Fastest way to become a software developer

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how do you break into the software development profession if you don't have a computer science degree okay let's say your academia background is in accounting or finance right or you graduated with a journalism degree or a history degree is it possible for a student with that educational background to break into the software development career and the answer is absolutely okay just the number of jobs that are out there is they're exploding okay there's so much demand and not enough supply so in an environment like that it's certainly possible as a matter of fact i'm a personal living example of someone that does not have a computer science degree but was able to acquire those skills after graduation okay i graduated college almost 15 years ago with an accounting degree and with just three months of self-study i got a software development job and back then uh there were plenty of jobs but now trust me there's so many more jobs okay and so many more opportunities uh so many different areas to get into okay so i'm gonna highlight some of this these things on the whiteboard and hopefully give you a good understanding of the overall landscape of it and what you can do to break into the software development career okay so let's get started in my opinion there are three major areas uh in it that you uh you can focus on okay one of these three it's hard to focus on all three of these areas at the same time but let's start with the first elephant in the room the obvious path and that is a software developer okay let's write that here software dev and hopefully you can see this i know there's a glare on the whiteboard so excuse me i just have some over exposure from the light but the software dev track in my opinion is a challenging track for someone that does not have a computer science degree because it requires you to know a couple of different programming languages maybe one or two the most popular ones are java and python another very popular one is php and then a candidate would also need to have some understanding of the overall landscape of technology understand front end understand back end so they need to know a little bit of html css and some javascript and maybe a little bit of databases i'm just going to draw a database here alright so the breadth of knowledge for this path is pretty wide okay you'd need to know a lot of things so if you would like to get into the software development path but you're not a computer science major i would recommend to tr to start on a different path this could be your eventual destination this could be your goal this is what what happened to me i started from a different area in technology and then i transitioned into this area over time and you could do the same thing and i've seen so many people i've got so many examples of people doing this back then as well as right now okay so this is one path in my opinion if you don't have a computer science background it will take about two years of hard work to learn this stuff on your own and then hopefully be in a position to land a job okay the uh the coding boot camps are great but you need to have some prerequisite knowledge in some of these areas if you want to avail that knowledge okay so this takes time a better track for someone that doesn't have a computer science degree in my opinion is the database track and i'm going to write that down here database because this is a focused area in technology and data is key data is every company's very it's one of the largest assets every company has very important especially with what's going on nowadays with facebook data is key it's huge and databases is where the data is stored so what you can do is become a database expert in a language called sql sql okay this language is the primary language used to interact with databases so you just need to learn one language and it's not even a programming language so to speak it's actually a data interaction language i've got two courses on this on this topic so if you take both of those courses you should be in pretty good shape with the sql language along with the sql language you can also learn a reporting tool such as tableau and tableau nowadays is huge there are so many job openings with tableau and data analysis so with this combination the sql and tableau combination you're employable how long does this track take for someone that can invest six hours a day every day for about three months that's what that's all that's required so three months i'd say give two months for sql and invest six hours a day every day into sql master that technology and then learn maybe for one month invest in tableau and you've got it made you're employable okay believe it or not a lot of people are doing this you don't need a computer science degree for this okay so this in my opinion is the lowest barrier of entry into the software developer profession eventually once you once you're comfortable here you can always transition to this field a lot of people do this including myself and so many people that i've seen i've got so many examples okay so this could be your eventual destination if you want to build mobile apps websites uh you know desktop applications you can you can learn to do that on the weekends when you're employed here okay don't graduate college and sit for one year trying to learn this stuff get your foot in the door after three months of practice get your foot in the door in a in a database developer role because guess what you're still a developer you could be developing reports and using the sql language and then slowly transition into this okay so two paths so far the third path is the admin path and this is also a great you know lucrative field but in my opinion it's for countries like india or you know basically any country that is not the united states or canada united states and canada outsource administrator jobs and the hottest topic within this domain is aws okay aws amazon web services this is another thing you could choose okay this will take maybe a year to get really comfortable with because there's a lot of new development that's going on in aws and you should understand you should have a certain breadth of knowledge and that will take time to learn but it's a very lucrative career and you know there's plenty of opportunities but in my opinion if you're in the u.s this is probably the fastest way to get your foot in the door and probably the most lucrative way okay as soon as you graduate college three months of hard work in this area could land you a well-paying job well over seventy eighty thousand dollars and after two to three years you can transition to either one of these roles okay so with that being said hopefully that was helpful if you have any questions leave them in the comments you can always email me at mts at thanks for watching i'll see you soon
Channel: Imtiaz Ahmad
Views: 2,603,434
Rating: 4.9111886 out of 5
Keywords: Software dev Career, IT Career, IT Jobs, software developer, Udemy, Become a Web Developer, Become a Database Developer, Become a Java Developer, Web Developer, java programming tutorial, java tutorial, simple programmer, java programming, java, programming job, java tutorial for beginners, coding, john sonmez, software engineer, developer, software development, full stack developer, front end developer, how to become a full stack developer, java 11 features
Id: CvJG4sQhzsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 05 2018
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