that's very very good now let's switch back to layers switch our layer to casework I will add another countertop part over here let's start from here one inch away from the range and then let's do two feet and then two feet and then close it back and now let's add the fridge it looks like we don't have enough room for the fridge so what I will do let's make this a little shorter let's make it six inches shorter and then now let's switch our layer two back to equipment and then let's go back to blocks obviously you can do all of this like on the same layer and it adjusts them afterwards so it's really okay if you do that it's up to you if you'd like to keep switching layers the way I am working or you can draw a majority of stuff and then switch the layer ok now let's find a refrigerator so let's see here I think this one is pretty good don't know how big it is let me expand this one the smallest one so these guys if I want to see their icons a little bigger they are on L'Arche I right-click to see this list so I think they're good let's just choose this one and choose insert and drawing okay and drop it somewhere I can resize this a little bit make it smaller and then I will rotate it so it's facing the right direction and then move it from the corner to the corner so it's not gonna fit it's touching the window so what I will do I'll stretch this down click on this point and give it a direction down and choose six inches and then I will choose the range the new countertop and the fridge and I'll move them down by six inches as well okay and I think everything looks good they can push the fridge one inch away all right so now we think we have everything for the most part I'm just gonna add an island here so I will go back to layers I will switch to casework and then here let's do a polyline and then let's do three feet away from or maybe three inches away just to give us enough room and then here let's do maybe let's do four feet and then here let's go five feet I think that's a pretty decent sized Island okay and then close it back to here all right so now we have that right so that was about adding the furniture the equipment and the casework I can add one more piece on this corner but I think you get the idea on how to draw everything and switching their layers at this point our floor plan is ready now to print and to print an AutoCAD we do that using something called layouts you can see layouts here on the bottom bottom side of the interface by default AutoCAD has a layout one and it has a layout to now think of layouts as papers pretty much and and obviously a paper has has a size so we want to check first what's the size of this current paper okay so to do that I will right-click and then from here we're gonna go to edit page setup and then from here you can see that this paper size is eight and a half by eleven inches and that's the letter size however what I want to do I want to actually print the floor plan on a 36 by 24 inch paper which is like Canada standard for both interior design and architecture construction documents alright so to change the paper size obviously we can click from here and change it but before we do that we need to switch to print the printer over here on the top the first step we need to do is switching this to tell AutoCAD that we want to print to a PDF now on the Mac the AutoCAD for Mac literally the only option is to print to PDF here or at least on my end so I'm gonna choose this particular one ewg to PDF and after we change that here I'm gonna expand this list and I'm gonna choose specifically an option called arc full bleed D ok and it's here's the size 36 by 24 and the reason I'm using this particular one is that because here I'll just click cancel see right here this dashed line that we're seeing on the perimeter of this of this paper this is basically like the printing limit so anything beyond this line this dashed line or this dash rectangle will not print however the the full bleed papers they allow you to fully like see this paper as the printing area and it just makes it easier in my opinion so that's why I will go ahead go back to right click here to edit page setup and then switch the printer here again to the DWG to PDF do this first and then here second choose the paper size go with ARC full-bleed d and then from the bottom what I want to do where it says flat style I just want to tell it that I want to print everything in black and white so we will choose monochrome okay so one two and three that's what we're gonna choose and then we're gonna hit okay no need to change anything else now you can see when we change the size the paper adjusted and it grew and now we can proceed to the next step the next step is to add a title block to our layout so a title block is essentially the information box where we mentioned the project information or include project information and the layout or the paper itself information let me show you an example of a title block I'll head to this file here and I will look at one of the title blocks here okay so let's look at the title block here so in general usually there's fixed on the right side or on the bottom or on the bottom side and it also has like a border and inside this border is where we would put the different two drawings pretty much and reference the model space now let's zoom in and look at this one usually it's kind of standard to have the firm or the designers contact info on the top of the sheet and usually we would mention information such as who designed the drawings who did the drawings usually you can add a signature box revision if there's revisions to drawings and then you want to mention what's the scope of the work or what's the project information now going down I'll show you what else is included in this particular title block there's also the project address the date and then the sheet title then under it here if you want to mention the scale you can mention it here I usually just say as noted and then on the bottom we would include the sheet number all right so that's the kind of information like a generic title block would have and again there's so many different formats and designs for that of blocks usually every designer engineer or architect have their own but for this particular one this is the one that I personally use okay one more thing to mention about title blocks is that the title blocks they have to basically match the paper size so this particular one is for 48 by 36 there's 40 to 40 by 32 inches and then 36 by 24 and then I have here 1 4 17 by 11 now the one we will be using is this exact one 36 by 24 and that's because it matched the pay the the paper or the layout we set up earlier and just to let you know I will actually include this exact title block in the description below the video so that way you can download it and use this for free for in your projects and drugs right so that's that let's switch back to our drawing now here what we want to do let's let's let's actually insert the title block so to insert it I will do it from the blocks libraries I will go here to blocks then libraries and then I will switch to a library I added here it's called JC title blocks with all the different title blocks and then I will use the one that match our project I will choose insert in drawing ok and then here to insert it I want it to be exactly on the bottom left corner here of this of this layout and to do that what we can do is type 0 comma 0 and basically that's the coordinates of the corner on the bottom left corner and once I click to return you can see now AutoCAD is showing us this window with this with these questions pretty much and what then what what is this very much this is called attributes and it's a feature in AutoCAD that allows us to fill in information inside a block so I already included this this feature in this title block where you can actually when you insert it in your drawing you'll be able to immediately adjust it adjust what's inside the block to match your information so here I will just put J and then here J and then scope of work floorplan example okay and then here project address I think I can expand it it's not showing all the attributes but there's more here project address I will just say los Los Angeles and I'll just hit confirm okay and now it's inserted in the drawing right but here you can see the color for it is a blue we need to switch the layer for the title block so let's go back to layers and then let's select the block the title block and then from here switch the layer to title block it's always better to have its own block its own layer pretty much okay now this one the the the attributes for this title block I showed you that allowed us to automatically fill in this information and if you want to adjust this information you can select it again and then you can do text edit and then it will open the window again now earlier it should have opened this entire window but for some reason it didn't but anyway we can adjust it afterwards and then here we can add some more information I put here Los Angeles and then here I will say California United States okay and then the date whatever the date is 623 2020 and then the sheath title I will call it this is a floor plan and the scale as noted I'll actually switch it to say quarter-inch scale because that's what I'm gonna use it for and then the sheet number this will be ID let's say zero point or one point zero zero and then hit OK okay and you can see now let's check on the title block to see if it uploaded for a all the information here we go it added all the information and sold it in as we did - the designer information this is something you need to do on your own in update all right so now ready to keep going to the next step now we will fix basically the layout to show the floor plan that we had on the model space to show it properly and to scale so back to the layout here there's this element that we saw earlier this rectangle I didn't talk about it yet but now we're ready to talk about it let me show you based on layout - so when you look at a layout usually by default it has this rectangle and this rectangle is showing us a portion of the model space this element is called a viewport and a viewport is basically a window inside the model space it shows us a portion of the model space on the paper and that's a viewport or this window we basically tell it to show us the model space using a certain scale so let's do that on the layout that we've set up already so let's see let's select it here I'll select this viewport and then I will adjust it to be big like this right here I'll click somewhere now we want this a floor plan that we're seeing here on the bottom on the bottom corner we want it to be kind of centered and big and fit the paper and basically use an exact scale so to do that we will need to activate this viewport we mean we need to go inside it and then can I move around and put this floor plan in here so to activate a viewport we will double click inside it ok so now that I double clicked inside it and you see the border is highlighted that means it's active now I am technically accessing the model space and then what I can do I can hold the hold the screen do the pan movement and then kind of zoom in to the floor plan and then to zoom properly or basically to assign a scale when we will do that from the bar right corner of the interface and that's from here see these numbers right here if you click on it it will show us a scale list and from here I will use I will choose quarter inches scale this is the scale I want to use for this viewport okay and now this is good to go I like how it is I will I will deactivate the viewport to go back to the paper and to deactivate the viewport that will double click outside the border okay and now we have this viewport over here in place and then I will just select the viewport element itself and I will move I will move it to a layer called des points and the reason why I want to do that is because I don't want the border of this to be printed and the death points layer is a layer is a special kind of the layer that doesn't print so so I will just select the viewport selected and then here let's switch it to def points I don't know I have a duplicate one here but usually you would see this one called def points that's the one you want to choose okay so now that's that's that I want to show you I want to just mention one last thing before we head to printing this is that if you want to insert a view per let's look at the layout too that way we don't miss the one we already set up let's say you deleted this viewport by mistake and you want to bring it back in I click the lead just to get rid of it for now what you can do to bring back a viewport or to put a new one you can go to view and then two viewports and then from here say or select one viewport and then you can draw a rectangle and boom you will get the viewport that shows you that shows you pretty much the model space right so now let's go back to layout 1 and now we are ready to do the printing to print an AutoCAD all you need to do is click on one button this button is right here the plot button or you can just type print or plot on the keyboard and then hit the Return button that will open this window for us the printing window now from here we don't need to change anything we already did all these settings when we did the page setup for the layout earlier and then from here we will just go ahead and click what then AutoCAD will ask us where to save it I'm just gonna say save as test for now and just click save all right now I'm gonna go back to I'm gonna check how what's the result here it's fine there okay and here's the test here is the file double click on it to open it and here we go here's the final result now here and just realized I forgot to add one element for our printing and that's basically the hatch on the wall so let's go back to our model space and do that and then we'll come back - we will come back to our printing pretty much okay but you see everything is in here with all the information everything looks clear think everything looks good but now let's go back to AutoCAD and do the to add the hatches pretty much so let's go to model space and then from here let's change the layer to hatch okay and the hatch command you can access it by clicking on this button right here or we can type H and then click return and then from here what we want to do I will click here to switch the kinda hatch I want to use I want to use a solid for the walls and then what I will do I can just click inside the the wall and the hatch command the way it works it will fill in this area so here we go it's filling in this area let me zoom out to see the entire world click here click here and then I can keep on clicking to add all the different walls pretty much we have a small part here another one here one more here here and click enter to finish the comment right so now this is this is good to go now let's go back to layout and let's do another print and then let's click plot and then let's choose test to save then I'll go back now to the folder then here double click and see how it looks like and here we go this is the result now let's go back to our cut so regarding the printing there's more information about the printing of course there's printing from several pages and including including multiple viewports on the same sheet and even printing from multiple CAD drawings for all of that if you want to learn more about the printing actually made a course that will teach you everything you need to know about printing in AutoCAD and I will leave you the link in the description I just realized that we didn't turn on the text layer back on so I'll just go ahead and click on that on the layer list I'll just click on unfreeze and then I would do the print again so you like just double check your layers before you print that everything that everything you want visible to be on pretty much all right so that's about that and the last thing I want to mention to you is basically the template in AutoCAD or the template file if you remember in the very beginning when we did or start this drawing and opened AutoCAD AutoCAD asked us which template we want to use and it looks something like this it showed us this list click here on new drawing and then we got this list where AutoCAD asked us which template we want to choose and we chose a CAD LT ok now we can do our own template in AutoCAD and usually what people save in a template file you would save all the settings that you change the to change and that you need to work in the drawing very much for example what we did here one of the first things we changed was adjusting the units from the unit's window then after we did the walls doors and windows we brought in the layers and we started working based or using layers pretty much everything we did was on a specific layer after that we moved to after that we brought in the texture style so we could put their own names and then afterwards we brought in the dimension style so we can use the dimensions on the drawing right and once we were done here with the model space or the drawing area we moved to the layout and the first thing we did we adjusted the layout page size or the paper size and after we did that we brought in a title block and we put in all the information so all of these different settings and all of these different elements that we brought in we can have all of them saved in a template file for example I will show you this template file right here that I created and what I included here I pretty much created all the major we looked at something similar to this before earlier when we were looking at the when we were talking about the title block so here you saw that I had all the different title blocks using different paper sizes set up for the layouts and also here what I did as well I added all the layers that we used I also added the Texas styles I added the dimension styles and I also added something that we didn't use when we were drawing this floorplan it's basically later styles and I did them the same way I did with the with the dimensions and with the textiles I also mentioned here which which later like what's the scale for each theater which one you should use and I'm also including this collection of blocks that you can use in your project as well so I'm bundling all of this and I'm putting this template I will put a link for you in the description so you can see where you can get it now the way to work with this template or any other autocad template very much if you want to make your own or if you are using affirms or a company's template I recommend moving that template into the AutoCAD templates folder and then from there when you have that in there you choose to create and you're drawing now you will see it here and then you can select the file template file and then you choose open just a quick note you will just for you to know that the extension of a template file in AutoCAD is called d WT while the AutoCAD files are usually the WG that's there it's extension right then I'm gonna hit open here and what AutoCAD did right now it essentially created a new drawing with all the information already in there this is all in here you see all the layers and then you see all the layouts and if you choose to create another new drawing based on the template you just go to file new drawing and again you choose the template every time you create a project and it already has all the information and you can see here I already created multiple drawings using the same template so this was everything I wanted to show you about AutoCAD if you liked this video subscribe to my channel to get my weekly tutorials on AutoCAD and if you have any questions please leave a comment see you in the next project [Music]
Channel: Jay CAD
Views: 38,901
Rating: 4.9298244 out of 5
Keywords: how to draw a floor plan in Autocad, autocad 2021 mac, how to draw a floor plan on autocad, autocad floor plan, jay cad, autocad mac tutorials, autocad LT for mac tutorials, How to draw a floor plan in autocad, how to print in autocad, autocad floor plan tutorial, autocad how to draw a floor plan, autocad how to scale a drawing, autocad 2021 tutorial, autocad for mac, autocad mac, autocad mac tutorial, autocad lt tutorial, autocad tutorial
Id: jSZOcSagios
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 33sec (6873 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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